In search of the diamond -Fanfic-Updated-Chapter 49- page 18 - Page 16

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Team Keerat

Posted: 1 months ago

Originally posted by: Amanita09

Can't wait for the next chapter, Why didn't she take the necklace. 

It's actually hard imagining a young Jaspal and Gurleen.

Gurleen and Jaspal think very differently.For him,the chain is a simple gift, something given freely.He doesn't expect anything in return and believes that affection shouldn't be measured in any relationship.

Gurleen on the other hand believes that the affection in any relationship should be equal.In this case,Jaspal has clearly put in a lot of time and effort in designing the chain which makes it more precious in her eyes.If she were to accept it,it would make her feel obligated to return the gesture.And when one is obliged to gift someone something,she feels it will diminish the value of the gift.Hence this whole rigmarole.πŸ˜‚

But yes,they will talk it out in the next chapter.

About imagining them as young people,sorry about that πŸ˜…

There's not much to go on about with so I had do cook up my own details about their personalities.

Edited by themasked - 1 months ago
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Team Keerat

Posted: 1 months ago

Chapter 41- Gurleen 

The Brars had truly outdone themselves.They had erected a huge marque on their lawn complete with an outdoor stage and an open dining area.Daarji had insisted on hosting the gathering at Brar mansion and her mother had surprisingly agreed.Bebe had insisted she come in the afternoon itself to get ready and she found herself holed up with Manveer parjaai and Jassi di.Prabhjyot was yet to return from school and Bebe had simply disappeared.

Her own mother had elected to stay downstairs with Daarji,looking over the arrangements.The tension in the room was thick enough to cut through with a knife.That Manveer and Jasleen didn't get along was clear enough, especially when one considered the words they hurled at each other.

"So Gurleen,are you excited for your big day?"

Manveer parjaai asked her,sounding sugary sweet.This sent her alarm bells ringing as she warily nodded,unsure of an appropriate response.

"What sort of question is that, Parjaai?Of course she'll be nervous and excited.It's not everyday that we get to celebrate the induction of a chairperson in this house."

"That's what I'm worried about Jasleen.It's not everyday that we get to see the induction of a chairwoman.",Manveer put extra emphasis on the word 'chairwoman'.

Gurleen remembered a conversation she had had with Jaspal ji earlier.He had sought her out to specifically explain the family dynamics and how to navigate them.

"Gurleen,I want you to be careful around Manveer parjaai and Jassi di for now.At the moment,they are the only ones with a grudge against you.Jassi di has always desired to work for the company and become both chairperson and head of the household someday but Daarji has put a stop to it.It still doesn't stop her from fanning flames and sowing chaos wherever she goes.

Daarji's blatant favouritism towards you hasn't exactly endeared you towards her.As far as she is concerned,you are a threat to her position so she'll do anything to bring you down.She has a very sharp tongue which hits you where it hurts the most.

Manveer parjaai on the other hand is a tough nut to crack.Her main issue with you is that you've managed to disrupt the hierarchy in the house.Originally, Inder veerji was supposed to inherit the business which automatically made her the head of the household and Angad the Brar heir.While she and Angad continue to retain their position,their claim is shaky with veerji out of the picture .You outrank everyone where business is concerned,which means you're now a threat to her and she won't hesitate to double down hard on you and make your life miserable.

Not to mention,her personal grudge towards you tends to colour her vision as well.Coming to Daarji and Bebe,Daarji is the only one who wholeheartedly supports you apart from yours truly.As long as you don't blatantly rebel or do something stupid, he'll be fine with you.Not to mention, he's decided to personally mentor you;that will protect you to a certain extent.

As for Bebe,she personally doesn't have any problem with you.But she favours Inder veerji and parjaai,so do not count on her to support you."

She had stared at him for a long time,a lump in her throat.She hadn't expected him to go to such lengths for her and she appreciated his gesture a lot.

"Jaspal ji,thank you so much.But why take the trouble to tell me all this?"

"You'll be my wife one day.Whether we fall in love or not,a relationship does need trust doesn't it?We can't live the rest of our lives looking over our shoulders can we?Like it or not,we are a team and we got to have each other's backs."

