Elusive Lyrics - Part 5: Dwindling - Page 6


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..kiran.. thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago

Originally posted by: Newdime

So I finished the rest...

The book of Life is full of unexpected, least expected, full of surprises chapters listed.

Later as I read along, do I see a shadow lingering around?  I recognized the shadow immediately.  As NJ said you will connect to some hearts well you have one. 

It takes time to digest the fact of been fooled or fool.  I thought I was special but it all shattered when it turned out to be a time pass, person of convenience.

It takes time to come to the terms of reality, but the question always lingers why?  Why Me?  Does any one know the answer did anyone found one?  Not me and probably will never find one.

Time passes and we continue on.  But not as same as we were, is it?

The past always resurfaces, one day you turn on the radio and you hear Adele singing Someone Like you and bang you find yourself singing your self the song.

Or you come across Writer's Corner and read Elusive Lyrics and walk down the past lane once more.  The time defo heals the wound but always leaves a scar behind to touch once in a while to remember how you got one on the first place.

I didn't intend to write this much...I did...

Will look out for your thread Kiran to check if you have updated.

Wow! Your comment was a story in itself, a story much larger than the realm of Elusive Lyrics. Absolutely beautiful! 😃 I can really feel that you have connected somewhere, and it makes me feel very special, and humbled at the same time 😳 Thank you so much for commenting! Really appreciate it!
..kiran.. thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
A/N: Sorry for the delay in updating. Have been really busy with work, and the workload doesn't look like it will dwindle away anytime soon, so my updates are going to be very scarce for some time :(
5. Dwindling


The sun was out again, albeit subdued by golden mists. I yearned to find a brightened spot in the greener grass on the other side, and lay there, watching the rust-coloured leaves spiral aimlessly about me. Oddly enough, while others might have been reminded of the persistence with which the insensitively serene winter was approaching, I could only find the season passionately endearing. It had that saturated beauty of life just before death, that urgent kind of vivacity. Autumn had to be the most pensive, self-aware of seasons. And to me, it even seemed to ring as the least insincere. Paradoxically so.


It was also the most apt season for long, solitary walks - something which I could only wistfully sigh about, since I was, of course, down with flu. Mummy had called the previous night and had immediately heard through my cheery assurances that I was well. It had felt dismal enough to be missing home, without the additional worry that my parents were now powerlessly worrying about me, so many miles away.


But it meant, naturally, that my two aunties in the country (the naturally decreed and the popularly elected) had been promptly notified of my ailment, and they had dropped in with food and customary health-themed adages to fret over me, in a way that, to my feverish mind then, felt almost similar to the way mummy would have, had I been back home then.  


Theirs was not the only unexpected visit I was to receive. Late in the evening, I heard another knock on the door, this one soft, almost tentative. I groggily unravelled myself from the covers, to find Kabir standing in the chilly corridor. His smile had an odd tinge of sadness to it. Or maybe not. Kabir was one of those people who defied decidedness.


"What are you doing here?" I asked, letting him in. It was only then that I was able to appreciate fully the changes that the other day's rain dance had brought with it - other than the runny nose, that is. Those raindrops I had embraced had somehow washed away all the resentment that I was not aware I still held. Now, I was merely curious.


"Irene said that you were not well," he replied simply. The statement was clearly intended to be self-explanatory.


It felt slightly odd, still, to hear him say Irene's name. But I said nothing of that, and nothing of the fact that Irene herself had not come to visit. Kabir and I had been an odd match from the start. He was one who gave very little of himself away, and I just did not think it proper to probe further into what other people had so firmly chosen not to share, being averse myself to the idea of being scrutinised.


"Oh, it's a minor flu. I'm sure I'll be fine in no time."


"Yes, and then you'd be able to go dance in the rain again," he rebuked gently, pulling out a box of chocolates from his bag, and placing it discreetly, wordlessly on the bed. 


I could just smile, silenced by the confusion I felt, of not knowing what I felt. But then again, even if I could know, what would I have said? When I knew words to be inherently inadequate, limited to logic and reason as they were, as vehicles to convey feelings that so stubbornly transcended rationality...


Perhaps he too felt strangled by the same helplessness. I wished I could decipher through his eyes, that which perhaps lay beyond the few words we exchanged, but those dark distant irises of his remained as inscrutable as ever. I only saw the concern he felt at my being ill then, but no explanation as to why that same concern had been so glaringly absent previously.


