Expect the unexpected, and well, PriDa dancing.. - Page 7


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Who-I-Used-2-Be thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 14 years ago
@ Eks, Krupz..Yes, the line was quite tricky..I agree..

Eh eh @ your list of your questions, Krupz..Guess only time can answer them..😊

@Mrids..It's absolutely OK, babe..I know what you're saying..And no, you didn't ruin the mood at all..You had every right to voice your opinion..

I totally agree that that 'plan or pyar' line was too random..But I really, really hope that the creatives will step up their game and get better soon..

Glad if the post made you feel any better..πŸ€—Thanks for your reply, pal..

@Bubble..Awesome post, friend..Word to everything you say..And I too agree that this leap is just a formality justify Avni's condition..

Thanks a lot for your response, Bubs..

Aish..Exactly, exactly, babe..

Thanks a lot for replying..

Will get back to the rest of the posts in a while, folks..😳Have to leave now..
Edited by Who-I-Used-2-Be - 14 years ago
Eksie thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 14 years ago

Originally posted by: soapbubble

I know some of you guys, Shwetha, Mridhu etc are really upset about the leap and especially about Prithvi's 'pyar' line...
but guys, Prithvi and Damini have ALWAYS known how they feel about each other! It was love at first sight for him - see that scene again when she comes riding and see the look in his eyes - he's totally like 'ok, here SHE is.' Prithvi then went on to hate her guts but he has always known precisely how she affects him - known it when he told himself not to care for her, that she was marrying another man, known it when he saved her life, known it later when she couldn't bear to part from him even for a few hours....
As for Damini, maybe the realisation came late but after Inder and the fiasco she has known for a while too... she certainly knew on the PriDa date; she knew when she asked him if he was married. Thats a great point .. and so true! Never thought of it that way 😊

So realisation hasn't been dramatic but it has definately been there all through. So I'm not particularly surprised that Prithvi said the word. Also because everyone is sort of misquoting... what he said was: I don't know what has propelled us into this situation, my plan or my love.
It was both, as we know. His love wanted something, his plan gave him the excuse to reach out for it. Neither one would have been enough.
- After watching the episode a couple of times .. thats EXACTLY what I thought of the dialogue too

Also, I think this leap is just a formality - just to make the Avni development seem plausible. I don't htink we're really being cheated out of any PriDa - they seem to be continuing quite as if it's only been a few days... I mean normally she'd ask to meet his mother within a few days, right? she's asking now, so we should just make one of the many MANY mental time-space-suspenstion of disbelief adjustments that viewers of Indian Tellydom are required to do and it's all cool. 😊

Eksie thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 14 years ago

Originally posted by: mridhu

Okay, now that I've gone back and seen the epi, and my judgement is not clouded by the one month leap.. here's wat i think:

All the couples have pretty much mainted status quo in their relationship as they were before the leap

PriDa: I totally loved the dance and all, but to me it seemed that the two aren't comfortable with each other yet.. I mean they are comfy, but not with the ease totally in love and got used to being a couple couple usually move with each other!!! I don't think they yet realise how much in love they are .. also, they may yet not be 100% comfy .. which IMO is completley natural .. simply coz they've had to travel a loooong distance to even get to this place. They're not like the regular 'met-fought-n-then-fallen-in-love' couples .. they've had to deal with so much more - right from hating the sight of one another to bruised egos to undeniable attraction! I actually like how the creatives are taking it slow n steady with PriDa.. Just my opinion 😊

So there is heat, there is passion, there is awkwardness and there is a liking, and love which neither realize ( I am sooo going to ignore Prithvi's dialogue for now!) ' All that was there between them before leap..

Minus: Damini looking at VarNi and reminiscing about Prithvi and her relationship.. like all is  hunky dory now?! Oh no!! ' Again I don't see the point of this dialogue from Damini!! I don't think it was about hunky dory .. I thought it was just her way of saying 'If Prithvi & I can come this far after all that we've gone through .. so can VarNi' Just like PriDa probably needed the push (aptly provided by Ila) .. maybe VarNi sorta need that kick too! πŸ˜†

SaVni: Avni still dotes on her husband, is more vocal and showy about her love for him, Sameer is still feeling guilty for what he did, he cares for her ' just like they were before leap!!

Minus point: Sameer's guilt was there a month back but the depth of his feelings weren't shown, the creatives could have undone this with just one scene before leap ' like they could have shown Avni hurting herself. Like tripping or something and Sameer all worried for her, fussing over her..

VarNi : Varun still continues to move away from Roshni. He knows he feels for her, but shouldn't. Roshni still loves him and his iciness hurts her' Status quo' As it was a month back!!

Minus point: unexplained thing here is... Ila wanted Rosh with Vivaan and now she's handing her daughter's hand over to Varun ' or was this one of those symbolic scenes?? Did Ila want Vivaan for Rosh?? Really? I don't remember Ila saying so πŸ˜• Which eps was that?

