India Forums is a 25,000+ Members Forum - Page 2


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envious_eyes thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago

im so happy.. and the greatest thing is am a part of india-forums..

i think its the best thing that happened to me.. im a big fan of kzk and kyph... however i have been more active in kzk..

recently wen i became viewbie for kzk, i thgt it was the best thing that happened to me on i-f, but today this achievement is spectacular..

i would like to congratulate vijay and all of the members of i-f..

my days in i-f have been absolutely amazing..

and i know there will be a whole lot of fun ahead..


*Anjali* thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago
wooohooo!!!!! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘  Congratulations to all IF members, Coolbies, Viewbies, Moderators, Global Mods, and of course our excellent administrators, Lakshmi and Vijay! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

I've been on the forum for almost a year now and I've enjoyed watching the forum go from having a small membership to becoming such a huge forum.  I still remember the excitement when we reached 1000 members, then 5000, 10000, and now 20000. I remember the days when it was quite a small forum with just a few active members and now look at it…absolutely mindblowing..πŸ‘

The best thing about this forum is that although a lot has changed the ideology really hasn't changed. Despite differences of opinion, our members respect each other and are open-minded to each other's opinion.  We are like one big happy family and this is what makes this forum so special! 😊
I can't end this without thanking one special person and that is Vijay.  Vijay really works tirelessly (literally day and night) for this forum and comes up with great new ideas.  Vijayβ€”I know you believe it's not a one-man show and that it's all a team-effort (which it is), but you really are the reason IF is so great and you deserve the credit. πŸ‘πŸ‘

We have so many more great things planned for the future that it makes me downright excited when I think about them.  So buckle your seatbelts and enjoy the ride! 😊

Anjali Edited by anjali308 - 18 years ago
OodlesDoodles thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 18 years ago

Oh Wow, 20,000 members and we are still growing at a fast pace. I am at loss of words as this achievement needs to be commended and I wish there was another word - Congratulations!!!!

I am glad to have found IF and the active participation.  A place that I can go to when I want to be pour the frustration at fictions so complex and twisted or to understand if I am the only sane or insane person on this planet when it comes to morals and ethics. 

IF for me like others is another place I call home and the members my family. Yes right now there is no day that passes that I do not stop by at IF to see what's happening. To try to catch up different member's postings whether it is a serious discussion or just an inconsequential chatter or even maybe to help friend in dire strait. How can I forget how all made me feel special and their wishes touched my heart on my birthday. We are all friends here with the common goal the TV channels and their shows.  So although I do not know too many people as this family has grown fast in the past couple of days I still would like to say that each and everyone does contribute to the success.

So Congratulations once again to all members and the IF development team . I would also like to mention a special congratulation to Vijay given the modest person he is and whose philosophy according to me is well captured by this quote "The best angle from which to approach any problem is the try-angle." 

Edited by fortvpur - 18 years ago
damsel111 thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago

πŸ‘ waww thats a great newz..

congrats every1..

i ave been here since more than 6 months now.. its always a pleasure to visit IF.. n it really is addictive 😳

i ave made suck gud frndz here

thatx so much for creating IF

al the best for future!!

lots n lots of luv n gud wishes damsel~~

greatmaratha thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago
after the lovely posts put in by priya and everyone else above me, I just dont know what to write here.  I agree priya, Congratulations just seems to be a very small word for this achievement.

I cant help remember the first time i came across India forums and this whole wonderful community.  Of course at that time, the number of members were much less, but the wonderful community that you created, which has grown so much in this past year, has just made this world a much smaller place for so many of us. 
congrats again to all of us and to you vijay for making this place the wonderful place this is.
Morgoth thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago

Congrats to everyone on IF - From Admin to members! πŸ‘

I'm assuming VJ's next goal is 50,000 members (get a couple of new servers ready, buddy!)

IF is really a fun place to be because its always evolving keeping things fresh for members!

My first day on IF seems like a long time ago, but I've seen the ups and downs here, faced a few myself and collected a bunch of friends in the process.


Edited by MysticaMagic - 18 years ago
*Shona* thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 18 years ago

Yeh to hona hi tha!!! πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒConsidering the fact, how addicitive this forums is and the vast variety of shows that are updated and will be updated soon (US&Canadian Shows), I wont be surprised if we reach the 50000 mark soon!

Congratulations to Vijay and all members!πŸ‘

Hey vijay, how about free I-F t-shirts for everyone now!πŸ˜†

smart__pisces4u thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago

CogratulaTionZ 2 All I-F MemπŸ˜ƒItz Gr88888 Wow Wow 20,000 Mem 😳



srk_rulz thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago

20, 000 πŸ‘ Wow, i must say im pretty new to this forum, but it feels just like home...everyone here is so friendly and they always make me laugh πŸ˜† Its great that IF is doing so well, i hope it does even better than this πŸ˜ƒ Congrats and thanks to all who made this possible..i must say im proud to me a member! πŸ˜ƒ

glamour_girl thumbnail
Posted: 18 years ago

Yeah, 20,000 members that's so amazing. It's been a long time since I've been here and I have been enjoying myself, I am looking forward to see more members joining india-forums. Congratz everyone, site admin's, global moderators, moderators, viewbies, coolbies and our other members! πŸ‘

From Saira
