Epi 243: Return of Sherlock Holmes with Death of Lollipop

Abhyudaya thumbnail
Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Anniversary 3 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

The episode starts with Vansh asks you tell me and Ridhima completes where am I? Vansh asks I want to know would you come out with me for dinner and Ridhima asks why dinner? Arey, he is your husband and when he is asking something out of love why so many questions? Vansh says we fought so much so I thought to change the situation. Ridhima says whatever happens between us it has a reason. Vansh says that's why I want to spend some time with you. Every day is not the same so I want to spend some time with you tonight. Uff - VR Mansion and routine day - Nah! You guys are guys like steps in Hogwarts - don't know when and how you guys change. 

Vansh says today I want my Ridhima, my angel, my love, my wife and sweetheart. Itna love - we cannot take it, man! Vansh says whatever questions have you drop it. I'm not betraying you at all. Let us become the old Vansh and Ridhima. He says see what I gifted and she is seeing the rope. She pulls the rope and Rose petals fall. She smiles and he is lost in her. Ah---- peace for our hearts for at least a few seconds! Feeling like old Riansh. The BGM is giving too much peace don't until when it will last. Both are smiling and that's enough for this second. 

Ridhima walks to Vansh and hugs him. He hugs her back. Vansh says show me your face and he looks at her and keeps her hand on his heart and says can you hear anything. Heartbeat sound. He says your right marriages are made in heaven and we are on earth and I don't want to destroy our marriage. Well, I won't say destroy but then you guys are dragging the thread which binds you guys together. Especially Ridhima baby. Ridhima says I love you Vansh and tears in her eyes. With you life never ends and love never dies Ridhima says and he kisses her forehead. Ah - so much love maybe the storm is coming. Both sit on the bed and Ridhima pushes him and he pulls her closer to kiss and Vansh gets the phone. He picks it up and leaves. Ridhima left all alone. Well, he too felt the same when he saw with you Vyom or keeping Kabir secret. So don't feel too bad. But wait so much romance and yet door are open? TV se OOT aye but still door open. Maybe this Bold - door open romance.

Vansh asks Angre where is Kiara? Vansh calls someone and asks where is Kiara? Angre says she is not here. They are searching every corner of VR Mansion. Ridhima asks what happened? Vansh says, Kiara. Ridhima asks whose call it is? Vansh says I cannot say anything now so tell me where is she? Ridhima says I don't know. Call Aryan and check. Vansh says to check her room and gym. He gets a call and he leaves. Ridhima says I will check and she starts searching for her. Angre says she is not here. Ridhima calling Kiara. She says did she ran away and why Vangre is searching for her. Kiara falls like Mrs D'souza. Yaar this is VR Mansion, not Hogwarts. We saw everything now don't exaggerate the hide and seek and wah - The fall of Kiara is a replica of Mrs D'souza death. 

Ridhima sees Kiara down on the floor and shouts Kiara. She calls for Vansh and he sees Ridhima running towards Kiara. Everyone reaches the hall and shocked. Why Dadi acting as if nothing happened. Ridhima says she falls from the top. I saw her falling. Aryan checks on her and asks what happened to her? He checks her pulse and says she is dead. Aryan asks tell me what happened? Ridhima says I tried calling her and she fell from the top. Aryan says what does it mean? Ridhima says I don't know. Vansh says Angre to check her back and her back is burned. All are shocked. Dadi being so cool is raising too many doubts. Vansh remembers Kiara calling him while he was searching for her. She asked him to save her. Did he plan this? Feel so. Only he can plan death games. Ragini, Ridhima and Kiara. Anyone left for tomorrow or upcoming days? 

