Arakshi Mini-FF: Don't Fall.Rise in Love! (Completed) - Page 5


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sisodia_shefali thumbnail
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Posted: 8 years ago
it's getting interesting
aisha ,chotu and shree have made good progress
thanks for pm and update the next parts ASAP 😊
greensakthi thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago

Let's go hand in hand, not one before another.

"Don't expect me this weekend for anything. I'm going to Pune to meet a friend."
I announced.
"A friend?"
"Yes, I got this new friend on FB as our likes are alike."
"Aish for one."
"Both. Aishwarya Roy Buchan. He has invited me to his house."
Ayesha rolled her disapproval in her eyes.
"Who is this new friend?"
"Try to think about the case too. And talk to-"
"I hope we'll talk," I smiled, "About it too."

Arjun was home that Sunday. For the fear that if he appeared in the office even in Sundays it'd make unnecessary suspicion among his colleagues and when he had nothing to do there that day, they'd start questioning.
He had already spent two Sundays in a row there now.
Thus he decided to stay at home. He woke up late, had breakfast leisurely. When he was watching TV, she was again in the kitchen doing something.
That day Hasi too would not come there, for it was the day she would spend with her parents fully.
He felt boring still after they finished lunch. He returned to the bedroom as he was too tired to stare at some files in the office room instead.
She noticed that he didn't go to his office room, which he'd do usually when he had to be home more than he wanted. But- not -now.
She hesitantly approached him. He looked up at her from the bed.
"Are you going out this evening for anything?"
"No. whats the matter?
"Oh, nothing,"
He noticed that she was still standing there.
"You want something to buy?"
"No, I thought if you were free we could go for a walk."
He looked at her, she seemed dull.
"We'll see."
He lowered his gaze as she turned and went out.
And at 05:30 when he got ready to go out she felt relieved.
They locked the gates and started walking in silence.
Neither of them tried to break the silence. They reached the park two blocks away and chose a bench to sit on.
He felt her gaze at his face. He was still looking at the people moving and she cleared her throat and said quietly, "Arjun," he looked at her questioningly.
"I know something is annoying you. And if you can't discuss it with me, I can understand if it's of some office matter, but decide something fast. I think the sooner the better for us."
She stopped and looked at him.
He slowly nodded. He had to decide something he knew.
She took his hand and said, "Right, let's go back."
She stood up.
He obeyed and they walked back to the house in silence, hand in hand.

"The interesting thing is my friend talked. And more interesting thing than that is our chairman was hospitalized at the time of the accident with head injury, when he was an MD then. The most interesting thing is the manager is related to Mrs. Sudhir's family and won't be happy to ruin a marriage.
When Sudhir was hospitalized the manager was the one who was informed first and the hospital had no record of this injury, except that he was admitted there for a virus fever.
The next week Mrs. Sudhir had started running the company and when the husband discharged he became chairman. He had not contacted Goel in the office ever since. If through mobile, that is we are unaware of still."
Ayesha and Chottu were staring at me.
Ayesha said, "How could you?-"
"Never underestimate-"
"Salaam Mr. Common Man, lead us here."
Ayesha said politely.
"Well, where to?"
"To the canteen?"
"At least."
"Your treat."
"Right," she took her purse and followed us.
"Technology is not that much worse."
Chottu commented.
"You won't believe if I said we did some hunting too."
"I missed all the fun." Chottu worried.
"If you had come we'd have definitely missed all the facts."
"If I'm not mistaken this friend of yours is the fellow whom I met in the office the other day."
"You are really a genius, Chottu," I grinned.
"We've to plan something,"Ayesha reminded.
We settled on the chairs.
"What d he be doing now?" Chottu looked at Ayesha.
She shrugged.
"We can ask Sylash, if you wish," I suggested.
"I don't have his number."
"I do."
"How could you?"
I munched the cheese cake leisurely and shrugged, "I had planted enough stuff in your purse before you left for the dinner date."
"Then how did you think I waved at him when you introduced me to him?"
She glared.
"Hah, no hard feelings okay? It's part of the job. I thought four ears are better than two."
But she asked something different.
"Have you removed it from my purse or?"
She took her purse sternly.
It seemed she was not happy to hear these.
"What is it you are trying to save from us?" Chottu interrupted.
"My privacy."

Arjun had arranged to record her every call in his mobile. But he could never get the nerve to hear the talk every time his mobile told him it was ready to expose her to him.
Instead every day he had started playing this other recording unknowingly.
It was her voice recorded in his mobile when they stayed in his uncle's house.
He had bought a new phone and he asked her to talk something.
She dialed his number and when he picked it up she said, "Can you hear me?" looking at him.
He nodded with a smile.
She went on, "I'm talking for you to check my voice in your mobile." She started laughing.
He smiled at her and motioned her to go on.
"Well, what can I say now, except the mobile is working? And from your smirk I can smell you are doing something that we are going to laugh about later."
He laughed out.
"And now, finally we got your voice too in our little talk. Just play it now so we can hear it together."
She winked at him and he laughed out again as he cut the call and stopped the recording as well.
"How did you know?"
"I knew it when you pressed more buttons to attend the call and when you smirked at me it confirmed my doubt."
"Cheater," He accused her.
"I'm not, it's you."
"Who is the cheater at last?" uncle entered in.
"Who else, it's your daughter."
"It's your son, uncle." She looked at his uncle.
"Uncle you tell me, even if she knew I was recording her voice she is accusing me for recording."
"See, he was recording, but when I found it out he is accusing me for finding."
His uncle hesitated and didn't know which side he could support.
They both looked at each other and laughed out.
She stood up to get something for his uncle.
Arjun thought she would have forgotten about this, but he was playing it daily now and he couldn't help himself but nod with a smile every time her voice asked, Can you hear me?'

"Agent provocateur," Ayesha looked at us.
 "Another interview,"
"What's the plan?"
"If we can make him arrange for an interview,"
"Wait, careful he is still a suspect. We didn't prove anything against him. All we have is enough to suspect him. All we heard is hearsay."
"Well, let's try."
"If we could arrange an interview and make him talk, the case is closed."
"Move in even pace."
"As I'm the only option here, give me his personal number."

greensakthi thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
Oh, so madmen like you are also deaf.
How should madmen hear, if wise men can't even see?
Let me talk to you about your situation.
You can't talk about something that you don't feel. If you were as young as I am, if you were in love with Juliet, if you had just married her an hour ago, if then you murdered Tybalt, if you were lovesick like me, and if you were banished, then you might talk about it. You might also tear your hair out of your head and collapse to the ground the way I do right now. (ROMEO falls on the ground) You might kneel down and measure the grave that hasn't yet been dug.

