U agree"Drashti is my Superstar"read it if yes. - Page 7


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Posted: 13 years ago
Fakingly excellent Drashti Dhami,the miscarriage track will surely give Drashti Dhami a plot,ground to show how good a fakester she is,I mean an actress,as she said once,iacting is pure fakingand she is the best fakester in TV industry
Posted: 13 years ago
I praised her from heart and now she will face criticism from heart
Posted: 13 years ago
 Drashti Dhami is my sweetheart super star" my statement and many used to get irriated with my over exxageration as always,offcourse...cant help it,I dont like anbody easily and when i do I dont hate them easily...

The moment miscarriage was shown everyone around me started bashing Drashti with reference to the article in Times,I found it stupid but then realised many fans themselves demanded miscarriage during early days of Geet...my relatives and friends asked me to write something about it so that the channel atleast clarifies the reason,becoz Times of India carries alot of respect and people take the series Geet far more seriously than they shud...

As said immediately in the articles written by me and only Anamika Gaur got it...as i said..

" Sometime to gain support in favour of your superstar you have to write against them,becoz that provokes and urges true fans to atleast write in favour of the actor,simple human tendency,used in favour of Drashti but the only problem with such a strategy is,the person who takes the initiative risks the possibility of facing wrath and consequences"

It was fun arguing with Indep Gal who seemed to be on mission to teach me a lesson in favour of my fav superstar,Drashti Dhami...

Guys,if you are not heard then you shud make sure that some how you are heard...

I thought by now the channle and makers wud have realised how seriously fans take Geet and it is the most talked about series,so it is important for them to tackle and make sure no rumour affects series and when it is about the leads then definitely not.

Public Relationship management in simple terms...

Well,I dont know whether the matter has reached the right place but atleast I can say,

"Three cheers to Barry and Manish who have caught the nerve which appeals fans and more importantly the director Maan Singh,who is consistent as ever...

Though I feel,the miscarriage track was not required and will result in complications when it comes to extending the future track...but was needed to take the Maaneet story forward in a manner which wud appeal fans..

Inshort it was a result of previous blunders made by the writing and the creative team.

Whatever,the current treatment is what appeals fans and simple day to day events with Drashti and Gurmeet in it are good enough to slowly take the series back on track but without Arjun and Annie..

Vikrant Khatri accepts not many like him but need not prove his loyalty and dedication for Drashti Dhami in particular which is beyond any diplomacy and personal gain.

Posted: 13 years ago
Geet's character will never be played again becoz even Drashti wud be unaware of her actual potentials
Posted: 13 years ago
Ooops apologies and no hard feelings,I am just feeling sorry for the character Maan Singh Khurana.

What is even more sad is I am feeling bad for a fictional character which will change according to the way makers want,so no issues,at the end of the day it is a fiction.

Hehehehehehe now that is indeed sad,writing for a fictional character which will indeed teach you something about how stupid women can be.

But still,Maan's nature justified from a man's point of view.

He is the ideal personality most men wud hate to follow,becoz he is too idolised by writers of Geet but he is the ideal man every women or most women wud love to have as life partner.

Geet giving credit to Dev for she being happy and smiling..

So what,any man who loves his women alot wud be happy and feel good to see his partner happy and smiling after a tragedy as big as what happened to Geet and wud bother least who made her happy and smile.

But if the person happens to be the one who slept with your wife and is her ex hubby,real father of the child and above all is the one who cheated her and left her alone and when she was left alone you were there for her,you accept her with her past,you stand by her and support her in every circumstances,you marry her and assure her that the child was his and after doing all this you hear your wife praising the one who did all the misdoings earlier,your heart wud bleed and wud bleed so badly that you wud even consider of taking the extreme step of getting seperated.

Simple human tendency and one of the seven sins "jealously"

No man or women wud ever entertain the opposite partner praising and giving credit to the culprit who ruined their life.

For some reason writers end up ruining Geet's character every 60 episodes.

Now she is praising the one who ruined her life and above all is making her own husband feel incompetant and not good enough to understand her when she was upset and in depression.

For some reason writers always potray Geet a bit selfish,some girl who feels her sorrow and pain is so high that anyone managing to make her happy is a hero.

Poor Maan Sing Khurana,he made a mistake of moving baby's memories and became a big culprit in eyes of Geet and on the other hand culprit Dev despite doing the worst possible misdoings is getting praises for his small gestures.

Well that is something you wud call selfishness by Geet and for some it is stupidity by Geet but trust me on this there are women in the society as selfish as Geet.

