Akdha TS - Tenant last part 3 on 1

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Anniversary 3 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

(The buzzing of Alarm which was an ear splitting wail, was to much to accept, when the bed is luring you to sleep more, I don't want to wake up, checking the time, with sleepy eyes, she decided to sleep for few more minutes mumbling groggily, However the ten minutes more sleep extended into 45 Minutes. Which ended by a call).

"See I told ya, she won't wake up until I call her!

"Aunt..I'm up! 

(And it was true , She woke up up faster than a cat in ice-water every sense urging her to claw her way to standing. Drowsiness flew out of the window and the feeling of paranoid made it's way into her. She knew her Aunt is complaining to Uncle about her laziness, her fault she shouldn't have giving into the greed of her Lazy Devil to sleep. But what's done already can't undo. Till the time she was ready, she realized she's little to late to prepare breakfast and Lunch for herself. Deciding to eat out side, she checked her Bag satisfied at having everything she need. She then inspected her house once more, gas in kitchen, water tap , Geyser , windows, and closest lock once then locking her floor door, made her way out).


(Halting on her step, Jodha turn sideways, spotting her neighbor Aunt approaching her, She checked her wrist watch she's late. A chit chat will take forever with her. But she cant be Disrespectful, Turning towards her smiling she folded her hands to greet her)

"Namstey Aunt!.

"Namstey, I know you are getting Late, promise won't take much time, Here Keep My House keys with you, my son and your time of return is same pass him once he come back from his UNI!.

(Nodding she take the keys in her hand, glanced at her Floor once, She recently arrive a week back to live at the rented house floor, independently responsibility for everything around her, be health, security, or her Name. Fortunately she found a good renovating house to live, cause of her Distant Aunt. who has friendship with one of her friend living at Delhi, who moved out with their Son, And rented one floor to her. The House was three Floor, Because of having staircase outside, none of Tenants need to cross each other's Path. First floor belongs to her, Second to A Men, she hadn't met or seen Yet but the third was empty. Upon reaching The bus stop, she checked her wrist watch, she realized she missed the bus she takes regularly, the next will arrive in ten minutes late, Her cellphone buzzed again, even at her worse to she can't ignore anyone's call, reluctantly raising her hand for Auto, she fished her cell out).

"Don't be Miser take cab!

"How do you know I'm...

"Ma told me you wake up late, surely you missed your bus!.

"Uff Aunt has habit to tell everyone!

"Leave her, take cab, If Bus arrive then to it will be to jammed! Auto will loot you more owing to your urgency!..

(Nodding but realizing he can't see she hummed in response, Distracted by the sight in-front of her street away, A guy was feeding cookies to street dog's, as they were tailing around him, she fail to see his face clearly but she was impressed by his kindness. Smiling she stepped in the cab, cutting the call. She glanced at the Cab Driver, who was sneaking glance at her way, upon being caught once she glared at him. Making him coughed and focus back on drive).

"Is this class or a fish market? Learn from Section C! all of you are growing Notorious day by day!.

(Chuckling inwardly hearing the words of teacher on her way to first class, she find it amusing, Things never chance she has hear such a lines before to, but the change was amusing to her where from receiving end's she was now positioned to deliver them. Upon her entry every student rise to greet her in high enthusiasm. She doubted they will be happy once she announce she's going to take test today. She raised her hand to signal them to sit greeting them back. She glanced Behind, Date, Subject, Class was filled at the left side of Top corner on Board, By write it, she smiled at that then, opened her Register to take attendance, when Another Subject Teacher knock on her class Door. With nod to students she made her way to the teacher).

"Ah Miss Singh, You Missed the Assembly Prayer, we organized an Excursion today to an Eco-Village in the outskirts of the city!.

"very well, The bus arrived?

"Yes, it was supposed to happen after school but The principal had change of plans!. all are supposed to assemble at the entrance now!

"It's good, the students won't able to enjoy if it happens after school! Thank you for informing I will join you shortly at entrance with  my class Student!.

(Nodding in agreement the other teacher moved out of there, she was Math teacher of Primary section and Jodha Math teacher of Secondary Section student. walking back to her table, she opened the register).

"Alright All of you will be delighted to know, the Test I was supposed to take today get cancelled! 

