ARHI FF: Master Class: Thread 3 - Page 11


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blablabla_mo7 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
I don't blame her insecurities but don't make weak too.
Nice update
Congrats on 3rd thread

One silent reader
swat.g thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Fascinator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
Ohhh goshhh will he end the relation for her sake
forfunlanya thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
congrats on the new thread!!! cant wait for the next updates...
warriorprincess thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 11 years ago
Chapter 33
'Khushi I know I just said I don't want to lose you but as far as me being Arnav Singh Raizada is concerned; it's up to you if you want to use me as your strength or if being attached to me weakens you - but from where I'm standing right now, its leaning towards the second option. If this is the case, then this... this relationship is over' Arnav said with a steely gaze and his voice reflecting that this wasn't him bluffing - he was dead serious.
Khushi's very audible gasp of shock broke the pin drop silence in the room.
''re not being fair.. this is blackmail and you're being can you say that you don't want to lose me and still force me to go' she uttered.
'I'm not being hypocritical Khushi... think about it; last month I was Rakshas Raizada, the man who you thought got his kicks by plotting evil schemes to make your every waking moment a nightmare and now just because I happen to be simply Arnav, you've begun questioning your priorities... I'm being realistic Khushi and you know it...  just as you know this is the right move for you' he said softly as his breath caressed her face.
Khushi bristled at his comment as she shook his hands off her shoulders and stepped back as she glared at him, 'I am NOT questioning my priorities just because you've entered the picture Arnav - my priorities are and will remain the same, though I have to say... I was beginning to add you to them but I guess I will just have to re-consider that won't I?!  And you're right as always aren't you... who knows if I want to be with you forget in six months...I'm about right NOW...and by the way, you still remain Rakshaas Raizada and you are living up to the name beautifully' she hissed as her eyes flashed with anger.
Bloody hell... where had that come from he wondered in amazement as he stared at her. He'd never seen her so mad and outspoken. There was absolutely nothing mousy or docile about her right now - clearly he had quite the knack for rousing the tigress.
Well serves you right for being such a jackass and threatening her like that... what an idiot...muttered the angel, shaking his head in consternation.
Arnav raised his eyebrows and then closed his eyes as he frowned and squeezed the bridge of his nose with his thumb and index finger. He hoped that she would be calmer as he opened his eyes slowly. Nope. Miss Khushi Kumari Gupta was clearly on the war path he decided as her brown eyes continued to glare at him.
Arnav took a deep breath.
'Ok ok Khushi... I'm... I... I shouldn't have said that... I'm... I'm...' he paused, needing to breath before continuing 'I'm sorry Khushi, I shouldn't have...shouldn't have used our relationship as an ultimatum' he said hesitantly but quietly hoping to redeem himself.
Khushi walked towards him and stabbed her finger into his chest as she spoke 'No you shouldn't have Arnav and don't you dare do it again. Ever!' she hissed, 'I may have never been in a relationship Arnav, but even I know that threatening the person you claim to want to be with... the person you say you don't want to lose... no matter what's at stake, is WRONG!'
Arnav looked at her in amazement and smiled. This is exactly why he was with her. Her bravery and conviction was outstanding but right now it was those exact qualities that made her  insanely attractive and caused an off the Richter scale type of spike on his desire-o-meter.
The devil sniggered in the corner...desire-meter definitely is rising ...along with something else!!
Arnav shook his head and re-focused on her...'Khushi, I won't do it again,' he said in a sincere yet husky voice. She looked at him and knew he meant it.
Arnav sighed, 'Khushi, do you understand why I'm pushing you so hard.. I want you to succeed, but I'll leave it up to's your call and I'll support you either way' he said quietly as he cupped her face in one palm.
Khushi stepped back as she let her breathing stabilise and her anger slowly began to recede. Fundamentally he was right, it was just his way of doing it that was wrong and he had acknowledged it.
Khushi sighed and conceded.
'Fine Arnav, I'll do it. I'll go work for... Aman-ji.'