She had smiled as he quoted her own words back to her,albeit framed differently but with the same essence.

She observed the two women in front of her carefully;despite their rivalry,they hadn't hesitated to gang up against her.While not exactly allies,they didn't mind fanning the flames just to instigate the other.

"And Jassi, don't mistake me.A woman being chairperson is not the issue at hand, it's the person selected for the post.You can't exactly trust a person who tends to blackmail their way to a position of power."

Gurleen was impressed.Manveer had managed to insult both Jassi di and her in one sentence .

Jassi di wasn't one to back down so easily.

"Parjaai,you need to understand that this is Daarji's decision.Who are we to question his choices?After all he did choose you and Angad didn't he?"

They were now entering dangerous territory .Manveer parjaai was starting to turn red.She was genuinely worried about a physical altercation now.Trying to diffuse the tension she asked,

"Where is Jaspal ji?I haven't seen him all day?"

Unfortunately,she only managed to invite Manveer's ire.

"Why do you ask?Do you find our company distasteful?"she asked coldly.

"Parjaai,not everyone hates their partners enough to loathe even looking at them."

Gurleen internally groaned.Jassi di had to have the last word it seemed.


"Stop laughing."

She frowned as Jaspal lounged on the bed in Prabhjyot's room ,laughing himself to tears.

"It's not that funny.I didn't tell you everything for you to laugh at my expense."

She had just finished recounting the entire incident in Manveer's room.

"I'm sorry Gurleen but I've never seen those two get so riled up.You didn't even have to say a word to start them off."

She rolled her eyes at him and turned back to the mirror as she painstakingly drew her eyes with kajal.

"Veerji, you're not supposed to be here.The two of you are not married yet."interjected Prabhjyot from the couch where she was busy wearing her anklets.

"Says who?",he retorted.

"Says bebe.She'll skin you alive if she finds you anywhere near Parjaai.And be warned, I'll tell her when she comes over here."

"Monkey,"he muttered under his breath.

"Gurleen I'll take your leave now.I'll see you later.Apparently my little sister can't stand the two of us spending time together."

"So what if I can't?", Prabhjyot called after her retreating brother.

"Had I been a boy I would've made Parjaai a better husband.You're so boring.There's no difference between you and a block of wood."

As the door closed behind him,Gurleen turned towards the girl.

"He's not that bad you know.He's really nice and kind."

"Whatever.Parjaai,will you braid my hair?"

Gurleen smiled and called her over ,deciding to treat her with an elaborate hair do.

They still had to wait for bebe who had insisted on bringing her a saree to wear.

Amanita09 thumbnail
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Team Critic

Posted: 1 months ago

I'm so glad he isn't holding a grudge about the necklace. 

Everybody needs someone like Prabhjyot in their life 😊

Edited by Amanita09 - 1 months ago
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Team Keerat

Posted: 1 months ago

Originally posted by: Amanita09

I'm so glad he isn't holding a grudge about the necklace. 

Everybody needs someone like Prabhjyot in their life 😊

It's not in his nature to hold grudges.He usually accepts things the way they are which can be quite detrimental in event of a misunderstanding as he tries to avoid confrontation and ends up overthinking.This was seen in the lohri chapter when he just walked away without clarifying things with Gurleen.

Gurleen on the other hand needs to talk out everything and verbally clarify each and every point.In other words, she's the exact opposite.She also has the tendency to overthink.Best example is the necklace 🀣

Edited by themasked - 1 months ago
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Team Critic

Posted: 1 months ago

Originally posted by: themasked

It's not in his nature to hold grudges.He usually accepts things the way they are which can be quite detrimental in event of a misunderstanding as he tries to avoid confrontation and ends up overthinking.This was seen in the lohri chapter when he just walked away without clarifying things with Gurleen.

Gurleen on the other hand needs to talk out everything and verbally clarify each and every point.In other words, she's the exact opposite.She also has the tendency to overthink.Best example is the necklace 🀣

Opposites Attract I guess πŸ˜…

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Team Keerat

Posted: 1 months ago

Chapter 42 Part 1-Jaspal 

Bebe had instructed him to wait downstairs and greet the guests with his brother in law.The said brother in law politely declined his offer to help and declared he had enough charm for both of them.He could swear Amrit Babbar was laughing at him when he told him to wait for his fiance instead.He spotted his parjaai and Jassi di near the stairs and decided to make himself scarce only to be confronted by daarji.

