CC #47~Bak Bak Medley~Invites Only - Page 49


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Choco_Cosmos thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: temperance12

I don't think I have tasted this...  but then I am not a person who likes sweets

Me too not too much into sweets, but there are some exceptions.. like Cadburys with nuts..hmm..yummy. Then Bounty..
Actually I m fasting today.. may be that's why all these drooling on chocolates 
do you completely avoid sweets?since when Tanya?
temperance12 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: Choco_Cosmos

Me too not too much into sweets, but there are some exceptions.. like Cadburys with nuts..hmm..yummy. Then Bounty..
Actually I m fasting today.. may be that's why all these drooling on chocolates 
do you completely avoid sweets?since when Tanya?

No, I don't avoid sweets... I do taste them. But I don't have the urge to taste new food items that are sweet. I need to be in the mood to have sweets. Even sweet dishes, I don't like it too sweet. Payasam etc with minimum sweetness is my favourite, but that never happens since no one likes it that way! 😆😆😆😆

But on the other hand, I love spicy food, fried items like banana chips, jack fruit chips, murukku etc, which I will never overlook! 😆
bepatient thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
so many pages over ... so much discussed ... how to do so much homework fast ???
temperance12 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

Ritu, we didn't discuss much... Did you read simi's FF?? The link should be there in the first page!

bepatient thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: temperance12

Ritu, we didn't discuss much... Did you read simi's FF?? The link should be there in the first page!

Thanks Tanya.. I am yet to read it  :)
simim thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

CHAPTER 1: The Birth of the Sizzlers

The Initiative was a roaring success. People from all over the world were applying for membership into IF. It helped that while an age limit of 18 years was set, there was no control put in place to determine this (Sasta and Kifayati you see).

So people of all ages applied and were accepted. There were even news reports of toddlers being spotted putting in their age as 18 and applying and of course getting accepted. People generally put in their age as 100. And the kingdom happily accepted them as over 18.

VB and Q were very excited to see their growing kingdom. M was happy but apprehensive.

As applications poured in M realized that maaayyybe the tasks were not enough and people would soon climb the ladder.

He looked at the task list which VB and Q had put together. He read aloud " To move from Newbie to Groupbie, one must walk up the mountains a 100 times. Each time you walked up was counted at one. But if you took one step and stopped, and then took another step and stopped, and so on, each of these was counted as one!!!!!!"

The people who joined were very smart, and soon, all of them started taking single steps. They were also every aggressive, and pushed each other and laughed at each other.

M watched all this with growing trepidation. He was worried...very worried.

He tried talking to VB. He said "VB, I am worried. I think these people will all reach the third level in no time. I think there are some loopholes in the rules, which they are taking advantage of."

VB was busy looking at the swelling multitudes, and didn't pay too much attention. He also felt that M was a perpetual worrier. He asked him what he thought would happen, even if they did move levels fast.

M said, "VB, what if they demand for more levels, or stop doing tasks after reaching the 3rd level?"

VB said, "M, you watch too many political thrillers. These are MY people. They Love me. They will never ever question my authority."

"I agree VB, but they seem very aggressive." VB, looked outside at all the pushing, pulling, mocking and name calling, and thought, "is M right? Will suc..." His thoughts were interrupted by a vision of Q dancing to Meri chunar ud ud jaaye in the other room. He ran there and shut the door...

M sighed, and remembered better times where he had sung and danced What is Mobile Number with...

Now he was stuck here making levels and colours.

As time passed ( not much actually), all the Newbies became Groupbies, and many of them started becoming senior members.

The taunts and jibes increased. Whenever a newbie came, and opened his mouth...even to introduce himself...all the others started chanting , "We don't believe you. Show us the proof".

The bewildered newbies used to say, but we are so and so...what proof do you want?'' "We are who we are". And the senior members would laugh and say "Show us pics you newbies. Only then will we believe."

And so and so forth.

One day, one of the Senior members who called himself Mini, decided that VB was being a dictator by not having more levels.

He went to the townhall. There was a big notice board in the townhall which said "Suggestions & Comments". VB had kindly included such a board, since he thought his beloved subjects would love to give suggestions like "VB, you look cute in white. Why don't you wear white everyday?" Or make comments like"VBQ is da Jodi".

So Mini, went to this board, and scrawled in big bold letters, VB IS A DESPOT. DOWN WITH HIM!!!!!