As we could not prove anything still, we could not go to the commissioner now.
Ayesha talked to Sudhir. We were waiting for his reply.
She had told him that a family friend to her had once talked about the company. And she thought she could try to get a job there now, if they could offer an opportunity.
After sending her resume the reply came three days later.
Ayesha came to us and said, "He said he could arrange an interview for the post of web designer the day after tomorrow at 06:30 pm. He said he was returning from a business meet that evening and he was free then."
"One day we'll tell these to Arjun sir."
"He won't believe it."
"He'll if we can produce evidence. After all he is a police man."
"When it comes to evidence, Ayesha your first question, what is web designing?" Chottu asked.
"Is it a 2 marks or 5 marks question?"
"One word answer,"
"Designing a web,"
"Good," He said, "I saw a book on net. I think it'd be useful for you, if you finish it cover to cover 500 pages before the interview, the job is yours."

Hearing a lie is easy till one knows it is one.
They were not going to tell him the truth at any time, now.
He wished she would have told him by this, if they were waiting for him.
If it was for him, they should have told him, one way or the other.
Didn't his uncle think sooner or later he would find it out?
Now, he had known the truth and lost his peace of mind. That was the only result he'd got.
What are you waiting for?
He was waiting to cross that bridge when he comes to it.
Now he had come to it. He had no choice but to decide now.

There were lots of clues in the open to see the facts, he reminded himself. But he was just closing his eyes on, all the time, as he had believed her than himself.
If his uncle knew him, he would not have left them carelessly.
If he had left them, he couldn't expect to keep the drama going this far.
And if he really didn't expect, there was only one possible reason for his uncle to start it in the first place. He didn't want to go on with this, but kept it for the time being.
Yes, he did not, but he wanted him to know it himself later, not through anyone else.
He wanted Arjun to find it out, that was why none was telling him still.

If his uncle did this for him then why did she do it?
It was always she, whom he pointed an accusing finger on, he realized.
It was because she was lying around when she was not supposed to be, he reasoned with, particularly in his case where he could not stand it.

How easily she had entered in to his life!
It seemed anyone could come and do anything they wanted.
If he knew his uncle, he would not have let a stranger in, he would not have picked a by stander up.
When his uncle said he had adopted her he didn't believe it then, but he did now.
Though the days were history and the events were fairy tale the effect they branded in his heart was registered there permanently.
He would not detach them from him even if he wanted to.
The stories could be false, but the impression they cast over him was true.
He had postponed his every need to ask her directly, not for the fear that his uncle would be upset, but for the fear that the show would come to an end then.
He did not want to be the one who ended it.
He was not waiting for exposing her in the right time, but was preparing himself to admit the defeat.
He too was responsible for what had happened to him now, and he could not blame only others, unjustly.
His pride would not let him admit that he had fallen for her, even to himself.

If he had not met her at the hospital he might never have allowed her in his life. But, here, now he wouldn't let her go just like that, after he knew she had changed his life- she had given him something precious.
If his uncle could believe her he should believe her too. And he wanted to believe her if she could talk the truth he wanted to believe her.

If he had found out, his uncle wanted him to decide about her in his life. But even after he found her out, he could not decide anything still. No, he didn't want to decide something that was going to give him nothing but pain, which he had realized much before, but was denying to himself this long.

Ayesha had gone to the commissioner to get permission.
"Ta-da, I got it,"
Ayesha charged in and announced, "I'm going for the interview."
"How come?"
"He was saying he would not afford an absentee this week."    
"When I said I wanted to attend an interview day after tomorrow he could not deny it."
"Let me remind you once again he is a chairman of a leading company and we can't touch him easily."
"Promise us you won't clutch his throat once you saw him."
"Don't narrow your thinking, Ayesha. Chances are there for it can be a casual interview."
"If it's, attend it and come back without any incidence."
"You've to confirm that he is talking what we want and he is talking first."
"Don't spoil her,"
"I promise if he behaved I won't touch him."
"I think if we stop her right now, it'd be better."
"You can't make him talk, if he didn't wish to. Don't forget she can't testify against him now."
"No need too. I hope he'd do it," She smiled, "For her."
 "Don't worry," she touched a button camera and said, "I'll have enough reminders with me."
"Get evidence, that's enough."
"There'll be our man out in the lobby, ready, if any case. And you've to inform him on your way out."
She nodded.
"We'll see the progress and get permission from our boss and meet you there if it's necessary."
"Deal," She showed a thumb and started to move away.
"Mm," she turned.
"No crime is clueless, no plan is flawless and uncle too knew his plan had its own holes."
"He didn't think to hide the truth."
"What are you getting at?" she demanded.
"He didn't try to hide it from Arjun sir. He wanted him to find it out, instead."
"What are you talking about?" she asked slowly.
"If he had done so it was only from Sakshi. And if it was not for someone, he couldn't have succeeded in it."
"Arjun sir," she looked up.
"Yes, it was you who helped him a lot."
"You couldn't accept his plan from the first."
"But everyone else seemed very much ready to-"
"No, we are talking about you here. We morons accepted his plan without conscience, but you could have told her the truth as you didn't approve it, right? What stopped you?"
"Uncle said-"
"Could he have stopped you if you didn't wish to be?"
"You could have told her by this, if it was your intention, but no -it never was, Ayesha."
"I tried," she said defiantly.
"Not actually, you asked her to come to Shirdi, but didn't say there was the home she belonged, once."
"Even when you said to Sylash about the accident, you said you suspected it as a hit and run. When he said about father's visit to the hospital, you could have told him then about father. And he could have reported it back to Arjun sir. Still you were backing uncle up and were hiding the truth unknowingly."
"You can't blame me."
"We don't, for you too were there with us to witness what he had to undergo after his wife's death."
"And uncle took the opportunity to rescue him the second time," she said slowly.
We smiled at her. Finally she could see the point.

Uncle's Story!

