Are All Marriages Made In Heaven- OS: Updt pg17

..nams.. thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 11 years ago

heyya guys! firstly this a OS from my side as a treat for KR anniversary

& also For me Winning Most Creative Proposal Contest 

here i present..

Are All Marriages Made In Heaven . . ?


"Our First Marriage Anniversary", she said to herself looking at the picture hung on the wall, he looked like a greek-god! He was the epitome for a handsome figure with well built muscles and charming smile.


"I will miss you rey.."  she said caressing it.


While her driver placed her luggage's, she sat inside the car.


The car stopped at the Court Office. Sighing sadly she went in, she was wearing a white salwar and let her hair fall over her shoulders.


She looked at the time. she was few minutes early, when she went to her lawyar's cabin she found him busy with another client, his assistant asked her to wait for some more time. she checked waiting launge and sighed! Rey wasn't there yet. "hope be on time rey, atleast for this.." she said sadly.


She glanced outside at the garden, there were few benches. Her mind needed some fresh air, hence she went out.


As she sat on the bench, a 10 year old girl sat next to her frowning. Kria looked over the girl sitting on the other end. That girl was sad.


"hii.."kria said smiling a little.

"hi"girl replied, hurt evident on her wet eyes.

"are you okay darling ?"kria asked concerned, touching the little girl's head.

"why do parents divorce ?" the girl asked out of blue making kria grasp.


Kria felt a pang of strong pain on her heart. Wasn't kria herself here in Lawyer's office for the same reason. She sighed.


"because all marriages may not be made in heaven, they may not be meant for each other.." that's all she said not knowing what to answer the little girl.


"then why do they marry in first place ?" the little girl counter attacked.

Kria over looked her own life. why did she marry Rey ?

Kria had met Anitha Singhania  in a business party and they had clicked each other so well. their relationship grew stronger when kria had started calling her "mom". Kria would visit her quite often thus meeting reyaansh singhania, anitha's son. but rey was way too formal with kria. not that Rey was a reserved person, he was a person with full of life and attitude killer! But then again with kria he was just silent.


She recalled the Day, Anitha had come to visit her and asked her directly whether she could marry Rey. kria didn't deny but she didn't say yes either, because she loved Anitha way too much to hurt her. since kria hadn't confirmed her decision Rey had turned up on her door step asking her for a little talk. He told her "I cant hurt my mom. She is important to me than anything else! So if u agree will you marry me ? I cant promise you big things. hell I don't even know why am doing this but situation is worst!!.. ermm.." she saw his eyes well up with tears. "my mom has Cancer.. doctor says he don't know how long she can live.. he said may be 3 months or 6 months.." and tears drizzled down his eyes. her heart had stopped beating then and ther. The lady like "anitha" is one in million, she knew how to spread love and care. And that's what kria loved more in her. "you know so I request, marry me now and later you can divorce me.." kria could see how difficult it was for him, but she didn't expect this from him. she felt devastated hearing those words what the hell did he think ? was he insane ? marriage is not a game!! Her mind screamed. She got up from the couch at the instant. "Mr.Reyaansh Singhania! I respect your love for your mother, and I love her too!! hell! I don't even know what mother love is.. but you mom showed me that in these few months. I would do anything for her! trust me. but what do u think ?? marriage is a game ?" Rey didn't let her complete "I know and I understand. See first we are so uncomfortable with each other, second we never had any compatibility. So I don't see any point in us having a good life. well this was my request rest is upto you think about it.." he said and left without a word! Kria was confused.


The girl tapped kria shoulders bringing her back to present.

"may be for some obvious reasons.." kria said feeling guilty.


The girl sighed. Just then Lawyer's assistant came over "Anjali beta, your mom is calling you.." before she could answer another person came saying "Anjali your dad is calling you.. "


Kria saw how Anjali wrinkled her nose. She was hell annoyed. "tell them im not going with anyone! NOW LEAVE PLS!" the little girl said hugging kria and sobbing slowly. Kria looked up at two men, she said.. "let her be here for a while.." was all kria said, they nodded pitifully and left.


"are your parents getting divorced ?" kria asked her soothing her head. the girl nodded in her embrace. A tear escaped from kria's eyes. she thanked stars that she didn't have a kid. But how would she ? when they never shared a husband wife relation ?