"Where are you lost?" he asked.


"Nowhere. Um, thanks for the chocolate. Ferraro Rocher is my favourite, you know?"


"I know," he replied.


And in that split second, I knew I had sensed something almost like pain emanating from him. It seemed to throb in the air still, long after he had smiled it away. He remembered. He had never forgotten. Maybe he even understood how I felt, had felt, far better than Irene could.


After he had left, it dawned upon me that he, and maybe several other people too, were not necessarily multi-faced as I had dismissively assumed, perhaps only to protect myself. Maybe it was merely a case of being multi-faceted - of which, surely, most human beings, if not all, were guilty.


And somehow, just then, I found that there seemed to be no reason anymore to find reasons behind what had already transpired. Somehow, it seemed more compelling to give a chance to that which I understood of him, the inherent goodness that had drawn me to him in the first place, and to recognise that the hurt he had once caused had resulted from a temporary, involuntary lapse of judgment, that he now regretted. This realisation, it seemed to me, I owed to what I had lost and found during my crazy rain dance. And perhaps a special mention was due to Ferraro Rocher too.


Gradually, we became friends him again, although, admittedly, not exactly in the same way we were during the times I felt I had now outgrown. I still liked him, but consciously attempted to root my feelings firmly to the plane of reality we lived in, the matter-of-fact one where reasons overpowered emotions, where there were no princes and princesses, just normal, mostly fallible people. It was hopelessly boring, unmagical, but at least I no longer stood to have my heart broken.


When he needed a place to stay for a week while he waited for his hostel to open, just before the beginning of our second academic year, I allowed him to stay in the extra room of the flat that I was then renting. It had been a week of utmost pandemonium, which we had spent playing pranks on each other and fighting over ice-cream, the television remote, the bathroom, and pretty much anything that could be legitimately fought about - much to my flatmate's despair. The memory of those days still makes me smile, because it was perhaps the first time when he had, uninhibitedly, allowed me more than just a fleeting look of who he truly was. A monkey, that is.


Then, when a semester later, he invited me to go to the Indian Students Society prom with him, after initially turning him down for some unfathomable reason, I agreed to be his date. Of course, his invitation had had to be only a few hours before the prom started, so those few hours had been spent in madly scrambling about for tickets. Once we had those tickets, miraculously, we only had half an hour to find something to wear and get dressed.


I asked him, as we were waiting for the bus to leave, softly, so our friends would not hear, why he had only invited me at the very last minute.


"I'd been wanting to for some time, but I was scared you'd say no."


"And I actually did say no, hey?" I laughed.


"Yes," he chuckled, "But you see, the advantage of asking you when I did, was that you ended up feeling sorry for me because I wouldn't be able to find anybody else at the last minute. And you said yes."


"Smart boy! But if you'd asked me earlier, and I'd said no, you would have still been able to ask somebody else out. Ever thought of that?"


"If you had said no, I wouldn't have gone." That flicker of mirth had left his eyes.


"But you have other friends you could have asked, that would have been dateless then. Irene -"


"I really wanted to go with you."


I had found it hard that day not to feel like a princess, not to dream of new beginnings, this time, I liked to believe, in a somewhat less naive manner. But just a few months later, when I went back to university for my third year, he had already left for London, where his family had settled, and where he would now continue his studies. And he was never to come back again.


It had pained me, because his departure had come at a time when he had begun to open up, to subconsciously question the so-called need to hide behind hollow, unfelt platitudes. And I waited, unsure of what it was that I was waiting for.   


It is only now that I understand, that I know.

Edited by ..kiran.. - 12 years ago
spln thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago

You truly, and ceaselessly, amaze me with your consistency. I read that pre note and just for a flickering second made the absolute mistake of wondering of this chapter might just be rushed... or something. Of course it was a wrong speculation in the first place - and I knew the moment I had read the sentence- Autumn had to be the most pensive, self-aware of seasons. I long exhausted the potential of saying things like I connect with this lead, and many times her circumstances too, even if not the cause as such. I've also literally abused my right to say your writing makes me stop, and read sentences, for the sheer beauty of their expression.