Arnav smiled. Ordinarily he would have said something to gloat, but he knew this was going be her win more that his. He knew without a doubt that this was going to be a test for him as well as her; he had become very used to having her around him and now that the professional equation had become personal, it was even harder because he craved her...her scent, her touch, her smiles...
The intermittent buzzing of his phone in his pocket broke into his thoughts. 
'Khushi I...' he began, she broke in 'I know you have to go's ok..' she said with a slight smile.
Arnav steeled his nerves for the battle ahead...both personal and professional, 'Khushi, we'll be me' he whispered as he took her into his arms for a tight hug before he left. She breathed him in. And then he was gone.
It had been almost two weeks since Khushi had started working with Aman on  AR Corp's newest project. It had been an intense roller coaster with a steep learning curve for Khushi. Arnav had been right about Aman-ji, thought Khushi as she put the finishing touches on a project briefing report for the AR Corp board members. Aman Bansal was three years older than Arnav and was Arnav's polar opposite in personality; calm, controlled, considerate  and very measured in his approach to his colleagues. In the space of two weeks Khushi felt challenged and invigorated as Aman gave her tasks to complete with autonomy yet always present in the background coaching her through the trouble spots and she was slowly becoming more confident in making decisions and providing direction to their small team on Aman's behalf.  Khushi sighed. Her days were definitely busy, but once she got home and had time to think, she inevitably realised just how much she missed Arnav. His schedule was manic and he had been flying back and forth between Delhi and Mumbai, and  now he was Sydney. She had seen him briefly at a project meeting late last week but given that all their colleagues were around them, their brief conversation was completely professional. Sure they spoke on the phone when they could but it wasn't the same as having him there in front of her in flesh. Khushi glanced at the clock on her computer screen, it was 6:40pm on a Friday evening and she was just thinking about heading home when Aman-ji popped his head into her office.
'Shouldn't you have left by now's pretty late?'  he asked with a hint of concern edging his voice.
Khushi smiled 'I was just about to leave Aman-ji. Is there anything else you need me to do before I go?' she enquired, secretly hoping that he would say yes so that she didn't have to go home and face the loneliness of missing Arnav.
'No Khushi-ji, I think everything is under control. Great job this week,' Aman said to her with a gentle smile as he headed back to his office. Aman genuinely meant the compliment. Khushi Kumari Gupta was a hard worker, a team player who was intelligent and very eager to learn. ASR had been on the mark with her he thought.  While Aman's conversations with Arnav about Khushi Kumari Gupta were strictly very professional, it hadn't taken him long to work out that his CEO and friend clearly nursed a very soft spot for Miss Gupta especially when Arnav told him that Miss Gupta was afraid of enclosed dark spaces. Aman had to admit, he did wonder about how Arnav knew about Miss Gupta's phobias as he sat in his chair and a smile appeared on his face as he took a walk down memory lane.
Aman Bansal met Arnav Singh Raizada on the first day of MBA1373: Designing Winning Organisations at Harvard. They had instantly hit it off as study partners first and then eventually as friends.  Aman admired the constant determination to succeed that was always clearly visible in Arnav's eyes. When their MBA courses were  complete, Arnav had outlined his business idea of what would eventually become AR Corp and Aman instantly agreed to join him. He'd never looked back. Between the two of them, they had created a formidable team and were a force to reckon within the corporate world and that passion to succeed was still present in Arnav. Aman admitted that Arnav Singh Raizada was unapologetically ruthless when it came to business, but he never ever played dirty which is why he was so respected so now for Aman to be able to glimpse into the softer side of his friend's persona greatly intrigued him. To Aman's knowledge, while Arnav wasn't a womaniser...everyone knew that Arnav Singh Raizada had always, as a rule kept his business away from his women, and his women away from his heart. Sure he dated and enjoyed the company of some Delhi's most beautiful women but they seemed to disappear just as quickly as they appeared. Over the last two weeks, Aman had noted that whenever he and Arnav spoke, Arnav had discretely enquired how Miss Gupta was settling into her new role and while the discussion always sounded like a employer enquiring about his employee's progress, Aman had noticed the subtle shift in Arnav's persona whenever Ms Gupta's name came up. It was clear to Aman that Arnav Singh Raizada clearly had more than a professional interest in one, Miss Khushi Kumari Gupta.
