Posted: 9 years ago

Ekkees Toppon Ki Salaami review: A promising storyline that ends up as Facepalm

by Suprateek Chatterjee  Oct 10, 2014 13:20 IST

#Anupam Kher   #Bollywood   #Divyendu Sharma   #Ekkees Toppon Ki Salaami   #Ekkees Toppon Ki Salaami review   #Entertainment   #Manu Rishi Chadha   #Movie review   #MovieReview   #Ravindra Gautam  

Satire doesn't seem to be Bollywood's strongest suit nowadays.

Sure, there have been the occasional bright sparks (Phas Gaye Re Obama, Matru Ki Bijlee Ka Mandola) that, though flawed, got the essence of the genre. However, more often than not, we're subjected to films that start off with a great idea, only to be ruined by the usual excesses of Bollywood.

Ekkees Toppon Ki Salaami is a well-meaning socio-political satire that tries to walk the fine line between excess and intelligence. It nearly succeeds but unfortunately, somewhere near the end, the film stumbles and sinks into a familiar pit.

The story is somewhat familiar yet engaging: a dying father has a final wish and his sons must make it come true. The feature film debut of hit TV director Ravindra Gautam, Ekkees wears its heart on its sleeve and has all the makings of an uproarious black comedy until it becomes the stuff of facepalm.

Not even Anupam Kher can save this film: Image from Facebook

Anupam Kher stars as the film's central character, Purushottam Narayan Joshi, an honest and upstanding BMC malaria worker. He values integrity and respect above all else and is constantly chiding his sons Shekhar (Manu Rishi Chadha) and Subhash (Divyendu Sharma) for not living up to his ideals. His relationship with Subhash is particularly strained, since the latter prefers to make a living as a party worker for the corrupt chief minister Daya Shankar Pandey (Rajesh Sharma) instead of following in his father's footsteps.

Kher, who manages to effortlessly leapfrog from working with Oscar-nominated directors like David O'Russell to acting in the year's worst movies (look up Gang Of Ghosts at your own risk), could play this role in his sleep. However, while occasionally caught being on autopilot and not taking as many pains to sound Maharashtrian as Chadha and Sharma do (the former is more successful at it), Kher does bring enough of his trademark avuncular charm to pass muster.

Unfortunately, Ekkees needs more than Kher to salvage it. As the Joshi patriarch looks forward to retiring with honour and a certificate of integrity, a series of events lead to him being unfairly accused of corruption. He is stripped of his pension, PF, and, most importantly, his pride. This takes a severe toll on his health and on his deathbed, he asks for something absurd: a 21-gun salute.

The absurdity of the plot has a lot of potential and the parallels are many, ranging from Jaane Bhi Do Yaaron to Death At A Funeral. Ekkees is smart enough to come up with a meta role that finally does justice to Neha Dhupia's (limited) acting capabilities - she plays a ditzy prima donna named Jaya Prabha - but it's also juvenile enough to think that her appearances on screen need to be accompanied by the sound of a cat yowling.

Gautam ruins his film's potential by by unnecessarily spoon-feeding his audience. With assistance from cringe-inducing background music and unbelievable logical missteps, the director works overtime to derail Ekkees.

That said, there are quite a few moments of genuine hilarity. A sequence involving ice and a spot-on Sudhir Pande (as Joshi's samdhi) elicits plenty of laughs. While not a patch on this legendary piece of cinema, Kher's Commissioner D'Mello act in the second half has its moments.

Also, while Ram Sampath's music is disappointingly average (that Tod De Kataar' song sounds like a Sajid-Wajid reject), Ghoor Ghoor Ke' scores points for its spot-on picturisation.

The largely excellent supporting cast features great turns from the always dependable Rajesh Sharma and the wonderful Uttara Baokar, who plays the CM's scheming mother Kalavati (she's very obviously modelled on one of our ex-PMs).

Aditi Sharma has a pivotal role as both Subhash's love interest and the CM's trusted speech writer, but her performance is serviceable at best. Rahil Qaazi's script and dialogues draw liberally from news headlines, but not all of his ideas work as well as they may have seemed on paper.

Sadly, Ekkees is a film that was filled with potential but is undone by its flaws - much like the system it attempts to satirise.