What can I say that is new? Perhaps that Fall has so long been my favorite season, but that I realized only when I read that line why it was so precious, year after year! Why the colorful canvas of spring could take a beat to the earthy and ochre humility... again, and again. The idea of a season being 'self-aware' just made me smile. This is going to sound SO bizzare (I warn you now) and uber-geeky, but reading this lines in your chapters that jump at me makes me wonder if Newton under that apple tree had this feeling?! Of the instance of a falling apple jump at him like something he had seen so long, and taken even longer to recognize?!

But enough of fall. I'm going to forward all through and name my absolute favorite bit - And I waited, unsure of what it was that I was waiting for.  - I had to read this line thrice to convince myself it was written like that, Can't accuse you of speaking (or writing technically) my mind, because I think the thought itself was lingering only in my subconsious so many days... Ironic, that one does in fact know what one waits for. And one hides behind 'not knowing' because an aimless wait is somehow more justified than a far fetched wild reason to wait?!

I think I shall never cease to be amused by how far apart your lead and I are, in circumstance - and yet how strikingly similar reactions and consequences seem to be, to such entirely different situations... like whoa!

And this is the length of my comment when I start off thinking I've lost my words - sigh, brevity.

I suppose I can skip the drill cause you answered the necessary in your pre-note. But take it easy, every chance you can - and hopefully work can cease to be a pain soon enough - hugs!

aish_punk thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
awesome part, as usual :) and aww, i want fast updates, but i understood your position, so take your time. :)
the way you described autumn is indeed beautiful. it was one of those seasons where you just feel like thinking. it can get kind of depressing, but there's a beauty to that season.
so she was down with a flu, and kabir came to visit her. thats sweet :) he even got her favourite choclates. so he remembered? i hope that means something! but she didn't want to assume things, and i wouldn't too, if i was in her place.
kabir wanted to go for the dance only with her. that surely meant he liked her, right? i dont know why people say girls are confusing, when its guys who are the most confusing! :P  i was hoping he would come out with his feelings, but then now he's gone to london, leaving her alone. why did he do that?
i feel really bad for her. she was thinking that there could be something with kabir, but i guess its just not meant to be. and now that he's totally gone from her life, its going to be more painful. atleast before, she could see him everyday and feel happy, but now even thats gone!
thanks for the pm
Newdime thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago

Autumn Song by Sarojini Naidu
Like a joy on the heart of a sorrow,
The sunset hangs on a cloud;
A golden storm of glittering sheaves,
Of fair and frail and fluttering leaves,
The wild wind blows in a cloud.

Hark to a voice that is calling
To my heart in the voice of the wind:
My heart is weary and sad and alone,
For its dreams like the fluttering leaves have gone,
And why should I stay behind?

Edited by Newdime - 12 years ago
Newdime thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago

Originally posted by: ..kiran..

Wow! Your comment was a story in itself, a story much larger than the realm of Elusive Lyrics. Absolutely beautiful! 😃 I can really feel that you have connected somewhere, and it makes me feel very special, and humbled at the same time 😳 Thank you so much for commenting! Really appreciate it!

Story in itself? ðŸ˜› Yes you could say that...it's the nerves I tell ya...just to be pressed on the perfect side and god knows where it's starts and where it ends...some times I re-read my comments and can't recognize it, as it was me who wrote it...nonetheless...it's very rare that you find something that could bring you out from deep and open as a book trying to stay close, but the force of wind does not let it be still...
Pleasure is all mine as it's very rare that my unintelligent mind accept something easily..thank you for making it simple yet intriguing.

thegameison thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago

Yours is a very refined form of writing, and for some reason, your lyrical story isn't elusive to me but the hero's character. I understand all the attributes of this story and daresay, enjoy them huge. Basically, I just don't understand your hero and blame my growing hatred for his kind for that. I'd still like to explore him, what with the exuberance reading this story kindles in me. The protagonist is particularly fascinating to me for the same reason I mentioned earlier. =)

I don't quite have much to say this time, might as well add I am just not in the right frame of head to process my thoughts but this is sheer excellence of a story and that's odder than finding boys drooling over TV heroines in the I-F forums, believe me. 