(She could see the mischievous grin on her student face which made her chuckled to defiantly they dislike test and hate Exam. Of course they knew about the Excursion program. She  started to speak, "First I will take attendance then all of you will make a line and accompany me to Entrance of School!. The day dragged on and upon the end of day, the Bus which was filled with Laughter, exciting conversations, gossiping, giggling and shouts of students in the morning has now filled with the sighs of exhaustion of students. once all of them reach back to school premise, everyone made sure the students are boarded on their respective bus and transport to leave for home, which took toll on her. Fortunately it was Sunday next day).

"Jodha, Come along I will drop you to home!

(Shweta the English teacher approach her on her two wheeler Vehicle at entrance. She was ready to decline politely but one stern look of Shweta she smiled sheepishly and settled behind her. on last Monday over official welcome at staff room she was first to make her comfortable, because of their similar opinion in regards of change they want in Education system they hit of well as friend. They were on way, however the signal immediately turned as their vehicle crossed. Two of car passed along with them but the cop stopped only them, The cop accused them of trespassing).

"Pay 1000 bucks and follow the rule from next time!

"I took turn on green signal only!. "we didn't break any rule!

(Shweta Explain, and taking of her helmet started to take out her Documents. But the officer didn't budge, upon watchig the document to he wasn't looking satisfied it didn't took second for Jodha to realized he is corrupt offficer he won't let them go until they paid him).

"We have only 200, we recently paid for fuel!.we don't have 1000buck!.

"You can't get documents back until you paid 1000bucks!..

"For what? We didn't break any rule, have document to!.You can't just ask us for money! 

(Spoke Jodha firmly, instead of Shweta, however the cop Sneered at her angrily then hissed).

"Now You will teach me my job?.

"Jodha no, sir please we really don't have money!.

(Though the cop wasn't ready but suddenly his eyes widened he motion them to leave, which amazed them what happened suddenly that he got changed of heart? Thought Jodha and about to look behind but hear him).

"your documents are ok you may leave!.

(Shweta thank her God and immidadately settled on her vechile to leave. It's strange, thought Jodha as if understanding her confusion shweta Spoke).

"Let it be perhaps senior officer arrive there!.

(Nodding she continued looking at side, while shweta continue speaking about the city, food, market, and how sheat going to take break for her sister weding. 45 minutes later she reach her house, and saw two guy standing near the lounge of house entrance).

"Is he your brother?.

"No son of my neighbour! Thank you for ride!.. come I owe you cup of tea!..

"Now now, some other time! I'm little to late!..

(Nodding she hug shweta once then fishing keys out of her bag approach the guy. Till she reach there the other guy retreated inside the house, toward second floor).

"Sorry I'm late!.

"It's ok Di!.."the keys!..

(Forwarding the keys, to him she began to walk towards her house floor. And realised in her Exhaustion she didn't brought food, or ordered. Pulling her Duppatta down, undoing her hair braid throwing her bag on table, she sat back back on the chair. When loud sound of music reach her ear, bewildered she glanced around realising it's coming from upper floor. She groaned in annoyance at first she felt like going up and ask them to lower the music but then decided against it knowing it's a men who is up there at second floor. Picking her bag,  she walk back to her room, out her cell on charging,  and then changing ito Lose tee and Trouser, she leaped over bed just to sleep. More than Meal it's a good sleep she needed. But when she woke up next it was 10Pm. She glanced at her cell which was off, frowning she look at switch and realised she forget to on the switch. Sighing she turn on the switch pulling her hair up in bun with use of clutch, she walked to make something to eat, but a knock on door made her walk back to her room to pick a stole, wearing it around her neck, she walked to check the visitor, through the peephole of door, she sigh at the arrival of her neighbour Aunt).

"Namastey Aunty!.. 

"Namaste, sorry to bother you at this time some guest arrive at our house but we run out of milk...

"It's ok Aunty I have one packet milk!..come inside..

(Making her way to kitchen, she pulled the milk packet out of fridge, she had two, so giving one won't be a big deal. At first she grew confuse she should give the milk in bowl or forward the packet straight?. Then without much thinking she forward the packet to her).

"You haven't Cooked yet?..

"Not yet Aunt thinking to cook khichdi now! 

"I can sent nikhil with dinner no need to make it!.. 

(The offer was to tempting to resist, but Jodha wasn't up for such a favour yet,  hence she poilitly decline saying some other time there's guest she need to attend. Which made the neighbouring women to smile and walk away. Stepping inside the kitchen making Khichdi doesn't sound to pleasant either, looking at cabinet she spotted Maggie packet, this will do for tonight and that's how her night went with Maggi for dinner, and rest of time on laptop with Netflix until sleep take over her sense to watch more).