Edited by NailClipper - 9 years ago


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Posted: 9 years ago
Ekkees Toppon Ki Salaami Review
October 10th, 2014 by Mohar Basu
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Ekkees Toppon Ki Salaami Movie Poster

Rating: 2.5/5 Stars (Two and half stars)

Star Cast: Anupam Kher, Neha Dhupia, Divyendu Sharma, Manu Rishi Chadha, Aditi Sharma, Rajesh Sharma, Uttara Baokar, Supriya Kumari, Bhagwan Tiwari, Sudhir Pandey, Aasif Sheikh, Anurag Arora

Director: Ravindra Gautam

What's Good: For starters, Anupam Kher was top notch. A well intentioned theme tackled consistently for most part works.

What's Bad: The humor drops in many parts. There is a lot of melodrama and mostly the plot wavers at many places.

Loo break: I did not spend much time in the loo.

Watch or Not?: Ekkees Toppon Ki Salaami is not brilliant but somehow it wasn't too bad either. It is semi watchable and despite its preachy tone, it survives your attention for being essentially noble at heart. I went with far too low expectations and hence probably came out to be a pleasant surprise. If you're a movie buff who watches every film, this one wouldn't be too much of a time waste.

User Rating:

Joshi Bhau is a respectable BMC employee, bestowed with two worthless sons. While he is an epitome of honesty and integrity, they are the exact opposites: one a corrupt officer and another a party worker. Joshi Bhau has planned his retirement for a long time but on the last day of his work he gets suspended and is humiliated to the core for theft and dishonesty with his department. With his pension and provident funds stuck, his sons care more about being homeless oblivious to their father's angst and pain. He dies and his dying wish is 21 guns salute.

Will his worthless succeed in fulfilling his dying wish?

Divyendu Sharma, Manu Rishi Chadha, Rajesh Sharma and Neha Dhupia in a still from movie Ekkees Toppon Ki Salaami'
Ekkees Toppon Ki Salaami Review: Script Analysis

Quite on the lines of the classic Jaane Bhi Do Yaaron, this one is a modern day take which maintains its individuality despite being built around the same premise. In the last decade, there were a multiple films that has tried to ape the classic and of the ones I have watched, this one takes the idea of the cult film forward giving it a distinct, refreshing and yet an appealing flavor. There is humor, satire, a lot of preaching (believe me when I say that), too much melodrama, but works despite its flaws.

A jamadaar at municipal corporation is an honest man, who has two worthless sons to his credit. One a corrupt government official and the other a party worker close to the Chief Minister of the state. Clashes and disagreements happen but when doom falls on the honest man on the last day of work, he is suspended and every retirement perk he is stripped off of. It hurts him so much that he succumbs with his dying wish that he wants a 21 gun salute for himself.

The idea in itself was interesting but there were a few lame moments as well. After his death, the sons find a diary of his father where he has jotted down oh how honest he was and never got his due' moments. The scene was a heart changing one for the sons and a very funny one for me. Lesson learnt: Melodrama has no logic to it and can be pretty humorous at times.

And finally after the mission - 21 guns salute is executed, one cannot help but wonder how is it a common man's victory. After his pyres cool down, won't the world get back to its corrupt mores and untrue ways? And was it actually a common man's victory because for the world it was the CM's pyre and not the common man's. Did I mind all of this? I did but not enough to loathe the film. I appreciated the coherent storytelling and the simplicity of the plot and though there were inconsistencies, I can prefer to overlook it for the noble intention of the plot.
Ekkees Toppon Ki Salaami Review: Star Performances

Anupam Kher was the best bit about the film. He was right in every frame and does so with immense conviction. Ridiculed by his sons, he is that valiant figure who strives and fights alone. His simple and powerful performance makes the first half crisp and strong. There are very few actors who can bring such intensity to a role and Kher was an apt casting.

Manu Rishi was good as a corrupt government official. Underplaying his role with subtlety, he was placed in contrast with Divyendu who was a loud mouth all through.

Divyendu plays the character with his usual loudness and though at times you feel he has gone overboard with his acting, he hits all the right notes with his performance.

Aditi Sharma plays the girl next door with innocence and charm. She is cutesy, pleasing and very sweet in her performance.

Neha Dhupia was wasted in the film that ideally should have given her more screen space.

