Arnav's Revelation Of Love NEW 15/10/14 - Page 19


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pal81 thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail Fascinator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
Cynthia. . Just read ur ff Bound for Eternity and completed it in one go.. loved it. 
Loving this one too a lot. . Ive always tht a guy like ASR powerful and handsome working in the fashion industry would be a player.. but an intense one. And ur descr fits tht exactly. 
I hope Khushi is strong enuff to take him on and make him realise the difference between love and attraction. It would be sooo much fun if the hunter became the hunted πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ
Plz update soon...
ipkkndeternity thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
Why does he act lyk dis why cant he accept khushi damn dis man
cinthiann1758 thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
Thanks so much for reading and I will considered making him the hunted!!!
cinthiann1758 thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: ipkkndeternity

Why does he act lyk dis why cant he accept khushi damn dis man

Because he is Arnav Singh Raizada, dammit!  An egotistical man hiding his true feelings, emotions and pain!
cinthiann1758 thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago

Chapter 6


Kushi Kumari Gupta was in a state of confusion, these last few months were a daze.  Arnav was totally ignoring her. 

She expected some awkwardness after the Diwali night but this, she never expected.  He transferred her charge and duties to Anjali and completely stopped speaking with her, avoided her gaze at every chance. 

Aaannnddd... he was being so reckless, it seemed he had a hangover (she wasn't sure what that was but everyone was gossiping about his escapades) a few days a week.

 She was worried about him.

 Why was he being so destructive?

This was a question she would have to investigate.



"Don't you think Arnavji is acting very strange lately?"

"Khushi? What are you saying?"

"You know, he is acting strange."

"Khushi, I think Chote has a lot on his mind."

"Yes, it seems something must be bothering him.  We must find out what it is."

"Why, Khushi?"

Khushi thought about how she would answer Anjali.  Why did his behavior bother her?  What answer could she possibly give?  He was her boss for goodness sake; it was his life, why should his behavior affect her?

She looked at Anjali and muttered something under her breath and walked out of Anjali's office leaving a very confused Anjali.

As she walked out of the office talking to herself, she collided with a brick wall, a solid, sculpted brick wall, who reached out and caught her as she was losing her balance.

Her eyes met with his and it was as if she was looking into a pool of warm chocolate.  His eyes softened and then just as quickly as she saw desire in them they turned angry, fierce.

"What the?  Can't you watch where you are going?" He snapped at her.

 She answered him, "Sorry sir." 

She quickly walked away.

It had been so long since he had had an encounter with her.  His hands felt all warm and tingly just from the touch of her skin.  The scent of roses lingered as she ran away, arousing something deep inside.  His eyes followed her as she ran into her cubbie catching a glimpse of her long cinnamon colored hair cascading down her back. 

Arnav became frustrated.

Again his infamous words slipped from his mouth, "What the?" 

Anjali was watching his reaction from her office and smiled.  Her brother was bothered by her assistant, one Khushi Kumari Gupta...

"Perhaps," she thought... 


ASR was brought back to reality.

 "Um, yes, Anjali, do you have those estimates on the Singh deal?"

 Anjali smiled knowing that Kushi dazzled her brother.  Now she would have to make a plan and talk with Aman about bringing these two together.



Khushi was scattered, never had she thought a fall into his arms could affect her like it did.  Her thoughts were confused and she was not only breathless but also frustrated.  What was it about this man that did this to her?  Whenever he was around she felt as if she was back in grade school.  Yes, they could and did have intelligent conversations but when he looked into her eyes she would always feel butterflies churn in the pit of her stomach.  This is ridiculous,' Khushi thought.  She delved into the pile of folders on her desk and figured work would be the best way to get this man out of her thoughts.

Anjali sashayed into Aman's office and closed the door behind her, as she loudly demanded that she must speak with him in private and how could he treat Mr. Singh that way!'

He smiled from behind the desk  

"Good one," he smirked.  "I love it when you punish me." 

"Aman, stop that," Anjali blushed, "we have a project to do together." 

He answered her with a wink, "Oh, yes we do!" 

She smacked his shoulder hard and smiled.  "Aman, I want to plan a rendezvous for Arnav and Khushi.  I feel like there is something between them and they just won't jump on it."

He got up from his chair and came around the desk and pulled her close to him and said,  "First we have something to discuss amongst ourselves," and kissed her hard on the lips.  Her arms caressed his neck and she leaned into their kiss demanding just as much as he was. 

Anjali sighed...she was happy.

"Don't distract me, really this is serious.  These two are stubborn.  Help me!"  She pleaded with those bruised lips from his kiss.

Aman smiled they would have to come up with something for he wanted to spend his time with Anjali romancing not conjuring up schemes.






the tennis ball swiftly darted back and forth.  ASR hit the last shot with all his energy and Lavanya missed the ball swinging.  It was the end of the game and of course Arnav Singh Raizada had won again.  He took the white terry towel from around his neck and wiped his sweating brow, his tan skin glistening from his work out. His brown tanned skin and his long dark hair against his white outfit made him look rather like a model posing for athletic wear.  Lavanya came over whining,

"That's not fair Arnie, you should have let me win atleast one game!"

 He took a deep breath and blew it out. 

"Lavanya, cut it." 

She clamped her mouth shut, she knew him by now that when he played the game like he did today something was bothering him.  They went and sat in the caf at the country club and as they sipped their beverages, Arnav noticed Khushi carrying a large package across the room.  She strained to hold the bolt of fabric wrapped in the package and just before she arrived at her destination she tripped.  Arnav bolted out of his chair and caught both her and the package before they hit the ground.

