I can see links to Related Topics that I'm forbidden to enter. For example, under the Christmas sheep game topic, I can see a link to the Christmas Prep topic, along with the identities of the topic author and last reply. I have reported this a few times before. Whoever thinks that invitations to auto-join a private forum aren't "respecting privacy" should feel more concerned about this actual breach of privacy.
I am copying my suggestions for improvement from the previous thread. Let's see how many of them get approved and implemented by the time this thread reaches 150 pages.
1. At the top of any page in a topic, the buttons for NEW POLL and WATCH seem unnecessarily fatter than NEW TOPIC and REPLY.
2. When one views a forum, My Posts or My Watched Topics, or any similar pages, there are links under each topic to pages 1 (appearing as a blank page symbol), 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and then only the last page (let's call it number n). Could this be changed to display links to pages 1 ... n-6, n-5, n-4, n-3, n-2, n-1, n?
One doesn't usually want to browse the earliest pages of a topic repeatedly, other than the first page. When a topic is very active, one might remember the last page number that one viewed, and one would want to pick up again on that page, and browse ahead. Clicking on only the last page, one can get distracted by something there and forget to navigate back to all the pages of interesting posts.
3. When I mouseover a Member in a forum topic, the five options "Profile, Scrapbook, Slambook, Testimonials, Message" don't reflect the currently most popular features of India Forums. I suggest the options "Wall, Posts, Fan Fictions, Library, Message" instead.
4. Please give each member profile a My Comments page similar to My Posts, viewable by everybody/buddies/nobody.
5. In the top-right drop-down menu, instead of Scrapbook, Slambook, and Testimonial, please display Feeds, My Comments, and My Forum Drafts. I would like this one-step path to My Forum Drafts instead of having to enter a topic and scroll down to see the buttons below the Reply field.
6. On Private Message pages, please add a Message Drafts tab at the top, next to Inbox and Outbox. This would be more straightforward than having to expand the Drafts tab in the left-side panel to find Message Drafts under Forum Drafts.
7. There should be a Scraps I Wrote tab similar to Testimonials I Wrote. If it no longer makes sense to separate Scrapbook/Slambook/Testimonials, just put everything on the Wall as Incoming Feeds and Outgoing Feeds?
8. On my profile's Following tab, the Following button is appearing to the right of each member's box. Each Following button is hidden by the box on its right, and the right-side Following button is outside the page, in white space. Please fix this.
9. On my Friend Requests Pending List page, any member name that is ≥13 characters long may be too long for the first line, so it appears below "IF-Sizzlerz" and superimposed on "1 years ago" - a bug that you may wish to fix.
10. I would like notifications that "MEMBER voted in your poll" so that I don't have to keep checking whether anyone is interested in the poll. Ideally, the poll creator would be able to mouse-over or click the bar for each option and see a list of members who chose that option. It would allow the poll creator to reach out and start conversations.
11. When an Entity tag is used on a topic, why doesn't that topic appear in the list of topics for that Entity? For example, a Celebrity Fan Clubs topic tagged with three TV shows doesn't appear in the topics list for each of those TV shows. However, the Person tag on that same topic puts it in the list of topics on the Celebrity's page.
12. When a post is edited by someone other than the author, India Forums automatically adds an "Edited by ___" footnote. Please automatically add a footnote when a post/topic is moved to a different topic/forum: "Moved to this topic by ___ ."
13. Please keep the green Reply button always active on all Help topics, so that neglected old questions can finally be answered and out-of-date answers (e.g. link to old thread number) can be updated.
14. Could the IF Staff please create a drop-down list of closed forums on the Forums page? That would allow us to browse and react, and to continue discussions by PM or private forum.
15. Please allow fan fiction displays in locked forums, e.g. Punjabi Channel.
16. Private forum topic links should be displayed like this: This link is to a topic in the Saṃskṛta Text Discussion private forum. First click the forum link if you wish to join. If the forum accepts you as a member, the topic link will work. If a private forum is invite-only, clicking the link to the forum will tell us so. However, many private forums are auto-join or readily approve requests to join. We could flourish if links to our topics identified which private forum.
17. Activity in private forums could be stimulated if all members saw a prompt to Invite others. For example, when they check the non-edit Members page to see which people they know, if everyone saw the Invite feature with Tag field and Tag Buddies button, they might fill in usernames from their Buddy lists and expand the membership.
18. Please explain the procedure to report a private forum abandoned by its Creator and Manager, request to take over, and request merging of private forums. What happens to a private forum when its Creator is banned?
19. To prompt Creators/Managers to restart conversations in private forums, please have the system send them an alert that "Topic X has become Locked due to inactivity. Posting in the topic will Unlock it for the next # months."
20. When forum topic Reactions get migrated into Fan Fiction section Likes, they shouldn't all turn into AWESOME! Corresponding migration would make more sense:
Like = NICE
Love = LOVED
Haha = LOL
Shock = OMG
Sad = CRY
Angry = ANGRY (instead of FAIL)
Notifications that someone Liked a chapter should tell us what type of Like it was.
21. Whenever chapter/book/comment migration automatically makes a Follower out of someone who reacted/commented on a forum topic, that member could be notified: "FFEditors added you as a Follower of AUTHOR and BOOK" and offered these options:
a) "Follow BOOK and AUTHOR"
b) "Follow AUTHOR for these Entity tags only"
c) "Follow BOOK but unfollow AUTHOR"
d) "Unfollow BOOK but follow AUTHOR"
e) "Unfollow BOOK and AUTHOR"
Instead of separate Follow (Author) and ADD TO MY LIBRARY (Book) buttons on a fan fiction book, there could be one button that allows readers these five options.