And finally, Rajesh Sharma was his usual best in a role that was tailor made for him. He is great in the few scenes he gets and he is pretty much of a show stealer when in frame.
Ekkees Toppon Ki Salaami Review: Direction, Editing and Screenplay

Ravindra Gautam has made a thought provoking film. And while there are a thousand mistakes you can point out about the execution, you cannot challenge the film's intention. Ravindra might not have great experience of filmmaking and his amateur work has a nascent soul to it. He has used satire well. In a scene where a media guy asks audiences to SMS what's better nickname - Babu or Sonu, you laugh but the reality of the bureaucratic set up of media plays in your head. The film might function on a checklist and tries to hit all the points, it loses steam in the second half till the final scene. But the state of common man is laid bare for people to see and that is the ground reality of the world we function in.
Ekkees Toppon Ki Salaami Review: The Last Word

Ekkees Toppon Ki Salaami is not a work of genius but is earnest at what it does. Anupam Kher's performance shines and though the plot has its peaks and lows, the story's soul wins eventually. You can give it a try because it isn't cinematic beat but definitely a story that should be. Discrepancies and logic lapses aside, you won't exactly hate the film. I am going with 2.5/5.
Posted: 9 years ago

Review: Ekkees Toppon Ki Salaami has repeat value

October 10, 2014 10:43 IST

A scene from Ekkees Toppon Ki SalaamiEkkees Toppon Ki Salaami could have been flawless but for slightly substandard dialogues and cinematography, says Paloma Sharma.

Purushottam Narayan Joshi (Anupam Kher) is an honest BMC worker who has devoted his life to his job.

In return, all he wants for his retirement day is some respect.

As it had eluded him all his life -- in school, at work, during his wedding, and even from his sons Subhash (Divyendu Sharma) and Shekhar (Manu Rishi) -- Purushottam is shocked when he's accused of stealing on his last day at work and subsequently dies. 

When his sons realise their father's value, it is too late.

They cannot bring him back. But, as a last gesture of respect, they take it upon themselves to fulfill his last wish and get him ekkees toppon ki salaami (a 21-cannon salute) at his funeral.

The trouble is -- where will the two of them find 21 cannons, in present times, for the funeral?

TV soap director Ravindra Gautam deals with hard-hitting political satire for his big screen debut and it works wonderfully.

The script is strong and rarely falters.

The screenplay has been clearly divide into proper acts; the only thing lacking was the dialogue.

Although crisp for the most part, there are unnecessary sexual undertones in some scenes concerning the Chief Minister (Rajesh Sharma) and his mistress (Neha Dhupia).

Personally, if the dialogue had been kept a little cleaner, it could have been more effective.

Casting non-stars in the lead was perhaps one of the best decisions Gautam made. That way, the story remains the hero.

Despite work alongside a veteran like Kher, the cast manage to hold their own quite well. While Aditi Sharma impresses, Divyendu Sharma could do without walking through every scene with a smug expression.

The concept may not be a new one but it certainly is one that needs to be explored time and again.

A vague reminder of another Anupam Kher classic, Khosla ka Ghosla, Ekkees Toppon ki Salaami may not be fast paced but you never really wonder about how long it will take to end.

Similarly, some twists are predictable but the overall feel-good factor keeps you glued to your seats.

Ekkees Toppon ki Salaami explores the relationship between a father with Gandhian values and his sons who were born in a world of free markets and privatisation, with great sensitivity.

The characters are well developed. You know where they're coming from and what their motivations are, hence it is easy to empathise with them.

The director has retained the authenticity of the story by choosing to shoot at real locations that the average Mumbaikar will recognise instantly.

Slightly substandard background score and cinematography mar this otherwise almost flawless film.

Ekkees Toppon ki Salaami is one of those films that you can watch over and over again.

Extraordinarily ordinary and proud of it, Ekkees Toppon ki Salaami reminds us of the important things in life in a highly consumerist world.

