OS in 2 parts: Rasams and Suhaag Raat (Comp)

smitar thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 11 years ago

List of Smita's OS:


Part 1


Khushi fingered her many colourful, eye-blinding suits hanging in the wardrobe she shared with Arnavji. What to wear for Janmashtami pooja, she wondered. Her lips curved downwards. Whatever she wore, Dadi would still scowl at her. Her hand reached for a yellow suit. As she took it out of the row, her eyes fell on the red sari that Arnavji had gifted her on her birthday. Her lips widened in a smile. Gifted was the wrong word. He had forced it on her. After all, it was his choice, the colour he liked, his money that had paid for it... And...and he had wanted to see her wearing it. 

(Illyria, thanx!)

Her heart had skipped a beat as he had said this in his husky voice. But still she had managed to refuse him. With great difficulty.


She pulled the sari out of its place. It was beautiful, red with lots of stones and beads worked into its borders. She ran her hand over it. She loved it. And he had bought it for her.

(Illyria, thank u!)

She smiled.She pulled a matching blouse out, and went to change.

Arnav had never enjoyed a Janmashtami more. All day, he had followed Khushi around, teasing her, scaring her about their impending Suhaag Raat, loving the terrified look in her lovely eyes, trying to make her admit that she was scared and wanted out... Aman and his work, Indore and his clients, his meetings and his laptop were all forgotten in his pursuit of his wife. He looked around. The house looked gorgeous, the fragrance of flowers perfuming the air. Helpers scurried around setting the final arrangements in place. Di, Payal, Mami, & Akash were missing. Khushi had vanished. NK was coming up the stairs.

"He Nannav!", NK greeted him, a smile on his face. "How come you haven't changed your clothes yet? Don't you want to look khurafat (rubbish) for Khushiji? Eh? Eh?", he teased.

"Khubsoorat (beautiful)!", bit out Arnav.

"It is all the same.", said a happily unaware NK.

"Where is Khushi?", Arnav asked, his patience at an end.

"In your room, getting ready. Naniji sent Di, Payal Bhabi, Akash, Khushiji, & Maasi up to dress for the function."

Arnav turned and walked away, leaving NK wide-eyed, wondering what had put that naughty glint in ghhooosawala Nannav's eyes.


Arnav walked into his bedroom, taking care to lock the door after him. He knew that she was in there, somewhere. His eyes went to the bathroom. The door was open. She was not hiding in there. His eyes looked around the seemingly empty room, and stopped at his wardrobe. Had she hidden in it again, among his clothes? A smile played upon his lips. No, she wasn't there. By the pool? But the door to the poolside was locked from the inside. His eyes came to rest on the small bulge in the silk curtains covering the big glass window. No one in his family had ever seen that look of glee in his eyes. He walked towards the curtain, soft-footed, his heart thumping to a mad tune, eager to surprise her.

(Chowna, thanx!)

He swished the curtain open. She stood before him, dressed in the red sari that he had given her on her birthday. His breath stopped. Her golden skin seemed to glow, its silky beauty heightened by the deep, bright colour of the sari. He looked at her, his eyes running up her body from her feet covered by the graceful pleats bordered by the thick beadwork, up her long legs, the tempting curve of her tiny waist, her heaving chest covered by layers of the sari, her arms hidden by the tiny sleeves of her blouse, up her neck with the betraying rapid pulse, her hands... Her hands? She had covered her face with her hands in the ostrich-like belief that if she couldn't see her Arnavji, her Arnavji wouldn't be able to see her, either!

A laugh bubbled out of his chest as he clasped her hands gently and lowered them. She stole one look at his laughing face, and quickly lowered her eyes. He lifted her chin, forcing her to meet his eyes.

"You look beautiful!", he managed thickly.

She blushed.

"This colour looks good on you..."

Her face took on the colour of the sari.

He smiled, and led her by her arm to sit on the bed. He walked to his locker, and opening it, took out a couple of jewellery boxes. She watched him as he strode towards her. Sitting by her, he opened one box. It held a beautiful necklace of pearls & rubies with matching earrings.

He freed the necklace from its box, and slowly placed it against her neck, admiring the way in which her satin smooth, creamy skin added beauty to the piece. He fastened it, running his fingers over the stones, remembering the days when his mother had worn it, her face wreathed in smiles, her eyes shining with happiness, their house filled with guests, Di smiling and twirling around in her rich lehenga, the air redolent with the smell of delicious food being cooked in the vast kitchen by an army of cooks... He swallowed.