"Bro it's matter of one day few hours!..

(Ask a guy, pulling the water pipe over the wheel side of motor bike, as another Guy with headphones hung around neck was busy cleaning the engine side of Motor bike).

"You are underage to use bike Nikhil!.

"I have my learning license! It's for few hours bro!..

"No means no, Focus on your study and Match! 

"Please Bro!.. 

(The guy was about to decline again, when getting up to pick another rag cloth he spotted reflection of girl in mirror of his bike. Wearing a simple grey color arm sleeved Tee shirt, standing near the window, staring around with coffee mug in hand, nikhil continue asking for bike just for few hours, to take his College class mate out for movie ,to which lost in staring at the reflection, he absent mindly nodded in yes, and hmm in response with low Mumbling sound of OK).

"Thank you so much Jalal bro, you are best thanks!..

(Overly excited he hugged Jalal, which break his reverie of staring, nodding he released himself then stare back upword but there was no one the window was closed. Taken aback he looked around, then patted nikhil shoulder who was now cleaning his motor bike with more passion).

"Mr Dwivedi rented another floor too?..

"Oh yes Bro, the first floor is rented a week ago to!..

(Before Nikhil could tell more, his mother called him, and he Reluctantly left to tend to her need. Realising what he saw wasn't illusion, the floor is rented to a girl moving his bike to parking area, he walked back to his floor, how did I missed my new Mate for so long).

"Bhaiya, I made your lunch don't skip this time!..And try keeping your house tidy to make easy for my work!.

(The maid reprimanded him, for his messy behaviour at floor, but it wasn't he alone to be blamed, last evening he partied with his friends and they eventually stayed at his place. No wonder his Maid try to make excuses to skip arriving on Sunday at his place but fail miserably).

"Savita, Where are the Handmade cookies Jar?.

"Over the upper cabinet at right corner!..

"It's not here!.. 

"Offo Bhaiya see carefully it will be there only!..

"I'm but it's not here!..

"Leave it I'm coming, and why you need it at lunch time?.

(But he didn't answer, but her curious confused face turn into glare when she saw the Cookies Jar over the Slab, where's he was looking into cabinet. He will look only where I inform, she placed the jar near him, and walked out of kitchen to sweep the floor. He smiled sheepishly at his act. Then pick out a small basket, he had received week back from his mother. Placing the cookies, chips packet, fruit, Candy's available at his fridge. Then walk back to his room picking few Slanted  candle from his collection from his Closet lower shelf cabinet. Placed them into the basket).

"Have you made anything for desert?

"No! And you didn't mention before you want!.

"I didn't saw her before to!..

(Mumbled Jalal lowly writting somthing on card, Savita get confuses she was working at his home from past 6 month but never seen him this enthusiasm and unpredictable. Sighing at realising it's none of her bussiness she focus back on her work).

"Bhaiya, there's new Tenant on first floor! Will you talk with them about my work?...

"Why? Aren't you over working already?..is there anything bothering you?..

"My Father in law is little sick for his medication I need more money!..so I thought it's better if I work more!.

"I will pay you more no need!..

"Offo Bhaiya, I hear she's girl, she will do half of her work on own unlike yo...

(Spotting him staring sternly at her, Savita immidadately bite her lip and went silent, earning a loop sided grin from him, nodding in agreement he placed the Letter in basket, then walk out to deliver the present but immediately return, when he spotted his appearance at the door glass of his floor, rushing back to his room , he glanced at his cloths , a minute of thoughts he pick his Dark blue shirt and wire it over white tee he was wearing already, looking down at his black pants he realised no need for change. setting his hair with hair brush , he glanced at his reflection in mirror, hm look fine, satisfied he wax about to walk out, but then stopped pickin Deo he spray little on himself. Can't believe one look and I'm behaving like teenger. Thinking this with grin on face he walk out of his room).

"How I'm looking?.

"Like always Bhaiya!..


(Hearing his yell she look back at him taken aback by how he's first time asking her about his look?. But then she raise her hand like taking his Balaye. And smiled enthusiastically which was full of delight. Satisfied he smiled then walk out. But then his cell started ringing, he look at his cell the caller ID made him sigh receiving the call, he continued walk-in towards the first floor upon spotting the lock on door, he placed the basket near the courier Cabinet).

"Yes Papa..

"Did you met the girl we ask you?..

"I went to cafe! where I was supposed to meet her but she didn't arrive!..