Thanks for the PM.
Be good. =)

a little faith thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
Kiran, I am truly sorry for this delay.  I came as quickly as I could. ðŸ˜³


I loved your title something that is a process, very active and dynamic.  Yet the term means gradually becoming less so in a poignant way we understand that the end entails nothingness, a black and bold full stop.  In this way you beautifully create a dark ambiance that by its movement is almost spirited. 😕 Did I reach too far? 😆  Regardless I loved it.

subdued by golden mists I liked the wry note here, for by suffusing those clouds in its colour it gives strength to that which now subdues it in return.  Finely done. I also liked the pairing of insensitively serene that hint of peace coming through numbness or rather its coldness that shielded it from being affected in the slightest. Ignorance is bliss as they say. 

I too love Autumn for I am always amazed by its unexpected beauty.  That briefest sadness that comes as we see the fruits and full bloom begin to wilt away, all those colours now reduced to one BUT then within that narrowness of one it gives us so many hues, maybe even more diverse that the many of summer that we are astounded by it and even ashamed for having underestimated it.  I too love the honesty of winter, its bare naked truth reminding us where everything ends.  Very beautiful passage, pensive and creating that lazy lamha after all that recent drama.  Well done.

I loved this set up, where you pave the way so that the reader will conclude she is missing him BUT in fact she is missing herself, or rather her healthy self.  wistfully sigh about...  ...of course, down with flu. Finely crafted!

His smile had an odd tinge of sadness to it I love how you bind all your chapters.  Here the theme of winters approach and those blues that affect most BUT like the first passage, she is uplifted by its sight. So here too that fleck of dark, of cold and of something off brings a certain serenity. 

defied decidedness. 😃 Wonderful.  Well composed.

I love, JUST LOVED how you hint at cleansing process of that rain scene.  It was cathartic for sure but so that she doesn't drown in some existential whirlpool you layer it with that wit so that she remains the same; it is understanding the self with complimenting self mockery. other than the runny nose It is in this layering that I find your writing skills are remarkable. 

The statement was clearly intended to be self-explanatory. 😆😆😆 This is the finest and best description of men and the way they think that I have ever read WITHOUT any kind of overstatement.  Do you know of any other creature that expects so much from so little?  True it is no small feat to say something concisely and yet comprehensive BUT that isn't how most girls work.  Most of us need or rather want things spelled out BECAUSE we understand that everyone carries a customized dictionary, so that what I think love means may not fit your definition. I digress, sorry. Where was I? Oh, yes, perfect line!

being averse myself to the idea of being scrutinised  She really is endearing.  While most people have eyes for everything around them, she understands that though even she has eyes to see the world around her, the world and its inhabitants too have eyes that can see back, so that at a young age unlike many of her peers she perceives much of that which is past her own nose.

Yes, and then you'd be able to go dance in the rain again, KIRAN!  Girl you can write really well.  I mean this moment was so electric the hairs on the back of my neck stood to attention, my eyes opened and I beamed an awesome smile.  In one line he says much.  This statement being quite self-explanatory. 😆😆😆  I was waiting for that chapter where you would explain Kabir BUT you say in one eloquent and simple line what many writers would have elaborated and dissected to death and thereby loosing much intensity of that moment, that final culmination, as with the electricity we find here in this one line!    Furthermore to do that they would have had to break the format being that this story has been told only from her point of view, NO ONE else.  However without breaking format you illuminate so beautifully and much intense electricity that firstly Kabir knows about her rain dance AND that UNLIKE IRENE, who hasn't been to see her and did not understand the rain dance in the first place, HE is enthralled by it!  Kiran, I nearly leapt out of my seat in excitement. You redeemed Kabir through giving him his own epiphany.  I imagined Irene telling him about her losing her mind, dancing in the rain and now that silly girl has a cold' AND ALL THE WHILE, Kabir becoming more and more enamoured, endeared and enchanted.  Kiran just absolutely wonderful writing!

Hmm, though I understand the reasoning of multi faceted people, I can not say that I agree, BUT it is her enormous ability to perceive things with generous kindness that makes me understand her rationality.  We all make mistakes but the best of us are those that try to rectify them.  Some would argue that Kabir just wants his cake and to eat it too BUT in truth it takes a lot of courage to make amends and then seek to see if something might still be.  I like Kabir, though not perfect he shows much development and for me that means more.  When we look into the night's sky we pick out the brightest stars and overlook the fact that those dimly lit ones though less clear are shining out light that has had to travel further.  It is about the journey travelled NOT the end results.  Kabir's light may be dimmer but it has faced and survived much darkness, AND just upon that final spark left, like Autumn that penultimate season. 

