Uniform Civil Code (UCC) in Uttarakhand - Page 2


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SoniRita thumbnail
Posted: 5 months ago

UCC is very good move. I hope all over ind they implement UCC. 
Congrats Uttarakhand becomes 2nd state in India to implement UCC.

BrhannadaArmour thumbnail
Posted: 5 months ago

Unequal rights for women and men:

Originally posted by: Palak2812

• Now every girl and boy's minimum marriage age is 18 and 21 respectively.

Originally posted by: Viswasruti

a common marriageable age (18 for women and 21 for men)

Originally posted by: Palak2812

• In case of divorce or domestic dispute between husband and wife, the custody of the child up to 5 years of age will remain with the mother.

The child's best interest and the parents' ability to provide care should be judged on a case-by-case basis, not by inequality of the sexes.

Discrimination against individuals who exercise freedom of religion:

Originally posted by: Palak2812

• Now through this law, if any one of the couple changes his religion without the consent of the other, then the other person will have full right to divorce that person and take maintenance allowance.

This is not "uniform." Try again, lawmakers. Take your duty seriously.

A hefty fine and 3 months in jail for not committing to one's partner/roommate, or for moving in with a friend to escape an abusive marriage/live-in, infringes privacy, freedom of movement, association, and expression:

Originally posted by: Palak2812

• Live-in relationships are clearly defined in the UCC. Will be able to live in a live-in relationship only if they are not already married or in a live-in relationship with someone else and do not fall in the category of relationships prohibited by law

Originally posted by: Viswasruti

mandatory registration/self-declaration for live-in relationships

Laws should protect freedoms, not impose undue burdens.

Palak2812 thumbnail
Posted: 5 months ago

Originally posted by: BrhannadaArmour

Unequal rights for women and men:

The child's best interest and the parents' ability to provide care should be judged on a case-by-case basis, not by inequality of the sexes.

Discrimination against individuals who exercise freedom of religion:

This is not "uniform." Try again, lawmakers. Take your duty seriously.

A hefty fine and 3 months in jail for not committing to one's partner/roommate, or for moving in with a friend to escape an abusive marriage/live-in, infringes privacy, freedom of movement, association, and expression:

Laws should protect freedoms, not impose undue burdens.

It didn't talk about violence and all and it always matters according to the case.

Small kids need the mother the most and an incompetent mother won't get custody. 

At least know what is happening here rather than talking about inequality, it is not an ideal world. It is about what is better. 

They did well, there have been cases of partner changing religion to exercise the advantage of other religions or forcing their partner which wasn't even there when they got married.

Plz that is Uttarakhand, heck even in Delhi we barely see just friends (who are single) living together. 

Laws are made according to India and our society by seeing so many wrong things happening.

Unfortunately with what is happening around 


Laws are made so that people live within their limits and do not try to misuse their rights to harm others.

Definitely it will be misused and all is still better than nothing. 

Also, there is nothing as absolute freedom nor ever will be. 

Palak2812 thumbnail
Posted: 5 months ago

Originally posted by: Manavi_kesari

What about children if born in this live in relationships ? 

On a positive note, the Bill clarifies that all children born out of void and voidable marriages and live-in relationships will be deemed legitimate, and will have the same rights as children born within wedlock.

Manavi_kesari thumbnail
IPL 2024 Participants 3 Thumbnail IPL 2023 Participants 3 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 5 months ago

Originally posted by: Palak2812

On a positive note, the Bill clarifies that all children born out of void and voidable marriages and live-in relationships will be deemed legitimate, and will have the same rights as children born within wedlock.

Oh nice , children will get legal rights . 

Thorn.Princess thumbnail
Posted: 5 months ago

A lot of people who are opposing UCC see it as something done in the recent times and associating it only with politics, without understanding how important it is for us to have a common law that binds us all, rather than the religious and personal laws that have not been amended in most cases fairly to become distinctive from those created in the British Raj. This discourse has been going on for decades, we used to have it for moot court trials too, and it clearly benefits us all in the long term. That being said, what is happening as a consequence of this agyaanta of the common public, if I may call it that, is just devastating and heartbreaking. Real development can ideally only happen once we move away from unequal laws that protect the interests of one over another, and promote oppression of the majority in the name of appeasement! 

Edited by dhun.laagi - 5 months ago
DanmeiLover thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 5 months ago

UCC needs to be implemented across the whole country. 

Vr15h thumbnail
IPL 2024 Participants 2 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 5 months ago

I recall either some state court or the Supreme Court ruling that the minimum marriage age for boys & girls be equalized.  In that ruling, the marriage age for a boy was reduced to 18, but if the spirit of that law is kept, a common minumum of 21 would be welcome

The ban on polygamy as well as marriage to relatives is welcome, & should be implemented across the board

Originally posted by: Viswasruti

I'm waiting for this UCC to be put into effect nationwide. All citizens of the country should be subject to the same laws, regardless of their caste or religion. 

The UCC bill has provisions for equal rights for women in inheritance in ancestral properties, equal rights to adopt, divorce and a ban on polygamy, mandatory registration/self-declaration for live-in relationships, mandatory registration of marriage and divorce, and a common marriageable age (18 for women and 21 for men)

The code envisions the same set of rules for everyone.

The constitution adopted in 1950 placed the code in a section that recommends laws for future governments. It encouraged the state to "endeavour to secure for the citizens a uniform civil code throughout the territory". 


It bans polygamy, a practice allowed under Muslim laws that permit a man to have up to four wives.

It sets minimum ages for men and women to marry. While Hindu and secular laws only allow men to marry at 21 and women at 18, there is no restriction for Muslims and other communities.

It prohibits a person marrying relatives including cousins, uncles, aunts, which is allowed in many communities.

It is a very good topic, and thanks for posting all the details. 
