Passion of Love - Ch 131- Pg 49 - Page 34



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coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 24 days ago

chapter 97

Anantika is beginning to understand the stakes better. How will she control Prithvi's obsession?

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 24 days ago

Lakha is providing one benefit for Vasant. That is the only thing that is preventing Avantika from harming Vasant.

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 24 days ago

chapter 98

Is Prithvi getting affected by childhood memories? He still keeps the ring with him.

NostalgiaLove thumbnail
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Posted: 24 days ago

Chapter 99

In night

Prithvi was lost in his thoughts. He was alone in his room.

Dasi entered- Maharaj, Rajkumari Avantika is here to see you. 

Prithvi- Avantika? Let her in. 

Avantika entered wearing a dress which Prithvi gifted her on her 17th Birthday. Prithvi saw her and remember her gifting the dress. That day they had a lot of fun because on her birthday they went to Mahadev's mandir to take blessings for their love. 

Prithvi got tears in his eyes remembering the past but he tried to hide it with strength face. 

Avantika- How are you Prithvi?

Prithvi- What do you have to say now? 

Avantika- Nothing, I prepared these ladoos for you. Your guards have checked it. If you want I will eat one to prove my innocence 

Prithvi- Why are you explaining it so much? 

Avantika- I have lost your trust...she fake gain sympathy. 

Prithvi- You could have given me these ladoos in morning, why in night? Who eats ladoos in night?

Avantika teary eyed-  Maharaj is so busy with his queen now-a-days I didn't know when you will be available next so grabbed the opportunity. 

Prithvi took a laddoo and ate it. 

Prithvi- It's delicious, thanks 

Avantika put the plate on the table and turned to leave....

Avantika thought- Prithvi stop me, please stop me ...

Prithvi- Avantika...

She smiled and turned-Yes?

Prithvi- Ah nothing...

Avantika smiled and left ..

She thought- I will remind you Prithvi that I am the only one in your heart. Vasantmitra was just a phase, she will fade away from your heart soon. 

Prithvi closed his eyes........

Avantika came to meet Kanak

Avantika- Maa, teer nishane pe lag raha hai. Prithvi has started getting emotional remembering our past. 

Kanak- Well done my dear, Prithvi us leaving for that famous temple of Mahadev soon. He might want Vasantmitra to go with him. You tag along with them and there you do something that makes Vasantmitra leave Prithvi forever. She took her chin and said- Understand my princess. 

Avantika- I don't care about her leaving or staying. I don't mind her in Antahpura as no matter what Prithvi wants her and I will not deny him anything which makes him happy, but she will fall from favours soon. 

Kanak- Fine dear, but get success soon. 

Avantika- Don't worry maa, by hook or crook I will win. They both laughed.

Next day

Vasantmitra and Kamla were walking in the garden in early morning. 

Vasantmitra- It's just two months before completion of this year and then you and Prithvi will get married. How are you feeling. 

Kamla- I am nervous tbh

Vasantmitra- Don't be, I will ensure you look the most beautiful bride that day. 

Kamla sadly smiled and said- It's must be really hard for you. Right?

Vasantmitra got tears in her eyes and said- And for you too, right?

Kamla- I am an alliance, you are his love. There's a big difference. 

Vasantmitra- Prithvi loves me but somehow I fear that I might lose him. 

Kamla- Why? He is crazy about you. 

Vasantmitra remembered Avantika's ring and felt deep pain in her heart. 

Vasantmitra- him Kamla....and she started crying hugging her..

Kamla- What happened?  Why are you crying? 

She wiped her tears and said- Nothing, sometimes I am just too overwhelmed. 

They both continued talking....

Samagra and Vaishali were traveling....They were in a carriage.  

Vaishali- Samagra, I got a letter from Virochana, he was asking updates of what I have done so far.

Samagra- What did you tell him? 

Vaishali- I simply told him I am trying to make you fall in love with me. He wants me to  attack the new queen and put blame on Rajmata Kanak making son-mother away from each other. He knows that Rajmata doesn't like Vasantmitra because of her commoner origins. 

Samagra- What else he knows about Vasantmitra? 

Vaishali- He has asked update of her lineage from me. 

Samagra anxious- Listen to me very carefully Vaishali, tell Virochana that Vasantmitra is a daughter of some....ah......a.....farmer, okay, a normal farmer. He fell in love with Vasantmitra because she was beautiful and in her influence he made her queen. Ok, never tell him about her true origins. 

Vaishali- Why are you so distressed? I don't know her origins that minutely. 