He took out the earrings, and with her help, inserted them into the piercings in her ears, and fastened the screws. He opened the next box, took out a pair of pearl & ruby bangles, and slowly, gently eased them on to her arms.

The jewellery looked as though they had all been made for her, made to adorn her delightful body, made for him to put on and remove...

"They belonged to my mother.", he said. "Now they are yours."

Her eyes opened very wide, and she opened her mouth to refuse his very, very generous gift of his past.

He bent his head and placed a kiss each on her bangles, taking the time to enjoy her reaction to his actions.

Her mouth fell close, helpless against his invidious attack on her senses.

 He could feel her limbs trembling, the rapid breathing making the stones in her necklace glimmer and shine, the earrings swing gently... He leant towards her and kissed her earrings, letting his lips linger on the curves of her ears. She sat still, holding her breath.

"Breathe...", he instructed, his head moving towards the necklace. He kissed the necklace, and looking into her wide eyes, gently ran his hand down the fall of her dark, silky, smooth hair.


"Bhai, Khushiji!", came Akash's call. "Di and the others are waiting for you."

Arnav pinched Khushi's chin gently. "Remember, it is our Suhaag Raat tonight!" His wicked eyes delighted in the panic that flooded her at his words. He led her out of their bedroom to the living room where his family was waiting for them.

Part 2: Just scroll down!


Edited by smitar - 11 years ago


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smitar thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 11 years ago

Part 2

Dadi fumed seeing Khushi walk down the steps behind Arnav. The homewrecker! The witch who had dared to destroy Anjali Bitiyaa's life and use her wiles to trap Arnav Mallik. Her eyes caught the glint of fire around the neck of the girl who was now smiling at that bewakoof NK or whatever he was called. Khushi lifted her arm to tame the few strands of hair that had fallen across her face. The bangles! Dadi looked at the earrings swinging from her ears, and felt a cruel hand close around her heart. Gauri's necklace. Her bangles. Her earrings. Her old, moist eyes saw Gauri adorned in them, wearing a red and green Benares sari gifted by her husband, walking daintily down the stairs in Sheesh Mahal behind him, her eyes resting on her handsome husband with love and pride. It had been the night of some festival. The house had been full of guests, laughter, and noise from fireworks. Had it been another Janmasthami? She looked at Khushi. Pain at all that the Malliks had lost and determination to protect her family from the unscrupulous intruder filled her heart and mind.

She turned her gimlet eyes on Arnav. "How dare you give her Gauri's jewels?"

There was perfect silence in the hall. Nani looked at Arnav, scared of his trigger-happy temper. Other faces reflected dismay in varying degrees. But Arnav was uncharacteristically even-tempered that evening.

"I believe I told you this earlier, Dadi. Khushi is my wife.", he said quietly.

"Wife? How can she be your wife? When did you get married? Where did you get married?" Dadi looked at the occupants of the room. "Did anyone here witness this marriage? Is there anyone on earth who can claim to have witnessed your marriage?"

Arnav glared at her.

Dadi trained her eyes on poor Nani. "Devyani! Is this the way in which you run your house? If your grandson walks in with some woman off the street, shows sindoor in her maang and a mangalsutra that can be bought at any wayside stall, and claims that he has married her, you will believe him?"

Nani looked at Arnav and Khushi, her pain-filled eyes conveying her helplessness at the unexpected attack.

Dadi continued, "You believed in a marriage that no one has seen? You let them live together in a room in your house, right under your nose, believing all the lies that they told you?"

(Thanx, Vidya_luv_SaRun!)

Mami moved closer to Nani, lending her silent support.

"How do you know that they are married? Was there a priest? Jai Mala? Kanyadaan? Gat Bandhan? Saat Phere? You are a fool, Devyani! You have let these two fool you."

"You don't believe in a marriage you haven't seen, Dadi?", asked Arnav.

"No, I don't."

Arnav looked at his father's mother with pain and anger-filled eyes. But before he could devastate her with his cutting tongue, he felt a small hand slipping into his, holding him tight, safe, close. Khushi's warmth against his side did what nothing else could do. It cooled his temper and cleared his head.

"That's good enough.", Arnav nodded at his Dadi. He turned to look at the rest of his family. "Do you believe me when I say that Khushi & I got married in a temple and are legally wedded? Nani?"

"Yes, I do.", came her statement, loud and sure.


Anjali nodded slightly.


"Haan. I believes you. Hamre Arnav Bitwaa neber liez to hiz Mami."


"Yes.", she nodded. Her eyes filled with tears at the plight of her Jetji and sister.