So yes, seeing that the couples have more of less maintained status quo in their relationship, I think this one month leap is only and only for these reasons:

    To justify Avni's pregnancy Preparations done for the marriage.
  • To go ahead with the mystery part of the story.

PS I'm going to forget Prithvi's plan or pyaar dialogue, Damini's VarNi and them dialogue, and overlook the lack of one Sameer getting worried for Avni scene before the leap!!!

PPS - Reading your post really did make me feel much better, Sarah! thanks!! πŸ€—

Arya311 thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 14 years ago
morning ya'all!!!!πŸ€—

so what's going on in pridaland...and sarahkins town???πŸ˜‰
Posted: 14 years ago
Hey krupsπŸ€— How are u? So what is going to happen tonite, u think sam & prithvi will get their shocks tonite? and check ur imagine thread..
Sun10. thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 14 years ago

Originally posted by: Who-I-Used-2-Be

So, the show surprised us with a long jump to next month and we'll never get to witness the goodness that one lost month could have been, because it got sucked in the black hole of time? OK. More on that later.
well ma pov is lil diff frm u guys,i think dat 1 mnth jump is juz fr SAVNI nt fr every1,coz dey got married last mnth on da same dates like 23rd or 24th...so only Savni are celebrating dis 1 mnth leash...
so no need to worry fr losing PriDa moments fr abt da whole mnth....its juz to cum😊


LOVED the nervous glances at each other and awkwardness our Kingie and Queenie showed around the family, when Ela announced the good news. They're so awkward, it's beautiful.
yeah,i also luved the awkwardness amng them n also da hesitation n reserve expressions they r passing

And the scene where everyone left them in the room was all things cute. Wow! Can Prithvi and Damini get any cuter than this? (I know, we say that everyday..)dats da thing i can keep on saying thruout ma life😳Both of them stealing glances at each other again, avoiding each other's eyes again, and looking everywhere but at each other again is something one can't get tired of seeing. And LOVED him telling her he is not doing it for a 'reason', her fumbling and getting nervous and not being able to tell him that it's the same for her, his amusement on that, and their smiles in the end. The scene just took my breath away; it is going to stay in the list of my most favorite PriDa scenes of all time. When these two are kinda shy, awkward and nervous, they are like the cutest kids on the face of earth..
omg,i juz luvd da way he was teasing her,juz to knw her true feeling fr him....dats da 1st time,damini is speechless infrnt of our KING,like yesterday when they both spoke togethr,n wen he inquired abt WHAT SHE WANA SAY...she replied NUTHIN....i was abt to faint aat their expressions,n again nw her fumbling n stuttering....o god,these 2 r prfct infct more than prfct😳

And the dance, ah, the dance..😍
even me😍

Shall we dance?
On a bright cloud of music shall we fly?
Shall we dance?
Shall we then say "Goodnight and mean "Goodbye"?
Or perchance,
When the last little star has left the sky,
Shall we still be together
With are arms around each other
And shall you be my new romance?
On the clear understanding
That this kind of thing can happen,
Shall we dance?
Shall we dance?
Shall we Dance?

(Lyrics from the song ''Shall we dance''.. Couldn't resist)

LOVED all three couples in it..And PriDa? It seemed to me PriDa were lost in their own world during the dance, and it was a beautiful, beautiful thing. The dance gave me goosebumps and made my heart race.They were so into it..Every time they looked at each other, it was magic, and when he turned her around and pulled her close, my screen melted. Boy, GK was so good there, and so hot. I am still high on the dance, it was all things lovely. When they were dancing, the moment danced too, and I smiled like I had nothing better to do at all..And no steps this time..Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! And boy, what chemistry!

PriDa looked so much in love during the dance, and perfect together..Even when it's not like they're all the way there, obviously they still have to travel quite a long distance along the path of love, but they still seem to belong together already..Prithvi is so besotted with Damini, I think there is no trace of revenge going to be left when the wedding happens. But of course, Damini will have different plans then..
yes,the dance was sooooooooooo.......man,wat to say...dun hv wrds to explain...πŸ€”
evrytime i c PriDa on screen,i strt smiling like a ahum ahum won't say....bt unintentionally i smile n gaze dem ...widout considring whoever is around meπŸ˜†.....i luv dem,their dance was ful ov passion,emotions, feelings....wid no place fr REVENGE....n m glad

Other things

Prithvi and Rosh looked like the most perfect Jeeja-Sali jodi ever in black. LOVED every PriRosh moment to the core, abso-freaking-lutely LOVED it..Their handshake when she congratulated him, and his acknowledgment with a head shake when she complimented him and Damini were gold....LOVED everything..a much awaited scene😊

Pri-Avni and Sam-Dami interactions were nice too..

Didn't care much for Queenie's dress but she looked really pretty, and Avni too..Rosh looked like a doll..

Nice to see Sameer Saxena caring so much about Avni's well being.