Rediff Rating: 

Posted: 9 years ago

Movie Review: Ekkees Toppon Ki Salaami is not worth your time

Rohit Khilnani  October 10, 2014 | UPDATED 11:37 IST

Movie: Ekees Toppon Ki Salaami
Cast: Anupam Kher, Neha Dhupia, Divyendu Sharma, Manu Rishi and Aditi Sharma
Director: Ravindra Gautam
Rating: 4 Star Rating: Recommended4 Star Rating: Recommended
A still from Ekkees Toppon Ki Salaami
Neither is Ekkees Toppon Ki Salaami unbearable, nor is it a good film by any standards; it's somewhere in between. Purushotam Joshi (Anupam Kher) is an honest BMC worker who operates a fogging machine on the streets of Mumbai keeping dangerous diseases like dengue and malaria away. He has never taken a day off and always done his job with full honesty. On the day of his retirement, he is humiliated and suspended for losing the fogging machine, which he didn't actually lose. He finds it difficult to prove his innocence but his two sons who otherwise have been useless will now help him fulfill his last wish. He wants an Ekkees Toppon Ki Salaami (21-gun salute).

Joshi dies and his son standing next to his dead body calls a helpline to enquire where he could buy cannons. Does the comedy work during this tragedy? It doesn't!

The sons somehow are working towards his last wish, a 21-gun salute but through all the wrong means, something that he would never approve. What he wanted was respect but what they end up giving him is something just for the heck of it. Here's the brilliant plan. They will swap his dead body with the Chief Ministers, who died on the same day and is now going to get the honor that Joshi wanted. It's just bizarre and absurd!
Trust me, none of this is funny. Yes, the makers wanted to make something different and they did.

Anupam Kher is very good as the honest BMC worker, which he plays in the first half alive and in the second half, dead. Neha Dhupia a starlet who is in a relationship with the Chief Minister and is actually the best one in the film. She is expected to over act and she does that well. Divyendu Sharma plays his part well. There are some unnecessary songs, which take the duration to two hours and twenty minutes, way too long for this film!

If your idea of going for a film is to get entertained and have a good time, then this is not something you would want invest your time in.

Posted: 9 years ago

Ekkees Toppon Ki Salaami

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Ekkees Toppon Ki Salaami
By Bollywood Hungama News Network, 10 Oct 2014, 09:54 hrs IST
Rating: 3 | 
A little over three decades, there was one film made by the name of JAANE BHI DO YAARON, which went onto not just attain a 'cult status in Bollywood, but also give rise to a new 'genre' of filmmaking, about the hardships in the lives of common people but with a funny twist. Films like KHOSLA KA GHOSLA, OMG - OH MY GOD!, PEEPLI LIVE etc are a testimony to it.

This week's release EKKEES TOPPON KI SALAAMI is a satirical attempt at today's commercial world that is interspersed with politics, power, greed and lust. This is one film which will make you laugh... laugh at the system and then laugh at yourself. The on-screen characters seem absolutely straight out of everyday life for they are the ones who do not need any make up to 'highlight' their roles. These are the characters that are very much a part of everyone's day to day life.

The film starts off with the extremely sincere BMC employee Purushotam Narayan Joshi (Anupam Kher), who works as a fog machine operator. While his eldest son Shekhar Joshi (Manu Rishi Chadha) works as a small time employee in the BMC, his younger son Subhash Joshi (Divyendu Sharma) works for a leading politician, much against the wishes of his father. The sons don't share the best relationship with their father, as he is a very honest man, while the boys are practical and money minded. While others prepare for their usual day at work, Joshi gets all prepared for his Retirement Day. Just a day prior to his retirement, like his daily routine, Joshi goes to the fog supervisor in order to surrender his fog machine. Since the supervisor is 'busy' watching an adult video on the internet, he casually tells Joshi to leave the machine behind and that he will do the necessary formalities. Even though Joshi is a bit reluctant to do so, he ultimately gives in to the supervisor's instructions and leaves the fog machine with him, without making an entry for that day. The next day Joshi, with a cheerful and content face, enters his office anticipating a big send off party for him. However, the department head accuses him of stealing the foc machine and labels him a theif, rejecting his character certificate and instead putting a case on him. Joshi goes into depression and his health collapses. Just a few minutes before khis death, he has a heated argument with his two sons. In that moment, his youngest son Subhash promises his dying father, that he will be treated to a '21 gun (cannon) salute' at his funeral.

Will Subhash actually manage to keep his promise to his dying father and get a '21 gun (cannon) salute' and what difficulties he will face in doing so is what forms the rest of the story.

