Hrithik and Saba costume party

HearMeRoar thumbnail
Posted: 8 months ago

For once, Google suggested something I wanted to see. They look cute. Party at his cousin's house.



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Frequent Posters

Shaitan-Haiwan thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Visit Streak 365 0 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 8 months ago

This girl makes Suhana Khan look like a beauty queen 

SakZ thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 8 months ago

What is wrong with you people? Shaming two women for looks !!

TheJourney thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Visit Streak 365 0 Thumbnail + 5

Sarcastic Chatterbox

Posted: 8 months ago

After all the hate that was directed to him after Kangana drama, good to see him enjoying his life with a compatible partner. smiley20

Sorein thumbnail
Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail Anniversary 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 8 months ago

She looks fabulous and he looks quite cute too.

Aurora_77 thumbnail
Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 3

Melody Maniacs

Posted: 8 months ago

They look stunning!

Maroonporsche thumbnail
Posted: 8 months ago

Who else was there ? 

Posted: 8 months ago

So cute..smiley27

HearMeRoar thumbnail
Posted: 8 months ago

Don't know. The article said it was his cousin's party, and I didn't check further. smiley36 Sorry. 

YourCat thumbnail
Posted: 8 months ago

Looking nice... The title reminded of Franz

Franz Kafka once said, “I was ashamed of myself when I realized that life was a costume party, and I attended with my real face...