I actually didn't hate Varun today for a change(consider that a miracle), and VarNi had some nice lil moments today..i did like varun today caring so much fr Rosh n hr smile

Prithvi is back in blackkkkkkkkk, yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This calls for a party..Did I mention? GK is hot, and he is a fine, fine actor..Loved him in this episode!(?)πŸ˜†

My thoughts on the leap

Guys, I read some posts on the forum, and I didn't feel as disappointed as some of you on seeing the show skipping one month. I know we could have witnessed so many PriDa bonding scenes in that time, but I think it was never the creatives' plan to show those moments now. Let's look at it this way, the creatives are surely rushing the story because it seems it's time for the boys' truth to come out, since Jai Chawla's dad is coming to the country soon too..Avni is probably preggers and this might expose at least Sameer sooner than we thought. I think Ela's innocence might be proved too though I still have my doubts about that happening soon, but it's still a possibility. Damini will be back to square one on hearing Prithvi's truth, mad as hell and will become the old Damini Gujral again, who hated Prithvi Saxexa on the surface. But she'll probably go with the wedding for Ela's well-being. And Prithvi might be too much in love with her by then for his own good.. And then the story will revolve around how Prithvi wins Damini's trust back, and how they properly fall in love. Today, he only wondered whether its for his plan or love, he still isn't sure if it's love or not.. I think we might still get to witness his slow realization..Because today it was just a thought on his part, not a full blown confession to himself..

And didn't we all want him to genuinely care for Damini? So when he is being shown as having doubts as to whether he is going for this wedding out of love or revenge, I think it's all good, and it can go either way..

Too random, I know..


Mridzy thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 14 years ago

Originally posted by: Ektaj

I don't think they yet realise how much in love they are .. also, they may yet not be 100% comfy .. which IMO is completley natural .. simply coz they've had to travel a loooong distance to even get to this place. They're not like the regular 'met-fought-n-then-fallen-in-love' couples .. they've had to deal with so much more - right from hating the sight of one another to bruised egos to undeniable attraction! I actually like how the creatives are taking it slow n steady with PriDa.. Just my opinion 😊

oh eks!! exactly what am saying.. am so glad for the awkwardness!!!! if they had rushed with Prida then i would have been mad..

i just wanted to say, PriDa are still status quo with their relationship.... thank god for that!! Am not complaining one bit, cause i want to see the relationship building up, step by step...

obviously you did a much better job in putting it across!! so thanks, buddy!! πŸ€—

I don't think it was about hunky dory .. I thought it was just her way of saying 'If Prithvi & I can come this far after all that we've gone through .. so can VarNi' Just like PriDa probably needed the push (aptly provided by Ila) .. maybe VarNi sorta need that kick too! πŸ˜†

Good point.. maybe she was just saying if Prithvi and I can get married after all we've gone through, the n....

Now that you say it, this explanation makes much more sense.. so i'd happily assume this is what the creatives meant when they made Damini say it!

Did Ila want Vivaan for Rosh?? Really? I don't remember Ila saying so πŸ˜• Which eps was that?

No she didn't say it explicitly.. but it was Prithvi's false birthday dinner where everyone were at the table and she gave all the couples the know it all look - like she was looking over all her daughters and their respective mates

Arya311 thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 14 years ago
i think the revelation of avni being preggers will be next week....today is friday...so maybe we will just get the finish up of yesterday's day time in lnmdj....oh the long days!!! lol
and i think next week will be the whole savni bomb thrown and maybe the news of mr.chawla coming  and prida shaadi preparations continuum .
i don't think that prithvi will know for atleast 2 weeks from now...or maybe i could be wrong...
you know what i think damini will notice the change and figure out the truth...but she won't go to ela considering her dil ki halat and all
instead damini will go to her hubby Prithvi and that way prithvi will know what sameer did! and then the Lord of Fury will Fume with Red rage and Fire!!! gosh sameer needs to get Harry Potter's Invisible Cloak...he better or else he is going to get smacked right left and center by his bade bhaiya and don't forget his pyaari Bhabhi!!!πŸ˜‰
Eksie thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 14 years ago
@ Mridhu - Awww .. you're most welcome sweets .. And really, I didn't for a second think you were complaining, and my idea was not to bring it across that way .. it was just my perception of the scene that I put down. And thanks for explaining the Ila-looking-at-her-daughters scene .. hmmm .. Well, maybe she was just happy to see her daughters happy .. and if, at that moment it meant Vivaan, then so be it .. but not necessary she immediately connected it to them getting married!
@ Krupsie - Honestly .. I don't think anything will be revealed for the next 2 weeks! I'm hoping .. Hoping .. HOPING .. they don't .. atleast not until 6th Nov! πŸ˜› When the 100th episode is done .. they can do whatever they want with the whole revenge track! Before that .. it should continue to be celebration time in Gujral mansion! πŸ˜ƒ I think the creatives should give us all the light-hearted moments possible .. between all the couples .. as much as possible .. coz once the revelations start .. we're not gonna see those lovely moments for a loooooong time! πŸ˜• 
Arya311 thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 14 years ago
eksie.....by those 2 weeks i meant  our real world time...you know in lnmdj world it will like 2 monthsπŸ˜†
Edited by krupur1103 - 14 years ago