Lennie thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 11 months ago

Anyone feel like we might get Pushpa and Jugal pairing? Or that Jugal will fall for her along the way. 

(I do see/hope somehow Jugal coming back in the show - it left it opened and since we getting the Patola sari track too.)

I thought of this during when we met Jugal and how they were childhood friends and he is a good man and artisan like her and also he lost his wife and child. 

Also in a way it would be nice to see someone genuinely love Pushpa as the woman she is.... and the drama and emotions the angle will bring too 

Edited by Lennie - 11 months ago


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Frequent Posters

Satrangi_Curls thumbnail
Posted: 11 months ago

Sounds good ❤️

Haven't watched the show for a while now, kya ho raha hai?

Lennie thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 8 months ago

Bloody Dilip is coming back lol

I wanted to see Jugal and Pushpa slowly feel more for each other then friendship cos they could great companions for each other in life etc 

Satrangi_Curls thumbnail
Posted: 8 months ago

Originally posted by: Lennie

Bloody Dilip is coming back lol

I wanted to see Jugal and Pushpa slowly feel more for each other then friendship cos they could great companions for each other in life etc 

why??!!! smiley37