Director Ravindra Gautam really needs to be applauded from the bottom of the heart for having come up with such a unique film. The way he has treated the subject and extracted performances from his actors, makes him a director to look forward to in the future.

As far as the performances are concerned, it is really difficult to simply handpick one name over the others as each and everyone in the film have done their bit and that too very religiously. It is their combined efforts which make the film a watchable one. After years and years of solid experience, Anupam Kher makes his performance in the film look absolute effortless. Remarkable scenes include his confrontation with his sons before his death. On the other hand, it is the likes of Divyendu Sharma and Manu Rishi Chadha who deliver one of their best performances. Divyendu excels in the role of the younger son; his transformation from a carefree man into someone so very responsible and full of humanity is highly remarkable. The seasoned actor Manu Rishi Chadha supports Divyendu very well throughout the film. The surprise package of the film is indeed Aditi Sharma, who very effortlessly delivers a towering performance in the role of Taanya Srivastav. The other actors in the film include some of the seasoned names and also newcomers, who help in taking the story forward.

Just when one thought that everything was going right for this film, the biggest (and possibly the only) drawback comes in the form of the film's music by Ram Sampath. Some of the songs are far away from being hummable and interrupt the flow of the story. Even though the film has some minute flaws, they can be overlooked thanks to the film's tight script. The film's editing (Amitabh Shukla) could have been been smoother. The film's cinematography (Sanjay Mamane) is average.

On the whole, EKKEES TOPPON KI SALAAMI has a unique storyline and good performances while makes it an entertaining watch.
Posted: 9 years ago

Ekkees Toppon Ki Salaami movie review: Divyendu Sharma's political fight to give Anupam Kher his due, is a must watch!

Fri, October 10, 2014 10:59am UTC by Prateek Sur
Ekkees Toppon Ki Salaami movie review, Ekkees Toppon Ki Salaami, Ekkees Toppon Ki Salaami review

Political satires have been well appreciated in our country. This is another one. Though the film's trailer gave a decent idea as to what the film's about, once you watch the full movie you will come out a completely changed man. Read on the movie review to know why...

What is it about?

Two sons set out to get their father what he dreamed of all through his life-the ultimate sign of respect. High on thrill and laughter, this film takes the audience through the unbelievable attempt of Shekhar (Divyendu Sharma) and Subhash Joshi (Manu Rishi) to provide their father an Ekkees Toppon Ki Salaami (21 gun salute). Purushotam Joshi (Anupam Kher) is a common man who fails to earn his bit of appreciation despite being completely honest during his life-long service as a government employee. Joshi's sons are, however, willing to go the extra mile to get their father his only wish. But will they succeed in their endeavour?

What's hot?

The movie is high on acting talent. Divyendu Sharma, Manu Rishi, Aditi Sharma have done a great job but it is Anupam Kher who is spectacular. Anupam's portrayal of a common man gets him all the applause. The story line of the film is also very decent and relevant to the present day scenario. The music of the film is good and will stay with you even after you have left the theatres. The cinematography is also breathtaking as Mumbai has been shown in a very subtle yet raw manner. The first half is high on drama whereas it is the second half that takes you through a roller coaster ride of laughter and thrill. There will be points in the second half where you will jump out of your seats with laughter. The message given via the film is very deep rooted but they have presented it in a humorous way and that keeps the momentum lively and doesn't allow it to become boring at any point. There is also a character in the film who is a news reporter and he has been named Arnab Goswami, which increases your delight quotient every time he appears onscreen. Neha Dhupia treats you to an item number where she is seen copying all famous item songs till date like Kajraa re, Sheila ki jawaani, Choli ke peeche kya hai, etc. Ravindra Gautam's direction is fabulous. If you loved watching films like Phas Gaya Re Obama, Kya Dilli Kya Lahore, Well Done Abba, Bhootnath Returns, Saare Jahaan Se Mehnga, Tere Bin Laden, etc, you will sure as hell love this one.

What's not

The length of the film could have been easily reduced. The second half drags a bit and you will feel at the end that it could have been made more compact.


It's worth it. The movie's story line and comedy punches are great. If you are a fan of political satires, this is one movie you should not miss. It's worth every penny you spend.