"Jaspal,you look rather handsome today ."

He politely thanked his father, pleasantly surprised.Daarji patted him on his back and made his way to greet the guests.A loud crash reverberated from a corner;Garry had managed to knock over a precious vase which now lay on the ground in smithereens.This didn't bode well for the boys he decided upon noticing the stormy countenance on Daarji's face.

"Daarji,please don't scold Garry,it was an accident .He's crying badly"Angad pled,close to tears himself.

"Angad,I know it's an accident.But the two of you are still at fault here.No matter your intentions,it doesn't change the consequences.That vase is priceless and a gift from a dear friend of mine.No matter what you do,it won't lessen the hurt in my heart.Garry, I'm afraid you'll have to be confined upstairs to reflect upon your wrongdoings.

And Angad,as Garry's elder brother, you should've looked out for him and guided him properly.As the eldest,you ought to have prevented this mishap.You too shall be punished . However,I cannot confine you as today is your Chachi's induction .As heir ,your presence is required.I will decide your punishment later."

Jaspal sighed to himself .Things had been too good to be true.He looked around ,hoping for his parjaai to intervene but she was silent.And his Inder veerji had chosen the occasion to walk off.

"Daarji,this is unfair.It was clearly an accident. You can't blame Garry for this accident."

Thankfully his Jassi di had spoken up .

"Jassi,please remember that you're a guest here.As a daughter,you have no say in how I run the household."

"But Daarji....".She tried ,but her husband,Yashraj Baweja stopped her and led her away.

Garry had run upstairs while Angad struggled to control his tears.Jaspal decided to intervene.He walked upto his father and told him in a low voice,

"Daarji, I think we should wrap this up quickly.All our guests are here and the media is there too.We have to present a united front to them.I know you and Jassi di don't get along but please, let's not air our dirty laundry in public.We don't need her creating a scene.Just let Garry attend;you can think of a suitable punishment later."

His father thankfully nodded and called Garry downstairs.He even made a show of comforting him and Angad and the guests dispersed.He heaved a sigh of relief.His Parjaai and brother in law gave him grateful looks which he returned with a faint smile.He decided to go and fetch Prabhjyot before she decided to get into trouble as well.To his surprise,he was joined by Amrit Babbar.

"You did a great job out there.I have never seen anyone diffuse a situation like that before. Perhaps you're not as useless as I thought."

Jaspal rolled his eyes as they sent in search of his little sister .

"I hope you protect my baby sister the same way,in a way I couldn't.I know Gurleen is strong enough to hold out on her own.However if you or or your family lay a single finger on her,I will destroy all the Brars from the root."

With that chilling threat,he left a very worn out Jaspal.


"Veerji,bebe is calling you upstairs."

Prabhjyot had finally decided to make an appearance.

"Prabhjyot,I want you to stick to our side.Angad and Garry are in trouble with Daarji.We don't need you in hot water as well."

"Okay, I'll stay with Parjaai."

They made it to her room where Bebe and Gurleen were waiting.

"What do you think Jaspal?"bebe asked gesturing to herself and Gurleen.

"Sohni,bebe."he replied with a smile.Daarji wouldn't be able to keep his eyes off his mother tonight.

"Jaspal,stand beside her won't you?I need to take off the buri nazar."

Prabhjyot meanwhile had started getting impatient.

"Can we go already?"

"Just a minute puttar."his bebe replied with a laugh."

He shook his head and headed for the door with the women in tow.Bebe elected to go in front with her daughter while he and Gurleen brought up the rear.

"Jaspal ji,can I please talk to you for a minute?"

He looked at her quizzically and nodded, retreating back into Prabhjyot's room,tugging her along.

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Team Keerat

Posted: 1 months ago

Chapter 42 Part 2-Jaspal 

He gently shut the door behind them and turned to face her.

"What happened Gurleen?Is everything alright?",he asked her worriedly.

She looked very nervous.

