PKYEK - Destroyed For Love.. Epi 59

PKYEK2-DFL thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

The battle ends with vampire council retreating badly wounded while Abhay lets Rehan go for Alina's sake. 


Written by: Mandy
Coordinator: Shreya
Editor: Dishu
Concept: Kiara



Two wrongs don't make a right!
These words reverberated in Rehan's mind over and over again as the scenes from the night's events played before his eyes. Now that Liana had mentioned it, he could see it for himself. Abhay was indeed a changed man or should he say a changed vampire but at the same time, an unbidden image of his mother lying in a pool of blood flashed in his mind washing him in a new wave of fury that fuelled his hatred yet again suppressing his dormant humane side, making the animal rear its ugly head.
He saved my life Rehan! He saved Alina's too!
She was his spy Rehan and she is the reason your mother is dead!
He spared your life and he did it for Alina. 
He murdered her in cold blood.
Move on Rehan!
"STOP IT already!" he yelled at no one in particular and swiped his hand across the table shattering the antique china vase.


Liana stormed out of the living room. She couldn't take it anymore. She had a hard time coming to terms with the revelation about Abhay. The enemy she sought to thwart for over decades was no longer her enemy. Instead he had just been a puppet in the hands of his council. Even if she wished to, she could not avenge him for massacring her clan, for he had not been himself when he had committed those atrocious crimes. On the other hand there was Rehan and most daunting of all, she was not sure about her feelings for Rehan. Did she have any for him at all? He was her best friend's nephew and she was just looking out for him. That's what friends would do, right? But if that were the case, she didn't know why she had defended him defying Alina. Why had she felt the dire need to protect him every time he was in danger? And now when he had confessed to her that he had loved another woman who had broken his heart, why had it affected her so deeply? Why was she able to feel his pain? And why did it feel like her own heart was breaking somewhere deep down? She clutched her head in despair running her fingers along her hairs and tried hard to dispel those thoughts away but to no avail. As much as she fought hard to restrain her tears that were threatening to spill over, they made their way out of her eyes as a sob escaped her throat and she sank onto the stairs on the porch. Burying her head in her hands, she wept her heart out letting out all the pent up emotions. In the midst of it all, she could hear the sound of approaching footsteps and she sat up straight.


"To what do I owe this pleasure Advik?" Abhay asked Advik in an irritable tone.
"It will be quick and painless big brother," Advik replied stifling a yawn.
"Is that what you tell Sama?" Abhay retorted back sarcastically.
"Sama doesn't need my assurance. I guess she knows what she wants and maybe she also knows I can give it to her," Advik replied in a bored tone while Abhay looked away in disgust.
"Besides I didn't call you out here to discuss my love life and probably disrupted yours as well," Advik teased Abhay while Abhay threw the daggers at him thinking of his passionate moment with Pia that had been rudely interrupted when Advik had called him asking him to meet him outside his mansion.
"Yeah I bet you have some terribly exciting news to break out that couldn't have waited till the next day!" 
"Nope. Nothing we don't already know but we have some unfinished business to sort out. The sooner we are over and done with it, the better for the two of us big brother!"

"Will you stop calling me that?" Abhay snapped at Advik and advanced on him but stopped in his tracks thinking of the times they had fought together as allies. Now that Abhay knew what had happened with his parents Chand and Haseena, he felt a wave of gratitude towards him and though he may have loved to deny it a thousand times over, there was no escaping the fact that Advik was indeed his sire brother. And he had come to his rescue on more than one occasion. So they had sort of called it a truce grudgingly for now and established a near almost camaraderie.
"Do you prefer bhai instead? Or Big B?" Advik asked him winking at him while Abhay rolled his eyes in exasperation.
"How about just Abhay to begin with?" Abhay asked him in a bored voice.
"I suppose all of this has been too much to take in for you..." Advik began but Abhay cut him across.
"You think?" Abhay spoke through gritted teeth biting back a retort.
"Nah. For a guy who was turned a vampire three hundred years ago, then a human and WHAM! Back to being a vampy," Advik shook his head and blew a breath.
"Get to the point Advik. We are not here to discuss my chronicles."
"We are here for a closure Abhay," Advik told him in a serious tone, his earlier playful facade all but gone.

