Maaneet SS : Bound by love Last part Page 28

-Roch- thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 9 years ago

Hey peeps,

Guess who is back with a new piece of writing? πŸ˜‰πŸ˜† I hope you all can remember me! I got a wonderful response to my previous short story, Baby on board πŸ˜ƒ So here I am, back with a new story as promised. πŸ˜‰πŸ˜† This is a three shot. I had to limit it due to my commitments in my personal life it is much difficult for me to maintain a FF. Hope you all enjoy reading & don't forget to share your valuable views on my story πŸ˜³ Thank you in advance! 

Bound by love

Chapter 1

A pretty young lady in her mid twenties was hurrying her steps in the busy streets, searching for a taxi. After much anticipation, she spotted a taxi coming towards her direction. She waved her hand signalling to stop. She was already late for her best friend's baby shower & she wanted to reach there soon.
As soon as she got inside the taxi, she was shocked to see another guy getting inside the taxi at the same time.

'Excuse me?' 'This is my taxi!' She glared at the stranger.

'What? ' 'Do you own it?' The guy smirked at her.

'Nope but I'm about to rent it.'

'Do you think that it is nice to jump inside a taxi that is already reserved by someone else?' The guy inquired her.

'What the hell? I didn't see you!' She replied back angrily.

'But I reserved this first!'

'No way! I got inside first!' 

'Let's ask the driver!' The guy grinned.

'Excuse me Mr, who saw the taxi first?'

The taxi driver shrugged & looked away.

'Hey you stopped the taxi after I waved my hand.' She made a face.

'I did the same! but a few seconds before you! So this taxi is mine.' He smirked at her again.

'What the hell? I got inside a few seconds before you so it is mine' She grinned at him almost imitating him.

'Excuse me. Both of you are wasting my time. Any of you willing to get a ride or not?'The taxi driver seemed to be tired with his customers' arguments.

'Okay fine! I will get down!' She finally made up her mind.

'But Mr. whoever you are, it's not because I easily accepted the defeat. It is solely because I can't let you ruin my happy mood' She glared at him & got off hurriedly. 

'Nope wait! I'll get down' The guy too got off the taxi.

'Now what?' She glared at him angrily.

The taxi started moving forward. The driver must have been surely fed up with these crazy duo.

'Hey taxi!' The guy shouted out.

'Come back!' She too shouted at it.

The taxi disappeared from their view in seconds.

'Well, that was effing stupid! why did you get out?' She inquired the guy.

'You only told me few minutes back that I'm ruining your mood. So I felt bad.' He answered.

'And are you calling me stupid? I was trying to be nice'

She left without replying him back. Soon they parted their ways.

There wasn't any taxi cars to be spotted around. She was getting late too, so she decided to get a ride in the metro train. It was much crowded as it was the time where people get back home after office.

She is Geet Handa, 26 years old & works in a reputed financial company in Mumbai. She is originally from Delhi. She was born to a conservative family, under many strict rules in her childhood. She was a bright student & soon pursued her goals in academics started working an accountant. She always wanted to become financially stable of her own. She didn't want to bother her parents all the time. She wanted to save money for the education of her younger brother.

She had to move to Mumbai as soon as she got her job. She rented out a small apartment to live in. She had many friends in Mumbai who offered her accommodation, but she simply refused them as she always cherished her privacy & wanted to stay alone without bothering anyone.

That day she was on a hurry to attend her best friend Trishna's baby shower. Trishna was Geet's best friend since childhood. She got married 3 years back & moved to Mumbai with her husband. She was on the 7th month of her pregnancy. Geet was eager to be an aunt. 

The train was so much crowded & all the seats were occupied. She had to stand, almost crushing her bones between the passengers. Suddenly she felt someone staring at her. She looked back & was surprised to see the same guy who had been bugging her with the taxi, a while ago.

'Train isn't much comfortable as the taxi right?' He grinned.

'Stop talking to me!' She looked away, disturbed by this unexpected encounter.

Finally she got off from the metro train & started heading out of the underground railway station. Her friend's house situated a few yards away.

'Oh shit!' She just remembered that she has forgot the gift at home, which she had bought for her best friend. She simply didn't want to visit her friend without getting her something. It is a baby shower & she definitely cannot go without a gift. She knew that  her Trishna wouldn't mind but she didn't want to go with bare hands.