"I got you something.It's a gift."she blurted out.Before he could reply,she had started digging in her bag,drawing out a small velvet box which she handed over to him.He opened it to find a pair of cufflinks.They dazzled and shimmered in the light.

"Please don't tell me these are actual diamonds.", he muttered.

She nodded sheepishly.

"These looked beautiful and they reminded me of you."

"I really appreciate the sentiment but why spend so much on cufflinks of all things?I know my family is one of the biggest jewellers in Punjab but that doesn't mean I have to wear diamonds all the time."

He regretted the words as soon as they left his mouth.She looked crestfallen and seemed to dim.

"I'm sorry Jaspal ji.I should have asked you first.I'll return these if you don't like them."

"No, that's not what I know,I mean...."

She had sat down, patiently waiting for him to finish.

"Can we talk about this later?"he begged.

She resolutely shook her head.

He sighed.


Another shake.

"If we stay here longer,daarji and bebe will assume we're having a rendezvous and skin me alive.Please.....I promise we'll talk just after the announcement."

She gave him a long and hard look,before nodding slowly.

"Gurleen,will you clip these on?"

"Does that mean you've accepted them?"

"Not quite,we still need to talk."

"Then why are you wearing them?I cannot force you to do something you have no interest in?"

Her brain was truly unique,he thought wryly.Never had he met someone who was such a stickler for sentiments and emotions when it came to gifts.

"No one is forcing anyone.I genuinely wish to wear them for the ceremony,but whether I'll keep them or not is an entirely different issue."he tried mollifying her but to no avail.

He really wished to respect her feelings by wearing the cufflinks but she was unnecessarily distressing herself by overthinking.He still didn't understand how their feelings factored in while getting each other gifts.Weren't they just gifts at the end of the day?

Finally seeing no other option,he knelt in front of her.

"Gurleen,thank you.The cufflinks are beautiful and I will wear them,but on one condition.You must wear the chain.No ifs and buts.You did say that you wished to get me a gift which came from the bottom of your heart.Now that you've done it,you have no choice but to accept it."

She was silent.Without waiting for her nod,he gently tugged her hand and pulled her to the mirror.Standing behind her,he drew the chain from his breast pocket and unclasped it.Bebe had put her hair up in an elaborate bun,leaving her neck exposed.He leant closer and put the chain around her neck,bringing the ends behind to clasp.As he straightened the chain,his fingers accidentally brushed her skin and she shivered.Closing the clasp he looked at their reflection in the mirror and met her eyes.

They were standing quite close to each other,close enough for her to feel his breath on her neck.For the first time he allowed himself to take in her appearance.Bebe had dressed her in a deep shade of purple.The saree managed to accentuate every one of her curves before being artfully gathered over her arm,only to fall in waves on the other side,leaving a long train behind;it shimmered like a star lit pool when she moved.

She wore no other jewellery,save for the amethyst pendant and a pair of diamond studs.He wordlessly raised his hand and removed the hair tie,letting her hair cascade down her back in waves.

"You look beautiful with your hair down,"he whispered as he ran his hand through the silky strands.

She blushed a brilliant red,clearly affected by his proximity.She turned around quickly nearly crashing into him.He caught hold of her shoulders,supporting her.

"Where are the cufflinks?It will only take a minute to attach them .Daarji and bebe will be waiting for us."

He silently held out his wrists.She gently attached them and patted down his sleeves.To his surprise,she stepped closer and straightened his collar and Pagg before giving him a peck on the cheek.

"It's for good luck."

And she left the room,leaving him behind ,dazed and confused,his heart pounding wildly.

fantasy1000a thumbnail
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Posted: 1 months ago

Originally posted by: themasked

Chapter 42 Part 2-Jaspal 

He gently shut the door behind them and turned to face her.

"What happened Gurleen?Is everything alright?",he asked her worriedly.

She looked very nervous.

"I got you something.It's a gift."she blurted out.Before he could reply,she had started digging in her bag,drawing out a small velvet box which she handed over to him.He opened it to find a pair of cufflinks.They dazzled and shimmered in the light.

"Please don't tell me these are actual diamonds.", he muttered.

She nodded sheepishly.

"These looked beautiful and they reminded me of you."

