amberose thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 9 months ago

Excerpt of a story I suppose -

Vandana Karmarkar. The woman who was in love so poetically was about to get betrayed just as tragically. He did everything in his power to show her the mirror, but her mirror was painted in colors of love and faith. How could he blame her though? How could he? Not even in her wildest imagination could she have guessed that half of her family was betraying her. The people she would sacrifice her life for were sacrificing her for their dreams and selfishness. 

He watched the dreams swirl in her eyes. Part of him wanted to shake her, almost shake the love out of her. He wanted to yell at her that nobody was going to save you if you married that man. All your paths that lead to home, your own family will burn them. Yet, he couldn’t do anything except watch her burn and he hoped she’d be a phoenix someday to rise from these ashes because he damn well knew this fire was going to burn every inch of her dreams and happiness. Her ability to trust another human, 

He wasn’t sure why he was so desperate to save her. Maybe because there was no one to save him. He would’ve given anything to undo the hurt love caused him so he tried his best to save her but in vain. How could you save someone if they didn’t want to be saved? Part of him was also desperate for her to stay who she was because she was the one who woke him from the dead. 

Everyone around him was too scared to touch his wounds. They walked on eggshells around him. Vandana popped the bubble to the numbness he was encased in. He had forgotten that breathing and work didn’t mean he was alive. Bickering with her, arguing with her, just simply watching her live stirred something in him. Watching her live was like a soft wave of wind on a hot muggy day. The wave that brought relief to everyone. 

He was watching that wave disappear into smoke. Her laughter soon would turn into ashes. He just hoped that she would come out of it with the will to fight. He hoped the bruises on her soul wouldn’t be permanent and he just hoped Vandana would still be able to trust and not turn into a shell of a human like he was.

They made me want to write ff after years.

Let me know what you all think.

Maybe I'll continue it. 


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aatiii thumbnail
Visit Streak 30 0 Thumbnail Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 months ago

Please do continue! it's so good. the words are written so beautifully and I mean it. The detailed descriptions ufff! so good.

and yes the chemistry is so, that it made ALL of us write after years perhaps.

awida thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Jimmy Jab Games Season 4 0 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 9 months ago

Plz keep writing. You made me eager to read an FF after so long. smiley42
