Unexpectedly expected

Unexpectedly expected Completed G

Chapter 32

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polly_mk @polly_mk 11 years ago Bookmarking. Waiting for an update.
blurey @blurey 11 years ago its been ages nwy arnt u updating???mssng my UE updates plzzz update sooonnn
Hope @Hope 11 years ago Just completed reading the entire FF in one go and it was Fantastic . Excellently written. Enjoyed each and every part of it. ARSHi fights and tug of wars were Awesome. Loved it and Enjoyed it every second. Now they are getting engaged. Can't wait to see when and how they will realize their love for each other. I wish there is no quarrel or break up or any thing heart breaking in store in future.I love this bubble and smart Kushi and concerned and stubborn Arnav.
purplelove @purplelove 11 years ago I know almost six weeks without IF, I am finally back. So here goes:Chapter 30:To cute for words. She called him Arnav on the phone and found it very awkward. He edited his phone to read "Khushi", progress. Huge smile on my face during the entire reading of the update.Chapter 31:Bravo for this alone:Nihaal
had a high five and light hug with Anjali and Arnav flinched..Khushi
caught him flinching and was confused for a moment, then
smiled..Payal caught Khushi smiling and gave a confused look, Aakash
caught Payal giving a confused look and raised questioning eyebrows,
Anjali caught Aakash raising questioning eyebrows and blushed, Nihaal
caught Anjali blushing and winked, Arnav caught Nihaal winking and
flinched, Khushi caught Arnav flinching again and grinned..thus
completing the 'expression cycle'.. I read it twice just because it was so funny. I thank Pallavi Khandelwal for helping the engagement being confirmed. Chapter 32:Her stealing his files was really funny. Waiting for the day they finally acknowledged their feelings. Loved how you chose to end that update, quote and all. Chapter 33:The whole Google search was really funny to read. Chapter 34:Her plan don't talk to him. His plan talk to her. Chapter 35:A five second kiss and a wrecked SUV. Bravo. Chapter 36:All three couples are so cute together. Looking forward to the movie(s). Chapter 37:Pardon the bad grammar but that was the best movie(s) I never saw. Chapter 38:I wanted to scream Arnav get a clue, she is leaving you.Thanks for the PMs. Wishing you lots of luck on your exams.

purplelove2012-09-23 14:58:08
Anjali @acklesmanic 11 years ago wow. u are an impeccable writer..!! JUST MIND BLOWING ...!! hope u continue to write more & could u pls pls pls PM me when u update again???
rati123 @rati123 11 years ago WOW !! you are an amazing writer . PL PL PL PL KEEP UPDATING !!
Iqra @Iqraimran 11 years ago awesome update love khushi nd nihaal convohope arshi realize their love for each other soonangel-iqra2012-09-04 19:03:41
gilgamesh @gilgamesh 11 years ago Just had to let you know that I came across your FF by chance and absolutely loved it...read all 32 parts in one go and did not even notice the clock ticking by...wonderful write-up!!!
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