Sahiba is not Sahiba Anymore !!!

arnavkushi14 thumbnail
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Team #SaHan

Posted: 1 years ago

Sahiba :: Such a beautiful Character they have introduced Beautiful/ Courage/ Loving / Innocent / Simplicity/ Hard working … 

OMG intial intro of Sahiba rings in my ears still 

where is she now a days?? I soo miss her .. She is used to point out straight with out caring ?? Her Spirit is gone ?? 

Now a-days she is soo lost only angry , Rude , Unnecessarily poking, over reacting, listening  ye to chod diya .. 

This much objection on begalf of her sister ,,, she should have done it where it started …with her mother and Sister  they won’t be in this position.. her covering up with her family mistakes hunt her unless she accepts it and fight for her rights and self respect. 

Writers, please don’t spoil her Character … 

Himanshi is playing Sahiba Character Beautifully she is exceptionally good at portraying all emotions.💕😍🥰👏👏.. 

Edited by arnavkushi14 - 1 years ago


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hellodona thumbnail
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Posted: 1 years ago

I think ideally the mental and physical abuse she went through post wedding would do that to any woman. She needs a rude awakening, needs to wake up, smell the coffee, demand divorce and focus on her art. She has become mental in that mad house and is going to go crazier if she stays to watch her hubby and sister spend nights together in the name of vaada and what not. Take Keerat and move off to some far place. 

Edited by hellodona - 1 years ago
arnavkushi14 thumbnail
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Team #SaHan

Posted: 1 years ago

Originally posted by: hellodona

I think ideally the mental and physical abuse she went through post wedding would do that to any woman. She needs a rude awakening, needs to wake up, smell the coffee, demand divorce and focus on her art. She has become mental in that mad house and is going to go crazier if she stays to watch her hubby and sister spend nights together in the name of vaada and what not. Take Keerat and move off to some far place


It is started pre wedding it self she didn’t realize yet .. post wedding abuse / mental torture she realized it not completely now and than she is giving back to angadh , but that doesn’t give her anything they way she is fighting for her family hiding their mistakes by giving reasons she thinks she is correct ?? … 

my thinking she has to wake up and think peaceful what she wants ?? At least writes should give her point of view the way things happening in her life … 

but makers only after Selfish /greedy Seerat and stupid Santosh .. 

And Moonga sab I don’t want to talk , the way he is running away from crisis asking her daughter to handle it .. Iam soo done with him can’t accept him he failed as a father no matter how good he is ?? He stood quietly when santosh / seerat told  they don’t know Sahiba not one twice …  his belived daughter who is his back bone ?? Who will do that ?? 

And today also he left it on Sahiba ?? Darji Specifically asked is it your answer or your father’s??  Tomorrow they are going to come and say and agree  for marriage .. will he stand with Sahiba ???? 

I can’t agree with you Sahiba will stay that long ?? I don’t wish to her be in that situation omg 🙏🏻🙏🏻

Edited by arnavkushi14 - 1 years ago
hellodona thumbnail
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Posted: 1 years ago

She was still in good mental state pre wedding, used to focus on work and talk nicely unless provoked. It is post wedding that woh baukhla gayi hai. I guess the dam will burst finally when she catches Angad Seerat sleeping with eo behind her back (i hope that day comes within next month, aur patience nahi) , either she will have a mental breakdown or she will blast everyone and leave Brar mansion.

arnavkushi14 thumbnail
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Team #SaHan

Posted: 1 years ago

Originally posted by: hellodona

She was still in good mental state pre wedding, used to focus on work and talk nicely unless provoked. It is post wedding that woh baukhla gayi hai. I guess the dam will burst finally when she catches Angad Seerat sleeping with eo behind her back (i hope that day comes within next month, aur patience nahi) , either she will have a mental breakdown or she will blast everyone and leave Brar mansion.

Why are so confident on Angadh / Seerat have affair behind Sahiba back .. this is sooo biased ?? Not going to happen and agadh doesn’t need have an affair ?? Unless PH makers wants seerat to be a Cheap Vamp .. 

Instead why don’t you think now … i so wanted she will object staying after revelation, she will put her foot down telling darji / bebe we are soo different what’s done is done I can’t stay ??? She added they wronged her family … no point of staying that the hell girl think about your self?? She is staying for her family dignity??  

Edited by arnavkushi14 - 1 years ago
hellodona thumbnail
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Posted: 1 years ago

Originally posted by: arnavkushi14

Why are so confident on Angadh / Seerat have affair behind Sahiba back .. this is sooo biased ?? Not going to happen and agadh doesn’t need have an affair ?? Unless PH makers wants seerat to be a Cheap Vamp .. 

Instead why don’t you think now … i so wanted she will object staying after revelation, she will put her foot down telling darji / bebe we are soo different what’s done is done I can’t stay ??? She added they wronged her family … no point of staying that the hell girl think about your self?? She is staying for her family dignity??  

After revelation she clearly stayed for her dad, they showed the scene. But hopefully the affair opens her eyes and she leaves for her dignity. And yes there will be affair, idk how much more obvious Vankar needs to make it for people to realize.

Idk how Seerat will become a cheap vamp if Angad willingly sleeps with her, both will be villain and vamp then. 

arnavkushi14 thumbnail
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Team #SaHan

Posted: 1 years ago

Originally posted by: hellodona

After revelation she clearly stayed for her dad, they showed the scene. But hopefully the affair opens her eyes and she leaves for her dignity. And yes there will be affair, idk how much more obvious Vankar needs to make it for people to realize.

Idk how Seerat will become a cheap vamp if Angad willingly sleeps with her, both will be villain and vamp then. 

 🤣🤣 We are used to Ekta mata , Gul mata ka twists so hoping hoping ❤️😆..... Ekta mata Akbar ko bhi nahi Choda🤣... Gul didi 😎no words... 

Vanku Came much later later 🤣🤣... 

vimeo thumbnail
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Posted: 1 years ago

Ekta mata was much better when it came to family values. Atleast the affairs or re marriages were never inside the family. This Vankar idiot has made extra marital an  intrafamily affair!! Its almost like incest if you actually go by Indian values. Bhabhi is treated equivalent to mother and jeeju like a brother! So they are as per values showing incest! Its ugly!🤮

Anons4 thumbnail
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Posted: 1 years ago

Originally posted by: vimeo

Ekta mata was much better when it came to family values. Atleast the affairs or re marriages were never inside the family. This Vankar idiot has made extra marital an  intrafamily affair!! Its almost like incest if you actually go by Indian values. Bhabhi is treated equivalent to mother and jeeju like a brother! So they are as per values showing incest! Its ugly!🤮

This is why most his shows went offair 

Ghum as I understand stayed high coz firs

year content was from og.. Idhar to he did not wait for 1 year and started this crap..

Total BS

arnavkushi14 thumbnail
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Team #SaHan

Posted: 1 years ago

Originally posted by: vimeo

Ekta mata was much better when it came to family values. Atleast the affairs or re marriages were never inside the family. This Vankar idiot has made extra marital an  intrafamily affair!! Its almost like incest if you actually go by Indian values. Bhabhi is treated equivalent to mother and jeeju like a brother! So they are as per values showing incest! Its ugly!🤮

not now a days for the past few years i guess after Isqbazz .. all shows are changed not sure why they are getting success. by showing illegal, unculture relation ships..

may be iam expecting too much from Vankar..TMD is my first show from this PH... i didn't see GUM i just started  to watch.. 
