ar78655 thumbnail
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Posted: 16 years ago
Let's play Dandiya

As a multi racial country, India enjoys the luxury of having innumerable festivals. Over the years, most of these festivals have been reduced to an obligation. However, there's one festival when people of any caste or creed thoroughly enjoy themselves. That auspicious festival is Navratri

Navratri is a Hindu festival of worship and dance. The word Navratri itself means nine nights in Sanskrit. During these days, nine forms of female divinity are worshipped. The pujas are followed by dandiya - the sword dance.

For the youth, rituals and legends don't matter. The only thing that they want is to dance with their dear ones for ten full days.

Our telly stars don't always have the luxury of celebrating a festival with their family. In fact, these festivals get incorporated into their shows. Thus it implies that the actors can't be themselves while enacting such episodes. Dandiya is all about shedding your inihibtions and simply moving your body. Our poor actors have to get each of their steps right while doing dandiya in their serials.

Media spoke to few telly stars and asked them the difference in dancing before the camera and off it.

Nimisha Vakharia: Before entering Tellywood, I used to regularly perform at various stage shows. I've won the best dancer award on numerous occasions. These awards have been conferred upon me by Times group and Mid-Day. When I was pregnant, I begged my family to take me to a venue. I couldn't dance but derived great pleasure in watching others tap their feet.

Whether it's at Sankalp or in a soap, I simply love dancing. Where there's music my feet begin to move automatically. We'll be having a special Navratri episode for Teen Bahuraniyan. Last year, we had invited Falguni Pathak on our show. This year, we'll be celebrating at Kanjurmarg. We have started our rehearsals.

Stage Shows: Attending stage shows is next to impossible. I'm acting in two soaps, so it leaves no time to go anywhere else. I was invited at Pune for a special function for HIV affected children. However, I won't be able to attend it.


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-mango- thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago
Looks like Nimisha loves Navaratri too! Thats cool...
Thanks for sharing. 😊 Her pic is soo funny in the article! 😆
crazy_lil_gurl thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago
wow kool article! thanks 4 shringg 😃
The pic if so funnyy 😆