Vansh signals Angre he leaves. Ishani asks how did she die? AP says maybe she slipped. Dadi says maybe she committed suicide. Why the hell she is being so damn silent and acting as if it is normal to see death every day. The old Dadi used to have faint by now. Wah - this Dadi tho became stone-hearted completely and then why would she get a heart attack? So don't expect that. Hope she slips from stairs and dies due to brain death as these days using a lot of brains. Aryan looks at Ishani. Vansh says not suicide and this is murder. Ishani and Aryan shocked. AP says she is a lovely girl and what we will say her to family? Ishani says we all are in shock and let's discuss this. Angre comes and says no one entered and I checked CCTV too. When did VR Mansion CCTV work bro? If it works then yes woh tho bus 8th wonder of the world. 

Vansh says if no one entered the house then the killer is in the house. Where is Sia? Though I don't she can do it but then why these guys change more rapidly than a chameleon. Vansh says then the killer is from our family. All are shocked especially Dadi, Aryan and Ishani. Why is Dadi being so shocked? Vansh says if anyone is part of this then do tell me now itself? Dadi asks what the hell are you speaking? How come you can blame your own family? Wait for Dadi! Don't tell these satyavachan lines. You were the one who said kill DIL and all then where this Sharam and all went? Goa beach for a party? 

Dadi says to Angre throw this dead body. Ishani asks why everything should be handled by Angre, even Vansh bhai can do this. Then why don't you do it? Help your husband. Vansh shock. Angre says sorry. Vansh says first it will go to autopsy and want to know how this murderer happens. Dadi asks is this important? Vansh says yes it is. Aryan says then you are calling cops to this house and you want that? Dadi says we don't need this and just get it done. Aryan says these days he is under some influence and he doesn't care about the prestige of the family. Vansh says yeah, whatever. The attitude he gives for Aryan is like I don't know who the hell you are so stop talking and shut up! Vansh checks her again and says an autopsy will happen and I don't care who thinks what! Now, this is VR. He damn cares about others when he decides something. War one side hojatha hai jab Vansh Chahtha hain! Okay nice line by me. Patting myself. 

Aryan, Ishani and Dadi look at him and AP says just end this issue asap. Ridhima leaves and Vansh sees her. Ridhima thinks about the passcode and says she feels someone knows about the tattoo and that is why the tattoo got burned. She feels Vansh might have done this. Oh please don't come with another Ragini case saying you killed Kiara. Okay! Chanchal comes to AP with a pillow and AP shocked. Chanchal says I will sleep with you because I thought you would be scared. She says so much happened in this house she might have turned bhoot. Aa, now VR mansion will turn into a haunted house because of your fear. Chanchal asks why doing shant pooja and AP says because I want peace in the family. This AP might flip at the end I feel. Chanchal asks about Bhoot memory, Oh hell, why don't you become a Bhoot and test once. 

AP says Bhoot memory and laugh. Chanchal says I spoke badly about her Kiara. Some sound she hears and Chanchal shouts. AP says bottle only and says her to sleep. Yes sleep and I cannot handle this stupid comedy anymore. Vansh in his office and Ridhima come. Ridhima asks how can you sit so peacefully after killing someone? He sees her and turns away from her. Oh hello Ridhima, you did this mistake once and don't commit the same. Did you saw him killing her? No Nah! Then how come you can assume again? 

Ridhima says I'm talking to you and she faces him. She asks you killed Kiara right? She says I know BB code is on her back and how easy for you to kill someone. Darling if it was easy for him to kill then you would be in the first place since day one. His love stopped him from doing many things. Yes, he went strayed but then always made sure not to kill you. Now don't drag this. Ridhima says you can kill anyone and behave as if nothing happened. She says Vansh. Vansh says you are misunderstanding me. Ridhima says No. You can kill anyone and you have built this VR Empire by killing and having blood on your hands. Now, Ridhima doesn't go overboard. 

She asks who called you? You are not shocked after seeing her dead body because you don't care for her. Ridhima says for god sake tell me the truth and Vansh says I don't want to explain to you anything and he turns away from her. Ridhima says I know you would be saying the same. Vansh says BB and Kiara's tattoo - you have so much information with you. See, now what you would say, dear? I wonder who shares the information with you? Ridhima says even I don't think I need to tell you anything. Great! Ridhima keeping this BB aside all this started by you so you are the catalyst somehow for the whole thing. 

