FanFiction- Passion of Love (Chapter 126- Page 44) - Page 29



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Posted: 22 days ago

Chapter 86

Vasantmitra was very happy. The party was over. It was night time and she was in her room in a pretty white night dress. Prithvi came to meet her. She was looking like beauty personified. He came towards her with admiration, regard and love in his eyes. 

Vasantmitra ran to hug him. Their hug was too tight for them. They couldn't stay apart from each other. She had tears in her eyes. 

Prithvi- What's wrong? 

Vasantmitra- I can't bear so much happiness, whatever I wanted I have got. I am on top of this world. 

Prithvi- Seeing you happy is the most pleasant thing ever for me. He wiped her tears and kissed her eye. Tomorrow I will marry you. 

Vasantmitra was shocked- So soon? 

Prithvi- Your Baba is here, my uncle is here, Samagra, Varun and Arjun are here. Those who have blessed us are here. It will be grand wedding. Like you wanted. 

Vasantmitra- But your mother? And Sister? 

Prithvi- They are angry right now. I don't want to waste time. 

Vasantmitra- Fine, as you say. 

He picked her up and put her on the bed. He caressed her face and then lips with a rose. He kissed the rose. 

Prithvi- From tomorrow, our new life will start. 

Vasantmitra hugged him, he gave a kiss on her shoulder. 

Vasantmitra- You must go now, groom can't see the bride. 

Prithvi- I don't wanna see anything if I can't see you. 

She smiled and said- An year ago I couldn't even imagine love in my life.

Prithvi- And now?

Vasantmitra- All this is pure dream. 

He kissed her and then left the room. 

Vasantmitra was very happy. 

Avantika- Rupa, I must do something. She has captured Prithvi in her trap. He is not able to escape. What attracts him towards her? Is it that she can use a sword. I can use a sword and she picked one.

Rupa- Stop it Rajkumari, you don't know how to use a sword, you will hurt yourself. 

Avantika in anger threw the sword...., she shouted- Rupa think of something, she is snatching my love. Think....

Rupa- Let's ruin her beautiful face. 

Avantika- What?

Rupa- Yes, her beauty is her weapon. When it will be destroyed, Maharaj will throw her out.

Avantika- Yes, Yes....but how we will do this? 

Rupa- I will think of something.

Avantika evil laughed- I will destroy you.... Vasantmitra....

Next Day

Vasantmitra was decked up as a bride and Prithvi became a groom. There was a grand mandap in the palace's courtyard. 

They did the rituals and then Pheras. Samagra was happy to see the lovers happy but it came with his heartbreak. Seeing him Shaka thought- I wish he married her instead of Prithvi. He is the one who actually cares for her happiness. He's her true guarding angel. A knight in shining armour. 

Vasantmitra touched Keshav's feet as he was father figure to Prithvi. 

Keshav- Saubhagyavati Bhavah. 

Shaka blessed Vasantmitra. She hugged him and the father daughter started crying. Their moment made everyone emotional. 

All rituals were done........and Vasantmitra and Prithvi became wife and husband.

NostalgiaLove thumbnail
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Posted: 22 days ago

Chapter 87

Vasantmitra was waiting for Prithvi and he entered the room. 

She was wearing a simple dress and a bindi. Her hair open. Simplicity only enhanced her beauty. 

He came to her and hugged her real tight. He sniffed her hair. He kissed her and then pinned her towards the wall and kissed her neck. Vasantmitra remembered the first time she met him and all of their moments. He picked her up and threw her on the bed. 

Vasantmitra- Seems like you want to fight me...

Prithvi- Let's see who will win...

She smirked and pulled him on the bed....

And finally Prithvi and Vasantmitra surrendered themselves to their desires for each other.............

Samagra, Keshav and others returned leaving newlyweds in their palace of love. 

Kanak was very angry on the news of their marriage. 

Kanak- Brilliant, first you brought that slave's daughter and now Prithvi is bringing that dacoit's daughter. Why don't your friend just strangle me? This is the only shameful thing left for him to do..

Samagra- Maa, don't worry, Vasantmitra will be a fantastic wife and queen. 

She smacked her head

Kanak- Samagra why don't you understand, she trapped my son. I bet she had lovers before, how is she so good in this game. 

