Genelia Dsouza opens up her MARRIAGE, MOTHERHOOD and KIDS!

The cutie of Bollywood, Genelia Dsouza opens up her marriage life and how it changed her life!

Genelia Deshmukh is now a mother of two cute kids, Riaan and Rahyl. The actress wants her kids to grow in rural as well as urban environment, just like their father, Riteish Deshmukh. She said,"I am not one too keen for games, parties or play dates. But I do love playing football with Riaan, I think it is very important to do a lot of outdoor activities. I believe in giving him an insight into different things, even reading and singing."

"Riteish has had a rural upbringing, and I am glad that my boys will have a rural childhood as well as an urban one."

The actress also talked about her transition from being an actor to being a mother of two kids. "When I became an actor, things changed. And even when I got married, things changed. Which is why I wouldn't call it a change, but a part of growing up. It is a part of life and it's about adjusting to each new phase. As a person, motherhood has taught me a lot and it made me more aware. I have always considered myself as an aware person, but I think it has doubled or tripled after motherhood," she was quoted saying in an interview.

She disclosed about her excitements as well as nervousness that was built post pregnancy. She stated,"the most exciting moment of my life was when I had Riaan, but I was also filled with anxiety at that point. As much as I wanted to be confident."

"I was not sure whether I was doing the right thing or not. By the time I had my second one, Rahyl, the excitement did not lessen at all. It's the same joy that you experience. But now, I feel a lot more confident and I know that I am doing the best I can, and so are other mothers out there."

The 29-year-old actress talked about her kids and what are her expectations from the little ones! "I'd love to see them doing their bit out there. My biggest joy will be if they are independent, affectionate, normal kids," she said.

When asked about if there is any kind of pressure to be a perfect mother? She answered, "Yes, there are loads of anxieties and all of us get into this circle of being extremely anxious and question whether we are doing the right or wrong thing. As a new mom, you need a lot of assurance and I have seen the difference between my experiences as a first-time mother and the second time around."

"I have seen how I have grown, and felt more comfortable the second time. With time, you realize there is no point in being anxious and that moms just have to trust their way."

And in the end she spoke about her relationship with her mother-in-law. She said,"My mother is a modern day grand-mom and so is my mother-in-law. Both of them have given me the space to do what I think is right and they have followed what I believe is right, which I think should be an advice to most mothers and grand-moms because everyone is doing their best."

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Genelia Deshmukh

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