Ridhima says I will prove that you have killed Kaira. Great, Ragini track again. Vansh says why do you always want to interfere in everything? Well, female leads of the show are like that only. We cannot help, Vansh. Vansh says why don't you get it that if you interfere your life and our baby life will be threatened. He says for once just back off. Ridhima says I get it. Now, I understand why you care about the baby so much. Because you need someone to take care of your business. Shut up Ridhima. Why the hell you are behaving as bi*** today? I mean no offence but this girl is going overboard today. Her assumptions are stupid. If it is her act then good but if she is playing real then yes she didn't learn anything from Ragini mistake. This guy did but she didn't. 

Vansh shocked. Ridhima says I'm not going to back off. Vansh says what you want? Do you think I killed her? You want me to send to jail or you want to mingle with my enemies? What do you want?  Ridhima shocked. He says wait and says call the cops. Police says Mumbai police and Ridhma cuts the call. Ridhima turns away from him. Ridhima says I feel sad that our love is everything to us and it is poison also. Yes, indeed. We won't deny it at all. Ridhima has tears in her eyes says our love is our strength and weakness. I won't allow you to have the poison and I won't turn into a weak person. Think this has a challenge between us. He could have spoken about Kabir but yet again he didn't. He somehow trusts her. The words she spoke now are maybe the same words going around in his heart and mind. 

Ridhima says Okay then! I will agree for a minute that you didn't kill Kiara then I will make sure to know who has killed her. If you don't want to tell me anything, then it's fine but I will do my work. What is your work? Ah, tell me? Why do you want to know about it all? But then ITV female lead hain boss - she will be like that even after 20 years also. Ridhima leaves and Vansh looks at her. In a room, Kiara is put and someone is walking towards her. They try to open the blanket cover on her but then Ishani enters. She tries to open the blanket but then leaves the room. The person removes the blanker from Kiara's face, covers it again and leaves. Now, who is this? 

Ridhima comes to the kitchen but then hears footsteps. Lo, only she can hear these things. Our Sherlock Holmes back to action. Ridhima asks who it is? She checks around Kitchen and finds no one. Don't turn into horror again yaar. Please stop that BGM tune also. Ridhima checks the hall but finds no one. However, someone is watching her feels like. She hears footsteps and asks who it is? But she sees something in red which says  I know the truth of 6 hours and I will tell Vansh. Okay, is it Kabir? Because these guys also know every corner of the house. It can be. 

Precap: Ridhima wipes away the line filled with red colour and the powder enters her eyes. Vansh comes and she asks who it is? Vansh with a hanky clears her eyes and sees colour on the floor. He says Holi is over long back then why you are playing with red colour? Ridhima says someone else is playing the game. Vansh holds her face in his hands and asks who is that person playing with my Ridhima? Such games can be played by lovers only. Ridhima shocked. Vansh smiles. 

P:S - Okay, the whole episode aside and did he just said lovers only play this game? Wah - he is indicating to Kabir. Cool man! And regarding this track, I do sincerely hope they complete this track soon and don't drag much. Don't know what planned but on a high note, it's time for this 6 hours mystery to be solved. 


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gaya84 thumbnail
Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 3 years ago

Originally posted by: Abhyudaya

The episode starts with Vansh asks you tell me and Ridhima completes where am I? Vansh asks I want to know would you come out with me for dinner and Ridhima asks why dinner? Arey, he is your husband and when he is asking something out of love why so many questions? Vansh says we fought so much so I thought to change the situation. Ridhima says whatever happens between us it has a reason. Vansh says that's why I want to spend some time with you. Every day is not the same so I want to spend some time with you tonight. Uff - VR Mansion and routine day - Nah! You guys are guys like steps in Hogwarts - don't know when and how you guys change. 