Arjun's mind was not ready to accept his wife's death. It couldn't think how he could survive without her. And so it blocked his thoughts of her.
Uncle knew his mind was trying to get him out of her thoughts.
He knew that was why Arjun believed whatever he told about his wife at once, without question. His mind wanted to believe that she was alive.
Even if uncle told him she was ill, his mind was happy to know it that she was alive, at least, instead of leaving him to thaw in this world alone.
That was the reason Arjun jumped in to the thought that he could live again with Sakshi once uncle showed her to him. He wanted to see Roshini in her. He wanted her to be Roshini, which he didn't realize himself.
He asked about Roshini on his wake up, because his mind wanted to hear about her, wanted to know about her, wanted to feel her, anew, as if it didn't know her before.
To kill the guilty conscience it asked about her.
In this mind to body war everything was happened under the reign of his mind. And as part of his mind was ready to hear about her, it started storing the new thoughts fast-The thoughts which could revive his mind once again.
Once got what it wanted he started recovering from his illness.
Uncle could not have gotten him back, if he didn't tell him the lies.
The lies he wanted most, the lies he knew well as lies in the underside of his mind.
He packed them to Goa. He did everything he could. What he said he did for them was for them only.
He knew if Arjun could realize Sakshi, if he once started feeling her, he would know to live again.
It would not be enough.
It did never mean he should forget Roshini. All he needed was to recover her death, accept it as a past.
To take it as a past, he needed treatment- mentally. If he could find his wife as a past time, he could recover her death. And at that time he'd need a hand to hold to.
A promising hand that he could trust with his everything-To move on with his everything, past, present, future, good and bad, love and hate, accepting or fighting a thing with, ready to die with, aching to speak with in his success and trying to clutch at in his failure- a hand he could find for himself in Sakshi was uncle's hope.
He hoped Arjun would in time.
And his concern was always Sakshi; he wished the love she showed for her husband would last even after she came to know that he was not her husband.
He believed Arjun and Sakshi could make a beautiful home.

Goel returned that day to visit Sakshi in the house.
It was the same place and time where he met her last.
She was tying some plant to a nearby tree.
He would swear she didn't plant the seeds he gave her the other day. He did not expect her to do it too. All he wanted was a reason for him to meet her and he had plenty like the one he had at present.
He noised the gate and she turned to see who it was.
Once saw him, he could say that she was not happy to see him again there. Surely, she didn't expect him to show up, he knew. Of course, why should she when she had now a husband and a life much better than before?
But he needed to settle, it seemed everyone had forgotten about it.
He cleared his throat and wished her pleasantly.
He would wait some more before trying to execute his plans, 'You can't act forever.'
"It seems you got no time to plant the seeds, I guess."He started.
She didn't know what to reply.
She nodded slightly.
"Perhaps try this week ma'am. They've planted about two weeks before in the next street and now they are happy for getting the sample from us. And now they are asking for more to try differently."
She nodded again.
"Ma'am, if you don't mistake me, I'd like to suggest you grow gross this side of the garden. That way you can make the house more pleasant and it won't cost much. We provide grass seeds too. If you are interested..."
He waited for her to say, "I see. I've to ask my husband first."
She showed that she was not interested.
And if he went away, then how could he make his plans real?
"Of course," he took a card, "Think about it and once decided let me know. This is my card; I'll contact you in two days. I hope he won't refuse your wish."
"We'll see."
He wished her and went away.
She locked the gate and went in fast.
She tossed the card on a table and returned to collect the flowers she forgot to do once saw the man at the gates.
She tried to convince herself that he was not that much evil to frighten this much.
If you don't want, you can still say it at his face. You can tell him not to come. It's easy.
The bowl fell on the ground, to her annoyance.
She knew she didn't let it go. She knew she could stand the weight of that small bowl.
It was not her mistake, it was all his.
Why did he come here in the first place?
She collected the bowl and touched a flower.
She didn't recognize where she put the sample bag he gave her.
She had to throw it with him out of the house once for all.
She had forgotten that Hasi took the bag to her house to try and returned her the remaining seeds which she placed near the birds' cage on a stand.
Her chest was heaving as she took the bowl to the house.
She could not arrange the flowers neatly to her satisfaction that day, no matter how hardly she tried to concentrate.
At last she withdrew the task and went away.
She didn't even wonder why Hasi didn't show up that day.
greensakthi thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago


I don't know how to tell you who I am by telling you a name. I hate my name, dear saint, because my name is your enemy. If I had it written down, I would tear up the paper.


The thing we call a rose would smell just as sweet if we called it by any other name. Romeo would be just as perfect even if he wasn't called Romeo. Romeo, lose your name. Trade in your name"which really has nothing to do with you"and take all of me in exchange.




Sakshi was in confusion.

The anger after Goel's visit had gone away.

Now she was trying to remember something odd.

She knew she had seen the card somewhere else.

She took the card Goel gave her and read it,



How could it be when she had met him just now? And he gave his card for her, just here in the house. But how could she see it before?

The card, the card...

She could have seen a card in this same type before somewhere.

But where?

The name seemed familiar somehow.

Perhaps Arjun knew about it. She could ask him. Maybe a friend to both.

No, she couldn't ask him. What if it was a friend of his and he still remembered about him, but she was not?

Then she had to lie about it.

She tried to leave it at that.

But she could not.

The card was repeatedly flashing in her mind.

Somewhere, somehow she knew about this man. And yes, he was always searching her face for recognition.

Perhaps, she had met him before the accident and now he was disappointed to see that she had forgotten him.

She pated her head, for she was cursing him for that, when she had forgotten him after all.



He could feel the change in the air.

The house was not normal. It was calm. Sakshi was there but her mind was not. He could see that she was preoccupied and was silent.

He saw the flowers and set them in the vase.

He noticed her staring once in a while at nothing and shaking her head at something.

She changed the bed sheets and left the dirty ones on the floor. He collected them to the washroom- bucket for her.

He peered in to the kitchen once and returned to his place.

When she was pressing his shirt a second time, Hasi called her, "Aunty, I want some water."

She was drawing a butterfly and when she finished its wings she wanted to color it. She opened her water colors and looked up in the thought that Sakshi was keeping an eye on her.

Sakshi turned to her and looked at her a moment. Then she nodded and entered the kitchen.

Arjun rushed to the kitchen and as he had feared she was filling a glass.

She turned and saw Arjun. He extended a hand and took the glass from her. She went out and resumed ironing.

He sipped the water and filled a bowl in the kitchen tap and returned to Hasi. He sat down near her and watched the butterfly getting colorful wings.

He put the glass down.

Hasi finished painting and looked up. She showed it to him and looked at Sakshi, who was moving toward the kitchen.