He turned to look at Akash. Before Arnav could call out his name, Akash said, "Yes, Bhai. I believe you." NK added, "He Nannav, mere bhai, you are married."

Arnav turned his burning eyes towards Dadi. " I am the son of Gauri Raizada too. Please do not expect to see just the defects and weaknesses of your son in me."

He turned to look at his family. "Khushi and I are legally married. But I want our wedding to take place here, tonight, with our family present..." He glared at Dadi. "...so that people do not raise doubts about the legality of our wedding and question our honour."

Dadi averted her eyes.

He looked at his brothers, his granny, his aunt, his sister, all smiling in joy and relief. NK punched the air. Even HP was smiling at him. He looked into Khushi's eyes filled with tears of happiness. He cleared his throat.

(Thanx, xXPatelPriyaxXx)

"Akash, arrange a priest now, please?"

Akash grinned and clasped his Bhai by the shoulder. He then got to work.

"Di, Payal, Nani, Mami, the arrangements...?"

"Haan, Chotey. You don't worry about anything. Everything will be done." Nani hugged him and Khushi. Mami threw her arms around Arnav, deliriously happy for him. She then called up her numerous friends, inviting them to the second wedding of her bhanja. Di hugged him close, resting her face against his. She whispered, "You don't know how happy I am today, Chotey!" Payal smiled her happiness at him.

Arnav looked at NK. "Guess we will have to get bridal gear and garlands, arrange caterers and seating..."

"Consider it done, Nannav."


"Everything will be ready on time, Arnav Bhaiyya...", he smiled widely.

"I need to talk to Buaji, Aunty, and Uncle about this.", Arnav said. "Di, I will go to Laxmi Nagar, and bring them back with me." Anjali nodded, smiling. He strode to the door. The doorbell rang. He opened it to find the Guptas who had been invited by Nani for Janmasthami.

The Raizadas converged to the door to greet the Guptas.

"Happy Janmasthami, Arnav Bitwaa!", wished Buaji, as she placed a piece of laddoo in his mouth. "It is shakkar-phree, don't worry, Nandkisore!" Her palm caressed his lean cheek. Arnav put his arms around Buaji, hugging her. The Raizadas looked on surprised and delighted, while Dadi stood shocked. Amma and Babuji greeted Arnav with great affection, and then they greeted the Raizadas.

Nani hugged Buaji and Amma. "Badhai Ho! Chotey and Khushi Bitiyaa are going to get married again tonight, here, in front of us..."

Buaji and Amma gasped. Babuji smiled.

In the exchange of hugs and congratulations that followed, Arnav whispered in Khushi's ears, "Happy, Khushi Kumari Gupta Singh Raizada?"

(Thanx, Chowna!)

She nodded, her eyes lowered in shyness.

"Good. You get your rasams, and I get my Suhaag Raat."

Her eyes shot up to his, wide and startled.

"Did you think I would forget?", he asked, his molten eyes caressing every inch of her face.

She swallowed hard, her eyes caught by his. He leaned forward. She leaned backwards. He flicked the tip of her nose with his fingers. "It is as laal as your sari!", he remarked softly, possessiveness colouring his words.


Edited by smitar - 11 years ago
warriorprincess thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 11 years ago
I'm first -yay!!

I was saving my 2500th post for Master Class, but when I saw that you've posted a story after sooo long, I just had to write!! So my 2500th post is dedicated to your awesome story telling skills and to 'living without you' which is my all time favorite story.

Part 1 was Manoharam!! (beautiful...hope I got it right 😳) ...I had goosebumps as his eyes traveled over her body taking in the red saree.

Really looking forward to part 2.

Edited by warriorprincess - 11 years ago
xMidnightStarx thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 11 years ago
Lovely Part 1!! Fantastically written! 
Cannot wait to read Part 2!! :D

Edit: Finished reading Part 2, brilliant! :')
Edited by xMidnightStarx - 11 years ago
pennyg thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
lovely romantic story update and glad 2 see u write again
Preeti.xo thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 11 years ago
Wow great part really enjoyed reading it she finally wore the saree he had gifted her

Can't wait for the second part x
vishali990 thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
wow!!!!!...superb love it!!!!!❤️
can't wait for part 2...
Edited by vishali990 - 11 years ago
Cetronia thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
Smita it was awesome and yay we get a part 2 also...waiting...

Just read the second part, awesome loved it...it is always a treat reading your OS...
Edited by Soloperson - 11 years ago
SimiSays thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 11 years ago
Wow..tht was splendid 😍

Plz update soon!
silvia1999 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 11 years ago

awesome update

reading ur os after a long time