The Court Case of Betiyaan - Page 4


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rainabow thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago
you know, Sony actually has some original stories but they never last. I watched Amber Dhara for a while, and actually liked it quite a bit. Lately I have been watching Sujata on and off. It's original and realistic but it's not a good storyline. At the very least the people are normal and not running around town in brocaded saris and living in palatial homes. Kuch Iss Tara is unique and refreshing.

Zee serials are basically the same. Same creative team. Same producer. Same makeup artists. Same cameramen. Same stories and characters. I had some hope for Parivaar when I saw the first episode. Radha was shown to be a working girl, unmarried, and living in a normal house. There were no scenes of her running to the mandir and threatening god. Unfortunately the show took a sharp turn for the worse and Radha is just as annoying as any other Zee heroine. Too bad.
CarulinaTina thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 15 years ago
Interesting views Priya, completely agree with all your points. They never do learn do they? 😆

rainabow, as u said, all shows these days end up the same. No matter how intriguing and different they seem at the beginning... it all ends up one way or another down the same path. The only show I really found that had less emotional nonsense and more realism was Astitva.

Oh, that blooper list would def be an interesting one... 😆
koolsadhu1000 thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 15 years ago
      Here is the blooper list of the court case .

1] Damini does not talk to Ranbir , doesnt call him on the stand to testify on Saraswatri's behalf to prove that bhAVISHYA did have a lookalike and that it indeed was Bhavishya living in Garodia Niwas .

2] Damini doesn't call Durga to the stand to testify that she got these bouts of sickness only after her marraige to Ranbir ....the first bout , during the honeymoon in Goa .

3] Damini does not call the doctors who checked Durga and cross question them about the possibility of Durga having been poisoned although they gave another medical diagnosis at that point .

4] Damini does not call Karan to the stand and ask him about his suspicions of BHavishya , and why her hid Durga and how he did it .

5] Damini does not call Karan's doctor to give evidence that Durga's blood tests indeed proved that she was poisoned for a long time and does not narrow down as to what the specific poison was .........

6] Damini thus , does not set out to prove that a psychopath was indeed living in the Garodia niwas and that the Garodias were unware of the danger they were in and that only Saraswati who was helplessly screaming , was .

7] Damini does not call the other staff of the hospital to give evidence that many times the man known as Bhavishya kept telling them that he was indeed ranbir and doesnt use sarcasm to point out these system failures to the court .

8] Damini does not bother to point out to the court that the wardboy who was bribed ....her hostile witness is very conveniently missing . The missing wardboy is infact an asset to her case as his testimony is vital . He is not a friendly witness he is a hostile witness. Damini cud have been shown to cleverly use this fact to help her case instead of rubbing her hands helplessly and saying Oh no !!! Now what we will do ???

9] The wardboy is notthe only factor on which the case rested . ALL the above listed factors are . This what Damini said was utter rubbish .

10] DAmini does not use the Ranbir's escape incident to highlight that Ranbir had infact escaped and reached the house to warn them that Bhavishya was masquerading as him .

11] Damini uses Self defense as a Defence strategy .....the biggest blooper a lawyer can make , given the facts . She cud have argued temporary insanity due to extreme harassment .....saying that extreme mental torture , constant disbelief by family members and the ultimate shocks given to her in the mental hospital drove her over the edge . She cud bring doctors to vouch that this indeed happens when a woman is subjected to severe depression and electric shocks that affect a human brain .

!12] Damini cud have asked the judge to grant Saraswati a release on the condition and promise that she wud undergo therapy to recover before resuming a normal life ....any instititution recommended by the court .

13] Damini cud have further concluded by requesting the court to give an order to make a serious enquiry about the loopholes in the system ....the admisistration of the mental hospital that lets dangerous psychopaths walk out so easily .

14] kAPIL sINGHANIA shud have protested that the cell phone recording only proves that the person in the recording is a Bhavishya look alike . That it can be enacted by Ranbir to save Saraswati as a defence ploy . ....since it has not been proved to date by Damini that Ranbir and Bhavishya were indeed switched .