"I guess we are more or less sorted on that front," Abhay told him leaning against the bark of a tree. "The Council's exposed, and peace is sort of restored among the clans and everyone is happy in their la la land. So what's more to it?"
"What next?" Advik asked him and Abhay looked perplexed. "I mean yeah the bad guys were taken care of and they ran away like a bunch of cowardly dogs folding their tails in between their legs. And about the peace? You could say it has been restored. But only for now. What about later? Do you think it will last forever?" Advik added looking him squarely in the eye.
"Advik we have all been through the mill recently. Is it really necessary..."
"Yes Abhay and it makes it even more important that we uphold it for as long as we can without letting down our guard."
Abhay sighed. He knew Advik was right.
"What do you suggest we do now?" Abhay asked while Advik snorted.
"Not bad. Looks like you're getting used to the idea of us working together as a team," Advik replied smirking.

"It's not easy for me you know? I chased you for over decades assuming you are my arch enemy but turns out you're my ally. And though I would any day go back to hating you in peace, I can't overlook the fact that you're my brother and turns out, to my displeasure I owe you not just my life, that you saved probably twice now but you're the reason I have Pia by my side today. Though I am fairly certain your noble acts had their own motives," Abhay told Advik walking over to where he was standing and scrutinized his face trying to figure out his brother.
Advik gave a small smile and replied, "Hey I never claimed to be a saint in disguise now, did I? But though I have my," he air quoted the next words, "motives so to speak, I did it for Haseena mom and I am sure if our roles were reversed you'd do the same for me."
Abhay didn't say a word but at the mention of his mother's name a flicker of pain crossed his face.
"It was difficult for me too you know?" Advik continued. "To accept mom's version of you after having seen you at your brutal best," he added while Abhay flinched. "I was sceptical myself and I tried to get in touch with everyone, be it human or immortal whose lives you had touched, to understand you and I guess I could figure it out at last."
"And what was that?" Abhay asked him.

"The real Abhay was not the ruthless ruler of the supernatural world who went about massacring innocent lives to quench his thirst for power and greed but a vampire who was more humane than any human being, who defied every norm of his vampire existence to protect mankind. If the Abhay I knew was the most powerful supernatural being who wrecked lives, then the Abhay who had been my mother's son was just a foolhardy vampire who loved his human mate insanely enough to inflict misery upon himself and the poor soul as well too, by pushing her away all the time," Advik snorted while Abhay looked annoyed at the sarcastic jibe.
"I had to do what was best for her at the time," Abhay defended himself.
"Right," Advik remarked sarcastically. "And don't we know what happened every time you did that? You landed her straight in trouble's arms."
"Now I know better than to leave her out of my sight."
Advik laughed at that. "But dude don't try to keep her under house arrest either. She won't like it."
"Looks like you have a lot to say on that," Abhay mused.
"Hey I am still learning the ropes while you're the ace big brother," Advik replied indignantly.
"An ace? Really? Every day I think I have got this sorted, I am made to feel like a novice and well, it's more frustrating than any headaches the council can dish out at you," Abhay pondered over his own words.
"I don't know which among them is a bigger conundrum," Advik replied.
"Women," both of them muttered at the same time and grinned at each other.

They stood in silence for a while when Abhay decided to break it.
"Thanks Advik."
Advik was taken aback. When he gave him a puzzled look Abhay continued.
"For everything. For saving the day, for bringing me back from wherever I had lost myself to, for Pia and," he took a deep breath before adding, "for being there for mom and dad. For being the son I should have been to them. Thank you! I shall forever be indebted to you."
Advik shrugged his shoulders.
"What are brothers for?"
"And Advik you were also right about that part."
Advik looked confused.
"You mean the part where you had been a complete a**h**e before Pia returned back to you?"
Abhay threw his head back and roared in laughter at that remark and Advik couldn't help but join him.
"Yes that," Abhay told him smiling and added, "and the part about the real me. A true leader is someone who can make the right choices for the welfare of his clan and not someone who turns out to be the most powerful supernatural by a freak of nature. I have no idea why I was bestowed with the power I never deserved to possess when all along I was destined to be something else."
Arching his brows, Advik asked Abhay, "What's that to be precise?"

