June 2nd Written Updt

tanu001 thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago

Hey guys! Sorry for the late postings, my schedules been so hectic! But tomorrow's update will be on time. Today's episode was a good one to watch! The scenes between the family were hilarious, and I won't lie, Samar's expressions and dialogues in the first part were so funny too! Seriously a much needed episode! Definitely enjoyed it!

Part 1:

At the hospital:
Sushma puts everything together and figures out that it is the same Pammi who is in the mental institution

At the house:
Everyone is having breakfast together. Indu teases Heer and tells her she should make breakfast for Omi and get use to it. As Heer gives it Omi doesn't let go of her hand and everyone teases them. Omi see's Mati walk by taking some chai and biscuits for Pitai and questions her; she tells him he doesn't feel like eating breakfast and she hopes he'll eat the biscuits. Omi tells everyone that although Pitai has forgiven them it seems like he hasn't forgotten what happened yet.

In their bedroom, Babbu tells Yash that the kids have said sorry for what they all asked so she doesn't understand why he's avoiding them now. Yash explains that although the kids have apologized, he still isn't able to look them in their eyes. He tells her he isn't able to live with all the questions that are in their eyes.

Downstairs, Heer makes a signal at Omi and Omi nods and tells everyone that he'll go get Pitai. As he gets up to go he faints and everyone starts panicking. (Samar at this scene is so hilarious! His part is a must-watch!) Everyone calls Yash and Babbu and they see Omi fainted and panic as-well. Heer explains that since Yash never ate, Omi decided not to either and that could be why he fainted. Omi opens his eyes (Once again Samar made me laugh so hard) and Yash tries to feed him. Omi tells him he has to eat first and tries to force Yash to eat. Samar realizes whats going on and tells Omi what a nice joke he played trying to pretend that he fainted. Yash gets mad and Omi tries to pacify him. Heer signals some more stuff and Omi tells Yash he should sing for them. Yash refuses and Omi starts singing (this is a hilarious scene) and Yash interrupts him and tells him he's wrong and starts singing. They sing together and everyone joins in. Omi goes towards Heer and tells her that her idea to make Yash happy again was a good one. He grabs her hand and Samar notices this and thinks to himself that his great plan was foiled.

At the hospital:
Sushma tells the nurse whose wheeling Pammi to stop. She bends down and looks at her and says 'Pammi!' She asks the nurse questions about Pammi and then asks if she's okay. The nurse tells her she fell the night before and got hurt, and that they had called the family members but no one had showed up. Sushma asks if Pammi has any family and the nurse tells her she can't reveal anything and leaves. Sushma gets excited that she's found Pammi and can't believe how good her luck is and how fast Pammi was found. She decides she must find out everything about her secret

Part 2:

At the house:
Yash and Babbu are leaving and Yash asks her if she's grabbed the card. Omi stops them and asks where they are going and Yash tells him that they are going to deliver some cards and takes out the card to show Omi. Omi tells Yash he feels that Yash hasn't forgiven them because he's trying to justify his actions. Yash and Omi share a cute moment.

Sushma calls Samar and tells him that she's found Pammi. She tells him she looks exactly like she did in the picture and that she's in a hospital in Udampur. She tells Samar to join her.

Outside the house, Yash and Babbu are leaving and Yash is in deep thought; he tells her he feels like they are betraying the kids by not telling them the truth. He wonders what will happen if they find out the secret but Babbu tells him that they are not lying because they can't control the situation. Yash tells Babbu that if the incident hadn't happened then Pammi would be between them also sharing the wedding happiness. He feels that if Heer and Omi's wedding happens, then all the happiness will return to their house and their sins will be cleared.

At the hospital:
Sushma and Samar search for Pammi; Sushma stops the nurse who was wheeling Pammi earlier and asks where 'Pammi' is. The nurse asks who Pammi is and tells them that the woman she was wheeling is Parmeela. They realize her nickname could be Pammi and try to go find her but the nurse stops them and tells them that without permission they can't go meet a patient. Sushma tries to use the CM's wife as a reference but the nurse tells her rules are rules and they go meet the doctor.

Part 3:

Sushma and Samar go meet the doctor and Sushma uses emotional dialogue to persuade the doctor to meet Pammi. The doctor explains that Pammi isn't crazy she is silent all the time, she also tells them that to meet the patient they need the permission of the guardian. Samar asks who the guardian is and the doctor tells them it's Yashal Khajuria. Samar and Sushma are shocked and Samar thinks to himself that it's time Yash's truth is revealed.

Babbu and Yash walk in the hospital at the same time Samar and Sushma are walking out. Samar see's Babbu and Yash and the episode ends on Sushma's shocked face.



Here's Some Pictures From The Episode 😊


Edited by tanu001 - 16 years ago


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ShinyGirl thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago
thanks for the amazing update