"Aunty how is it?"

Arjun interrupted, "Hasi has your dad returned from the tour?"

She turned to him then, "No uncle, he is coming tomorrow."

"I see."

Hasi turned to Sakshi again, "Aunty, I want some water, "As Sakshi was standing there and looking at the butterfly. Sakshi turned and went in to the kitchen.

"I'll do it for you, Hasi," he stood up and took the glass in hand.

When he entered in Sakshi was taking a bowl to fill water in.

"Let me," he took the bowl from her and filled a glass for Hasi as she moved to the stove he muttered, "If I had planned a dinner outside, it would be better tonight, I think," he went out, "What's the dish for supper tonight in your house, Hasi?"

In fact he was happy that evening. He could see she was thinking about telling him the truth. She was seriously thinking about it. He didn't want to disturb her.

Once decided where to start she'd tell him.

Is it their plan or hers as she couldn't stand her conscience is going to talk to him?

Hell wait to hear it.

After he had waited this long and finally the play was going to come to an end.



A man from her past, re-emerging in Goa- she could ask uncle about it.

A man from a seeds distributing company- she realized that she had not asked him yet the name of the company.

What he said, Think about it and once decided let me know. This is my card. I'll contact you in two days.'

'Once decided let me know. I'll contact you in two days.'

'In two days'- she remembered someone had told this line to her once before.

She knew it was not Arjun.

Perhaps she was to meet someone in two days before the accident and she could not make it then?

Something told her she had met him before.

Meaning she was recovering?

If she tried, could she make it out?

Think about it.

Think about it, Sakshi think about it. You must have met this man somewhere.


Sakshi- Sakshi.


She was new there. The surroundings were new to her now. But the eyes around her reflected their love toward her, unlike the ones she met after her grandmother's death. When a neighbor uncle took her to the home she didn't know where they were going. But when father took her hand and led her to his office she was happy to know there was someone in this world to smile at her. She volunteered with a smile, "I'm Sakshi."

The old man looked at her and said, "I'm Sebastian."

After these years she had forgotten the faces, but the eyes never left her.


If she was Sakshi she knew a father in Shirdi where she was brought up.

If she was Sakshi she knew this man. She had met him in the home.

"Hi, Miss-"


"Aye, Sakshi, I'm here for the company. They said to give it to you."

He extended a cover.

She took it from him and told him to take a seat.

"Thanks," she said once read the details inside.

"My pleasure,"

"Once cashed the check, I'll give you the receipt. Now I'll give you an acknowledgement for receiving the cover."

"I can trust you with it," he smiled and she returned that smile.

"You can trust me. But what about your company?"

"They can trust me for that." He said at once.

She laughed at that.

When she extended the acknowledgement he stood up and said, "It's nice to know you are working for the home."

"It's my duty. I grew up here."

She said proudly.

"Then tell me you are doing your home work now."

She laughed out again.


He came there again to get the receipt. Then he suggested he could arrange a job for her in their company. When she denied that for she could not go away from the home, he shrugged and said, "Well, think about it. Once decided let me know. Here is my card. I'll be here for two days. It means you can tell me in two days, for me to talk to the company."

Father came to her and told her he was happy to know about the job. And when she said she was not going he was disappointed.

Whatever he told about the benefits of the job, nothing changed her heart. At last he told her to attend the interview at least and not to waste her study in the home's office.

She stared at him.

"You want to help the children, all right. If you can earn more it'd be more helpful to the children, don't you see? See Sakshi, use this chance to try to increase the income to the home," he smiled.

 Goel came back with a letter from the company.

As they had arranged he met her and showed her the hotel.

He instructed her to go straight to the suite 1206 without delay. He told her he would meet her in the lobby later.

She fisted her hand in anger.

When she came out of the suite, she did not know what if Goel was waiting for her. She could now see that he was helping the man she met in the suite.


Then she saw father again in the hospital, but she could not recognize him.

She wanted to see him at once.



The situation will conquer you, no matter how well you are equipped, if you are not in readiness.

He was in readiness, he thought.

That evening Arjun could see that she had decided something.

 He was now ready to hear her story.

There were no confusion-marks on her face. But she was still silent.

He expected her to approach him to talk, but she was not.

Even he thought her to call him up in the office itself, but she didn't.

Here, she didn't come out of the kitchen once, after he entered the house.

What now?

He could surmise that she was hesitating. She was not ready to out with it- to close the chapter now.

With having given her enough time he decided to break the ice for her.

He would definitely like to help her, he thought, if anything.

He stood up slowly and went to the kitchen, straight, at once.


Sakshi was in the kitchen thinking about father.

She had hurt him enough, she thought, she was going to call him first before going to see him in person.

He would be happy to hear from her again.

They would discuss about the children in the home as before.

It'd be thrilled if she said-

Suddenly she felt Arjun behind her.

God, she had forgotten about him this long.'


He was standing next to her.

She held her breath and stood still. She felt his breath in her nape.

And the moment his hand touched her waist her heart had started missing several beats in a row.

"Roshini," he whispered.

His hands tried to encircle her as she turned away, and tried hard to flash a failed- nervous-like-smile.

Her hand opened a cupboard near the stove and took a container.

"What are you doing here?" he said.

She didn't know, really she didn't.

"I thought you've finished preparing tea."

He smiled seeing at the salt container she was holding.

She nodded nervously.

He took the container from her and replaced in again in place.

He closed the cupboard and approached her to her annoyance.

They heard Hasi's voice at the doorway.

"Uncle, aunty, see my new car," she announced and rushed in.

Arjun frowned and stopped. He came out of the kitchen to meet her.

Hasi was holding a toy car proudly.

He diverted her and took her to the front of the house.

They were discussing about her car outside and allowing Sakshi to relax.

She didn't come out of the kitchen as if she thought it was the safest place she could stay as long as she could.

When Arjun entered in Hasi was saying, "Mom said to play in our house. I asked why. She said I can play here one day and play there one day. She said a sister or brother is coming for me to play. So I don't want to disturb you."

Sakshi could hear Hasi's words.

She thought if they were a real couple those words could have given them happiness. He would have commented on it to her. She could have turned in to a flame in blush.

But they were staging a drama here; they could utter only the given lines. They could never improvise the scene, no matter how truly they acted...


"She is telling for fun. We don't think you as a disturbance. You can always come here and play."