"Did you call her to know the reason?..

"I tried calling her it was out of courage!.. leave it Papa I'm not interested in her!..

"Explain this to your Ma if she understood I have no interest in making you spoil a life!.

"Papa.. that's mean I will tell Ma!..

"Will see!.. ah here comes your Ma complain if you want!..

"Jalal!.. when are you coming? Know your cousin Daughter of your distant aunt she's getting married!..

"The one who is dentist?.

"Yes and I had told her we won't skip her wedding!..

"Ma I can't accompany you!..

"I won't hear a no, what's this behaviour, of both father son? Always say no? If you won't attend theirs how they will attend yours?..

"As if I'm getting married now?.. beside who wants to invite the judgmental distant relatives?.

"You just come at dinner I will see you then! growing audacious day by day!..

"Parents are to be blamed for raising such a hot blood!.

"Shut up!..

(While conversing he didn't realises when he approach his bike, out of habit, but hearing a rebuking conversation betwey the regular vegetables seller and a girl picked his interest and he look at that direction).

"You can't fool people by Spraying water making the veggies look fresh!. Fix right price I won't give more than 20 for these tomato!..

"Madam please not 20 think about me I have family to feed at least 45!..

"What 45? What you want? I should eat tomato only?.not more 20!..either you agree or I'm leaving!..

"Fine neither your nor mine, how about we settle it over 30?..

"25 not more than this!.. 

(Wiping his sweat, he weighted the tomato, then handed them to her, by the full bags of her it was clear she was out for groceries shopping. And now another Bag full of veggies after paying the vendor, she pick her bags to make her way to her house, but few Hoolligon arrive there).

"Let us help you, to get rid of heavy burden!..

(Ignoring them she continued moving, but they weren't ready to back off, realising it's time to step in, he disconnected the call and approach them).

"I'm having itch in my hand help me to get rid of it too!..

(Saying this coldly he made her fisted his hand up in air, making them avert their gaze and walk away, which made her amazed she look back at him greatfully).

"Thank you!..

"Do you mind me helping you in carrying the bags?.

"Thank you, but it's fine I can do it, my house isn't far!..

"I know!.. "but I insist.. let me do it you need to walk on stairs!.. 

(If before her face reflected emotion of relieve, and gratitude, then now she was curious and alarmed, she clutched on the bags and retreated when he approached to take the bags. How come he knew her house or her floor?.she hadn't seen him here before).

"No, I'm fine on own!..

(Hastily replying she immidadately hurried to leave, not feeling comfortable anymore. Sensing the whip of fear, he realised the fault, he shouldn't have revealed about her place. But before he could speak more she hurrily walked away, watching her retreating back he realised if he approach her she may speed up more and get herself hurt so he restlessly watch her going).

"Didn't knew, you will be excitingly wait for me here!. 

"Shaan, miss you mate you came alone? Where's Kanika?. 

"She got other plan, so she will join later!..

(Nodding in understanding, Jalal moved towards his house floor, on way threw a inspected look towards the first floor which didn't went unnoticed by Shaan).


"Nothing a new tenant!..

"Got your interest!.

(He didn't replied but his look was enough to convey the answer, Shaan was determined to hear the tale I detail, so when the two freiend got lone meal time after Savita left he revealed how he saw her at morning and since then determine to know her more. Hours of conversation lunch later Jalal move in Kitchen to make tea for his friend, when a knock of door snapped his attention).

"Shaan, check the visitor if Nikhil is at door hand him my bike key!..

(When Jalal arrive back In living room with tray carrying tea cups with snacks, the aroma of Kheer hit his nostrils, amazed curious he watched as Shaan enthusiastically unfolding a bowl).

"The first floor tenant was here!..

"What? Why you didn't told me?..

"I'm telling you now!..

"Huh you Moron!..

"Careful mate, I won't let you have kheer if you provoked me!..

"Don't even smell it it's for me!..

"Fine have it then I won't tell what she said!..


(A glare was enough to kill the playful mood of Shaan, as he replied how his gesture touched her, she was delighted by the present and amazed by his gesture, having nothing special to offer back, she could only make a kheer as token to express her gratitude. And a request to keep music in low volume next time. Jalal just smiled at that, a part of him was disheartened it should've been him hearing her saying thanks, and he could have taken chance to clear the misunderstanding or apologize. But he missed it out thanks to his timing to make tea. He refused to drink the tea he made, because of opportunity he missed. But then his gaze fall on the card placed on the table, pickin it up out of curiosity he read the content. Where Shaan continue drinking the tea).

