Indian Parents!! - Page 2


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*Anjali* thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago
It is true that a lot of Indian parents want their kids to become doctors b/c you earn a lot of money, but it's not always the case.

For instance, I've always wanted to become a doctor and my parents had absolutely no bearing on this decision of mine. My parents aren't doctors at all. My mom is an accountant and she wanted me to become one, but I didn't really like it. Science is just something I really liked, especially Medical Science and then when I volunteered at a hospital I realized I really want to do this.

Although the profession pays well, I never ever would have gone into it just for the money or if my parents would have forced me to. Because if you're stuck in a career which you hate, then it doesn't matter how much you get paid--you'll always be miserable.

My advice to anyone who feels pressure to go into a certain field or profession by their parents is to just sit down and chat with them (that's what I did when I told my mom i didn't really want to become an accountant or lawyer) and explain what the positive points are in the profession which you really want to pursue. Most importantly, tell them that you will be happy. In the end, your parents want you to be happy and they will support you--you just have to talk to them.
Groovychick thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago
thnx 4 the advice anjali 😃
i'm only 13 but i'm jus sayin all this bcoz i ave lots of frens hu feel pressurised atm so i jus wanted all ur advice...thnx 🤗
deepey thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago
well not all of them!! but i dunno i guess to them enginners and doctors is the only good field 😕
mikagurl23 thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago
Well, the thing is, I have absolutely no clue what i will be, i've been thinking soo much on what i should turn out to be, im thinking of being a an engineer, but I'm not soo sure if I'd be good at it, and the things I enjoy doing, are somethings that I really need to improve, I have another 3 years to think about my career so i can actually take the course in college, my parents don't care what field I take, they just want me to be happy, sure they will pressure me, becuz they do pressure my brother, but not as much because they understand how biomedical engineering is like. SO basically my parents really understand what we are going through!
Groovychick thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago
not all parents...but lots of indian parents want their chdildren 2 grow up n sumtyms their parents force them 2 b wot they don't want 2....evry1 has a ryt 2 make their own decisons
i wanna b an accountant n my parents won't cum in the way of me that bcoz they don't believe in all these stuff
i agree with u deepey...thats wot lots of parents think...i mean those r not the onli gud jobs with gud money in it 😕
n mika...hope u achieve wot u want 2 achieve n b woteva u want 2 b 😊
Signora2 thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago
yes some Parents do force their kids, in the hope of realizing their own ambitions which may have been thwarted. But ultimately we have to study and what is the point in studying subjects one cannot connect with?
One ought to be very sure of the options and aptitude , otherwise things can go horribly wrong.
Naina_Manam thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago
The child should be given the chance to select his/her career because if they decide for themselves then they will do better because they will have interest on the subject.

If they are forced to do something they might not do as well as they should and have the right.

Parents should interfere if the child is taking any wrong decision but not career wise unless the career he is choosing the definitely wrong....
Yorkie thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago
Yea.. I think children should be given the space to choose their career..afterall, its 'their' career and 'their' life. Doesn't it seem like Indian parents are the only ones that have trouble with understanding this. 😊
Groovychick thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago
lol...yea it feels lyk that lots of tyms