After thinking hundred times, kria decided to get married to rey. once their marriage was done anitha had told her "I know you may not feel for rey now. But trust me my rey is gentleman! You would soon fall for me, as far as he is concerned I don't think he has resisted from not falling for an angel like you" kria felt guilty on all her veins, she had never felt that way before. She so wanted to tell anitha what was their deal but how can she break her heart ?? that was when she had decided to understand rey well and try her best to give this marriage a shot. But it was all her try! Everyday trying her best to impress him, go according to his wishes crushing her own. Trying to be as nice as possible at time when he annoyed her to heights.. sometimes she felt she loved him, because he would surprise her by taking her out.. then when they were spending time with each other he would suddenly say all this was to show to his mom that they are happy with each other! and that moment she would hate him to all ends! 


"my parents said they never loved each other. it was arrange marriage" the little girl brought kria ack to present with her words. kria hugged her as tight as possible.

"I hate my parents!!! they are fighting who would claim me!!" she said sobbing harder. Kria tried her best to soothe her.


Kria cupped the little girl's face and asked "don't say that! Didn't u love your mom and dad ever ?"


The girl wrinkled her nose again. "yes before! They wer best parents ever!!!! When mom would hug me, dad would hug her. we were so happy!!" the girl sobbed again. "they would buy me whatever I wanted ! they would take part in all games during Parent-Teacher-Association day!!" the girl looked up meeting kria's already teary eyes, "but they fought a lot.. they fought and fought.. sometimes mum would stay in naani's house.." kria understood everything without knowing much. she knew what must have happened. But then again she couldn't help thinking about her own.


How sometimes they fight and not talk to each other, but at the end either rey would bring her favorite ice-cream and make her smile, or she would make his favorite carrot halwa and make him happy. that was how they lived. They had managed to be best of friends. They would ask each other solution for their problems, they would laugh and have fun with Anitha. They would have mini picnics in their farm house.Rey was the best ever friend she could have. but then again whenever she thought of giving their marriage life a shot, rey would utter something like "im so sorry that u had to marry me. you may feel so suffocated to be with a person whom u don't love in the same room as u ? I know I can understand. But don't worry. I will convince my mom someday. I just want her to be happy during her last days" and he would end up sobbing. She didn't know whether she would worry that he isn't trying to make it possible or cry for his misery.


She looked at the girl and smiled faintly "I don't want to be with mom or dad! I want to be with both of them.." just then her parents came running. And started fighting who would take her custody since she was 10 years old, both had somewhat equal chances. Girl had started sobbing again seeing them fight. The girl ran away, and her parents didn't even notice, they were busy fighting.


Kria stood up and screamed "STOP!!" they looked at her. "can I have some of your time PLEASE"


They were about to protest but lawyer thanked kria and left them alone.


"answer my only one question HONESTLY! Did you ever love each other ?"


Both went to say NO. but shut their mouth instantly. They knew the answer very well. "every relationship has fights, misunderstandings, tiffs and pain!! But as an individual we should try to solve problem not run-away from it!! have u ever thought what ur daughter wants ? rather than what u guys want!!!?"


the man seemed to be in deep thought. While the lady felt offended "am guessing even you're here to get divorced ?" kria let a sarcastic smile


"I so wish I would let it not happen."


Saying that kria looked down. Soon the man asked sorrynwith his lady. Kria smiled and left them alone and went in search of the little girl. Seeing the girl sitting alone in the corner of the garden she told her "darling.. " the girl looked up at kria with sollen eyes. kria wipped her tears "remember one thing always! No matter how much they fight or whatever might happen today. Both of them loves you beta. And both of them will make sure u would happy! and that's my promise!"


Girl smiled faintly but grinned when she saw her parent come towards her together. She ran to her parents embrace. They kissed and  hugged her "we aren't getting divorced beta.. we both love u a lot!"


Kria smiled and recalled a moment,

"I cant belive my son can stoop so low!!" anitha shouted at her son.  Kria tried to convince "mom that was my decision too!" anitha asked kria to remain silent. "its your fault too kria! what if I am dying ? you both would sacrifice your life for me ??" "yes!" both said in unison. anitha exaled "but u have spoilt her life rey!!! and rey how can u do this! Where did all my teachings go ? im so disappointed with both of u!!"


Anitha was in her hospital bed after her successful operation, it was a random idea by kria for anitha's check up by foreign returned oncologist. She knew him because of one of her colleague. And it had turned well, anitha went through an operation in London and she was completely doing well after successful few rounds of chemotherapy. And that's when anitha overheard Kria and Rey convo regarding their deal before marriage.