"I really appreciate the sentiment but why spend so much on cufflinks of all things?I know my family is one of the biggest jewellers in Punjab but that doesn't mean I have to wear diamonds all the time."

He regretted the words as soon as they left his mouth.She looked crestfallen and seemed to dim.

"I'm sorry Jaspal ji.I should have asked you first.I'll return these if you don't like them."

"No, that's not what I know,I mean...."

She had sat down, patiently waiting for him to finish.

"Can we talk about this later?"he begged.

She resolutely shook her head.

He sighed.


Another shake.

"If we stay here longer,daarji and bebe will assume we're having a rendezvous and skin me alive.Please.....I promise we'll talk just after the announcement."

She gave him a long and hard look,before nodding slowly.

"Gurleen,will you clip these on?"

"Does that mean you've accepted them?"

"Not quite,we still need to talk."

"Then why are you wearing them?I cannot force you to do something you have no interest in?"

Her brain was truly unique,he thought wryly.Never had he met someone who was such a stickler for sentiments and emotions when it came to gifts.

"No one is forcing anyone.I genuinely wish to wear them for the ceremony,but whether I'll keep them or not is an entirely different issue."he tried mollifying her but to no avail.

He really wished to respect her feelings by wearing the cufflinks but she was unnecessarily distressing herself by overthinking.He still didn't understand how their feelings factored in while getting each other gifts.Weren't they just gifts at the end of the day?

Finally seeing no other option,he knelt in front of her.

"Gurleen,thank you.The cufflinks are beautiful and I will wear them,but on one condition.You must wear the chain.No ifs and buts.You did say that you wished to get me a gift which came from the bottom of your heart.Now that you've done it,you have no choice but to accept it."

She was silent.Without waiting for her nod,he gently tugged her hand and pulled her to the mirror.Standing behind her,he drew the chain from his breast pocket and unclasped it.Bebe had put her hair up in an elaborate bun,leaving her neck exposed.He leant closer and put the chain around her neck,bringing the ends behind to clasp.As he straightened the chain,his fingers accidentally brushed her skin and she shivered.Closing the clasp he looked at their reflection in the mirror and met her eyes.

They were standing quite close to each other,close enough for her to feel his breath on her neck.For the first time he allowed himself to take in her appearance.Bebe had dressed her in a deep shade of purple.The saree managed to accentuate every one of her curves before being artfully gathered over her arm,only to fall in waves on the other side,leaving a long train behind;it shimmered like a star lit pool when she moved.

She wore no other jewellery,save for the amethyst pendant and a pair of diamond studs.He wordlessly raised his hand and removed the hair tie,letting her hair cascade down her back in waves.

"You look beautiful with your hair down,"he whispered as he ran his hand through the silky strands.

She blushed a brilliant red,clearly affected by his proximity.She turned around quickly nearly crashing into him.He caught hold of her shoulders,supporting her.

"Where are the cufflinks?It will only take a minute to attach them .Daarji and bebe will be waiting for us."

He silently held out his wrists.She gently attached them and patted down his sleeves.To his surprise,she stepped closer and straightened his collar and Pagg before giving him a peck on the cheek.

"It's for good luck."

And she left the room,leaving him behind ,dazed and confused,his heart pounding wildly.

She does look good with her hair down πŸ₯Ή

πŸ₯Ήβ€οΈ ( Gurleen ) 

And Garry broke the vase πŸ₯ΉπŸ˜

And Angad crying ..... Adorable munchkin 😍☺️

I didn't know why I found it adorable πŸ₯°πŸ₯°

Edited by fantasy1000a - 1 months ago
Amanita09 thumbnail
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Team Critic

Posted: 1 months ago

Awhhhhh 😊 

Garry and Angad crying 😒  

Daarji is so stone hearted

themasked thumbnail
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Team Keerat

Posted: 1 months ago

Chapter 43-Gurleen 

Her heart was still beating wildly as she entered the hall.The peck on his cheek had been an impulsive move on her part and she wondered if she had offended him in any way.The appearance of daarji and her mother snapped her out of her reverie as they started introducing her to their numerous partners.Bebe took one look at her hair and tutted.