Samagra- Fine, just lie and only lie about Vasantmitra, no real story okay ..just think that you are saving your sister.

Vaishali confused- Ok she thought- My sister? 

NostalgiaLove thumbnail
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Posted: 24 days ago

Chapter 100

Prithvi was talking with his Amatyas.

Prithvi- Mahamatya, we have got news that Bhadradev is planning something devilish again but we don't know just yet What. 

Mahamatya- Don't worry Maharaj, our men are eveready to face Bhadradev. 

Prithvi- Good, this is what I expected. He thought- Did I do a blunder by sending Samagra so far away. Was I jealous of his excessive care for Vasantmitra. Ugh...I hope he comes back soon. He's my best friend and confidant. 

Vasantmitra was practicing sword she was doing it Lakha came. 

Lakha- Will you have a match with me?

Vasantmitra angry- I don't want to talk to you. 

Lakha smirked- Come on, just one match. Or have your skills declined since you became a trophy in this palace. 

Vasantmitra- Don't you forget you are talking to your queen. 

Lakha laughed- Queen? Except you no one in this Empire thinks that. I bet even Prithvi only gives you lip service. What is in you to be a queen? He doesn't even involve you in his decisions and look at Avantika, he still admires her and respects her opinions. 

Vasantmitra- What do you mean? 

Lakha- Avantika told him about Bhadradev's important plans which she secretly got from her mother. 

Vasantmitra- Oh so now she is is desperate she is being a traitor of her own father. 

Lakha- That's not the point, the point is he still values her. That's love. Not being obsessed with someone's beauty. 

His words hurt her real bad. 

Vasantmitra- Then who are you? You are the one to talk? 

He came towards her and said- I never claimed I was a good man....and he evil laughed........and he left leaving an anxious and distressed Vasantmitra. 

She remembered words of Shaka and Samagra and it started echoing in her ears. She put her hands on her ears and shouted- Stop.....Stop......

Dasi came- Maharani what happened? Are you ok? 

Vasantmitra shouted- I am not a Maharani.....she cried- I am not a Maharani....and she ran towards her room.

That Dasi quickly went to tell this to Prithvi and when he got to know of it he came to meet her. 

She was on her bed crying.......he came and she did realised. She was crying with her eyes closed and when he saw this, he kissed her. She got shocked and pushed him away. 

Prithvi- What is it? Why are you crying? 

Vasantmitra sat and kept crying...seeing her stare Prithvi was going crazy...

Prithvi- I beg you, please tell me who hurt you? I will punish him or her... whosever....I will punish....he got tears as well, I can't bear to see you cry. 

Vasantmitra- Really? 

Prithvi- Yes

Vasantmitra- Then set me free. 

Prithvi- What?

Vasantmitra- You only married me because you wanted me and I wasn't ready to submit to you. I don't want this fake concern of yours. 

Prithvi- Why are you suddenly behaving so strange? What's your problem? 

Vasantmitra- My problem is that Prithvi, I don't think you love me. You only wanted me that's it. 

Prithvi- What made you think that?

Vasantmitra- Why are you still keeping that ring with you? 

Prithvi- It's a diamond ring, you want me throw away a DIAMOND ring? I am a king but that doesn't mean I go on throwing diamonds to show I am rich. 

Vasantmitra became dumbstruck.

Prithvi- You women and your jealousy. Ugh.....

Vasantmitra- It's not about throwing a diamond ring. Why are you keeping it with yourself, in your pocket? 

Prithvi angry- Vasantmitra, listen to me very , very carefully. If I want to marry again, I will. I love you but that doesn't mean if I want an alliance I won't marry again. 

Vasantmitra- It's not about alliance, it's about love, do you love me? And I only mean love, keep desires separated from love.

Prithvi- What do you mean? 

Vasantmitra- Love is something which only keeps happiness of your beloved yourself.

Prithvi pulled her in his arms and said in her ears- Vasantmitra.......I Love You and only you. Do you love me?

Vasantmitra- More than my own life. 

Prithvi smiled.....- Then throw your doubts away and keep my happiness above you.

He started kissing her..........

Vasantmitra thought- Seems like it's futile to talk to him. If he doesn't want he will not tell me why he keeps the ring with himself, if he wants to marry Avantika he will, if he wants to throw me away he will......I have no control on my own life...

He pinned her to the wall and looked in her eyes- Your eyes, they captured my heart when I first saw them. How can you not believe I love you. He ran her fingers on her waist and then on her neck......

Prithvi- You are my love one can take your place... don't care for what others say or think....he caressed her face and kissed her forehead. 