"I'll show my car to aunty," she took the toy and stood up.

"No, no. Hasi, aunty is not feeling well. You can show it to her tomorrow."

Hasi's mother voice heard and she bid a good night to him before she ran out.

He sat there a moment to compose him and moved to the kitchen again.

There he saw Sakshi standing against a wall and tear was flowing down her cheeks freely. She looked up at him and stared at him helplessly.

His mobile started ringing.

He hesitated a moment and took a step toward her as the mobile was still ringing.

"I-", he cleared his throat, "I- Ill be back in a moment."

He said fast and went away to pick up the call.

sisodia_shefali thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
nice update
uncle did all he could for arjun and also he knew that he will find out the truth one day but he only hoped that by then arjun and sakshi would have found love and companion in each other
sakshi recalled her past so now what will she do
will aisha and team will be able to nab this goel
thanks for pm ðŸ˜Š

greensakthi thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago


The meaning of life is to find your gift and the purpose of life is to give it away.



Uncle approached her in the hospital and talked like a friend; he tried everything he could to cheer her up.

They had named her as Roshini, not reasonless, she realized. When she said she wanted a job uncle gave her one, a cursed one, for her not to worry about.

Finally he showed Arjun to her.

As he knew nothing about this, he believed her as his wife and he gave her everything.

But for the moral support he gave her, she gave him fantasized stories in return.

But her worries hadn't come to an end yet. First of all where is Roshini... She had a clue even before she could ask anyone.


And whenever she hesitated and felt guilty uncle comforted her and supported her. He instructed her everything and he even told her to wait till she got back her memory before started a new life.

Her eye brows knitted together.

He wanted her to open a cover when she got back her memory.

"It has some instructions for you to follow."



She did not know if she was ready for more tragedy than she was facing now when she opened the cover uncle had given her.

What if it had something she could never think about but wanted to do?

She was ready to go to father, but if she did she could never see Arjun again.

But how long she could sit with an open cover without reading?

She took a deep breath and the sheet out.


"Hope you got back your memory or decided to go away from him if you are reading this now.

My dear daughter Sakshi,

I want you to know that I've adopted you and you have a family now, always waiting for you to see you are happy ever, no matter what you decide about Arjun."

Her eyes let out a lone tear, 'Family!'

"Let me tell you something, before you decide about us both. Even if you want to blame me just hear me out dear.

It's a confession and I'm going to ask for your forgiveness.

Roshini, his wife is no more. She died in a flight crash before a month to his accident. He ended up in coma in that accident.

I was informed that you too were involved in that accident, but escaped with minor injuries.

I met father who brought you up in his home and we talked about you a lot.

He was my old friend and fortunately he could understand the situation fast.

As I felt my son was responsible I decided to adopt you.

Then you woke up with memory loss. I adopted you as my child.

[It's changeable, if you wish, that is.]

He woke up one day and I got that God hadn't yet stopped playing with me, yes, he had forgotten about Roshini, but her name.

I had unintentionally named you as Roshini, for the sake of keeping medical records before I met father.

I was not ready to change your name at that time suddenly, for I knew it was merely a name to you then.

I thought you would recover soon if you could relax.

We waited.

As I thought you two needed and could give each other support I started telling my lies to both of you and convinced myself as I thought it was God's grace that he united you both through that accident.

Thus, it is entirely my mistake. I promised him that I'd tell you everything once you got back your memory and take you to him. That was what we were waiting for, but that didn't happen then.

Perhaps it'd be difficult for you to believe me. But if I had a daughter I'd have done the same, I swear, since I know Arjun.

Now, if you are going to hate your uncle, for what he has done to you, I won't be surprised. But if you are going to leave Arjun for what I've done, I'd beg you to think again.

 I can't regret it, for I know well, in a way- you can scream that, I've exploited you and decide to leave him, but not me...

If you decide now to leave him just remember dear, my doors are always open for you. And if you can come with him I'd be happy. But you don't have to consider my happiness for I'm you poor father now. And all I ask is before decide anything come to me, at least, once.

I know you are not evil and won't do anything evil, to let your father live to regret. That being said, remember the house is in your name, a father's gift for you and I think you don't need to leave it for him. We'll send him out if you wish."

She could not laugh out at this.

'Without him what's the use of a mere building in her name?'

"You know what, when I told my plan, everybody except Ayesha accepted it without a question. And I had to tell a lot to convince her and in the course I had hurt her a lot. Perhaps she'd forgive me some day. And the point is you can talk to her and she can help you in deciding now, as a friend, as a woman.

Now, come here, we'll talk this out.

Your wish is final, I promise.


  - Your beloved _ _ _ _.


'Father,' she completed the dots as an uncontrollable sob escaped her lips.


She folded the letter; she did not need to read it again, for she knew it now by the heart, word by word.


She wanted to scream out.

She wanted to smash something. She wanted to throw everybody out of her life. She wanted to be alone. She wanted to cry some more, till- till what? At least some more...

Everything was over. Everything had come to an end.



She remembered father mentioning an old friend of his when Maya once needed medical aid.

She tried to calm herself. The first thing she got after reading the letter was she never knew her uncle at all. Now she started doubting that if she knew Arjun for sure.

Uncle had asked her to seek Ayesha's help, but the decision maker should ask for suggestion and she was not going to decide in this case.

He didn't have mentioned about telling the truth to Arjun. She wanted to take it as her choice to decide. But if she was going to stay she had to tell it to him. Even if she decided to leave, she had to. Arjun deserved, at least, that much. He would not have to be in this illusion anymore. She could not let it happen.



Uncle could have chosen someone else for this, she wished. At least, he could have chosen a different idea. And she could have met him differently.

But now, she had to leave him mercilessly. How could she?

Hush it up. You've to! Don't you see?

I do see it, that's what I regret most...



While it was she who was the reason for the accident, how can she blame anyone else? But uncle is talking as if it was entirely his fault.

If only she didn't tear the letter, if only she didn't rush to the middle of the road suddenly...

Her body shuddered in the thought of the accident.



She remembered the talk she heard back in the hospital, as she was waiting for uncle, in the next room. Uncle told Ayesha, "She will do as I say."

They were talking about her then; she could see it now, as they didn't know she was there in ear shot.

She had to do as he asked, he deserved it after all what he had done for her. She would visit him once.

She thought of uncle's call that morning. She did not tell him that she got back her memory. She didn't want to frighten him then suddenly. She could wait till he returned, she thought. Just for a-


Her mobile rang. She eyed the mobile.