"Pia's Abhay."
"And that you are," Advik replied smiling.
"And I want to be just that. Just be with Pia and spend the rest of my life with her. I don't want any of this - the power to wield control, to make choices that will put the fate of the supernatural world in my hands. A closure is needed for sure and I suppose this is where it ends for one of us and for the other, it's a new beginning."
"Where is this coming from now?" Advik asked Abhay bewildered at his words. 
"It's time I stepped down Advik. We need a better leader who will keep our wellbeing above all else and not let his wayward emotions come in the way of the greater good of our people. And we both know who I am talking about," Abhay gave a knowing look to Advik who looked stumped.


Liana hastily wiped her tears and pointedly looked away when Rehan approached her and sat beside her. If he had noticed her vulnerable moment earlier, he knew better than to mention it. They sat there in silence for a long time, each of them looking in the opposite direction when a strong gust of wind blew Liana's tresses onto his face, her silky strands caressing its rough contours, evoking emotions his cold heart had long since shut itself to. He turned to her side noticing her in a different light for the first time in many days. He had not given it much thought when she had defended him against his aunt but now that he thought about it he wondered why she had done that for him. She had saved his life too risking her own in the process. Why would she do that for him when the woman he had loved with all his heart despite the fact that she was his mortal enemy, had not spared a moment before ripping his heart out and turning him into the monster he had become today? Why did she care if he wished to destroy himself over a cause that had been rendered futile now when his own aunt didn't give two hoots for how he felt about all of this?
Why are you doing this to me Liana?

Rehan wished there was a straight forward answer to this mystifying puzzle that had for the first time in many years made him feel human once again. Seeing her tear stained face and her puffy eyes, he felt a pang deep down inside him making him loathe himself for doing that to her. Yes, he knew he was the reason behind her tears. He had not felt this even when he had mercilessly killed many beings in his pursuit for revenge. But something as trivial as tears had stirred something inside him. He probably knew what it was but for the love of his life, he would never admit it, not even to himself.
Liana tried to ignore Rehan but what with him being so close, she could not overlook the impact his proximity had on her and feign indifference. And worst of all, she wished he could say something, anything at all. She would even lash out all her fury and give him a good piece of her mind if it came down to a showdown between them but he sat there still like a statue not even breathing a word while her own heart was doing somersaults. When she could stand it no more, she stood up to go but Rehan surprised her by catching hold of her wrist, the feel of his fever hot skin against her warm one scorched hers but the heat was bearable. More so, pleasant and she welcomed it.
"We need to talk," Rehan stood up to face Liana and this time she didn't turn her face away and he was thankful to her for that.
"Ermmm... Liana... About what happened back in there.." he gestured to the living room.
"It's ok Rehan. Don't bother," she replied stiffly but he stopped her yet again.
"Liana, please. Just this once," he pleaded her.
"Why do you care Rehan?" Liana snapped at Rehan. "Why do you even bother explaining yourself to me? You didn't seem to care enough to pay heed to Alina. Neither did your conscience stop you from dragging an innocent human into your revenge drama," she spat at him putting as much venom as she could into her words. Now that it had started, she didn't want to stop. Not until she could drive a point through his head.
"Ok, say you had got what you wanted and then what? Abhay would get back at you by hurting either you or worse, someone close to you and this would start all over again Rehan. What the hell were you thinking?" she yelled at him. "You're not the only one who lost someone. Being my clan leader I couldn't save my own folks from Abhay. Do you think it was easy for me? Do you think it was not painful for me to see my people being killed for no fault of theirs when I could do nothing for them being their queen? They were my family too. It wasn't just you who was wronged Rehan. I wanted revenge too but at what cost?" "Answer me, damn you!"