"Khushi, be careful." He said rather softly and then gruffly added, "You are such a clutz."

She gathered her wits about her and thanked him, placed the package on the table and turned to grab the other packages.  He asked her, "Do you need some help?"

Her eyes grew wide and she wondered why he was being so kind to her.  

She answered, "That would be great if you would, follow me." 

Lavanya saw the conversation between Arnav and Khushi but it wasn't the words she found strange but their body language.  The couple seemed to fit into each other's space and there was a slight blush on each other's cheeks.  Even ASR was a bit flushed.

"Oh, God!"  Lavanya said in exasperation and she finished the last of her martini and left the caf in a huff.  She knew the signs and signals of attraction and three's a crowd; she wanted nothing to do with this situation, it could only end badly for her.  She wondered if ASR knew what he was getting himself in to and then thought to herself what does she care anyway?

 She left the caf and ran into a colleague outside the country club.  Taking hold of his arm she said to him, "Anil, how are you, daaarling, how would you like to show me a night on the town?"  Moments later ASR was out of her thoughts and Anil was in.  

C'est la vie!


Arnav grabbed the five other packages that Khushi had brought to decorate the country club for an engagement party they were having that evening. 

"Thank you, Sir for your help.  I am not sure where everyone is.  They were suppose to be here.  Anjali and Aman said they were coming to help." 

Just then her phone rang and it was Anjali who said they were running late so she should start the set up and they would join her in a little while.

Arnav said, "Khushi let me shower and change and then I can help you.  I don't have any meetings on my calendar today."  He went to the showers, freshened up and came back feeling invigorated to help Khushi.

His feelings surprised him, it had been months since he had any real contact with her and here he was excited that he was going to help assist her in the setting up of the event.  He must have a fever, he thought, why was he being so nice to her and why in the world would he want to help her out anyhow?  With all the questions revolving in his mind, his feet still followed straight to the path of Khushi.   They worked together diligently and cooperatively, to a perfect rhythm; what one would start the other completed, in total unison. 

Khushi's phone rang again, it was Anjali.

"Kya?... Canceled? ...Kya?... Really?" 

She hung up and looked at Arnav. 

"They canceled the event.  After all this work, I am sorry, sir."

"Khushi, no problem, I didn't have much to do today anyway.  Akash and Aman are taking care of things in the office.  I was taking some time off.  I guess we should clean up."


The two of them continued to work in unison and when the last drapes were down they sat down in the chairs exhausted.  They hadn't realized how much work the two of them actually did.  Arnav ordered them some refreshments.  Khushi drank the liquid down in one gulp not realizing how thirsty she was.  She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and looking up saw that Arnav was intently watching her.  She blushed and wiped her hand on her dupatta.

"Sorry, I was just so thirsty."

He laughed and the beauty of the sound of his laughter overcame her and his smile gleamed white, he actually looked less fearsome and quite handsome, she thought.

They continued to sit there for a few moments with no words being exchanged and then suddenly they started conversing and they just didn't stop.  They explored each other's pasts and found many things in common such as their hometowns and that they both were orphans due to tragic accidents their parents were no more but the sadness didn't stop the conversation.  Khushi continued to share her belief of her parents becoming stars in the sky always guiding her and that idea interested Arnav.  He liked that idea instead of believing they were gone forever and that shocked him but somehow made his heart feel at ease.  She made him feel at ease.  There was something about Miss Gupta that kept him intrigued; maybe it was her simplicity and nonchalant attitude.  Everything she did, she did with a smile and exuberance, which seemed to be contagious.  He liked being in her presence.  He caught himself smiling.  What the? He thought.  He closed his smiling mouth and tried to recover with just a smirk as he continued to listen to her melodious chatter.

Hours had flown by and before they knew it they spent the entire afternoon in conversation.

Arnav cleared his throat and asked Khushi, "Miss Gupta, would you like to join me for dinner?"  Khushi blushed, " Um, I would have to call home...let Buaji know." 

He handed her his phone.πŸ˜‰


Chapter 7

Edited by cinthiann1758 - 9 years ago
addicted25 thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
Ooh finally, ( and not just because of the wait c 😊 )
They are actually talking, good for Anjali and Aman their plan seems to have worked! Thankfully La knows her place is second fiddle to Khushi and has stepped away.   [:D/]

c glad to see you are back with another post on its way. Looking forward to a real date between the two.
Motif_Soul thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago

C'est la vie!

Love the self exploration update.They both have found a lot in common That will help to come closer.My fav part is Anjali and Aman .Love this strong one .
cinthiann1758 thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: addicted25

Ooh finally, ( and not just because of the wait c 😊 )
They are actually talking, good for Anjali and Aman their plan seems to have worked! Thankfully La knows her place is second fiddle to Khushi and has stepped away.   [:D/]

c glad to see you are back with another post on its way. Looking forward to a real date between the two.

Thanks add, the date...  hmmm.
cinthiann1758 thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: MehreenB


C'est la vie!

Love the self exploration update.They both have found a lot in common That will help to come closer.My fav part is Anjali and Aman .Love this strong one .

I love a strong Anjali!!! and self exploration, did Arnav and Khushi ever really get to know each other?  Did they ever really spek?  Their hearts spoke but I wan't them to actually converse and get to know each other.  Thanks Mehreen for reading!
shipra.aqua thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
Thank god...that now they are talking...