For those who feel it is ok to praise a person like Dev who also saved your hubbie's life,I am really sorry,no man can ever accept his wife saying what Geet said about Dev and that is why Maan Singh Khurana is such a great character.

Well Selfishness by Geet at pathetic best,she proudly tells Maan why she was happy and because of whom she was happy,forgetting the fact that her husband too was upset with the tragedy and above all was feeling guilty for moving the memories and she jumps in to make him feel even more guilty by praising the culprit in her life.

All this despite a fictional set up to give Gurmeet a 8 day break....but in the process they end up ruining Geet's character yet again.

Maan and Geet were always loved for the fact

" Love for Geet in Maan's eyes and respect for Maan in Geet's eyes"

Something which drove fans crazy and make them feel they are real and someone to idolise.

It was November 2010 when I had suggested the makers to take day to day general issues and show the society how to deal with it taking Maan and Geet as characters and Drashti and Gurmeet as actors becoz it will have an impact.

But unfortunately the writers end up showing what I guess every daily soap does and rightly so to move the story forward.

It feels bad for a character like Maan and one feels Geet does not deserve a person like Maan Singh Khurana when she is shown doing such stupid acts,which offcourse is an outcome of someone's stupid thought who is just incapable of handling the real life situation in a better manner and despite knowing how highly fans feel for the characters Maaneet,somehow they manage to degarde the characters with some illogical plot.

Love for Geet in Maan's eyes was always shown but with time respect for Maan in Geet's eyes faded and made their pair look very substandard and nothing special.

1) Be it Geet running away from the engagement party.

2) Be it Geet rejecting Maan infront of clients and media

3) Be it Geet now,praising Dev despite knowing Maan hates it alot and all this when she knows she is married to the person who was there with her when she was in the worst possible condition and the one who gave her new dreams and taught her to fight and survive in society.

At the end of the day,one feels it is highly stupid thinking and writing for a character which is fictional,but mind it,people do keep in mind the things seen on TV and do develop perceptions in real life and if it happens to be an impact from Maan and Geet then many take it far more seriously than they shud.

The way writers potray Geet as one selfish girl who thinks about her own pain,one seriously feels bad and hopes a character like Maan Singh Khurana retaliates,but he wud not becoz that wud mess up things.

But certainly if I was Maan Singh Khurana,then the next plot wud be Maan certainly misunderstanding Geet for all right reasons and teaching her a good lesson and that would be,

" If you cannot understand your life partner and his or her feelings,and continue to prove your point without understanding its impact,you are bound to face its consequences and that too some serious ones"

It matters least what is shown in Geet these days becoz the writers have already killed and messed up with the characters Maan and Geet,but you certainly feel sad for the team which does not do justice to their USP.

GVN wishes everyone good night and is happy to see Manchester United win against Bolton in the 88th minute.

Posted: 13 years ago
do thank her and wish her on completing one year..
Posted: 13 years ago
will she still continue be ur super star...do u like her as Geet or Drashti?
Posted: 13 years ago
Smriti Irani one actor who was similar both in real and reel and that is why she was respected so much by the TV audiences.
I still remember my dad abusing "Parvati" when her show came at 10 pm and loving "Tulsi" at 10.30 pm and I never use to bother,unless my fav character "Ansh Gujraal" landed with his sensational attitude,character to hate and a very very apealing background music.
That was the only time I watch "Kyuki" regularly and that was the only period when that soap was great and fun to watch.
"Ansh character was brought to an end by a super sensational dramatic scene where Tulsi shoots her own son who rapes her daughter in law.
Ekta Kapoor's most horrible plots of mixing characters which really irritated men in the family as they felt helpless against women members.
"Tulsi" was praised for her act and rightly so...
Few years later comes "Geet" and does something unacceptable and forgives her rapist..
Though team Geet is far more superior than ekta mata's team..but they loose ground in justifying the theme on which the series was designed and end up showing Geet one looser who not only looses her self respect but also does something which wud hurt feelings of millions watching it.
Hmm why take it seriously?
Had it not been a social issue then who takes it seriously..
But when the channel and producers are dealing with social issues they shud also respect the feelings of fans associated with such series as they relate to social issues on which the series are made.
Well,enough of this lecture on a forum which is for blind and immature fans and where moderators dont have the sense and competancy to understand what is supposed to be banned and what is supposed to be highlighted and reffered to the makers.
At the end of the day,Geet lags way behind and I dont know for what she will be remembered and Tulsi is a clear winner and so is Smriti Irani when it comes to being a thorough Professional.

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Posted: 13 years ago
Drashti Dhami is already a super STAR