He then went ahead and stood at the townhall, and started making a speech. People gathered. He said " VP is a slave driver. He is making us do task after task, but not increasing our levels. He just wants free slaves.'' Most of the senior members got swayed by his impassioned speech.

The Groupbies and newbies, who had enough of the Senior members bullying, said, "Pls don't say such things about VB. He is so cute ya. He is very fair, and honest.''

Mini laughed at them. He said, "If you do something, you should get something in return. I am talking for your benefit. Soon you will be senior members. Then what? You will keep doing tasks, and remain senior members."

Some Groupbies, who were at the brink of the Senior member levels, felt he was right. They instantly changed sides, and started saying down with VB.

Some of them went so far as to say we want Mini as the king.

M saw all this, and was very disturbed. He went to speak to VB. VB was sitting with Q. But for a change, the romance was, well, not mature.

M cleared his throat. VB knew why he had come. He said, " I know. I saw". " I am going to talk to them".

He went to the townhall. Mini was yelling at the top of his voice. "VB you coward, come and talk to us if you have guts. Don't hide in your palace."

VB went forward and told them in a very firm voice, " Stop all this nonsense. And go back to your tasks.'' Mini yelled, " Look at him using words like nonsense with us. He invited us to join his kingdom, and now he finds the things we say nonsense."

VB, immediately said, " I didn't mean it like that. I mean, why cant we have a civilized discussion instead of all this screaming and shouting. All this can lead to nothing." He then closed the door, so that they could not stand there and shout.

When the door shut, Mini was furious, he climbed through a window, and started shouting. VB closed the window as well, and stormed away.

He went back to his palace. He called for an emergency meeting. He could hear Mini shouting ( he had climbed in through another window) " VB can keep closing doors and windows but we will not keep quiet"

VB said, "M we need one more level." M thought, "Is this man mad? One more level ? Does he want to keep going through this?"

He said, "Let's have four more levels." Surprisingly Q saw benefit in this. She said , "Yes baby. We should have more than one level. The whole kingdom is looking blue. We need more colours."

VB instantly agreed. "Of course baby".

Edited by simim - 10 years ago
simim thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
<font face="Calibri">

Then M said, "You can't keep going and meeting these people when you have issues. You may be tied up, ( at this point, he looked significantly at Q). You must delegate this to some people who can handle things in your absence."</font>

<font face="Calibri">M, then had a brainwave. He said, "Let's give this role to one of the people who have joined our kingdom. We can get them on to our side. And then such things wont happen." " But I believe we will need to give them something in return for this service. Since they have to monitor everything for 24 hours, over and above their tasks."</font>

<font face="Calibri">" In fact I suggest, we give this role to Mini . This way, he will stop all this," added M.</font>

<font face="Calibri">"Absolutely NOT'', thundered VB. " I will never give that Mini anything". "I think, we should give it to the groupbies, who kept saying I was fair and honest," he added.</font>

<font face="Calibri">"But VB, "Having Mini on our side, would be beneficial," began M. "Enough!!!! I am done with this topic, and want to discuss about names and colours."</font>

<font face="Calibri">"Ok sighed M. But can we discuss about some kind of remuneration for these people?" asked M.</font>

<font face="Calibri">Q looked up at the mention of remuneration and said, " Lets give them cool names and different colours", she smiled at VB.</font>

<font face="Calibri">VB, beamed, he got majorly turned on. You, you Sasta and Kifayati, come here you", and he pulled her ❤️

</font><font face="Calibri">M thought of all the possible repercussions, and felt his mouth opening. But he quickly closed it.</font>

<font face="Calibri">After a respectable period, M dropped a vase. VB and Q jumped. VB said, "Yes let's close the names and colours."</font>

<font face="Calibri">"So, after Seniors, what can we have which indicates achievement," asked VB. "Let's treat it like anniversaries," said Q. "Not bad", thought M. </font>

<font face="Calibri">"So since we used white in the senior members colour, let's assume the silver one is done, and so the next one is gold," said VB. "So Goldie", said Q immediately. "And the colour will be gold". She then showed a particular shade of gold to VB and M peeped in trying to catch a glimpse. "But that looks like the colour of Shi", He started, and then quickly closed his mouth.</font>

<font face="Calibri">"OK, next level?" asked VB. "Diamondie," said Q. VB hesitated... ""? "Why baby? Isn't it nice?" Q asked. VB was stuck. He looked desperately at M. M was tempted to say, " yes VB, why don't you answer that.'' But then he took pity on him and racked his brain. He then said, "Q your thought is brilliant. In fact lets go a step further and call it dazzling diamond." VB had a brainwave. "Lets call it dazzler", he said. And smartly added, " baby you are truly a genius. I mean such brilliance. You are the dazzling diamond".</font>