"I thought I tied it tightly.I can't believe it's slipped off already."

"Jabjyot,perhaps you should ask your son."Daarji said,a mischievous glint in his eye.

Gurleen looked at him scandalized.

"Puttar, don't look so surprised.I've been romancing your bebe for the past thirty nine years,of course I know all the tricks in the book and much more."

Bebe just blushed and muttered something about being inappropriate.Gurleen felt very disoriented.Nothing seemed real to her,it was as if she was experiencing a fever dream.The Brars contrasting personalities put her on an edge ;daarji and bebe seemed nice while her sister in laws were out for her blood.How on earth was she supposed to manage all this on her own?

She couldn't properly rely on anyone here if she were to go by Jaspal Ji's words.While he had insisted on being by her side ,a part of her still feared his abandonment.Her own family had no desire to remain in Ludhiana and Alka ji,the closest thing she had to a mentor on the board was virtually a stranger.She felt the walls close in on her,as if finally prepared to engulf her in a darkness from which there was no escape.

Her eyes burned as she tried holding back her tears.Never had she felt so helpless in her life.

"Gurleen, what's wrong?"It was her Parjaai.

The older woman pulled her to an isolated corner to talk.

"What's going on? Don't lie to me."she pleaded.

Gurleen sniffled.

"I regret involving myself in this.I wish I had never agreed to this wedding.I have messed up everything for mummy,veerji ,you and now Jaspal ji."

"Gurleen,look at me and listen to me carefully,"her Parjaai sounded fierce.

"You have nothing to regret.No one has any right to make you feel guilty for your actions especially when you didn't do anything morally questionable.I'm proud of you if I were to be honest .The world tries to suppress its women behind a veil of respect and veneer.I,Manveer and the others,we didn't try fighting our fates for the desire of a respectable life,we just gave up and ended up feeling bitter towards the end.But look at Alka ji.She got a divorce after twenty years of an unhappy marriage.And look at her now?Her reputation might be ruined but she's the happiest of the entire lot.

Why do you think mummy retained her on the board despite the protests of the other members to fire her? She's a powerful woman with a strong moral compass.No one can ever talk her down.No matter how much mud the world slings at her,she walks with her head held high.

I'd rather you be an Alka over a thousand Pammis and Manveers.No matter what anyone tells you, this is your empire which you're perfectly capable of ruling.I've known you for over ten years now , do you think I would have let you jump into this if I thought you didn't have the capability.Moreover, Akaal Singh Brar is no fool to back you this way.You have a spark that can cause an inferno whether you realise it or not.

Let no one else convince you otherwise.While I don't know about mummy and Amrit, you're more than enough for me.As much as I wish to cocoon you and protect you for the rest of your life, it's time for you to leave the nest.And I have my own path to traverse.I'll be leaving for Amritsar tonight, once the ceremony is over.While I don't know what the future holds ,just remember that whenever you need me, I'll always be there for you."

Gurleen simply hugged her.

"Parjaai,I don't think words could express my gratitude for all that you've done or how much I love you.But I'm really happy for you.I just hope you find your peace.I'm sorry for not trying to understand your feelings."

"Gurleen,you can't apologise for the way you feel.Honestly,I wish I had handled it better.But let's leave it in the past.I want you to call me everyday and update me about every single thing.And one more thing,I have no idea what's cooking between you and Mr.Prim and Proper ,but I want you to be careful.If the two of you do end up in a serious relationship,never underestimate your own value.Both of you should be putting an equal amount of work into it.

If anything goes away,I want you to walk out of that household.I don't care about the Brar rule of not divorcing."

"He's already offered me divorce whenever I want it.",she supplied.

Her Parjaai shook her head in confusion and exasperation.

"He'll probably be the first person to sweep a girl of her feet by offering her a divorce.",she muttered.

Gurleen started laughing.

Mummy had ascended the stage and started speaking.Soon she'd have to join her and present her own speech.For the first time that night,she felt at ease.Amrit veerji siddled up to her side and squeezed her hand while her parjaii gave her a side hug.The future would no doubt be difficult,but she knew she would pull through.After all,she was Gurleen Kaur Babbar soon to be Brar , wasn't she?