Kuch to Hua Hai Thumbnail

Kuch to Hua Hai
Completed G

punjabi.princes Thumbnail



Summary: Dear Diary,

I'm having one of those days again. One of those days that make me want to just end my life. Why do I always have to be the one to get hurt? He always gets his way and does what ever he wants. I think he was the biggest mistake of my life and when everyone warned me I never listened. I still remember the day when papa told me, "kanya if you leave with him now and reject the wedding proposal we have for you, then we will forget we ever had a daughter!" That was the last line papa ever said to me. I talked to mama, Harpal, and Pooja Di and Adita Di secretly but never papa. He tells everyone that he never had a daughter Kanya or that I left the country for work. But I know he misses me and cries secretly. A year has passed by since that day and there hasn't been a single day when I've missed my family, friends and my life.

At first things were fine with him (her husband) and he loved me a lot. We got married the day I left my house and he already had a flat for us to live in. For a whole week we were just in love and never left the flat and just decorated it the way we wanted to. But as they say all good things come to an end, and the end did come for us. He got a new job and became busy with his work. He told me never to work and wanted me to be a house wife. I wanted to work and put all the education I had to use. He didn't like that idea and then I suggested to have a baby so I can keep busy at home and he said no its to early. We never seemed to agree on anything.

Four months after doing nothing and just being locked up in my flat, my friend Riya helped me find a really good job. I decided I had to stand up against him and take it. He was upset at first but then acted like it was okay. However, the position I got was a good one and required a lot of my time. He got jealous that I was making money and busy. He began to drink and I use to come home to him and his friends just lying around and playing poker. This made me really mad and we began fighting. A few months later he lost his job and became extremely depressed. I tried to help him but he would never listen to me and hit me a few times. I never told anyone. I had no one to tell. I couldn't tell my sisters or my mom. I wanted to tell Riya but she was having her own problems.

He finally got a job but it required him to travel a lot. We saw very little of each other and barely talked on the phone. It's a year later and today is our one year Anniversary but I think he forgot. Actually I just heard the door open, it has to be him! I'll be back to write and im sure he must have planned a surprise like old times.


There was a voice from the main hall calling out for her: Kanya! Kanya come out im home

She jumped with joy. She hadn't seen him in so long.

K: Coming Ayan!

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