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She is a middle class girl and the sole breadwinner of her family. Her mother forgot somewhere along the way that Janaki is her daughter who may have some dreams of her own... she now is the provider and therefore also the mentor and guardian of her younger sister Naina. Janaki's mother means no harm but just fails to see Janaki's case. She is partial towards Naina because she doesn't want her to feel less important than Janaki. Janaki's frustrations at home come out in college where she has the reputation of being an irritable person. She is constantly worried about her job and even though she teaches her subject with a passion, she is testy at times with the children and cannot handle their bad behaviour. She often wars with Vikram Mall because of his casual attitude towards life, his job, and everything else. She thinks Vikram is just a rich, spoilt person who teaches because it has caught his fancy at this moment. But the chemistry is real and Janaki starts falling in love with him. Only she isn't aware of the fact that Mall has a past.

He is the Economics teacher and an ex-student of the school. He is a maverick professor, a young idealist who leaves a life that the world describes as successful and comes back to his alma mater to teach... because he believes he can make a difference. His radical thoughts and extreme rebellion to the old college and authority get him on the wrong side of the trustees and the Vice Principal. But they also get him popular among students and other teachers. The effervescent zeal and fervour of Vikram Mall soon brings hope to the crumbling college. He encourages the students to dream, and to work towards realising their dreams. To him success is not the opposite of failure, it is trying hard to succeed. He loves teaching and wants to make a difference in the lives of his students. Mall has got a scathing wit. He is an intense teacher who goes out of his way to help the students. In fact, he almost goes too far in his efforts, throwing himself into the role of mentor and guidance counsellor. His intentions are always good, but sometimes his methods are questionable. He has an intense side to him, which he keeps well hidden.