She was lucky enough to spot a toy store near by. She went inside to buy something for the baby. She went crazy with the colorful & cute toys arranged inside the store. There was a variety of toys for infants to adolescents. She was looking for soft toys & spotted a cute little teddy bear. It was a fluffy little teddy bear which was holding a heart.

She was about to pick it & she felt someone else holding it from the opposite side. She was surprised & shocked at the same time. It was the same guy again.

'What the f*ck?' 'Are you freaking following me?' Geet spoke to him in an angry tone. She was highly irritated.

'I was about to ask you the same' The guy smirked.

'Just leave me alone' She glared at him angrily.

'I'm not holding you!' 

'You are holding the teddy bear I just picked.'

'Oh hello I spotted it first'

'Dare you repeat what happened in the taxi!' 'Just give me the teddy bear!' She ordered him.

'You can't order me! I'm gonna buy this one so let me do it!'

'Nope! I was planning to buy this first. Just give it!'

They were fighting for the teddy bear like 5 year old kids.

'Excuse me ma'am? sir?' A sales girl came up & intervened them.

'Um.. I want to buy this teddy bear!' She loosened the grip with embarrassment.

'Sure, you can ma'am.'

'Wait no! I want to buy this. I saw this first.' He interrupted.

'No I want this!'

'Have you got more of these?' The guy inquired the sales girl.

'I'm sorry sir. Unfortunately this is the last teddy bear in the stock.'

'I want this! and it is the final. I will pay double of it's price.' 

What the eff wrong with this guy? What does he wanna show? First he made me loose the taxi, then stood behind me in the train & followed me up to the toy store! Why on earth this idiot needs a teddy bear? Geet self thought.

'Hey that's unfair. I was about to pick it first. I want this urgently! I'm getting late to my friend's baby shower!'

'Oh hello! this is important for me too. I'm buying this for my little niece who is yet to born.'

Argument continued between them. None of them noticed till a little girl about 3 years old took it off from their hands.

'What the eff? see! that kiddo took it away!' Geet almost cried with anger. Nothing was cuter than that teddy bear.

'Your fault!' He smirked at her.

'How come it's mine?' She raised her voice.

'Okay fine! let me go!' She almost pushed him away who was blocking her way.

Geet finally made up her mind to buy something else but she couldn't forget the teddy bear. It was so cute. Nothing could reach up to her expectations. At long last she departed the store buying two fluffy bears & some items to decorate the nursery.

She knocked at her friend's door. Fate was giving  back to back surprises for her. She saw that stranger opening the door, whom she had met 3 times before.

'You?' both of them were surprised to see each other.

'Now wait! don't tell me I'm following you! only you are freaking following me!' The guy spoke, shocked by the unexpected encounter.

'What the hell? I'm not following you for god's sake! what are you doing here, at my best friend's house?'

'May I repeat the question for Miss. whoever you are! who are you to visit my cousin?'

'Maan! who is at the door?' I heard a voice. It was Trishna's husband, Rajeev.

'Hey! a nutcase is troubling me!' He smirked.

What the eff? Geet self thought. This guy is getting on her nerves.

'Hello Geet!' Come come! Trish was waiting for you.' Rajeev welcomed me.

'Hi Rajeev. Sorry I got a little late. An idiot was troubling me throughout the evening!'Geet smirked at the guy.

'Haha okay. Let's go in.' Rajeev accompanied her to the living room.

'Hey Geet!' 'Where were you?' 'I thought you would come early!' Trishna welcomed Geet with a hug.

'That's a long story!' Geet sighed. She refused recalling the past incidents which ruined her day.

'Anyway just let it be. Just open the gifts I got for you!' Geet smiled at her friend.

'Wow! this is so cute!' Trishna seemed pleased with the gifts. 'Thank you so much Geet! you have a good choice.'

'You're welcome Trish. But this wasn't the actual gift I was planning to give you!' Geet chuckled.

'Really? then what?'

'Actually I have forgotten & left the gift at home I bought for you yesterday.' 'I had so much of work in the office so I was planning to come here directly.' 'Since I forgot, I had to buy something else' Geet explained.

'Haha that's okay sweetheart! if this gift looks so perfect even though you bought it in a hurry, I wonder how nice the actual gift would be!' Trishna chuckled.

'But no any other gift can reach up to my gift!' The guy who was irritating Geet came along. Geet frowned at him.