15] Kapil Singhania cud have said what rainabow said ....Self defence my foot ! He cud have proved by calling Savitri , and all the betiyaan to the stand that they planned , called and lured Bhavishya to a lonely temple in the caves . He cud have stressed on the selection of their spot . He cud have asked Karan to testify as a hostile witness to this . He cud have asked the Betiyaan if Bhavishya approached them to kill them....if bhavishya had called them to the spot or viceversa . Why the Durga temple . Did they seriously think a mental patient was Mahishasur ? And that they were Devis ? What did they do to stop Saraswati from doing the act ? Bhavishya was doused with kerosene or man , with no weapon like a gun , or knife , and five women . How was it self defence ? He was set on fire in cold blood with the other sisters aiding and abetting .

16] Kapil Singhania cud have then asked them the most important question ....why did they not go to the police straight after getting Saraswati released but why did they go to this spot . That they exercised choice and opted not to go to the police with Durga's reports and Ranbir . That they did this as they planned to exact revenge was , hence , no self defence .

           Any other bloopers i have missed ? Ur welcome to add to the list . 😊
CarulinaTina thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 15 years ago

Excellent list koolsadhu, I think u've got everything except for this one...

17] Why and how were Saloni, Soni, and Payal even allowed to enter court? They had nothing whatsoever to do with this case, the only thing they really did was give their long bhashans as usual. No court would actually allow such witnesses. It made just as much sense as the rest of this ridiculous case did.

koolsadhu1000 thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 15 years ago
😆 hahaha Kruthi actually whenever i think of their bhashans i feel like giggling so i block them from my mind . 😆 😆
rainabow thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago
Saloni is acceptable because she can is a witness to Bhav's torture of Preeti, but Payal and Soni? Rubbisn. Especially Soni. Who is she to talk about women's rights, power, etc. She is possibly the most useless heroine on all of Zee, and that is saying a lot.

Damini was worthless. Everything that happened in this episode was the result of nothing but sheer luck. Laxmi just happened to accidentally record everything and Kiran just happened to be playing with the phone and Lax just happened to get the evidence in on time. Damini could have easily argued the case without the stupid cell phone. If anything this show just set back the rights and accomplishments women have made by about 200 years by portraying Damini as an incompetent, overemotional weakling of a lawyer. Kapil, however evil he is, at least knows what he's doing.

It's a sad day when Phulki becomes the voice of reason in the household!
koolsadhu1000 thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 15 years ago
yes but actually all the 3 were annoying and really had no business in the court . Judges have caseloads and will not give even 2 minutes to listen to such blatant nonsense . They will speak very sharply to all 3 . If characters induce such annoyance in the viewers why use them ? it was the way they were was so irritating . Soni is so useless that she isnt even ashamed to cry or take responsibility for Veer's death ....that it was her silence that led to all the misunderstandings in the first place .
Not only has saraswati walked free , they r gonna do her aarti too . We will have to swallow even that as viewers .
Looking at how this case was conocted thoughtlessly ....only one thing comes to the mind . The script writers have been very very lazy and need to be pulled up by the creatives . They r not only unoriginal , they r incapaple of designing even a common court case realistically . Yes there shud be drama but it shud have an element of realism in it too . Whatever we saw was utterly senseless drama . Trying to copy Sunny deol's Ghayal ....they didnt even do a good job of blatant copying . So much laziness is really unbearable to us common viewers do the creatives tolerate it ?
koolsadhu1000 thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 15 years ago
Sorry i meant sunnydeol's DAMINI .
CarulinaTina thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 15 years ago
Hehe... their bhashans are so funny... wonder what kind of people write this nonsense 😆

My prediction for today:

Today's episode is going to be more devi praising with Sav doing aarti of the women that brutally murdered her husband in cold blood and all the Garodias will look on with tears in their eyes. Kajri will finally get a chance to tell the family and more rona dhona, etc, etc.
koolsadhu1000 thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 15 years ago
Well Kruthi , u predicted correctly . Kajri has fainted . I have a feeling its gonna be a particularly idiotic track with the Garodias bowing before her for the next seven months simply coz she has the khandaan ka waaris in her obnoxious tummy . hey call this show Betiyaan but just see how the khandaan ka chiraag attitude will make them dance on Kajris tune .....poor Niyati will be given secondary treatment till our blood boils . Why ? For the waaris , of course . It will enhance Kajris status . The Garodias , Im afraid , will never be capable of progressive thinking and always will slip back .