Anitha requested them to get divorced as soon as possible. She said "if you don't love each other please!! Please move out of each other's life and the more u live with each other the more u would get attached. so better get separated soon" Both kria and reyaansh had no clue why anitha would ask them to do this. But they agreed to it anyway. Since then they didn't discuss this topic with each other, there was an awkward feeling of thinking that they would soon move out of each other's lives! Everyone says time flies away fast. But for them the time had actually moved slow. Now when kria thinks about it, she feels one year seemed so long!!


As kria left the couple and little girl, the lady called out to her, "whoever u are, may you get what u want.." the lady said.. "thank you.." was what the little girl and the man said.


As kria entered the advocate's cabin she saw Rey already sitting there. she sat next to him gave a small smile, rey reciprocated with a bink and a smile.


"since it a mutual divorce, I have done all the paper works please sign here and confirm. With this done u don't need to attend any court hearings as ur case is mutual one. One sign and both your job done." Advocate said. Rey and kria nodded.


 "what is this feeling universe ji ?? why am I not able to imagine my life without him ?" she said mentally and looked at rey, as if reading her mind he looked at her with an expressionless face.


Next thing she knew was that they had signed the papers and were leaving the cabin.


"so your free now. Wishing u a very good life ahead.." rey said smiling and went to hug her [ he did that a lot after they turned into friends ]. She stepped back, she felt bad. Highly bad and her heart hurt. She knew this was the case, she knew they were together for year just to be separated! Then why the hell was she feeling like this ??


"with this marriage, our friendship also ends here rey!" she didnt know why she said that, but it felt right at thee moment. taking a deep breath she said "we are back to strangers! Good life"she said forwarding a hand. Rey took it confusedly and once he saw her leaving his heart dropped down to the floor!


Kria entered her old apartment and she smiled. But failed miserably. "I knew this!! I knew this would only happen. I should be happy. I am happy" she tried to convince herself. But started crying badly. She dropped down on the floor and cried. She didn't know why.


She stared recalling all her moment with rey and then it was clear. She loved him. may be they weren't meant for each other. I will miss u.. I will miss u Rey..


She recalled her own words what she had said to that little girl. "because all marriages may not be made in heaven, they may not be meant for each other.."


Even though I love him, he don't love me. why am I always unlucky ? first I lost my parents and now him ? and also MOM! How will I live without u both ? how ?


And she cried again.


"yes! I am leaving to Australia. Mom I wouldn't tell you but I couldn't resist. Mom.. i.." kria tried hard not to cry. "you love him don't you ??" anitha asked her. "im leaving mom.. tc. Don't be stressed. Take your meds in time and sleep well! tc mom. Love u.." and she disconnected the call.


One beautiful year of my life had just ended! And it would never be back. But im happy I fell in love with you , and promise to love u till the end of my life no matter what! she wrote on her diary as she sighed.

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how was it ? 

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wow!! 69 likes ðŸ˜²ðŸ˜²ðŸ˜² Thanku so much!! for still loving and supporting me in my works! makes me proud

Edited by nams_arsha - 11 years ago


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sumimita thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
pls pm me... it is very nice... awsome... outstanding.. mindblowing...
luv_arsha thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 11 years ago
awesome OS nams...loved it very very much
waiting for next part...continue soon
Black_Stone thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 11 years ago
Awesumm OS di 
luvd it to the core 
hope kriya nd rey unite soon 'waiting fr nxt 
updet soon 
Anyaa_KriYaansh thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
woowww!!!plzz addd me in pm list!!!:)
luvvllyy actually amazinglyy luvlyy concept der!!!
ur writing it sooi guddd!!!:)
hatts off to u...:):)
luuuvvv itt!!!
update vryyy sooon!!!:)
only_kriyansh thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 11 years ago
Tumhne mujhe rula diya...
God my crying...nams
glmorous_diva thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
hope rey aur kriya wapis ek ho jae..
loved it..
_sweetannu_ thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
wow fabulous work.
Loved it.
hope they will unite soon.
-Vaish- thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 11 years ago
i loved it...

lekin ek shikayat hai...

kareeban bata toh diya kar ki u r upating or something sorts...

i don't wanna visit the show's forums...

loved how u brought out the whole concept...

awesome depiction...
shalini_arsha thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
suprb...:-) lovd it...;-) plzz pm me whn u update nxt...:-)