~ Safarnaama ~ An Armaan-Abhira FF - Part Twenty-Two (01.06.2024) - Page 24

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checky88 thumbnail
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Posted: 24 days ago

I read it all in one go and I don’t know what to say but you are amazingly talented. That’s some brilliant writing!!!So much of detailing on the psychology of each character…🥹🥹 ❤️❤️ The way the show is going is so - I don’t know what to say - there’s so much of potential to explore the characters but no - they will not . They’ll just tread the same beaten path again and again to death. Sometimes I wish why itv dramas cannot be a collection of short stories - when you stretch a story over months and months together then logic just exits through the back door. 
Once again , beautifully written and thank you for writing this .
I will just take this story with me for closure because I can’t watch or deal with the rubbish dished out in the name of content on the show anymore . 
Hopefully you have a bit more to write on Armaan and Abhira’s journey together and how they discover themselves and each other, how they make a family together because it something they’ve cruelly been denied by fate yet always craved for …❤️

Edited by checky88 - 24 days ago
arshisimple thumbnail
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Posted: 24 days ago

This was fabulous!! I love the portrayal of different emotions!! Abhira was so heartbroken and rightfully so!! She wanted a closure but I don’t think it’s worth it anymore!! Her only family was Akshara and she is not there so now she just needs to think what she wants or that’s how I feel!! Maybe some reconciliation with Goenkas but not sure if she can consider them family!! Her only family now is Armaan and I am so glad that even in this situation they found each other 💕 very well written part as always 💕

Nocturnal7 thumbnail
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Posted: 24 days ago
I read this and the previous chapter together and I am glad. This was so poignant and excruciatingly beautiful. Abhira's grief, the way you have penned it, is so palpable. I could vividly picturise every single moment happening. Idk if I have said this before, but I am specifically a fan of how you have the correct amount and correct way of describing emotions which are complex to portray, Abhira's indecisiveness for example, beautifully written. The best thing I got out of the show is probably this fanfic and not the show itself. I can read this chapter and literally every other chapter again and again. And btw, thank you for adding that Armaan taking care of Abhira scene, 'cause I have been longing to read something that emotionally intimate yet simplistic, something you write with such an unmatched ease. Your story probably won't require any more of such scenes but damn I would love to read more. Thank youuuu for this absolutely beautiful chapter 🥹🌻
Pinecone thumbnail
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Posted: 23 days ago

Aaj ka update kab ayegasmiley42

whimsical thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 23 days ago

Thank you all so much smiley31 This 'safar' is coming to a close, with all the loose ends slowly being tied up, and I am already feeling sad at the thought of losing your steady companionship and relentless encouragement smiley27 I wasn't going to post today because there is so much happening in the next update and it wasn't even nearly close to complete, but @Pinecone's comment spurred me with the necessary motivation to finish writing it smiley4

Hope you all like it! Please do keep commenting - means the world to me! Sorry I can't reply to everyone individually, but trust me, I deeply cherish each and every comment. Thank you! 

Juhi2020 thumbnail
Visit Streak 30 0 Thumbnail
Posted: 23 days ago
Thank you for tagging me. I eagerly await the next part of your story. I'm grateful for the journey you've taken them on. And yay! It's heartwarming to see them become each other's family. ❤️ There's nothing more beautiful than witnessing two broken pieces find happiness together. I look forward to seeing more of their life together, where they support each other as family. You've brought them justice like no one else could. They found their home in each other.
whimsical thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 23 days ago



Despite the brutal way in which Abhira had come face to face with her mother's painful past, she had, with Armaan's support, made a conscious decision to prioritize her mental well-being. In the wake of that tumultuous revelation, she refused to let anything derail her focus towards her studies as she prepared for her final law exams in Bangalore. Each day was a battle against the haunting memories and lingering doubts, but with Armaan's calming presence on their daily video calls, she found solace and strength to persevere.

Nestled in her study corner, Abhira delved into the intricacies of legal doctrines and precedents. The bustling life of Bangalore outside her window seemed worlds away from the cocoon of concentration she had built around herself. Yet, through the flickering screen of her phone, Armaan's face brought a sense of stability and reassurance. They shared details from their everyday lives, syncing their schedules to enjoy meals and cups of tea or coffee together, albeit virtually. It was these small rituals that made the distance between Bangalore and Delhi seem less daunting, weaving threads of companionship through the fabric of their long-distance relationship.

It also helped that Armaan was able to share anecdotes from his own law career that breathed life into the dry theory Abhira grappled with, making it more tangible and relatable. His vivid accounts of courtroom battles and legal negotiations provided invaluable context and insight that transcended the pages of textbooks, offering a glimpse into the real-world applications of the legal principles she studied. Whether recounting a landmark case or sharing the intricacies of legal strategy, his stories painted a picture of the challenges and triumphs that awaited her in her own career.