<font face="Calibri">Everyone conveniently forgot Diamondie ( I mean diamondie??? Please!!), and felt happy.</font>

<font face="Calibri">"The colour"? asked M. "We can't have white, it's too dull", said Q. Then she said, "The Dresden Green Diamond is my favourite diamond. So let's have it as green."</font>

<font face="Calibri">M fell over himself agreeing. It was close to 11pm, and he wanted to leave ASAP. "Ok, next level?" said VB.</font>

<font face="Calibri">"What's the anniversary after diamond?" asked VB. "Baby, enough of anniversaries. Let's think of something else," said Q.</font>

<font face="Calibri">M sighed. The day was just not getting over. It was like the wedding day of the leads in his favourite show, which went on for 10-12 episodes with a lot of twists and turns and drama.</font>

<font face="Calibri">M thought quickly. He said "lets link it to the Diamond, which is called a rock, and call the level Rockerz. It also is linked to the parlance used by a lot of people "you rock" indicating that the person is doing a good job."</font>

<font face="Calibri">VB and M were both happy. And Q said, "lets have my favourite colour red for it."</font>

<font face="Calibri">"The last level", said VB.</font>

<font face="Calibri">" Let me dance. I get inspired by dancing," declared Q. She then put on some music, and started dancing to Sheila Ki Jawani.</font>

<font face="Calibri">"My name is Sheila," she shrieked alongside the song, while contorting her body in all kinds of ways.</font>

<font face="Calibri">VB looked on proudly. He soon turned to M and said, "Q is a superb dancer. Have you ever seen such a sizzling dance performance?"</font>

<font face="Calibri">M was captivated. His mouth was wide open. He whole heartedly agreed. It truly was sizzling.</font>

<font face="Calibri">And he said, "Madam Q, your dance is really sizzling". VB said. "Yes!!!, the next level will be called Sizzler in your honour Baby."</font>

<font face="Calibri">That stopped Q at once. "Oh thank you baby!" she said running towards him❤️</font>

<font face="Calibri">"Errr...the colour," said M after sometime.</font>

<font face="Calibri">" What's a sizzling colour?'' asked VB. Every one thought.</font>

<font face="Calibri">Finally after an age, most of which was spent by M looking at his watch, VB said, "I know!!! Barbie doll Pink".</font>

<font face="Calibri">Barbie doll pink? Did the man realize that he was using the word doll and pink and sizzling in the same sentence? M thought?</font>

<font face="Calibri">M was decent man, though he was late, and wanted to go home desperately, the plight of those people who would be called sizzlers but saddled with this kind of a pink affected him enough to plead with VB.</font>

<font face="Calibri">He said, "VB, baby doll pink, is a very feminine and demure colour. Its not a sizzling colour."</font>

<font face="Calibri">But VB said, " Have you seen Q in that colour? She sizzles." Now Q also thought it was a silly idea. But when VB said this, she melted, and said "thank you baby. I love you."</font>

<font face="Calibri">M tried again. He said "VB, the colour is very faint. When we paint names with this colour, it won't be visible."</font>

<font face="Calibri">VB said, "Are you crazy? Are you saying you couldn't see Q when she wore that baby pink dress?"</font>

<font face="Calibri">M tried again. "What if people don't like it?"</font>

<font face="Calibri">VB thundered. "Everyone will LOVE it. Wait and see, it will be the most loved colour among all the colours."</font>

<font face="Calibri">Never let it be told that M didn't try. He tried valiantly and failed. He thought about the poor sizzlers, and compared their plight to children who get saddled with names like Apple, Happy, Kameshwar and Sweety.</font>

<font face="Calibri">He wondered what the days ahead would be like.


Note: Anything written in bold italics are things which will come back to bite VB in his backside.

Note2: Any resemblance to people living/dead/virtual is purely co-incidental.


Edited by simim - 10 years ago
simim thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
As always, a million likes pls
This time, since the update was late, it is a long update.
The next chapter will be called  A thorn called Brown
Looking at your enthusiastic response to the mature content, I have added some more this time
This update has a lot of drama.
Edited by simim - 10 years ago
mishaj thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: simim

Reserved for intellectual analysis

me too... 😳
bepatient thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
res .. for unlimited praises on new and talented writer Simiji... will read and come 😃