It was from a number unknown to her.


Uncle's Story!

 Father rushed out of the hospital room of Sakshi.

Sakshi looked behind him weakly.

She could not understand why he was leaving so suddenly or why he was there in the first place.

She wanted to ask the doctor about it.

Uncle acted fast. He took a step forward and volunteered, "He is here for praying for the patients."

With that Sakshi forgot the incident.

Father could not come over the thought that he was the reason for her to rush to commit suicide, no matter what uncle said to convince him.

He was not ready to say to her that he was once in her life and was going to hurt her further with that.

He did not want uncle to say it to her either.

He wished as uncle told she could recover soon to know the truth herself.

He would not blame himself if she was not angry on him after her recovery.

He was praying for them both.

greensakthi thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago


Distance is just a test to see,

How far love can travel.



She heard his car and wanted to hide her tears from him.

She went to their bedroom and entered in to the bath room.

Two pairs of eyes were looking eagerly for her return.

Goel entered the house after his phone call to meet her. He had planned everything then.

When he heard a car behind he hid himself and thought she had told everything to her so called husband as she had threatened him.

He moved toward the back of the house and waited.

Arjun entered the house and heard a door latch.

He sat on the sofa in the hall and waited.

As he did not hear any talk from his hiding place, Goel selected a new place to hide and started looking inside. He saw Arjun, who was looking at a door- which she had closed behind- was a bathroom he had seen from his old place through a window.

The door was still locked- meaning?- he smirked to himself. She was not going to tell Arjun. He could execute his plan perfectly.

He went to his old place and waited.

Arjun's mobile rang. He was informed that he had to return to the office at once. He looked at the door again.


Once got that she was not going to come out until she heard his car going away, he decided to leave her a message.

He put the note on the teapoy and left with a final look at the locked door.

Goel came out and entered the house to surprise her.

His eyes fell on the note as he crossed the hall.

His mind calculated and decided fast.

He took the note and made a correction.

With a satisfying thought he too left the house.

'I'm half an hour ahead of you ACP, at least.'


Sakshi gathered herself and came out.

She sat on the bed and pillowed her head in her palms.

She could not believe she was still cheating him.

Not anymore.

She decided to tell him and go to uncle at once and was going to wait for his return from abroad.

She came out of the bed room to collect her mobile, which she had left there while she rushed to hide herself from Arjun.

She saw the note and read it, 'Roshini, I want to talk to you. Meet me at the Demeanors' restaurant at 06:00.'


At 06:00!

Demeanors' restaurant was one place she could never forget- it was where he showed her how to swim.

It was their first visit there and they were early. They informed them that it was their preparation time and if they wished they could wait near the swimming pool.

They decided to visit the pool and once they reached there, the water called them in.

Arjun suggested teaching her swimming some day.

The manager informed they provided swimming suit after seeing Arjun's eagerness and their whispers.

Sakshi- right away- refused it.

When the manager announced that their suit was a water resistant knee length tight-jump suit with adjustable size she accepted half heartedly.

But the whole plan was a huge success.


She came out of the water after two hours still laughing and Arjun behind.

While changing she thought of Arjun's words.

"It doesn't mean you've to learn all at once, but remember not to do anything that'd make me never return to a pool again, ever."

He said seriously.

She frowned and hesitated near the water.

He was standing in the water up to his hips.

"Didn't you hear me? Now, come on in. Be my guest."

He pulled her in suddenly and shocked her well.

The first thing he did was covering her mouth with his palm, for he expected to hear one from her and when she did in real the scream was muffled.

"Right, as already you've broken the rule once, can I remove my hand? Promise me you won't disappoint me once again," he smiled, "At least not at once."

She nodded and he released her.

"Promise me you won't drown me."

"I can't even if I try to, as I've no intention of having dinner tonight alone and you can't drown yourself in water up to your hips."

She grinned.

"I thought it'd be deeper than what you saw from outside."

"You are right," he took her hand, "Just a couple of steps from here and you can see what deeper means," he moved back and when a stopper touched her feet she lost balance and fell over him.

When he pulled her to the surface she was all furious and dripping all over. But she started laughing at the new experience.

Then it was difficult for him to convince her that they were there for dinner and if the management found them still in the water they'd throw them away in that wet dress without mercy.

She looked at herself then and saw that the collarless dress they provided was drenched and she was soaking inside. The dress was sticking on to her body and had started revealing her ages ago. And she didn't realize it till then. It was not a water proof as they vowed, perhaps, a bullet proof instead, Arjun suggested as she covered herself with her hands and went inside the water once again.

She didn't get the real meaning of the manager when he said, "At this time of the year, we don't have many guests in our hotel."

Now she did, the pool was empty.


When they finally finished dinner and came out they were the last one to leave, but were still laughing. 

Eventually, Arjun confessed that the pool scene was his plot.


God, he is still thinking about that all, but she is going to tell him that she is going to leave him -that she is not the original.'

To think to tell him and leave, it seemed easy, but to think how...


The real agony was not lying in leaving, but in telling him so.


'It's not that leaving the Heaven's bliss

But it is that leaving him hurts most...

It's not what you'd do without me

It's about what I'd do without you...'


She saw what she had written.

She crushed the sheet right away without knowing that it was the first poem she wrote in months after she left Shirdi and thought she could not stay here even if she wanted to and she could never forgive herself if she did.

She got up from the desk and started packing.

Once she took her suitcase, she thought she would tell him everything that evening when they met and would let him decide. But in the meanwhile she was going to Pune and wait.

She took a sari he bought for her and she was not sure she could still claim that it was hers.

She left everything and sat on the edge of the bed.

She was tired. She was not going to pack anything. She would go to her uncle's place and buy what she needed and wait. She was not going to carry all these- would- not -go-away- remembrances with her.

She got ready to go to the restaurant. She put her mobile on the cot and went out. She would not need it anymore.


If it is an ocean standing hindrance between you and me, it'd be easy and I shall cross it for you, but- it's your heart -that keeps me away from you, how can I dare?...



Arjun was restless the whole day.

He was not happy about leaving her that message. He should have told her in person, he knew.

Why did she go in like that and shut the door at his face?

She was angry at him for his attitude toward her this long, he surmised. But why should today of all the other days?

He had left the house that morning well before she woke up and he could not talk to her the previous night as he went home very late.

