Woah! Angad Bedi to contribute to the WRITERS team of 'Inside Edge Season 2'

And that comes out of his prowess in the game of cricket..

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Kunal Nirmal Kothari

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Actor Angad Bedi truly wowed one and all with his performance in Amazon Prime's superhit web show, Inside Edge last year.

And the thunderous response has led the making of a second season which is already in works.

Wel, the actor will not only be reprising his role in the show, but will also be contributing to the writers team.

Yes! That's right. Angad is the son of legendary cricketer, Bishan Singh Bedi and has been a cricketer himself.

And hence, the actor is helping the writers of the show understand the nuances of the game so that they can make the sequences look authentic and real.

The actor also helped his co-actors in the last season with postures and mannerisms as they performed cricketing scenes.

The perks of having a cricketer-actor, isn't it?

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