Vansh says today I want my Ridhima, my angel, my love, my wife and sweetheart. Itna love - we cannot take it, man! Vansh says whatever questions have you drop it. I'm not betraying you at all. Let us become the old Vansh and Ridhima. He says see what I gifted and she is seeing the rope. She pulls the rope and Rose petals fall. She smiles and he is lost in her. Ah---- peace for our hearts for at least a few seconds! Feeling like old Riansh. The BGM is giving too much peace don't until when it will last. Both are smiling and that's enough for this second. 

Ridhima walks to Vansh and hugs him. He hugs her back. Vansh says show me your face and he looks at her and keeps her hand on his heart and says can you hear anything. Heartbeat sound. He says your right marriages are made in heaven and we are on earth and I don't want to destroy our marriage. Well, I won't say destroy but then you guys are dragging the thread which binds you guys together. Especially Ridhima baby. Ridhima says I love you Vansh and tears in her eyes. With you life never ends and love never dies Ridhima says and he kisses her forehead. Ah - so much love maybe the storm is coming. Both sit on the bed and Ridhima pushes him and he pulls her closer to kiss and Vansh gets the phone. He picks it up and leaves. Ridhima left all alone. Well, he too felt the same when he saw with you Vyom or keeping Kabir secret. So don't feel too bad. But wait so much romance and yet door are open? TV se OOT aye but still door open. Maybe this Bold - door open romance.

Vansh asks Angre where is Kiara? Vansh calls someone and asks where is Kiara? Angre says she is not here. They are searching every corner of VR Mansion. Ridhima asks what happened? Vansh says, Kiara. Ridhima asks whose call it is? Vansh says I cannot say anything now so tell me where is she? Ridhima says I don't know. Call Aryan and check. Vansh says to check her room and gym. He gets a call and he leaves. Ridhima says I will check and she starts searching for her. Angre says she is not here. Ridhima calling Kiara. She says did she ran away and why Vangre is searching for her. Kiara falls like Mrs D'souza. Yaar this is VR Mansion, not Hogwarts. We saw everything now don't exaggerate the hide and seek and wah - The fall of Kiara is a replica of Mrs D'souza death. 

Ridhima sees Kiara down on the floor and shouts Kiara. She calls for Vansh and he sees Ridhima running towards Kiara. Everyone reaches the hall and shocked. Why Dadi acting as if nothing happened. Ridhima says she falls from the top. I saw her falling. Aryan checks on her and asks what happened to her? He checks her pulse and says she is dead. Aryan asks tell me what happened? Ridhima says I tried calling her and she fell from the top. Aryan says what does it mean? Ridhima says I don't know. Vansh says Angre to check her back and her back is burned. All are shocked. Dadi being so cool is raising too many doubts. Vansh remembers Kiara calling him while he was searching for her. She asked him to save her. Did he plan this? Feel so. Only he can plan death games. Ragini, Ridhima and Kiara. Anyone left for tomorrow or upcoming days? 

Vansh signals Angre he leaves. Ishani asks how did she die? AP says maybe she slipped. Dadi says maybe she committed suicide. Why the hell she is being so damn silent and acting as if it is normal to see death every day. The old Dadi used to have faint by now. Wah - this Dadi tho became stone-hearted completely and then why would she get a heart attack? So don't expect that. Hope she slips from stairs and dies due to brain death as these days using a lot of brains. Aryan looks at Ishani. Vansh says not suicide and this is murder. Ishani and Aryan shocked. AP says she is a lovely girl and what we will say her to family? Ishani says we all are in shock and let's discuss this. Angre comes and says no one entered and I checked CCTV too. When did VR Mansion CCTV work bro? If it works then yes woh tho bus 8th wonder of the world. 

Vansh says if no one entered the house then the killer is in the house. Where is Sia? Though I don't she can do it but then why these guys change more rapidly than a chameleon. Vansh says then the killer is from our family. All are shocked especially Dadi, Aryan and Ishani. Why is Dadi being so shocked? Vansh says if anyone is part of this then do tell me now itself? Dadi asks what the hell are you speaking? How come you can blame your own family? Wait for Dadi! Don't tell these satyavachan lines. You were the one who said kill DIL and all then where this Sharam and all went? Goa beach for a party? 