Armaan's companionship imbued her with a deep-seated happiness that she carried around within her wherever she went. And slowly, she found that the walls around her heart, remnants of past hurts and betrayals, were beginning to crumble, brick by brick, and she allowed herself to lower her defenses, finding solace in the genuine connections she forged with her peers.

In the shared moments of laughter and camaraderie, Abhira's classmates became her friends. As they exchanged jokes and teased each other, the weight of her studies momentarily lifted, and often, they too were part of the video calls with Armaan. When she had shared with them that Armaan was her husband, their initial shock, especially for those who had interned with her in Delhi, was palpable. But at her words that the relationship had been complicated because they had undergone a separation already, her friends did not press on or pry into the details.

Her closest ally was Kartik, whom she referred to using his nickname, KT, since his name happened to be the same as her grandfather's. KT, meanwhile, had taken to calling her 'Bhidu', a shortened form of 'Abhira' which gave him the opportunity to display his skills at mimicking Jackie Shroff's distinctive style. 

KT still harbored a deep sense of competitiveness when it came to academics. He was determined to excel in his studies, constantly striving to outshine Abhira and claim the coveted top spot in their class. Yet, beneath his competitive drive lay a heart of gold. KT had always sensed the underlying sadness in Abhira, a shadow that seemed to follow her even in moments of triumph. He had made countless attempts to uplift her spirits in the past, but Abhira's defenses had remained steadfast, her walls too high to breach. However, with Abhira's reconciliation with Armaan, KT had witnessed a remarkable transformation in her demeanor. 

KT had developed a close bond with Armaan as well. With a mischievous twinkle in his eye, KT never missed an opportunity to poke fun at Armaan and Abhira, his playful jabs adding a lighthearted charm to their conversations. As KT teased them, Armaan couldn't help but feel a slight pang in his heart, reminiscent of the playful antics of his younger brother, Rohit.

It was KT, together with Abhira's other friends, Saadiya, Vedang, Diana and Nidhi, who had been instrumental in orchestrating Armaan's surprise visit to Bangalore for Abhira's birthday. The meticulous planning and covert coordination had paid off, as Abhira's face lit up with joy and surprise when Armaan appeared at her doorstep, a bouquet of flowers in hand and a smile that melted her heart. It was a moment of pure magic, made possible by the unwavering support and love of her friends.

Abhira had not been looking forward to her birthday, the date serving as a painful reminder of her mother's absence and the void left behind by her untimely departure. Each year, the memories of her mother's elaborate birthday celebrations had weighed heavily on her heart, casting a shadow over what should have been a day of celebration. But with Armaan by her side, surrounded by her friends, Abhira had felt as though rays of sunlight were piercing through the clouds, bringing warmth to her heart, as though her mumma's smile was shining upon her from the skies above.

To her surprise, when her friends had suggested they go clubbing that night, while Abhira herself had hesitated, Armaan had encouraged her to go, insisting that she deserved to have fun and experience life to the fullest. Despite Armaan's initial reluctance, KT and the others had persuaded him to join them as well, brushing off his excuses about being a bad dancer and ensuring he tagged along. As the night unfolded, they found themselves immersed in laughter and music, dancing away their worries. 

Of course, Armaan's lack of dancing prowess became evident on the dance floor, but their friends embraced it with playful enthusiasm. They mimicked his awkward dance moves, turning it into a trend that spread across the nightclub and had everyone in stitches, with Armaan's self-deprecating humor and willingness to laugh at himself only adding to the fun. Abhira had been mortified when KT had referred to Armaan as 'Dadaji', especially since that was how she used to refer to Armaan once upon a time, but to her surprise, Armaan took it in his stride and began affectionately referring to all of them as 'beta.'

As Abhira watched Armaan let loose on the dance floor, she saw him in a new light. His willingness to embrace the silliness and laugh at himself showed a side of him she had rarely seen before and she felt a stirring deep within her. The way he moved, the sparkle in his eyes — it all drew her in. As he twirled her around, and his hand settled in the small of her back, she felt a surge of electricity surge between them. His touch, both comforting and powerful, made her feel secure in a way she hadn't experienced before... in a way that made her want to let go of her inhibitions, surrendering to the moment and the undeniable chemistry between them.

That night of dancing and laughter had served as a much-needed respite from the stress of their daily lives, easing the tension that had been building up in the weeks leading up to the final exams. However, as days turned into weeks, the reality of the impending exams loomed large once again. Despite their best efforts to stay focused and prepared, the pressure mounted with each passing day. Abhira buried herself in her books, pouring over notes and textbooks late into the night, determined to succeed in her academic endeavors. Armaan, ever supportive, stayed by her side, albeit through the screen of her phone.

