.: Bigg Boss 16 : Banner Contest :.

Armu4eva thumbnail
Posted: 1 years ago

Welcome everyone! We are here to announce the Banner Contest for the Bigg Boss 16 forum

Follow the link for 

New Forum Banner Dynamics

 However, like every good thing, there also some important rules to follow!


Include Salman Khan, Shekhar Suman all HMs (i.e. till 18th December, 2022), and wildcards who are currently in the house, otherwise your banner will not be posted when its time for voting. Evicted contestants are optional.

You must use only pics related to the show, that is from the episodes or promotional events.

The banner must be 1456W*180H Pixels only

Each member can submit up to a maximum of 5 banners. Please do not just make one banner and change the colouring. A maximum of 2 entries that are the same banner but with different colouring. Any more will result in your banners not being posted when its time for voting.

The banner must have the correct spelling of the show on it with centering. The banner is spelled 'Bigg Boss Season 16 Forum'

The banner has to be non-animated, otherwise the banner will not be selected

Since the voting is going to be anonymous, DO NOT add your copyright or name on the banner in any case. If a banner with a name or copyright is found, then the banner(s) will be disqualified


The Banners MUST be PMed to MinionBoss with the subject field as 'Bigg Boss 16 Banner Contest' or 'BB16 BC' 

For the people who don't know how to make banners and want to give it a shot then tutorials are available.
For PS Users (Thanks to Ms.Bholi Bhali): How to Make A Banner!

For PSP Users (Thanks to -aditi-): Making Banners using psp:)*TUT*



 The last date to submit your entries is: December 30th, 2022 11:59 PM IST

If you have any questions, feel free to PM mnx12Minionitedevashree_hLeprechaun, or Armu4eva and we'll be happy to help you!  

Hoping to look forward to some awesome and fantastic banner entries

Tags: Leprechaun

Edited by MinionBoss - 1 years ago


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Frequent Posters

Chingaari thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Most Liked (February 2021) 1 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 1 years ago

Originally posted by: Armu4eva

Include Salman Khan, Shekhar Suman all HMs (i.e. till 18th December, 2022), and wildcards who are currently in the house, otherwise your banner will not be posted when its time for voting. Evicted contestants are optional.

Bhai hum toh shekhoo ji ka naam sun ke hi out ho liye

All the best shemda and shemdis

Minionite thumbnail
Posted: 1 years ago

Tagging a few makers. Feel free to spread the word.