Dadi says to Angre throw this dead body. Ishani asks why everything should be handled by Angre, even Vansh bhai can do this. Then why don't you do it? Help your husband. Vansh shock. Angre says sorry. Vansh says first it will go to autopsy and want to know how this murderer happens. Dadi asks is this important? Vansh says yes it is. Aryan says then you are calling cops to this house and you want that? Dadi says we don't need this and just get it done. Aryan says these days he is under some influence and he doesn't care about the prestige of the family. Vansh says yeah, whatever. The attitude he gives for Aryan is like I don't know who the hell you are so stop talking and shut up! Vansh checks her again and says an autopsy will happen and I don't care who thinks what! Now, this is VR. He damn cares about others when he decides something. War one side hojatha hai jab Vansh Chahtha hain! Okay nice line by me. Patting myself. 

Aryan, Ishani and Dadi look at him and AP says just end this issue asap. Ridhima leaves and Vansh sees her. Ridhima thinks about the passcode and says she feels someone knows about the tattoo and that is why the tattoo got burned. She feels Vansh might have done this. Oh please don't come with another Ragini case saying you killed Kiara. Okay! Chanchal comes to AP with a pillow and AP shocked. Chanchal says I will sleep with you because I thought you would be scared. She says so much happened in this house she might have turned bhoot. Aa, now VR mansion will turn into a haunted house because of your fear. Chanchal asks why doing shant pooja and AP says because I want peace in the family. This AP might flip at the end I feel. Chanchal asks about Bhoot memory, Oh hell, why don't you become a Bhoot and test once. 

AP says Bhoot memory and laugh. Chanchal says I spoke badly about her Kiara. Some sound she hears and Chanchal shouts. AP says bottle only and says her to sleep. Yes sleep and I cannot handle this stupid comedy anymore. Vansh in his office and Ridhima come. Ridhima asks how can you sit so peacefully after killing someone? He sees her and turns away from her. Oh hello Ridhima, you did this mistake once and don't commit the same. Did you saw him killing her? No Nah! Then how come you can assume again? 

Ridhima says I'm talking to you and she faces him. She asks you killed Kiara right? She says I know BB code is on her back and how easy for you to kill someone. Darling if it was easy for him to kill then you would be in the first place since day one. His love stopped him from doing many things. Yes, he went strayed but then always made sure not to kill you. Now don't drag this. Ridhima says you can kill anyone and behave as if nothing happened. She says Vansh. Vansh says you are misunderstanding me. Ridhima says No. You can kill anyone and you have built this VR Empire by killing and having blood on your hands. Now, Ridhima doesn't go overboard. 

She asks who called you? You are not shocked after seeing her dead body because you don't care for her. Ridhima says for god sake tell me the truth and Vansh says I don't want to explain to you anything and he turns away from her. Ridhima says I know you would be saying the same. Vansh says BB and Kiara's tattoo - you have so much information with you. See, now what you would say, dear? I wonder who shares the information with you? Ridhima says even I don't think I need to tell you anything. Great! Ridhima keeping this BB aside all this started by you so you are the catalyst somehow for the whole thing. 

Ridhima says I will prove that you have killed Kaira. Great, Ragini track again. Vansh says why do you always want to interfere in everything? Well, female leads of the show are like that only. We cannot help, Vansh. Vansh says why don't you get it that if you interfere your life and our baby life will be threatened. He says for once just back off. Ridhima says I get it. Now, I understand why you care about the baby so much. Because you need someone to take care of your business. Shut up Ridhima. Why the hell you are behaving as bi*** today? I mean no offence but this girl is going overboard today. Her assumptions are stupid. If it is her act then good but if she is playing real then yes she didn't learn anything from Ragini mistake. This guy did but she didn't. 