'Geet! I couldn't introduce him to you!' 

'This is Maan, Rajeev's cousin.'

'Maan Singh Khurana' He extended his hand for a handshake.

'Geet Handa' She too introduced myself with a fake smile.

'So Trish, is this your crazy best friend you always jabber about?' He smirked.

What the hell? does he know about me already? Geet was surprised.

'Yeah she is! we are best friends since toddlers.' Trishna replied with a bright smile.

'So Trish, aren't you showing the gift you received from your cousin, to your best friend?' He winked.

'Haha sure!' 'Geet you know what? Maan gifted a pair of roller skate shoes for his to be born niece' Trishna chuckled.

'Seriously?' Geet was surprised.

'I know right! he is like that. Always comes up with extraordinary ideas' 

'I am smart as that!' Maan winked.

Oh god! he thinks he is smart? He is so stupid! Roller skate shoes are great but they are harmful too! that too for a toddler! Geet self thought.

'You are stupid as that!' Geet muttered.

'Did you say anything?' He was staring at me.

'Umm.. no I mean what a wonderful gift it is! Geet grinned.

'Geet, he wants to turn his niece in to an adventurous smart kid!' Trishna chuckled.

'And she is not even born yet!' Rajeev added.

'Ouch.' Trishna seemed hurt.

'What's wrong Trish?' Geet was worried.

'Rajeev, are you sure the doctor confirmed it's a baby girl by the sonography test?'Trishna inquired her husband.

'Why not? It's a girl, darling.' 'Why you sound doubtful?'

'Because your naughty little princess has been kicking me for quite sometime now. She kicked me hardly right now! it was painful.'

'She must be eager to try out her roller stake shoes!' Maan chuckled.

All laughed at Maan's explanation.

'I don't know about that, but she kicks me like a professional foot ball player.' Trishna smiled.

'Then she will be like that in the future' Maan winked.

'Skating & playing foot ball! will she ever be able to play with dolls?' Geet chuckled.

'Do you still believe in those gender stereotypes Miss. Geet Handa?' Maan smirked.

'Well..' Geet didn't know what to say.

'Why cannot a girl play foot ball, skate & do all the adventurous things? I think those doll dress up games are boring.' Maan chuckled.

'Enough of the discussions! let me get something for you all to eat!' Trishna got up slowly. She was struggling with her 7 months old belly.

'By the way, don't call her formally! right Geet?' Trishna winked at both of them.

'Umm yeah. Sure you can call me Geet.' Geet grinned at him. 

The baby shower proceeded in a grand scale. Geet enjoyed it thoroughly. Later at that night, Maan offered her a lift. At first she refused, but she didn't have any alternatives to reach home at it was late night & not secure to travel alone in the night.

She got to know about Maan better. Maan was Rajeev's cousin. His had lost his parents when he was in such a tender age of 4 years & was fostered by Rajeev's unmarried aunt. He is a freelance journalist. He had obtained a first class degree on Media & Communication from University of Sheffield, UK. He had come to India after 5 years, completing his studies. He was not an ordinary guy. He was different, in a special way & he always had innovative ideas.

The first impression Geet had about Maan was being so irritable, but it eventually faded away after talking to him properly. Geet too shared about herself with him. He dropped her safely at home. They bid each other good bye and parted their ways.

Days, weeks & months passed by. Trishna gave birth to a cute little baby girl. They named her as Ruhi. Geet & Maan became little Ruhi's god parents. Geet & Maan became close friends. They met each other most of the time at Trishna's place. Ruhi too became friendly with her god parents in such a tender age of 6 months. Ruhi loved Geet & Maan's company. Specially when Maan starts playing with her. She loved her uncle a lot.

Trishna & Rajeev had secret plans on Geet & Maan. They seemed to be a matching couple. Specially Trishna wanted Geet to be her sister-in-law. But they were doubtful whether each other would accept them as life partners. Specially Maan had told them earlier that he loves being independent in life & never wanted to get married, when they were searching for girls to propose him. But he seemed to be quite enjoying Geet's company. 

Geet & Maan always fought over Ruhi for silly reasons. To select her matching outfits, toys & to play with her. They were undoubtedly the best ever god parents Ruhi could possibly ask for. Trishna & Rajeev thought, why not to make it official. They started passing hints on them. But neither of them showed that they are in love. 