Vasantmitra- I am sorry, Lakha said something to me and I got carried away. 

Prithvi angry- What the hell was he doing near you. This time if he does something I won't even care for uncle. 

Vasantmitra- Forget about him....How I make up to you? 

He caressed her lips and said- you know very well.....

She gave a flirtatious look to him and kissed his earlobe..  and ran her fingers on his back....she removed his upper cloth....and he pulled her towards him by grabbing her waist.......

She saw him in his eyes and got mesmerized, she said- You don't even know how much I love you Prithvi. 

Prithvi hugged her......she threw him on the bed and this time she was very loving towards him. 

Samagra and Vaishali reached their destination and they involved themselves in their work and they did a pretty good job. In just two weeks they defeated their enemies. The news reached Prithvi and he celebrated it with Vasantmitra and his friends excluding Lakha. 

NostalgiaLove thumbnail
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Posted: 24 days ago

Special Chapter 

Prithvi and Vasantmitra were in their personal garden in night. Prithvi had given her a beautiful garden as a gift. Only her and her maids were allowed to go in that garden which had different types of beautiful trees and flowers. 

Prithvi and Vasantmitra were sitting on a swing. She had her head on his shoulder. 

Prithvi- I am so happy Samagra won my dear. I knew he would be victorious. 

Vasantmitra- You are so blessed that people around you are so loyal towards you. He smiled while he caressed her head. This is so peaceful Prithvi, only you and me and this beautiful moonlight. 

Prithvi- Yes, this moonlight and your beauty, perfect combination. He saw her with mesmerized and caring eyes. He took her hand and kissed it. 

Vasantmitra- What is going on in the court? What am I hearing about Bhadradev planning something?

Prithvi- Bhadradev wants to attack us but not now. I am trying to find out what exactly he is planning next. This time he is being very cautious. It's impossible to honey trap because he is mourning his dead queen. He loved her very much. 

Vasantmitra- Is this the same queen whose jewels I stole? 

Prithvi- I guess so...I heard her name was something like Laki, Loki...oh yeah .....Lachi. 

The name gave a jolt to Vasantmitra and she didn't understand why. She felt emotional. 

Vasantmitra- Lachi

Prithvi- Yes Lachi, I have got to know he loved her so much he was once even ready to leave everything and live with her in her village. 

Vasantmitra- He may not be a good person but he's a better husband and lover. 

Prithvi annoyed- Better than whom? 

Vasantmitra- Obviously.......You.....

Prithvi- Oh yeah How? 

Vasantmitra- Would you still mourn me if I die? 

Prithvi put his hands on her mouth and said- If you utter these words then I will die right here right now. She put her hand on his mouth. 

Vasantmitra- Never say something like this. 

Prithvi smiled- One day I will prove you that no one can love you more than me. 

Vasantmitra became overwhelmed......

Meanwhile Samagra and Vaishali were staying in two tents separately. 

Samagra came to meet Vaishali. 

Samagra- Vaishali you did a wonderful job.... without your help my win won't be possible. How can I ever pay you back?

Vaishali- By fulfilling your promise to make Mahishmati prosperous and my father happy again. 

Samagra smiled- I will....

Suddenly it started raining as he wanted to go out. 

Vaishali- Stay here.....ah till the rain stops.

Samagra- It's just's fine...

Vaishali- Come on...we are friends right? 

Samagra uncomfortable but he stayed. 

Vaishali and Samagra sat but there was an awkward situation as they rarely talked except about their mission.

Vaishali thought- He really looks so good. How come he only has one wife. He must really love her. 

Samagra thought- I hope Prithvi is taking good care of Vasantmitra and Prarthna won't be too anxious. It might affect our child. 

He noticed Vaishali seeing him who suddenly saw the other way....

He got up and said- I must go, no matter if it rains. As he was about to go she grabbed his hand. 

Vaishali- Arya....

Samagra shocked- What?

Vaishali- I am also your wife Samagra...

Samagra- What the hell do you mean Vaishali?

She came towards him and hugged him....She said- I love you....

Samagra was shocked to core of his soul 

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 23 days ago

chapter 99

Avantika is leaving no stone unturned to melt Prithvi. It is working too to some level.

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 23 days ago

Avantika may be underestimating what Prithvi feels for Vasant. She is not a passing phase.

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 23 days ago

If Virochana gets even a hint of Vasant's origins, he will put the pieces together.

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 23 days ago

chapter 100

It doesn't take long for Vasant to get insecure when someone says something. She knows people will always talk.