Samagra- Maa please, I know her and Prithvi. They genuinely love each other. Is it wrong for a woman to choose her honour over her love? You didn't have any problem till Prithvi decided to marry her. Why you see Vasantmitra as a threat? 

Kanak- Samagra I don't want to listen to anything. Your friend has made our family a laughing stock among people.

Keshav- Kanak, you are being unreasonable. 

Kanak- You promised you will kill her. What happened to that? She is the reason your son is in dungeon. 

Keshav- I have seen the valour of that girl, and also met her father. Kanak you really are blind. Lakha got what he deserved. Even courtesans can't be touched without their consent and what he did was shameful. Just because he's my son I can't condone his sins. I saw only grace in that girl. And Prithvi was genuinely very happy. What else matters to you?

Kanak- Our reputation. What our praja will think? That their king married a dacoit. 

Samagra- Her father is not a dacoit. 

Kanak- what? 

Samagra- Shaka was not a dacoit. Circumstances made him join them. 

Kanak- But he brought her in that environment. I will never accept that girl as my daughter in law. Never....and she stormed out of the room. 

Samagra- I would have told the truth but who will believe me anyway. I still don't know who started this conspiracy and killed Maharani Lachi.

After two weeks..

In early morning 

Prithvi was sleeping and Vasantmitra got up. She started tickling him..

Prithvi- Let me sleep

Vasantmitra- It's been two weeks, we haven't got out of this room. Let's go back to the palace. 

He turned and grasped her in his arms. She giggled.

Prithvi- Two weeks? I don't want to leave this room for two years. 

She laughed and said- Me neither but you are a king. I don't want people to say Maharaj is leaving his duties for his wife. He started kissing her.......

Prithvi- I don't care what people say....and you cannot stop me, you tortured me for so, I have every know, I never lose. 

Vasantmitra- Ok then I will defeat you....

He laughed and they started their fight of love again....

Avantika was still in shock, she was neither eating nor taking with anyone. She felt she was betrayed by Prithvi. 

Rupa- Rajkumari, please eat. 

Avantika- Everything ended Rupa, my life is ruined. It's my own fault, if I had trusted him, Prithvi would be mine. 

Rupa- Kings do many marriages, it's still not over. 

Avantika- It's not about marriage, it's about love Rupa. How could he so easily move on? Why? 

Rupa- Maybe he never loved you.

Avantika- No, it's not that, he was trying to replace me with her and she manipulated him to marry her. He was forced into it. 

Rupa was shocked that Avantika was getting more and more delusional. 

Rupa- Yes, yes, this is what happened. Don't worry, Maharaj will come back to you as soon as he gets bored. 

In night

Vasantmitra and Prithvi were entangled with each was raining, she was caressing his chest and he was playing with her hair. 

Prithvi- I wish I could stay here forever. 

Vasantmitra- Nope, we must go back. You have a lot to catch up with. 

Prithvi kissed her head- I know my love but staying here with you is like heaven to me. 

Vasantmitra- Life is not bed of roses. 

Prithvi- With you even thorns are roses to me. 

She blushed.....

She hugged him....

coderlady thumbnail
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Posted: 22 days ago

chapter 80

Avantika is manipulating the whole picture. Samagra was hoodwinked. Love had nothing to do with it.

coderlady thumbnail
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Posted: 22 days ago

Samagra and his actions are known to everyone. So this marriage is suspect. The conspiracy behind it is bound to come out.

coderlady thumbnail
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Posted: 22 days ago

Prarthna tried to insult and hurt Vasant but she handled it with so much grace. More grace than Prarthna.

coderlady thumbnail
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Posted: 22 days ago

chapter 81

Avantika is so blind that she can not see right from wrong. But then she has been fed lies by Kanak's letter.

coderlady thumbnail
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Posted: 22 days ago

chapter 82

Everyone thinks they know Prithvi. To some extent they do. But they do not understand his obsession.

coderlady thumbnail
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Posted: 22 days ago

Avantika is willing to demean herself, not because of love. Because she wants what she wants. She can not put Vasant on equal footing as her.

coderlady thumbnail
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Posted: 22 days ago

chapter 83

How will Samagra find the proof he needs? Vasant's future is at stake.

coderlady thumbnail
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Posted: 22 days ago

chapter 84

Samagra is the person who truly loves Vasant. He is looking out for her at every step.