Vansh shocked. Ridhima says I'm not going to back off. Vansh says what you want? Do you think I killed her? You want me to send to jail or you want to mingle with my enemies? What do you want?  Ridhima shocked. He says wait and says call the cops. Police says Mumbai police and Ridhma cuts the call. Ridhima turns away from him. Ridhima says I feel sad that our love is everything to us and it is poison also. Yes, indeed. We won't deny it at all. Ridhima has tears in her eyes says our love is our strength and weakness. I won't allow you to have the poison and I won't turn into a weak person. Think this has a challenge between us. He could have spoken about Kabir but yet again he didn't. He somehow trusts her. The words she spoke now are maybe the same words going around in his heart and mind. 

Ridhima says Okay then! I will agree for a minute that you didn't kill Kiara then I will make sure to know who has killed her. If you don't want to tell me anything, then it's fine but I will do my work. What is your work? Ah, tell me? Why do you want to know about it all? But then ITV female lead hain boss - she will be like that even after 20 years also. Ridhima leaves and Vansh looks at her. In a room, Kiara is put and someone is walking towards her. They try to open the blanket cover on her but then Ishani enters. She tries to open the blanket but then leaves the room. The person removes the blanker from Kiara's face, covers it again and leaves. Now, who is this? 

Ridhima comes to the kitchen but then hears footsteps. Lo, only she can hear these things. Our Sherlock Holmes back to action. Ridhima asks who it is? She checks around Kitchen and finds no one. Don't turn into horror again yaar. Please stop that BGM tune also. Ridhima checks the hall but finds no one. However, someone is watching her feels like. She hears footsteps and asks who it is? But she sees something in red which says  I know the truth of 6 hours and I will tell Vansh. Okay, is it Kabir? Because these guys also know every corner of the house. It can be. 

Precap: Ridhima wipes away the line filled with red colour and the powder enters her eyes. Vansh comes and she asks who it is? Vansh with a hanky clears her eyes and sees colour on the floor. He says Holi is over long back then why you are playing with red colour? Ridhima says someone else is playing the game. Vansh holds her face in his hands and asks who is that person playing with my Ridhima? Such games can be played by lovers only. Ridhima shocked. Vansh smiles. 

P:S - Okay, the whole episode aside and did he just said lovers only play this game? Wah - he is indicating to Kabir. Cool man! And regarding this track, I do sincerely hope they complete this track soon and don't drag much. Don't know what planned but on a high note, it's time for this 6 hours mystery to be solved. 

Thank you welcome back abhy☺️☺️☺️..  I always watched riansh as flawed characters.. vansh also done many mistakes and hurted riddima a lot.. now he is trying as much he can trying to save this marriage and he wants his old wife back but wiffy is on mission.. 

Riddima back to square one wherever and whomever can be murdered but the murderer is vansh 👏👏👏.. whom she claims love and trust,. She is hurting the same person with cold behavior and poisonous words.. also giving back with marriage lecture.. cvs always tried to butcher one character to make another character right, they don't have balance concept all..

Riddima is pissed off that kiara is dead and she can't get the code.. she thinks only vansh knows the code but she have no idea entire family is aware of black box and code. Vansh don't want kid due to his work now she is acqusing him he needs child to build his empire🙄🙄🙄.. we all need vansh patience to watch her every day..

Kabir is escaped and vansh knows she kidnapped kabir.. don't know how it going to roll now 🙄🙄.. riddima glad you're not week but better open up girl before your so called marriage paradise break's..

Sharanifou4 thumbnail
Anniversary 3 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

Thank you Abhy for the update

I didn’t watch the episode yet .. I think I won’t watch ...because reading the update itself is 

I think writers are just repeating Ragini track again 

Riddhima be like U killed Raagini 

U killed Saathe

U killed Sunny 

U killed Mrs. Desouza 

U killed my parents 

Now U killed Kiara

I really Want Vansh to kill someone for REAL now 🤓 

Seriously she said Vansh that he want baby to look after his  business.. is she suffering from Amnesia😵

Because As far as I know  vansh said No to Child because of his dangerous business 

Wat is happening 🥺

shilpagowda thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

The episode was good - but they are destroying ridz character.  There is no continuity or makes any sense.  I don't know what is wrong with the writer.  With such a amazing cast they could have made wonders.