Now, he was free, but he could not relax. He wanted to speak to her. He was going to tell her everything he found out and ...

And what?

He was going to tell her his decision and leave the rest to her to decide.

He looked at his watch. 05:45.

He would start in fifteen minutes and pick her up in the house after a short shower. They could go to the restaurant together. He dialed her number to inform her to wait for him. But she did not pick it up.



He opened the door silently and entered in.

She had gone already.

He sat on the sofa and saw his note was still there.

He had to get ready and go, he reminded himself.

'Well,' he sighed and got to his feet. He moved to the bedroom. Everything was silent.

Once entered in, her suitcase got his attention.

'Where is she going?'

He moved further and found the suitcase empty.

'Why?'- he saw her mobile on the cot.

He took it and it blinked.

It was his missed call.

Slowly the fact settled in.

He clumsily opened the cupboards and found her things were not touched but the gifts he presented her were arranged neatly in his rack.

'God, she's gone?' He cursed himself. 'Leaving everything behind?'

Even left the mobile he bought for her.

But where to?

He opened her call log, in the thought that she would have informed someone before leaving.

His uncle had called her that morning, and then a new number had called her. He noted that she didn't make a call to anyone that day.

'The recordings!'

He left the room and sat on the sofa as he played the first call from the recordings in his mobile.

She wished him a happy journey and asked him to call her once reached.

The call ended.


'Didn't she tell him about her decision?'

The second call started.

"Hello," her voice heard.

"Hello, ma'am, I'm calling from the seeds company. Have you asked your husband about the grass plan?"

After a moment's hesitation, she said, "How dare you?" her voice had all hatred in it.

"Oh, you found it out? Remembered me, finally?"

He asked sarcastically. It seemed he was enjoying the talk.

"Can I forget you two?-"

"But it took this long to remember, right?- he laughed out.

"And I think, you didn't forget still that I broke his head that day."

"God, how could I? If it was not for that why I had to roam in Goa? Thanks to you, you cost me a lot here in Goa and back in Pune. But this time I'm going to get paid for them both."

"What do you want?"

Her voice fell and was shaking now.

Arjun fisted his hand in anger.

"The same as before,"- in a smiling voice.

"Then I've to break your head too, without a choice."

Her voice was determined.

"See, Sakshi, if you don't want to make fuss, we can deal it smoothly-"

"Or?" She challenged him.

"Or, unnecessarily I've to go to your husband and tell him what you are doing here."

"As I'm ready to tell him myself-"

"If you are ready to face the consequences then I'll tell him about you and our boss." He suggested.

"And don't forget to tell him about the condition for the job your boss offered. And don't forget to tell him about you as a-"

"It seems you've forgotten about our boss's status."

"I still remember him as he was lying on the floor as a dead meat. And it seems you've forgotten that you are talking about an ACP here."

"Even if I tell him that you are cheating him as his wife?"

She was silent.

"Right, you've a choice actually. Come with me quietly and this'll be over in a day or two. You can come back to your beloved husband and I won't disturb you two then."

"After all, you are a wonderful choice maker," she commented. "Go ahead," She let out a sigh and said calmly, "Someone should tell him, right?"

She had cut the call with that.


Arjun was sitting there, silently. His mind was a chaos now, but he could think about one thing.


So where is she now?

He remembered her locking the bathroom door behind her as he entered in earlier that day.

The call had come before his arrival then.

She had to be in stress, thinking about telling him the truth, he could surmise.

But did she see the note he left for her?

Or did she leave him once for all, without knowing that he was waiting to talk to her?

He took the note in hand and eyed it as thinking about her.

The note had been corrected. The time had been changed from 06:30 to 06:00.

Why did she change it?

She was not ready to talk to him- wait.

That can't be true. It can't be she who changed it, for she did not inform him about the change of plan and for she did not know he would be home before going to the restaurant.

So someone who came here to meet her and once saw the note for her, they saw it as an opportunity to - to do what?

Hasi told him one seeds man came the other day.

Perhaps, what if this man is, who called her to blackmail?

Can it be?

If it is- 'God, it's a kidnap then!'

To make her come out and -

If it was he, then he could have whisked her somewhere, by now.

No, he could not waste time on surmises. He shook his head and stood up.

He got in the car and dialed.

"AJ, can you trace this number for me?"

sisodia_shefali thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
so finally arjun atleast know that she is sakshi and she did intend to tell him turth and also she is being blackmailed
now tells see if reaches her in time and how will react after knowing the whole truth of sakshi and uncle
thanks for pm 😊
greensakthi thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago

Part- 21:

I wish I could lie on your chest

And listen to your heartbeat.



The falling:

Arjun got out of the car and ran toward her.

He crouched down beside her.

"Roshini, it's ok. You are fine. Everything will be all right. Can you hear me?" as he turned her toward him.

It was not Roshini.

He was bewildered to know it and moved back away without knowing it.

"Are you ok? Can you hear me?" he whispered.

She tried to open her eyes one last time before went in to oblivion.

He started sliding back before he could get a chance to grab anything...


The rising:

Arjun got out of the car and ran toward the building.

He put the mobile in his pocket and drew the gun out as moving.

He stood before a doorway.


Ayesha entered the suite.

"Please, come in," Sudhir let her in.

Her eyes studied the room.

"Like it?"

He closed the door behind him and looked at her.

She turned to him, "Impressive,"

He gave her a once over and said, "To me too,"

Her smile broadened to his surprise. It said she was open. But he'd to confirm further. A step a time, he reminded himself.

He led her in.

Showing her a seat he sat at the desk.

"Anything to drink?"

He offered once she settled down in the chair.

"No, but thank you sir."

He smiled to himself at his ability to guess correctly.

He could see her acceptance in her relaxed posture. And this time he had done everything himself without Goel's help.

Once sat down she put her bag on her lap and looked at him with a confident smile.

"I'd like to thank you for accepting this interview, even though I've no prior experience, sir."

She said politely.

He laughed and said, "I like my candidates without experience, most of the time."

"Sir..." she was confused.

'Go slow,'

"I mean fresher minds create new things wonderfully and I need my employees fresh."

"I think I can satisfy you sir."

"Good, that's what I want," he grinned.

She reached her bag, "If you could see once-"

"Oh, it can wait."

She frowned at him.

"Let's talk about the terms and conditions of the job first. You'll have to work for me over time as our company is a leading concern."

"Sure sir, I'll,"

She seemed relieved.