As the exam dates drew nearer, Abhira felt a mixture of nerves and anticipation coursing through her veins, but she was able tackle each paper and viva exam with confidence, drawing on her meticulous preparation. When the exams ended, a wave of relief washed over her, and she awaited the results with gratitude for the journey she had undertaken, feeling stronger and more resilient than ever.

But with the exams over, the rush of adrenaline that had fueled her faded away... leaving behind an unsettling silence. In this newfound quiet, the ghosts of her past emerged, haunting her with memories she had long suppressed. The absence of a busy schedule allowed the pain of her mother's past to resurface, casting a shadow over her thoughts and stirring emotions she had buried deep within.

In those moments of reflection, Abhira realized the depth of her mother's sacrifices and the weight of the burdens she had carried silently, alone. Abhira had always pestered her mother to share details about their family, but her mother had been determined to shield Abhira from the harsh realities of their history, so Abhira could live a life free from the shadows of their past, to embrace a future untainted by pain. Abhira's heart broke for her mother, for the sacrifices she had made and the love she had poured into every decision she had made.

As she reflected on her own actions, Abhira felt a pang of regret for the resentment she had harbored towards her mother's decision to marry her off to Armaan. In her mother's final moments, Abhira had been unable to see the love and care behind her actions, consumed instead by her own anger and hurt, at being treated like a weak person who needed to be entrusted to a stranger's care. Now, with hindsight sharpening her perspective, Abhira wished she could turn back time, to thank her mother for the gift she had given her in Armaan.

The longing to reconcile with her mumma, to express her gratitude and seek forgiveness, weighed heavily on Abhira's heart. She realized with a pang of guilt that since her mother's passing, she had avoided confronting her conflicted feelings, unable to even enter her mother's room in Mussorie.

"I'll come with you," Armaan offered instantly, as Abhira shared her decision to take a leave of absence from work and go back to Mussorie.

"What about your work?" Abhira said, chuckling, "Don't worry, I'll be fine. Mussorie is home. Kipling uncle is there, and all the resort staff. It would be nice to reconnect with them all."


"Sure," Abhira smiled, "I promise I'll call you if I need you to come."

As Abhira found her way back to Mussorie, a flood of memories washed over her. This quaint hill town held the echoes of her childhood, the laughter of her mother, and the bittersweet moments she had shared with Armaan. It was here that she had first met him, where their love had blossomed, and where they had exchanged vows of marriage. But it was also the place where they had faced their first separation, the beginning of the most painful chapter in their journey together.

Stepping into her mother's room felt like stepping back in time. Every corner held a piece of her past, a memory waiting to be revisited. The air carried whispers of the lingering fragrance of her mother's presence, a bittersweet reminder of all that she had lost. As Abhira's gaze wandered over the room, she was struck by the little details—the trinkets on the dresser, the photographs on the walls, each carrying its own story of love and loss.

She sifted through her mother's clothes, enveloped in a bittersweet aroma — a delicate blend of her mother's familiar fragrance intertwined with the musty scent of dust and dampness. She ran her fingers over the familiar fabrics, each garment holding a memory, a piece of her mother's essence. As she tried on the clothes haphazardly, she couldn't help but marvel at her mother's grace and strength, wishing she could embody even a fraction of the person that her mother was.

In the midst of her nostalgia, Abhira's teary gaze fell upon a hidden compartment within the cupboard. With curiosity piqued, she reached inside, her fingers brushing against the worn leather of her mother's diary. A surge of emotion washed over her as she realized what she had found—a precious treasure trove of her mother's thoughts and feelings, hidden away like a secret garden waiting to be discovered. As she immersed herself in her mother's words, she felt a sense of connection that transcended time and space.

But the diary also unearthed the hidden truths of her mother's past—a narrative of heartbreak, resilience, and sacrifice. The pages revealed the story of how her mother had met her first love, Abhimanyu, leading up to her marriage, and subsequently the rejection she had faced from Abhimanyu and his family... then, the unexpected encounter that led her to Abhira's father, Abhinav, how she had found solace in Abhinav's boundless compassion, and how Abhinav's death a few years later had broken her. 

Yet, like a phoenix rising from the ashes, her mother had found the strength to persevere, embracing the idea of remarrying Abhimanyu for the sake of her son, Abhir. 

She learned of the abandonment her mother had faced yet again, this time from her own family, at the time when she was pregnant with Abhira. The diary chronicled her mother's selfless decision to leave, shouldering the blame for her sister Arohi's death to spare Ruhi from having to bear the guilt of her mother's death on her conscience. 

And amidst the turmoil and heartache, Abhira learned of her mother's unwavering determination to carve out a new life for herself and Abhira, despite the odds stacked against her. Even in the face of unimaginable loss, with the untimely death of Abhimanyu and Abhir, her mother had found the strength to raise Abhira alone, a testament to her indomitable spirit and unyielding love.