Vansh was always flawed character - we can connect even in ott. It's vangre plan 💯 on kaira fake death.  Vansh is playing game again

Ridz they are destroying the soul of the show.  She was the only character where we could connect though she was hypocrite sometimes. The connectivity is missing.  They are simply dragging giving nonsense dialogue to her. 

By destroying ridz character I don't understand what the writer will achieve.  Giving all nonsense dialogue.  Idiot could visit this forum & get ideas for next track.  I think this stupid man wants the great shenshah Kabir Shakuni maharaj to come & tell bullshit to vansh & same gol gol running.  

I have take subscription for 1 yr only for this show.  The writer is an utter bewakoof of this universe.  The cast deserves better story.

I am pissed - you want to change ridz character change don't give stupid dialogue one scene love next scene murderer ( I still feel vangre plan on fake murder) 

eishe10 thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 3 years ago

Thank you 💕 Riansh moments😍😍 Kiara the lollipop is dead now who was the key to the Black box. I noticed one thing Sia was not there in the  hall when everyone was there. Perhaps Sia did the murder of Kiara and now working for Vyom 😕😕 Who knows what will happen next??

Muskie thumbnail
Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 3 years ago

Am I the only one who's loosing interest in this show????

I mean, I was busy before too but always managed to watch the episodes, but now........🤔🤷

Innocentlove96 thumbnail
Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Anniversary 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

Originally posted by: Muskie

Am I the only one who's loosing interest in this show????

I mean, I was busy before too but always managed to watch the episodes, but now........🤔🤷

Nope you aren't the only one.

See how dull the forum has become. Now most of the people aren't even interested in discussion also....becz there is nothing left to discuss.

Innocentlove96 thumbnail
Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Anniversary 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

Humorous commentary Abhyu as always 👏🏻👏🏻💞💞

Now nothing left to say or discuss......I don't know what to say about Riddhima's dialogues.....seems like writers are out of dialogues that's why repeating initially dialogues of Riddhima along with behaviour.

Lovers are playing games for sure......time will tell with whom n why they were playing if makers want to disclose or else again stretched like chewing gum.

Blueberry94 thumbnail
Visit Streak 365 0 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 3 years ago

Originally posted by: Muskie

Am I the only one who's loosing interest in this show????

I mean, I was busy before too but always managed to watch the episodes, but now........🤔🤷

we all re muskie 

Abhyudaya thumbnail
Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Anniversary 3 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

Originally posted by: gayatherry88

Thank you welcome back abhy☺️☺️☺️..  I always watched riansh as flawed characters.. vansh also done many mistakes and hurted riddima a lot.. now he is trying as much he can trying to save this marriage and he wants his old wife back but wiffy is on mission.. 

Riddima back to square one wherever and whomever can be murdered but the murderer is vansh 👏👏👏.. whom she claims love and trust,. She is hurting the same person with cold behavior and poisonous words.. also giving back with marriage lecture.. cvs always tried to butcher one character to make another character right, they don't have balance concept all..

Riddima is pissed off that kiara is dead and she can't get the code.. she thinks only vansh knows the code but she have no idea entire family is aware of black box and code. Vansh don't want kid due to his work now she is acqusing him he needs child to build his empire🙄🙄🙄.. we all need vansh patience to watch her every day..

Kabir is escaped and vansh knows she kidnapped kabir.. don't know how it going to roll now 🙄🙄.. riddima glad you're not week but better open up girl before your so called marriage paradise break's..

For the sake of helping her husband somehow she is destroying what she has the dragging this track is literally testing the audience patients and also Vansh patience level I do really hope they somehow conclude this with today but don’t know what more stored for us