If she would be the same after once hearing his-

"And now let's talk about the conditions. You'll have to..."

He expressed his condition clearly and before he could relax in his chair and wait for her response- she had responded him with a slap.

And, before he could relieve from the shock he heard a button snap.


'Let the suspect believe you. If he believes then you've covered half the path,' Arjun would tell. His training didn't go unavailing, she thought.




He looked at her with a red cheek, bleeding nose and some minor bruises around. He could not say which one was producing that hot shooting pain near his left eye. But he was still sitting at his desk, as she reached the bag on the desk that she placed a moment before, before giving him that first slap, to be exact.

To his surprise he heard himself say, "Who are you?"

She raised an eyebrow at him from her place as he seemed to recover from the onset.

As if she had decided to answer him she straightened herself in the chair and busied herself with things that she started propping on the desk.

Once saw the gun he jerked and looked at her askance.

"That's a good start." Finally she said. "You know they say I'm good in," she motioned toward the gun, which she placed beside the voice recorder on the desk, "Back in Mumbai."

From Mumbai?' 

He jumped fast with his guesses.

"Don't tell me this is what I think it is."

His voice was airy now.

"Unfortunately," she stood up slowly and after letting him shudder enough, she said, "I don't know what you think it is," and smiled at him.

To his annoyance, she took a step toward him.

"You don't know who I'm,"

"Then try me," she sat on the edge of the desk and he got the nerve to deal with her.

"I'm-" he hesitated a moment before said, "You can't escape from here."

Hearing this she laughed out, "Trust me, escape is not in the plan."

He was silent- thinking.

"Who sent you?"

"Myself, for your case I preferred to come personally."

She took a pen from the desk and put it back in its stand and moved it where it was before then eyed him.

"It seems really an interview now." she commented.

"Tell me how much. I'll give-"

"You can't. It's pro bono."

Once saw her touching the gun, he started hearing his heart beats clearly.

"You can't- I'll give you whatever you want," he stammered.

She released the safety lock and sighed," If it's so I need information, instead."

She took a cover which she had placed beside the gun and tossed it before him.

She saw him taking it nervously and opened it.

She touched the record' button in the voice recorder as he looked up. He was seeing the recorder for the first time.

As her gaze fell on him he resumed opening the cover.

"She?" he said once saw Sakshi's picture inside it.

She nodded.

"What happened?"

He avoided her eyes and looked away. But when she pointed the gun toward him he could not pretend he did not notice.

He raised his hands as in surrender and said, "Goel sent her to me. But she- she broke my head," Ayesha smiled as he added, "And went away."

He stopped.

"Then?" she insisted.

"Then? Then what my wife found out about me and dummied me in the company," he snarled.

"Where is he?"

"He-He is in Goa."

Her smile faded. She stood up fast.

"What the devil is he doing there?" her voice hardened.

He hesitated, but when she took a step toward him, "Wait, he said- he said he had found her out."


Uncle looked at his mobile and was surprised.

Ayesha was calling him.

He smiled as he thought who didn't call him up this long was, at last, calling him now.

He knew she was in Pune, now.

He said cheerfully, "Hello-"

But she was in no mood to enjoy his teasing, said, "Uncle, where are you?"

"At the airport," he said smelling her urge, "I just checked in."

"I think you've to cancel the flight there and hire a charter to Goa. The reason why she went to the hill is now in Goa."



Goel relaxed himself and took some water.

He had successfully completed his first part of the plan.

He looked at his watch as pacing the floor.

He eyed the hand bag he tossed on the floor and thought he had to call his boss and let him know about her and invite him to Goa. He had to check her bag for a cell phone.

He took the bag and was about to open it when he felt a shadow at the doorway.

He turned and said, "You?"

He was perplexed to see Arjun there, suddenly.

Before he could call him, before he could tell him about the whereabouts, how could he?-

But without giving him much time to wonder, the shadow approached him.


She was there for the last half an hour.

She opened her eyes and took the situation in. she was in a construction site.

As she was trying to think clearly - as she was trying to untie herself, she heard footsteps.


Without much persuasion, Goel showed him where she was.

Once entered on the floor and reached her, he volunteered to untie her, with a black eye.

She stood up and heard a slap.

Goel started whimpering, "What's this for? I've released her," he reminded Arjun.

"For you did think you could kidnap her." Arjun said as a reply to him.

Goel opened his mouth to say something but was shut with a nose break.

An astonished Sakshi took a step toward Arjun but stopped as she could not get words out to console him.


For every bone he broke, she took a step backward.

'God, none told me this!'

Her heart was thudding against her chest.

'His friends told many things about him. His favorites, dislikes- but not about this!'

She ran in to a wall behind and stood against it.

'They didn't tell her what he'd do if he found out a lie.'

She eyed the victim once weakly.

'Just for kidnapping his wife, he is...' she looked away.


She had started moving along the wall now, away from them, in legs that were turning in to rubber.

'What he'd do when he comes to know that I'm posing her?'

Uncle too is not here to advise what to do now.


She heard a distant siren, at last.

The next moment they entered in and arrested Goel.

It they had come a moment earlier they could have saved a couple of bones, at least. She wanted to complain. But she stood quietly as they crossed her and left the place.


The duo was still standing there in silence looking at each other.

To her annoyance she was looking him in the eyes.

He stroked his hair and smiled before took a step toward her.

What she could not offer was what the life was simply demanding.

She lowered her eyes and turned away. As she took a step toward the entrance he said, "Are you leaving me? Can you do that?"

She stopped at that, "Arjunn!"

On impulse she ran to him, but stopped short once reached him.

He raised an eyebrow but smiled.

Once he extended his arms she let herself to be taken in to his arms, without hesitation.


They stood in silence again. Once she settled on his chest he hummed,  "Listen to your heart," with a smile.

But as he felt her tears on his chest, he called softly, "Sakshi..."

The next moment she stood away from him and stared at him.

"Arjun," she said weakly.

She started searching his eyes.

'He knows - no, he found it out,' she corrected herself.

His eyes smiled at her but offered nothing out.

She lowered her gaze and said, "I don't want your pity, Arjun."

"You mean P-I-T-Y?"

He inquired her seriously.

She shot him a look and he withdrew teasing her at once.

He took her hand in his and said as leading her toward the entrance, "Come, let's get married first."

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Posted: 8 years ago
so finally arjun did rise in love ðŸ˜Š