Even nature seemed to echo the wrath of a wiccan queen as lightning struck the skies above and a storm raged around them. "You are blaming Abhay? When you know it yourself how it feels to be manipulated? If the council tricked Abhay and moulded him to what he had been few days ago, then that woman, Aisha or whoever..."
"Zaisha," he corrected her through gritted teeth.
"I don't BLOODY care who the hell she was," she yelled at him when he spoke her name and Rehan could see the mask slipping away from her face. Was this really all about his quest for revenge? Or was it something more?
"She did the same to you. How does that make you any different from Abhay? And you know the worst part? You let her do that to you. Abhay had no choice but you did and what did you choose? You chose to be a monster Rehan!"
"Don't Liana!" he warned her and something in him had snapped bringing out his dominant animal side.
"Stay out of this," he added in a threatening tone gripping her upper arms and pushing her against the wall, his eyes turning the shade of amber but Liana was beyond caring.
"What will do you huh? Tie me up and stab me many times over till I bleed to my death slowly?" she asked him defiantly, never averting her gaze for even a moment.
Rehan took a step back involuntarily like he had been slapped hard across the face. 
"You didn't mean that," he hissed at her, challenging her to deny it while she snorted.
"Like you care! You wouldn't mind throwing me in the line of fire if it really came down to that," she spat back at him.
"You think?" he asked her tightening his grip on her, his nails cutting into her sensitive skin but she did not so much as let out a gasp in pain.
"No. I don't think so but I know for certain. I know you enough to say you would do that," she replied spitefully knowing her words were working like a dagger on him.
"You...know...nothing!" and with that he left her with a jerk and walked away from there into the woods while it rained in torrents. 

P.S: For PMs please send buddy request to PKYEK2-DFL. 

Edited by PKYEK2-DFL - 10 years ago



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PKYEK2-DFL thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
For Episode Analysis, Discussion, Feedback, please visit:
Edited by PKYEK2-DFL - 10 years ago
mire220 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Commentator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
Woawww... what an episode guys !!! Awesomeee ..
i just loved rehan liana part ..  

thats a great story and beautiful work.. 
thanks for d Pm !!!!
Edited by mire220 - 10 years ago
Sh_Abhiya thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 10 years ago
awesome + someone fighting with inner termoil + some lovely , cutiepie , unique couple disturbed by disturbing element + some new bond developed ( i know this bond already there but this new bond shape in tonite episode ) - all in all complete episode
haye , our cutiepie , angel , stubberness , protector , his romantic moment was intrupted by his younger brother which is full of naughtiness oopps ( in hindi word - like jalebi jaisa sidha sadha ) 😈
love the expression of abhay
in last rehan n liana scenes was good
great work cvs
thanks for pm Edited by Sh_Abhiya - 10 years ago
abhaylovepia thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Commentator 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
thanks guys but there is lots to write in story don't end soon
plz we want to read more 😭
Asyalover thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 10 years ago
what totally loved abhay-advik bromance ...poor Liana-Rehan
bookworm-ALS-- thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 10 years ago
Phew.*bows* This is one of the top 5 best episodes of DFL.
Gosh this is what a real writer does! Makes you fall in love with characters that you are supposed to hate. I cannot express how much I love this episode and I am truly sad that we did not beg you to write more.The highlight of this update was the Liana and Rehan story. How beautifully you have penned it down.
I am truly, truly overwhelmed and I will be taking notes from here.

Nikvi29 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 10 years ago
Wow that was mindblowing and I am speechless 
I loved it all  but 
I loved Advik and abhay scene more 
Loved their bromance
Loved how they chatted
So is abhay giving the title to Advik
I felt really bad for rehan and liana 
I guess their is no hope for rehan
Poor liana she wants to help 
Very beautifully penned down
I loved it
Thanks for the pm
FantasyFan_8 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 10 years ago
definitely one of the best episodes of DFL in terms of writing