Why didn’t Rajeev divorce Pari?

Naya_31 thumbnail
Posted: 6 months ago

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janecastle thumbnail
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Pari hoon main

Posted: 6 months ago

That is a very good question. But honestly, I have no idea. He was ok with Pari being his first wife. smiley44 And kept claiming her as his wife everywhere, except in front of Neeti. 

shirin04 thumbnail
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Posted: 6 months ago

Because he is a typical male chauvinist. His idea of a wife is not the romanticised notion of husband-wifely relation we share. It has more to do with what he can get from these women and his idea of a subservient woman he can possess. Pari is not his wife she is his property and as long as she remains that on his terms she is the best person in the world. The moment pari stops serving rajeev’s notions of righteousness and actually starts taking a stand for herself he will be turned off by her ambition and personality. And that is also why he is over neeti not because she is a criminal but because she defied him and didn’t dance to his tunes and fancy and actually gave him a reality check and was not afraid to speak her mind. I don’t think he ever cared about neeti’s crimes as long as they didn’t affect him and threaten his dominiance. People who ship either rajneeti or pariraj have a very skewed idea of how relationships ought to be. There is no mutual love and respect btw pariraj it is pari being okay with n no. of disgusting actions of rajeev and even being a part of them that rajeev respects. Rajeev respects the fact that he can push pari and she is not capable of standing for herself. And please do not talk about old pari who stood up for herself after she came to know about rajeev. We are never going to see that pari again because she has accepted her fate into this animal family because of her need to cling on to an idea of a perfect family as it was her dream. 

KalmaLove92 thumbnail
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Posted: 6 months ago

Jmo, but he was always just attracted to Niti and married her because of Sukhwinder's EBM.

Prior to that, he was cancelling it.

And throughout his so-called wedding to Niti, he has called Pari his wife and kept following her everywhere, inspite of knowing that Niti was jealous and he had no more business behaving in certain ways arnd Pari.

The latter even told him to stay away and reminded him that he didn't behave like this in the early stages of their marriage, so why now? 

If Pari didn't hold some kind of importance in his life, he wouldn't have fought vs both his mom and Niti for her.

And, by constantly poking and creating issues for Pari, Niti dug her own grave.

Naya_31 thumbnail
Posted: 6 months ago

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Naya_31 thumbnail
Posted: 6 months ago

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MochaQueen thumbnail

Pari hoon main

Posted: 6 months ago

He doesn't believe in divorce or breaking hearts, he believes in keeping everyone happy. The more the merrier.

Jazzkapur thumbnail
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Kudipatakha Neeti

Posted: 6 months ago

Originally posted by: shirin04

Because he is a typical male chauvinist. His idea of a wife is not the romanticised notion of husband-wifely relation we share. It has more to do with what he can get from these women and his idea of a subservient woman he can possess. Pari is not his wife she is his property and as long as she remains that on his terms she is the best person in the world. The moment pari stops serving rajeev’s notions of righteousness and actually starts taking a stand for herself he will be turned off by her ambition and personality. And that is also why he is over neeti not because she is a criminal but because she defied him and didn’t dance to his tunes and fancy and actually gave him a reality check and was not afraid to speak her mind. I don’t think he ever cared about neeti’s crimes as long as they didn’t affect him and threaten his dominiance. People who ship either rajneeti or pariraj have a very skewed idea of how relationships ought to be. There is no mutual love and respect btw pariraj it is pari being okay with n no. of disgusting actions of rajeev and even being a part of them that rajeev respects. Rajeev respects the fact that he can push pari and she is not capable of standing for herself. And please do not talk about old pari who stood up for herself after she came to know about rajeev. We are never going to see that pari again because she has accepted her fate into this animal family because of her need to cling on to an idea of a perfect family as it was her dream. 

we have discussed it too many times. Rajiv didn't leave pari only becoz pari is a perfect doormat who tries to give him every benefit possible n she supports his every wrong doing as much as she can

Aurora_77 thumbnail
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Kudipatakha Neeti

Posted: 6 months ago

Originally posted by: shirin04

Because he is a typical male chauvinist. His idea of a wife is not the romanticised notion of husband-wifely relation we share. It has more to do with what he can get from these women and his idea of a subservient woman he can possess. Pari is not his wife she is his property and as long as she remains that on his terms she is the best person in the world. The moment pari stops serving rajeev’s notions of righteousness and actually starts taking a stand for herself he will be turned off by her ambition and personality. And that is also why he is over neeti not because she is a criminal but because she defied him and didn’t dance to his tunes and fancy and actually gave him a reality check and was not afraid to speak her mind. I don’t think he ever cared about neeti’s crimes as long as they didn’t affect him and threaten his dominiance. People who ship either rajneeti or pariraj have a very skewed idea of how relationships ought to be. There is no mutual love and respect btw pariraj it is pari being okay with n no. of disgusting actions of rajeev and even being a part of them that rajeev respects. Rajeev respects the fact that he can push pari and she is not capable of standing for herself. And please do not talk about old pari who stood up for herself after she came to know about rajeev. We are never going to see that pari again because she has accepted her fate into this animal family because of her need to cling on to an idea of a perfect family as it was her dream. 

Well said shirin smiley32

Aurora_77 thumbnail
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Kudipatakha Neeti

Posted: 6 months ago

Originally posted by: Jazzkapur

we have discussed it too many times. Rajiv didn't leave pari only becoz pari is a perfect doormat who tries to give him every benefit possible n she supports his every wrong doing as much as she can