As Abhira's eyes traced the poignant words penned within her mother's diary, the ink-stained pages seemed to pulsate with the echoes of her mother's pain and resilience, bridging the chasm between past and present. With each turn of the page, Abhira's heart twisted with empathy, her eyes stinging with burning tears.

The unfairness of her mother's plight cut deep, a raw wound that refused to heal. How could life be so callous, so indifferent to the struggles of a woman who had endured so much? Each revelation unveiled a new layer of suffering. As she grappled with the harsh realities laid bare before her, a swell of indignation rose within her. How could fate be so cruel, to burden her mother with such unbearable hardships, to strip away the happiness she so rightfully deserved? It was a question that echoed in the recesses of her mind, a silent plea for answers that would never come.

Abhira's heart ached with a profound sense of loss—for the mother she had lost, for the injustices she had endured... Hours stretched on, and Abhira found herself consumed by a torrent of emotions, her tears flowing freely, unchecked. Each tear that fell was a silent tribute to the pain and injustice her mother had endured, a testament to the weight of the burdens she had carried within her heart. With each passing moment, the floodgates of emotion seemed to open wider, unleashing a storm of grief and anguish that threatened to engulf her entirely.

In the solitude of her mother's room, Abhira allowed herself to surrender to the overwhelming tide of sorrow, her cries echoing in the silent expanse. It was a cathartic release, a necessary purging of the pent-up emotions that had lain dormant for far too long. With each sob that wracked her body, she felt a small measure of the weight lift from her shoulders, a glimmer of solace amidst the darkness.

But Abhira refused to let the injustice persist, tarnishing her mother's memory with false accusations. Ruhi was not a child anymore, she had to be told the truth of the sacrifices that had been made on her account, and the damage that her sense of entitlement and false victimhood had wrought, and was continuing to wreak, on countless lives. Fueled by a fierce determination, she resolved to bring to light the truth and restore dignity to her mother's name and memory.

It might not be what her mother would have wanted. But her mother had not known that her sacrifice had been wasted on people who had never deserved her kindness.

"Abhira?" a concerned voice echoed from the doorway. 

Armaan stood there, looking aghast, his features etched with shock and concern as he took in the sight before him. With a sense of urgency, he rushed to her side, his heart clenching at the sight of her distraught state. Her tear-streaked face and trembling form spoke volumes of the pain she was grappling with. Without a second thought, he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into a tight embrace.

"You came!" Abhira said, weakly, her voice choked with emotion, her heart, amidst her turmoil, glowing with gratitude, as a rush of warmth and comfort washed over her.


Part Nineteen 


Edited by whimsical - 21 days ago
whimsical thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 23 days ago

Originally posted by: whimsical

Thank you smiley27

I fully agree. But I find it so draining to write about that kind of vicious family drama and characters like Swarna who are beyond redemption. If you remember, even the part where Armaan came clean to his family, was quite concise, most of the conversations were summarized smiley17

So there is a possibility that I might just leave it at this. Everyone knows the truth now, and Abhira will try to move on as best she can, setting boundaries so that she can get on with her life safar with grace, holding on to the good instead of allowing herself to be consumed by the bad. 

That's the way I see life. Not all conflicts can be resolved, not all wrongs can be avenged or undone, not all people can change / realize their mistakes. Sometimes, it's best to just accept that, trust that there is a higher justice, and move on, focusing on just being the best person one can be. 

As you can see from the latest update, clearly I changed my mind smiley17 As I was writing, the story felt incomplete with the truth remaining buried. Thanks, @Supervampire, for steering me in this direction. 

Originally posted by: Gurveen

Amazing update 

Abhira is right at her place 

Geonkas have always taken akshu for granted 

Please also clear arohi’s accident 

Update soon 

Thanks to you as well! Your comment gave me pause too. 

To be clear, the story isn't going in the direction of a reconciliation per se, much less a revenge track. 

But as I understand Abhira's personality, she would not have been okay with the truth remaining hidden and her mother's name and memory being tarnished. So all she will try to do, is to set the record straight, so that she can truly move on. 


Edited by whimsical - 23 days ago
Posted: 23 days ago

Lovely .... really hoping for a heart to heart conversation of Abhimaan where they together tackle ghost of their pasts. My vocabulary has words because of your story which shocks everyone...I love it...Delhi bhejo inko jaldi....♥️♥️♥️

whimsical thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 23 days ago

Originally posted by: Shamitashah1001

Lovely .... really hoping for a heart to heart conversation of Abhimaan where they together tackle ghost of their pasts. My vocabulary has words because of your story which shocks everyone...I love it...Delhi bhejo inko jaldi....♥️♥️♥️

Thanks Niharika! smiley27 Ab Dilli door nahin smiley2 (Just a few loose ends to go)