What do these TV Actors have to say about 'Censorship for Television?'

This is the latest subject of debate in Tinseltown.

Swarupa Tantravahi Thumbnail

Swarupa Tantravahi

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The other morning, we woke up to news that the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting was looking at a Regulatory Board for the television industry to monitor its content. CBFC Chief Pahlaj Nihalani, was also quoted as saying that the liberty of self-censorship that was given to the television industry had crossed all boundaries of decency.

We asked a few industry insiders as to what they felt about this censorship issue.

Aman Verma

I do not believe in the Censor Board at all, even if it is for the film industry. Who elects the board? Who sets the rules and regulations as to what an individual should watch or not watch? There should not be a Censor Board for television. For me, this does not make any sense at all.

Hiten Tejwani

A regulatory board is welcome, but it should censor or allow things to be shown on TV as per what people are ready to watch or want to watch..censorship is good, but everything should be considered keeping in mind audience's point of view. Of course if you have adult content or violence or any such thing, then there should be a warning and it should be allowed.

Ronit Roy

There are already a lot of things in place for the content on TV to be monitored. For instance, one can not show cigarettes or whisky on television today. I am honestly not aware of the content on television nowadays. Every type of news is available in newspapers and also broadcasted in the news. So, will you stop that as well? But there is this saying - Life imitates Art and Art imitates Life.

As for the Censor Board, let the board form and an agenda be set. Once the rules and regulations, do's and dont's are written down in black and white and on paper, then only can one discuss the further plan of action.

Rajan Shahi

All the major GEC channels have a strong and respective SNP, which keeps track of our episodes. Before going on air, all the episodes get monitored by them. Every channel has a respective disciplinary board, which looks into each and every episode and if they find something wrong, they cut those portions. The people heading over Bollywood are not clear in what kind of films are correct. How are they planning to work it in TV?

Vikas Gupta

Television already is running with the guidelines of SNP, and every channel has a legal counsel to see that it is followed. Censorship will have rules, but as long as they are justified and logical.

If you would ask us, as a part of the industry, we would not want a censor board for the television industry. According to us, the industry is in its limits and is adhering to the rules of the self-censorship format. 

Your reaction

Hiten Tejwani Thumbnail

Hiten Tejwani

Ronit Roy Thumbnail

Ronit Roy

Aman Yatan Verma Thumbnail

Aman Yatan Verma

Rajan Shahi Thumbnail

Rajan Shahi

Vikas Gupta Thumbnail

Vikas Gupta

Comments (5)

Actually the censor board should be removed from the movies!!!!Everyone is now intelligent enough to know what they want to watch and what they do not want to watch!!!!

Oh the other hand a censor board should be put in television!!!!But no it should be not censoring kisses or love making because those are negligible on television!!!!

What needs to be censored is the torture of women which is glorified on television and continues for hundreds of episodes!!!!

7 years ago

Censor board should be in tv serials too ,in many serials they show ideal bahu means who silently bear torture from mother in laws ,in many shows even in a rich joint family only daughter in-laws will do all household work's and in nights she will do foot massage to her mother in law ... and she completely ignore her parent's. ... so please ban this type of serials too

7 years ago

Censor Board is definitely needed on TV cuz in 7 out of 10 shows d hero torture n insults d heroine a lot but d heroine is expected to change him wid her love. Dis gives wrong message to d audience dat d more d hero tortures d heroine d more he will love her later. But Censor Board sud be there for only GEC shows not YEC shows as YEC shows have much better content than GEC shows.

7 years ago

Censor board should completely ban stupid saas-bahu dramas such as Saath Nibhana Saathiya, Sasural Simar Ka and other Crap shows!

7 years ago

Hope they regulate the crap levels in desi content and force shows to stick to the story they promote initially.

7 years ago

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