Dilemma of Love-prida ff scene 8 p20 - Page 6


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jakhushi thumbnail
Posted: 14 years ago
Lovely update. Why did you say it's not nice?
Damini & Pri fighting, Damz falling, Pri catching😳...and now they will work together👏...Kewl.
Looking forward to your next update. I understand life is busy - havent been able update my FF for a long time...so completely understand dear.
Just keep them comig at your comfortable pace...
shalini_s thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 14 years ago
Da - PA to Pri.. should be a nice twist.. plz update soon..
desigirl_18 thumbnail
Posted: 14 years ago
Great part Sneha!!! Loved the whole falling scene and then their argument after!!! can't wait for when they start working together!!! Keep it up, am loving it!!! 😃
snehakapoor thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 14 years ago


hehehhehe true........tom and jerry is my favourite and prida too 😉😉 thanks for the lovely comments
thanks hun
thanks sweety
thanx dear
thanks for the lovely comments
thanks sweety and yeah suman and balraj can see what prithvi and damini cant😉😉
thanks hun..........next update is on its way
thanks a lot sweety
thanks dear...........waiting for u too to update ur ff😉
thanks hun
snehakapoor thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 14 years ago
hey everyone...........i am sorry for the late update but just got a bit busy...........
nyways i have seen so many encouraging posts here to keep this forum active and i am aware that some of you might not be around after the show ends........
i am pretty sure all the lovely ff writers will continue the charisma of romance in this forum but just wanted to check if you guys want me to continue my ff or not................pls lemme know if you want me to keep on continue this.............
pls do comment
Scene 3


Next day or shall I say first day of damini at office


Prithvi got up late on that day and went to suman and said "maa, I am not feeling too good today. Don't know whats wrong"

Suman "hmmmmmmm" was pretending to listen while she was cooking.

Prithvi "maaaaaa are you listening, I wont be going to office" balraj came from the back and pulled prithvi's ears "abhi toh kuch nahin beta aage aagey toh aapki health bhi kharaab hogi phir shayad aapko doctor ke paas jaana padega" prithvi "owwww dad" balraj "cut these tantrums out and get ready for work." Prithvi "but dad I am seriously not well" balraj "I know you are not going to office today as damini would be there" pritvi was caught red handed so he confessed it " that's not a big deal dad but she will be my PA, personal attyachaar" he said in a whinning tone. Balraj "prithviiiiiiiiiii" prithvi got his message that it wont work so he went to his room to get ready.


Damini went to jogging like everyday and got ready for office. Sameer and damini reached office. Sameer said bye to damini and went to his department. Damini asked receptionist for balraj's cabin and knocked. Balraj "come in". damini "morning uncle" balraj "arey damini beta, come have a seat" balraj ordered two cups of coffee and said damini "thank you beta for joining this. As you know that every single PA we hire prithvi fires her or him and then he seems a bit too stressed and not organised at all due to work. So hope things will be better now. I am sorry I know you don't like working with him but………" before he could finish "no uncle, you embarrassing me by saying sorry. Thanks to you uncle lets face it, we all know that you are doing it coz I was unemployed" balraj smiled and said "hey coffee is here" they both enjoyed their coffee together and balraj called up his PA in the room. She entered "yes sir" balraj "roshni, take damini to prithvi's office and tell him to explain her all the work. She is joining from today" roshni shaked hands with damini in excitement and said "hey welcome" damini gave a thank you smile.

They both entered prithvi's office. Prithvi was engrossed in reading papers or that's what it looks like where as in reality he was waiting for damini so that he can start his tactics. Prithvi "ohhh you are here, roshni you can leave (roshni left) miss damini, today is your first day at office and you are late its 10:00 now and office starts at 9:00 maharani" damini replied back "I am not late I was with balraj uncle, you can check in the sign in register" prithvi felt annoyed and thought "uncle ki chamchi" prithvi had another weird idea, he smirked and said "could you bring me a cup of coffee as its 10:15 and its my coffee time" damini snaped back "can I please have a read on my job description first just to see whats mentioned in there" prithvi looked at her with a shocked expression as he never expected that so he handed her the job description and then said "the last point does say that you should follow the orders from your boss, so can I have my coffee now" damini dint see any point in arguing and got up and went to bring coffee for him. He smiled proudly on his action. Damini knocked, prithvi "come in". damini "here is your coffee sir" prithvi gave her a proud look, dint bother looking in the cup and drank one sip of it and got up from his chair "whats that?" damini "coffee sir" prithvi "but why is it black coffee?" damini "sir you never told me what kind of coffee you like and I also thought that only bitter coffee goes with your personality, sooooooo………" before she could finish, prithvi said "don't try to be oversmart with me ok" damini " I am sorry sir I cant help it, that's the way I am but I will keep in mind from next time to act dumb around you"