Again that wistful wisdom layered with wit. more than just a fleeting look of who he truly was. A monkey, that is. 😆

unfathomable reason Again without venturing into dear diary dissections, you say much and allow us to meander, doing the leg work.  We can imagine that trepidation, that last vestige of fear that holds her back, even just the awkwardness of it all or even her disinclination for such events despite her inclination towards fairytales and such nonsense.

Then that beautiful self explanatory statement If you had said no, I wouldn't have gone.  Spelled out for people for whom it isn't their mother tongue I really wanted to go with you.😆😆😆 Really cute! Although I understand her obtuseness, for after the whole Irene business she has raised the dial on her sensitivity meter, which any level headed person would have done out of caution.  It is a part of Kabir's penance that he must now carry the burden and onus of proof beyond a reasonable doubt!

Then those closing paragraphs reminding me why you are a talented writer.  With this slow winding up of events, I couldn't help but feel that this might be the final chapter BUT then that twist, clever and intricate in the spiritual sense whilst being natural and simple in the physical sense.  Excellently done.  Then that wisdom at the end that impressed me manifold.

I waited, unsure of what it was that I was waiting for Unlike before where there was that need for certainty, of needing to know what fruit lay at the end of her anticipation and expectations here she is just grateful for the journey and ready to appreciate whatever end it may bring.  It is a dwindling and yet bringing with a contentment. 

It is only now that I understand, that I know. This is very personal and every reader will add their own subtext as viewed through their own heart's lens. As a writer one of the delights of writing is that people interpret or even assume much by their own world views so that when they review or criticize they actually reveal more about the state of their own soul that the state of the piece of writing.  I love getting to know people through this medium. It seems almost sly.  So anyway, I read through other comments to see how people interpreted it.  As for my own, I read it to mean that that since she is narrating the whole from the end of the story, she knows the truth, that truth that she can not reveal now because she doesn't want to taint this chapter update with hindsight perspective. She wants to write it as the person she was when it happened.  So that the honesty of winter and its cold harshness has indeed brought that cold yet serene numbness.  What truth that is I do not know but since the season is turning colder I would surmise that it isn't a fairy tale ending.  It came too late for her and Kabir and since he truly loved her he didn't want to begin something he could not finish EVEN if he could gain a few moments of bliss from it.  Maybe in this way he feels that it is his penance for Irene, that lesson of realizing that love is found through a beautiful character NOT a beautiful body.  Not that I am saying that she isn't beautiful, for I am sure to Kabir she has become the most beautiful girl in the world.

Kiran as always a remarkably written chapter that was full of wonderful insight and a delight to read.  Very impressive. 

With much love, Sabah
Edited by a little faith - 12 years ago
..kiran.. thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago

Originally posted by: spln


You truly, and ceaselessly, amaze me with your consistency. I read that pre note and just for a flickering second made the absolute mistake of wondering of this chapter might just be rushed... or something. Of course it was a wrong speculation in the first place - and I knew the moment I had read the sentence- Autumn had to be the most pensive, self-aware of seasons.

It's my fav line. I was quite pleased with myself when it popped out 😳
I long exhausted the potential of saying things like I connect with this lead, and many times her circumstances too, even if not the cause as such. I've also literally abused my right to say your writing makes me stop, and read sentences, for the sheer beauty of their expression.
I always try to respond to your comments with half as much eloquence as they exude, but all that comes to mind is a bunch of smileys. Because reading, re-reading and recalling your comments make me so happy! But if I'd just reply in smileys, that would be even more woefully inadequate than thanks, not to mention very lamely teen-like 😆 So I'll just say thank you for never failing to make me smile! Truly mean that!
What can I say that is new? Perhaps that Fall has so long been my favorite season, but that I realized only when I read that line why it was so precious, year after year! Why the colorful canvas of spring could take a beat to the earthy and ochre humility... again, and again. The idea of a season being 'self-aware' just made me smile.
That line again! 😃 I really can't get the thought out of my mind that seasons are like people, or at least that they try to say something to us. The colours of spring are more like in-your-face bright and peppy - which, although I'd welcome after months of winter, I have never quite found truly interesting or convincing even. Kinda gets boring after the first week. Autumn, on the other hand, seems to be more mature. More my type 😉 ðŸ˜†
This is going to sound SO bizzare (I warn you now) and uber-geeky, but reading this lines in your chapters that jump at me makes me wonder if Newton under that apple tree had this feeling?! Of the instance of a falling apple jump at him like something he had seen so long, and taken even longer to recognize?!
You're right, that is uber-geeky! Therefore, I love it! That makes perfect sense 😃

