Not calling name of husband? - Page 10


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surabhi01 thumbnail
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Posted: 4 years ago

So bhaarti is derived from bhaarat  word  that is why bhaarti has no meaning

HearMeRoar thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

Nârâyana said :-- A part of Sarasvatî descended in this Bhârata Punya Bhûmi (land of merits), owing to the curse of Gangâ; and She remained in full in Visnu's region, the abode of Vaikuntha. She is named Bhâratî, on account of Her coming to Bhârata; she is called Brâhmî because she is dear to Brahmâ; and She is called Vânî as She presides over Speech. Hari is seen everywhere, in tanks, in wells, in running streams (i.e., in Saras). Because He resides in Saras, therefore He is called Sarasvân. Vânî is the S'akti of that Sarasvân; therefore She is denominated Sarasvatî.


NoraSM thumbnail
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Posted: 4 years ago

Originally posted by: HearMeRoar

I get what you're saying. But the person doing the arguing is not talking about CURRENT status of the name. She is talking about the contemporaneous meaning of the name which definitely was Son or Pritha and nothing to do with archery or targets.

You have provided enough evidence to prove that Pandavas collectively, Yudi and Bhima were separately called Partha too, there's nothing to counter it's origin 

HearMeRoar thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

Originally posted by: NoraSM

You have provided enough evidence to prove that Pandavas collectively, Yudi and Bhima were separately called Partha too, there's nothing to counter it's origin 

I know. 😆 I should stop entertaining the nonsense. 

FlauntPessimism thumbnail
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Posted: 4 years ago

Originally posted by: NoraSM

I'd say it again

Parth name is popular from Krishna-Partha stories, I bet  most people don't know the meaning of Parth is son of Kunti or Yudi and Bheema are addressed as Parth too so association with archery comes from Partha being popular name of Arjuna, Arjuna wasn't named Parth because of his archery skills 

None would name their son Parth, if they are going after the real meaning unless mother of the child is named Prutha, why would Renu call her child "Son Of Prutha"?

My name literally means the beloved of Shiva, now neither my husband is named Shiva nor did my parents know what my husband would be named at my birth, they just named me this meaning that the beloved of Shiva refers to Parvatiji so they kept my name thinking it would be for Parvatiji, but my name could also mean Satiji

Similar is for the ones who name their children Parth

NoraSM thumbnail
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Posted: 4 years ago

Originally posted by: FlauntPessimism

My name literally means the beloved of Shiva, now neither my husband is named Shiva nor did my parents know what my husband would be named at my birth, they just named me this meaning that the beloved of Shiva refers to Parvatiji so they kept my name thinking it would be for Parvatiji, but my name could also mean Satiji

Similar is for the ones who name their children Parth


surabhi01 thumbnail
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Posted: 4 years ago

Great. What ever I share  is nonsense   and what ever u share is sensible 

If u have read my post   properly I never denied that yudhistar and bheem were not called parth 

Yudhistar  and bheem was also call parth too but  both  were not adress as parth as frequently  like arjun  address as parth frequently in text 

Before give such remarks like nonsense   I have suggested  to read my 


And coming to meaning of parth when they are giving meaning of  parth in internet that is why I am saying it has meaning. I  have not made meaning of parth by myself 

And  among yudhistar bheem and arjun. Arjun is specially called as parth 

Edited by surabhi01 - 4 years ago
surabhi01 thumbnail
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Posted: 4 years ago

Here is link  of saraswati namess  and there is word bhaarti  which tell goddess of speech

Chiillii thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 4 years ago

Originally posted by: surabhi01

Here is link  of saraswati namess  and there is word bhaarti  which tell goddess of speech

Problem is right in front of your eyes my dear,  that you choose to ignore repeatedly.

When I give you the Sanskrit etymology of the word along with Citation from its origin source Mahabharat. 

You quote a website of baby names to say Parth means archer

Now again you are quoting a random article from internet that Bharati  means Saraswati when Hear me Roar quotes Devi Bhagvatham for the etymology and origin source of the word, as to why Saraswati is addressed as Bharati. 

None of us is disputing that Arjun is called Partha more than his brothers. All of us also explained that Gita is more popular where since it is addressed to Arjun he is called as Partha. 

But Partha does not mean Archer,it does not mean anything at all.  it means son of Pritha. Neither does Bharati mean anything other river that flows on the land of Bharat

Visiting internet and random web pages is your choice but don't quote these random articles and web pages as authentic reference.

Because they are not

Authentic sources are only the scriptures and a Sanskrit dictionary, for those who don't understand the meaning of Sanskrit words used in these scriptures. 


surabhi01 thumbnail
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Posted: 4 years ago

Ok sanskrit mein kisi word ka meaning nahi hota   thank u for telling this 

Even times of India site is also random site  . Thank u for telling this 

So according to u what ever site is given in   internet is all random site  and no one is reliable site even times of India is not reliable source 

That  none of site is reliable   for u baby site is not  f reliable or u times of India site is not reliable so u want to say internet is totally  unreliable source 

Thank u for telling  this 

And by this u want to tell me that I should not search any thing in internet because every site is random site, giving false information in internet according to u

I am surprised how internet is still running  for so many years when they are  they are so many random site giving false information

And parth has no meaning that means  if any 

Parents named their child  as parth  that means that child is  son of pritha  kunti) ??? 

And I don't understand why it is said that   parth  meand archer 

No where  it is said  parth mean archer   archer means jo  dhanush chalata hai 

Even bheeshm   was archer but he was not called parth 

Even karn was archer but he also not called parth 

Its meaning is one who never miss target  or one who remain focus 

Not missing target does not mean person is archer 

Secondly   arjun as parth  is not called as parth from geeta 

And arjun had already called parth in viraat parv that too many times

Edited by surabhi01 - 4 years ago