Prithvi got quite and when he cant found anything else to say, he said " lets get to work". He started briefing her on the recent activities and which deadlines are approaching. Damini, for the first time in her life saw prithvi as a workaholic, so much sincere and dedicated to his work. She was staring at him and was caught by prithvi. She suddenly saw prithvi looking at her and moved her face. "alright sir, will start my work now" she went to her cabin, sat down and thought "damini what was that? Was actually looking at that stupid moron? Well whatever lets just start work" it was already 12:00 and lunch time. Prithvi was going out for lunch but just felt like checking whats his new PA was upto and saw her so engrossed in work. Prithvi saw her hair flicks disturbing her and wanted to go there and put them behind her ear but shrugged off his thoughts and said "miss damini go and have lunch, I don't want you to sue me for not allowing you to eat" damini looked up and nodded. Damini went to office canteen and saw roshni she only knew her but roshni was busy chatting to someone, so she decided to sit in a corner as sameer went out for lunch with prithvi. Roshni saw her sitting alone and called her "hey damini, come and join us" damini smiled at them and went to their table and sat down. Rsohni "hey this is damini, and damini this is varun my fianc " damini "ohhhhh hi" damini, varun and roshni had a nice chat over lunch.


After they finished lunch and damini realised that she have haven't got a file in her cabin so she went to prithvi's cabin to find the file. She saw that prithvi was still not back from his lunch, she tried finding out the file. But prithvi's desk was such a mess that she was scared she will loose her hands too in that mess. She started clearing up the mess and it took her half an hour to finally arrange his desk. She then opened his first drawer to find the file and found a diary in there. She opened it and saw no.s of loads of girls in there, she thought "hmmmmmmmm chi prithvi has got a diary full of girl no.s well who am I to care" she kept it back.

 In the meantime he was back from lunch and saw her arranging his desk. He got so furious on the fact that why was she touching his things without his permission, so he literally shouted "what you think you are doing?" damini jumped on the sudden noise and saw him there. She said "I was tryin…….." before she could finish he continued, "listen yeah, don't you dare touch my things ever again without my permission and you are my PA so keep it to your cabin don't try and evade into mine" damini "but…….." prithvi "I don't wanna listen anything else, please leave right now" he showed her the door. Damini left humiliated and furious. She thought that its her first day and prithvi behaved like this, its hard for her to continue working here. Just she was about to go balraj's cabin, she realised that she might end up hurting balraj and she never wanted to do that, so she came back to her cabin stomping her foot.

In the meanwhile prithvi quickly opened his drawer and saw the phone book safe there. It was sameer's phone book that had all the girls no.s in it and he gave it to prithvi to keep it away from damini. Prithvi thought "I have to move this, if damini will see it then she will kill sameer"

Prithvi realised that he shouldn't have told damini off so rudely and felt bad so decided to apologise. He called her in cabin. She enetered the cabin, as soon as prithvi was going to apologise she said "what?" that behaviour of her made prithvi conscious of his ego and he shrugged off the thought of saying sorry" can you please bring mr. aggarwal's project file in so that we can start working on it?" damini brought the file and they worked on it till 5:00. after finishing the work prithvi said "alright I will see you tomorrow morning, be there on time as we have to leave for our first meeting with Mehta group of industries" as soon as damini heard it, she was shocked, she dint want to face that cheap again. Prithvi saw her all shocked so he said "damini, don't worry I will be with you, so nothing will happen". Damini dint want to make it obvious that she wasn't comfi about it so she replied back "sir, I can take care of myself" prithvi left from there frustrated on the fact that why did he even bother offering her help and damini left with the thought that "its so hard to believe that prithvi got that phone book of girls"


Damini left with sameer and prithvi went home.

desigirl_18 thumbnail
Posted: 14 years ago
hey Sneha nice update!!! Do continue soon, i want more PriDa scenes!!
sonika.d thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 14 years ago
hey lovely update sneha.great job.plz update soon
Rach. thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 14 years ago
Hey Sneha ! 🤗
Loved the update as usual ... and yeh main kya sun rahi hoon that you are asking us of our opinion ??!!
Ofcourse ! Tumhein continue karnaaaa hiiiiii hogaaaa !!  Hehee ... Writing a romactic piece is something which I will have to say ' Agle Janam ... mohe ek PriDa ff likhne ki thodi si kala dijo ' 😆
Anyways ... loved the misunderstandings which keep cropping in between them ... that signifies our VERY OWN PRIDA ! Loved the manner in which you have retained their personalities ..
Hoping to see some misbehaviour from that loser's side and a lot of concern from our knight in shining armour 's side ! 
Thanks for including Rosh too !
Sonikins thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 14 years ago
great going sneha
i like the interaction b/w two of them
Anee00 thumbnail
Posted: 14 years ago