But enough of fall. I'm going to forward all through and name my absolute favorite bit - And I waited, unsure of what it was that I was waiting for.  - I had to read this line thrice to convince myself it was written like that, Can't accuse you of speaking (or writing technically) my mind, because I think the thought itself was lingering only in my subconsious so many days... Ironic, that one does in fact know what one waits for. And one hides behind 'not knowing' because an aimless wait is somehow more justified than a far fetched wild reason to wait?!
Wow! I must confess, I didn't think of it that way. But that is so, so true! It's weird that we should find it so hard to be entirely honest to ourselves, and that we so confidently try to disguise truths that we know we know, deep down. Who are we kidding, right? Yet, day in and day out, that's how we roll 😆

I think I shall never cease to be amused by how far apart your lead and I are, in circumstance - and yet how strikingly similar reactions and consequences seem to be, to such entirely different situations... like whoa!
(bunch of smileys) - which sounds better than 😃😃😃😃😃? Wish you could see me. Would make things so much simper. For a wannabe writer, I am extremely clumsy at communication, I know 😆

And this is the length of my comment when I start off thinking I've lost my words - sigh, brevity.

I suppose I can skip the drill cause you answered the necessary in your pre-note. But take it easy, every chance you can - and hopefully work can cease to be a pain soon enough - hugs!


Thank you so much for the comment, NJ!! 😃 I was scared you might not realise I'd updated since I didn't PM you so it was such a pleasant surprise to find that you were the first to comment (so my telepathy thing worked!)
Love your feedback, always! 😳
Exes and oh's.
..kiran.. thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago

Originally posted by: aish_punk

awesome part, as usual :) and aww, i want fast updates, but i understood your position, so take your time. :)

Thank you Aish! 😃 Glad you liked it! Yeah, unfortunately, I'll have to. Would not like to put up something half-heartedly. And it would be hard to write something reasonably ok in these trying times. Thanks for understanding. 
the way you described autumn is indeed beautiful. it was one of those seasons where you just feel like thinking. it can get kind of depressing, but there's a beauty to that season.
True. Maybe it's the 'depressing' bits that make it beautiful because they give the season depth - they make you want to think, like you said.
so she was down with a flu, and kabir came to visit her. thats sweet :) he even got her favourite choclates. so he remembered? i hope that means something! but she didn't want to assume things, and i wouldn't too, if i was in her place.
That's the thing, though. You know it means something, but what? Sigh. There are so many unanswered questions.
kabir wanted to go for the dance only with her. that surely meant he liked her, right? i dont know why people say girls are confusing, when its guys who are the most confusing! :P 
High-five! 😃 That is so true. I think the thing is that guys tend to be more inclined towards projecting a certain image of themselves - rather than just being themselves and speaking out their hearts, even if it means being hurtfully blunt.  Oh and then, they are generally majorly confused. So that makes them confusing 😆
i was hoping he would come out with his feelings, but then now he's gone to london, leaving her alone. why did he do that?
Why indeed? Well, he didn't really have a choice in the matter. It was a family decision. That would be the boring factual-type answer. More interestingly, the real, ,more meaningful answer to that question, as is the case with so many other questions, might only surface later, when one is able to view that microscopic event as part of the general scheme of things, like one would perceive a single note as part of a symphony. Maybe, later, it will all make sense.
i feel really bad for her. she was thinking that there could be something with kabir, but i guess its just not meant to be. and now that he's totally gone from her life, its going to be more painful. atleast before, she could see him everyday and feel happy, but now even thats gone!
I love how you empathise with the protagonist, and interpret her state of mind! 😳 I find it so incredibly sweet, the way you engage with the story. Seeing that it's partly autobiographical, I feel, somehow, comforted, if you know what I mean.
thanks for the pm

Thank you for commenting! 😃 Really appreciate it!