Trishna too kept bugging Geet to get married soon but she told her that she was not ready for a relationship with anyone. One fine day, Trishna suggested Maan to take Geet for a dinner date. For her surprise Maan didn't decline it that day. Trishna was on cloud nine. She could easily get Geet on her plan too. Geet didn't have any choice. She too agreed to go on a dinner out as she badly wanted to take a break from her hectic working schedules & relax for a while.

Geet was getting ready to go on the dinner out. She kept looking on the mirror.

'Gahh this sucks!' She threw away the 9th outfit she chose to wear. A pile of beautiful dresses were lying on the bed which were rejected by her. None seemed to be satisfying her this evening. She always followed the rule 'dress to impress' but unfortunately she didn't find any outfit 'impressive'. 

She was searching for more & more impressive outfits as if she is going for a prom. It is supposed to be a simple dinner out, but for her it is so special. She didn't know why she felt like that. She used to treat Maan as a good friend. But she wanted to dress well to impress him. Deep down in her heart, she had special feelings for him which were unexplained. She didn't want to believe in the fact that she is already attracted to him.

Finally she found a black satin dress which could reach up to her satisfaction. It was a long one & had a cut in a side from the knee level. It was an off shoulder dress with long lace sleeves. It look gorgeous on her. It perfectly suited for her milky white skin. She wore a pair of long earrings & kept her neck bare. She didn't like to wear so much of jewellery.

She coloured her lips in wine red & wore a simple make up. She looked at the mirror with a self satisfaction. She looked absolutely stunning. She took a sparkling black clutch which matches her outfit. She was all ready to go. She was waiting for Maan to come & pick her.

After much anticipation, she heard the door bell ringing. She opened the door impatiently. She was shocked by the sight.

To be continued...

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Edited by -Roch- - 9 years ago


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Frequent Posters

-Roch- thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 9 years ago
Chapter 1 - Above

Edited by -Roch- - 9 years ago
--Fairy-- thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 9 years ago
Amazing and interest concept loved the maaneet nok-jhok
waiting for next part 
Madhuri53 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 9 years ago
part 1 - lovely start...both were fighting like kids over each & small things...
if he had already purchased skate shoes then why he was fighting over teddy bear..?
and knowing the gender of kid is illegal in india..
they jelled up very well with each other, became friends...
now Rajeev & trishna trying to hook them she planned for their dinner date...
waiting for next
TJ_spinelli thumbnail
Visit Streak 365 0 Thumbnail Anniversary 10 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 9 years ago
congratz 4 d new story Roch
maaneet met nd startd 2 fight 4 who ill hire d taxi nd taxi driver went away by gettng fed up by their fightπŸ˜†
den again met at metro where geet warned him nt 2 talk wit her
nd again met at toy store where bth wantd 2 purchase same teddy 4 unborn baby nd ended up buyng smthing else
nd den came 2 knw dat geet is trishna's best frnd who he is maan's cousin bro's wifeπŸ˜ƒ
as d time passed bth gelled well nd became Ruhi's god parents nd their silly fights were onπŸ˜ƒ
trishna nd rajeev wantd maaneet 2 get married bt dey didnt shw any intrst
finally trishna planned dineer 4 maaneet nd bth agreed 2 go nd geet dressd so wellπŸ‘πŸΌ
waitng 4 d nxt part Roch update soon
Hanishadevi thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 9 years ago
Very interesting n entertaining... Wondering what hv shock geet...
susm thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
Hai roch thanks for new story. Missing u yar any thing can go even OS but please keep writing when u got lil free. Amazing start. First maaneet nok jok from taxi to gift shop continue to home. Came to same place n became god parents for lil girl. They become good friend n secretary has feelings for each other. Going for dinner date I think it's Geet family let's wait.
Downhill thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
simply superb
loved it
Endgame thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
congo 4 new story superb start maaneet encounters was funny especially that taxi n teddy bear both r friends but geet attracted to him n he has a special place in her heart n now they r going in a date but who actually came cant wait for nexp thnx 4 pm
nishamna thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 9 years ago
Amazing. What a coincidence. maneet met thrice time accidently and eventually their destination was first I thought maan is following her but now it doesn't seem like that. Their first meeting was not please table but at the end they become very good friends. Geet's friend blessed with a daughter whose god parents are.maneet. maneet are going for their first dinner date. Geet somewhere knew about her feelings . does maan also feel same. Waiting for next dear