Sugo alla Puttanesca e Tiramisù? Mamma Mia! Mangiamo!

Sugo alla Puttanesca e Tiramisù? Mamma Mia! Mangiamo! Completed G

Published On: Monday,Oct 03, 2022 19:22 PM GMT-06:00

eye 1065 star 1 book 3

Food with family and friends - this desirable combination can get complicated when loved ones speak their minds.

In the first story, a grandmother tries puttanesca sauce (which translates into English as "hoochie sauce") in a public place.

In the second story, one friend wants to try tiramisù for dessert while observing his religious prohibition of alcohol, and while he is being facetiously difficult with the server, the other friend reminds him of his distaste for the very mention of cheese.

In the third story, someone who is baking with the recipe that Mother shared remembers Mother's rule for any recipe that she receives ... but Mother is a micromanager!
Author's Note:
The title is Italian and means "Puttanesca sauce and tiramisù? Mother of mine! Let's eat!"

These three ten-word stories were entries in the Write the Bite contest.
Trigger Warning:
No Trigger Warnings.

No Content Warnings.
Refine by Genre: Comedy Family
Graphics credit :
Sevenstreaks Sevenstreaks

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