Aman smiled as he picked up his belongings and shut down his PC. He walked past Khushi's office and wished her goodnight as he left.
Khushi was just about to shut down her own PC when a email popped up. She almost decided not to look but gave in. A smile appeared on her face as she read the contents. It was an email from Amina Ali Rizwi, the business entrepreneur Arnav had introduced her to in Bangalore. Khushi had made the decision to get in touch with Ms Rizwi and had sent her a copy of her business plan for Jaleebi Junction.  Her smile grew even broader when she read Ms Rizwi's email where she said that her organisation which focused on micro-financing of small business enterprises for women by women would be interested in speaking to Khushi about her plan and that her associate would call Khushi to arrange an appointment over the next few days. Khushi folded her hands in prayer as she thanked Devi Maiya and then proceeded to spin in her chair in excitement. She desperately wanted to tell Arnav but she no idea where he was so she decided to do the next best thing as her fingers began racing over her keyboard in excitement.
From:  Khushi Kumari Gupta  (
Sent: 7 September 2012,  7:24pm
Re:  News
Dear RR-ji
I have some news which I thought I should share with my mentor. I emailed Amina Rizwi earlier this week re-introducing myself and told her that I work for AR Corp and am interested in establishing my own business.  I also sent her a copy of the Jaleebi Junction business plan and I've just heard back from Amina saying that she would like meet me in person to have chat about it and discuss some options.  I need some guidance from you about what I should do to prepare for this meeting please...
Khushi Kumari Gupta
(p.s. I want to celebrate when you come back from Sydney... I can't wait to see you... )
Khushi sighed as she hit 'send'. While she wanted to tell him her news in person, she would just have to contend with email for the moment and decided that she wouldn't let this put a damper on her excitement as she began to tidy up her desk. A few minutes later she was done. It was time to go. She turned around in her chair and was looking out the window thinking what a beautiful moonlit night it was when she heard the voice that belonged to the very man she had been craving.
Happy Monday My Darlings!! So a teeny tiny author's note accompanying this chapter. I know that a few readers thought that the last chapter was a bit slow and that there was no 'action'. I absolutely get that and I appreciate the feedback (and I really do mean this - I'm not being sarcastic😊). 
From a writer's perspective, I'm trying to explore the changing volatile dynamics between these two people from two different worlds and with completely different ideaologies who are trying to find a middle ground whilst both struggle to do the right thing by each other and for themselves. There's always an element of uncertainty in a new relationship that isn't as obvious as the excitement, but it is there... anyway I hope that you will still stay with me for the next chapter... p.s. all your requests for 'rabba-ve' evoking scenes have been noted...😆
Edited by warriorprincess - 11 years ago
Rhysenn thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
Aww, it looks like things are going well for Khushi! Loved it!
qwerty000 thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
hey great update really enjoyed it
rusticreet thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
i stumbled upon te update without the PM...feelin so proud 😃

i liked the update...

dont leave things in cliffhangers...😭
n if u do...UPDATE SOON😛
smile1412 thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago

Woah... Khushi is really a tigresses !!!!! N we all know Arnav loves that!!!!!

Great update n we know next update s going to be awesome with lots of romantic arhi moments!!!!!
Edited by smile1412 - 11 years ago
shalini_s thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 11 years ago
the update was perfect.. Khushi was bang on with her anger.. loved it..
ISensedYou thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 11 years ago
arnav s so supportive i dint expect him to be...
u again left us in cliffhanger ur evil again😈😆
next update has rabbave!!!!!!
omg dn i am really gonna stalk dis thread for d next update...
amans entry was nyc...
awsum update as always...
tanx 4 d pm...
continue soon
Edited by kamalapushpa - 11 years ago