Rating: 3 out of 53 Star Rating

Reviewed by Prateek Sur
Posted: 9 years ago
Tod de katar, tor de katar, tor de katar, yaara, tod de katar. Break the line... 🥳
Dhaa-Ki-Tiki thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 9 years ago
Kochu Edited by KochurShaakBata - 9 years ago
Posted: 9 years ago

'Ekkees Toppon Ki Salaami' review: Well-intentioned message movie about the value of honesty

Director: Ravindra Gautam

Cast: Anupam Kher, Neha Dhupia

Buried beneath the farcical humor, melodramatic performances and manipulative tear-jerking in Ekkees Toppon Ki Salaami is a well-intentioned message movie about the value of honesty. The film is positioned as a satire about politics and corruption, and Rahil Qazi's script makes veiled references to well-known leaders and headline-grabbing events. But Qazi and director Ravindra Gautam can't seem to strike a consistent tone for their storytelling, see-sawing unevenly between broad humor and genuine pathos.

Anupam Kher is Purushottam Narayan Joshi, a lower middle-class BMC employee who prides himself on being upright to a fault. Unfortunately this earns him scant respect from his two sons, Shekhar (Manu Rishi Chadha) and Subhash (Divyendu Sharma). When Joshi Sr is dishonorably discharged on a false corruption charge on his retirement day, he dies of shock. It's up to his sons now to fulfill his dying wish - the old man wants a 21-gun salute for leading a life of unflinching honesty. Subhash enlists the help of his girlfriend (Aditi Sharma), the speech-writer of a corrupt chief minister, to pull off this impossible feat.

Constructed around this promising premise, the film's makers nevertheless stretch their story to breaking point as it plods on indulgently for 2 hours and 20 minutes. There are moments of terrific humor, most involving Neha Dhupia's buxom starlet (one of the best things in the film) who is having an affair with the chief minister. Another hilarious track involves Sudhir Pande becoming a reluctant replacement for Joshi's corpse.

Much of the second half is evidently inspired from Jaane Bhi Do Yaaron, but there is none of that film's sparkling wit at display here. The final scenes are unabashedly schmaltzy, and while the message itself is important, it is conveyed with all the subtlety of a sledgehammer.

I'm going with two out of five for Ekkees Toppon Ki Salaami. Promising but doesn't quite take flight.

Rating: 2 / 5

awesomegurti thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 9 years ago
The ApunKaChoice movie review of Ekkees Toppon Ki Salaami. In this day and age, honesty is an endangered quality. Yet, there are some odd men who follow the honest path unwaveringly. But what if the civilized society, instead of feting and celebrating such rare individuals, levels false accusations against them and questions their integrity? Will someone rise to see that the honest man gets his due respect?

That in a nutshell is the theme of Ekkees Toppon Ki Salaami. Sometimes, a serious thing needs to be said or told in a light vein. That's where director Ravindra Gautam makes wonderful use of satire in this tale that, though eminently engaging, is a tad long and slacky in between.

Puroshottam Joshi (Anupam Kher) has honestly and diligently served BMC for 37 years. A man of unshaking integrity, Puroshottam isn't idolized by his own sons Shekhar (Manu Rishi) and Subhash (Divyendu Sharma) who think the old man's ideals and principles are outdated and have no place in today's world.

Then, on the last day of his job, Puroshottam is accused of theft he hasn't committed. Crestfallen, the old man returns home and dies with the last wish upon his lips: to get a 21-gun salute as a testimony to his honesty. Will his two sons fulfill that wish?

Trailer: Will honest man Anupam Kher get Ekkees Toppon Ki Salaami'?

Ekkees Toppon Ki Salaami sputters breezily in the first half and fires more ammo in the second half as it turns into a situational satire also involving a smarmy, corrupt politician (Rajesh Sharma), his scheming mother and his vain mistress. The two sons are faced with great odds and it's overcoming them that brings about a change in their attitudes and ideals.

Aditi Sharma plays Divyendu Sharma's love interest and Neha Dhupia lightens the mood in a song that pays tribute to all hit item songs. The film also has a funny journalist character who's modeled on a real-life hyper journo one can easily guess.

Ekkees Toppon Ki Salaami rides on content and performances. Anupam Kher is clearly the scene stealer here, followed by Divyendu Sharma and Manu Rishi.

The film is a pertinent satire worth your time and money. Give it a shot.

Rating: ***