Evaluating Obama's Tenure - Page 14


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Nupur9 thumbnail
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Posted: 15 years ago

Originally posted by: Gauri_3

ahhh...after the banks and wall street, it's AIG's turn to pay out bonuses from the khairaat they recieved๐Ÿ˜†  They received some thrashing for their lofty company retreats in the name of morale boosting in past as well.  

My thoughts on Obama's lip service recently on AIG bonuses ---- Oby knew about the bonuses.  He must have told them --- if public raises a cry over this, I'll verbally chew you.  If no one notices and press plays it down --- go and have all the fun you guys can sneak away at tax payers expense๐Ÿ˜‰
Seriously, it's hard to swallow that no one anticipated this possible use of the bheekh ka money despite having the wall st. and banks pull the exact same stunt about a month ago.  Obama's words seemed like deja moo --- the feeling I get when I know I have heard this bull before๐Ÿ˜†

You did it deliberately na......pata tha na I will come after with my danda.......๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†
Ok here is my take.......
As of today, President Obama ordered the Treasury Department to find some way to get the khairat ka money back.....
No one can blame the Obama Administration for apparently misreading the level of public rage towards the AIG executives, who have perhaps collected millions in muft ka maal while racking up billions in taxpayer bailout money.........
How could Oby have known than that this is the issue that could effectively torpedo his efforts to rescue the economy by floating massive companies like AIG and its banking partners??
And really what is the general American public doing??
What would it take to get general Americans to say, "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore"?
Perhaps the answer is AIG. Perhaps Not. 
Perhaps it is indeed not such a big deal after all coz so many don't even care,  or worse, don't even know about this.........
Edited by Nupur9 - 15 years ago
return_to_hades thumbnail
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Posted: 15 years ago
I think Gauri is confusing Obama with those capitalist oil mo fos in tx. Thats ok Gauri I shall pray for you. By the grace of Obama you shall be saved. 

Nupur9 thumbnail
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Posted: 15 years ago

Originally posted by: return_to_hades

I think Gauri is confusing Obama with those capitalist oil mo fos in tx. Thats ok Gauri I shall pray for you. By the grace of Obama you shall be saved. 

Gauri the dart is on the thrower now.....ab kya hoga...??
Oh I am into splits.......isko kehata hai classic nehla pe dehla....๐Ÿ˜›
Can't wait to hear your vishesh tippani....... ๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜†
return_to_hades thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 15 years ago
Posted: 15 years ago

Originally posted by: return_to_hades

I think Gauri is confusing Obama with those capitalist oil mo fos in tx. Thats ok Gauri I shall pray for you. By the grace of Obama you shall be saved. 

Whenever pseudo or hardcore socialists take oil mo fos and other oil related economic factors for granted, they fall flat on their faces.  So no, no confusion what so ever between the two.

US needs a moderate model of capitalism to not only revive back but keep sustaining as well.....and, by the grace of obama, we all shall be deep in sh*t.  You can call it "deeper" if you want to take a cue from your ideal, as far as the blame game goes, and go blaming it all on the reps๐Ÿ˜†
Posted: 15 years ago

LOL. $165mm for the entire lot when previously it would pay for only one or two. These people have really fallen on hard times.๐Ÿ˜†
Posted: 15 years ago
Oh, there's lot more --- pointing in a different direction though.
Take a look at this excerpt:....Dodd, btw, is a democrat senator who used to receive whole bunch of campaign money from the AIG employees
"....................After first denying it, Dodd admitted he agreed to a request by Treasury Department officials to dilute an executive bonus restriction in the big economic stimulus bill that Congress passed last month. The change to Dodd's amendment allowed AIG to hand out the bonuses and sparked a blame game between Dodd and Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner........................"
Edited by Gauri_3 - 15 years ago
return_to_hades thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 15 years ago

Originally posted by: Gauri_3

Whenever pseudo or hardcore socialists take oil mo fos and other oil related economic factors for granted, they fall flat on their faces.  So no, no confusion what so ever between the two.

Your directional is wrong here. The feeling is more like falling backwards on a soft patch of grass. You lay there and realize. OMFG! the sky is so pretty, look at all the stars. You can lay down lay back and watch the pretty stars for life. Something you cant achieve with your nose and head in the ground. I keep praying.

PS: Don't call me socialist. Call me a bloody commie or a flower child at least.
Edited by return_to_hades - 15 years ago
Posted: 15 years ago

Originally posted by: return_to_hades


Your directional is wrong here. The feeling is more like falling backwards on a soft patch of grass. You lay there and realize. OMFG! the sky is so pretty, look at all the stars. You can lay down lay back and watch the pretty stars for life. Something you cant achieve with your nose and head in the ground. I keep praying.

Naaahhh....it's more like once the illusion is over, you realize OMFG!  the sky is falling down๐Ÿ˜†

PS: Don't call me socialist. Call me a bloody commie or a flower child at least.
sweetums (mind that - not calling you sweetheart, my dear or my soulmate๐Ÿ˜†) you get called a socialist for supporting one๐Ÿ˜›  Time to take your head out of the sand๐Ÿ˜†

raj5000 thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago

Originally posted by: return_to_hades

Your directional is wrong here. The feeling is more like falling backwards on a soft patch of grass. You lay there and realize. OMFG! the sky is so pretty, look at all the stars. You can lay down lay back and watch the pretty stars for life. Something you cant achieve with your nose and head in the ground. I keep praying.

PS: Don't call me socialist. Call me a bloody commie or a flower child at least.

ILLusionary world of OOOOHHHH Baa Maaa? ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜† Hope nationalized healthcare has provisions to cure it๐Ÿ˜†