"Expressing a thank you for your wonderful gift. "I'm truly touched by your kind and thoughtful gesture!.

"I wish you to know, I truly appreciate your efforts and Consideration from bottom of my heart!. 


(He read the content with utter delight, the handwritten note, and kheer, truly warmed his heart. He look back and re-read the content, realising how unknowingly she given him a reason to approach her again, he smiled sheepishly).

"Take it slow, she's new here! Take your time in courting her and confessing!.

"But what about Ma, Papa? 

"Tell them about her, it will serve you time to take decision on this!.

"But if they rushed into this matter then?.

"Explain them, they will understand hopefully or else your Love journey will crash at beginning only!..

(Warned Shaan in advising manner, making Jalal frowned, he realized Shaan is right, nodding in understanding he sighed, when Shaan phone rang and minutes later he inform about his need to leave for home. Checking his wrist watch Jalal realised it's time he leave to join his parents for dinner).

"Let's go together then you can drop me to my parents home it's on way to yours!.

(Picking his bike key, Shaan nodded as well he picked his wallet, and both walked out, upon reaching at entrance of their locality premise).

"Wait I will come handling the key to Shaan!..

"He's underage!.

"Yes, but he has learning license, he will be careful!.wants to show off infront of his college classmate!..

"These kids, at their time we focused on study!..

"Says one who stalked his teacher?.

(Mocked Jalal Humorously making Shaan to glare at him, to which Jalal just grinned and walked away to hand the keys to Nikhil).

"Ok Aunty I will meet you later!..Namstey!..And nikhil don't worry I will help you in accountancy!.

(The voice caught his attention as he watched Nikhil, and His mother Sobha stepping out with Jodha who was perhaps there to meet them. Watching him, Nikhil hurrily approach him after thanking Jodha. Which made her frown on confusion, as she look at his way, watching him her face widened up in surprise she glance behind but the door was closed Sobha aunty had made her way inside. Least interested in their meet she hurried out of there making sure not to cross his path).


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Evil_Flower_08 thumbnail
Anniversary 3 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

"Ma Bhai arrive, wow Bhai how come you are early here?... Wait did you finally use the deo I gifted you? mean you got girl to impress?.

"Let me in first then fire me with your questions Shipra!..

(Replied Jalal with sigh taking off his shoes, outside then washing his hands, with help of Shipra he walked in towards the living room but on way met his mother who to begin questioning him).

"Jalal, What's this aren't you eating? And what's this hair style giving standing ovation?. 

"Ma it's fashion!..

"You aren't taking care of yourself ,your beard grown to!. Planning to keep like PM?.. don't even think, it's suit him only!..

(Jalal smiled at his mother words, then touching her feet he move towards his father, them settled opposite to him, on couch he realised as usual they were busy in enjoying their evening tea. There were Pea and Potato on table with veggies cut tray snd knife. Taking few peeled up peas he munched a little then placed the Tifin box at table).

"What's this Bhai?.

"A return gift from my Tenant mate!..

(Ask Shipra placing Jaggery and Water for him on table, hearing the reply she open the Tifin and saw Kheer the aroma of Kheer lit her mood and amazed his parents to. However they noticed the Mesmerize smile which played on his face when he mentioned about his Tenant mate. Which made them curious).

"You were going to join us on dinner how come early?.

"Uff Ma, you all have lot of questions!..let me breath in peace first!..

"You are saying as if we are choking you!..now tell us about the girl!..

"Which girl what we are missing?.

(Ask his father hearing Shipra words, making him sigh inwardly, they can't stop for minute, finishing his water he open his mouth to speak but Shipra beat him at it).

"He use my gifted duo, he said he will use it when he will find girl who obtain his interest!...

"Really? Is this same girl we ask you to meet? 

"No Ma, she's isn't!..

"Then the girl bargaining with vendor? 


"You are careless waste your mobile balance, as hear a girl bargaining with veggies vendor!..anyway she's isn't then your new Tenant Mate?.

"Ma both are same, she's new here Jodha her name!..

"Wow like that serial leads, we watched years back?.. Ma, it's still re-telecast repeatedly know!..

"How much you know about her?.

"Papa,"Except her name and Profession I know nothing about her!..

"Great owing to your job I thought you would have done investigation over her but you are to slow!.

"Leave go freshen up, I will make dinner!..Shipra come along!..

(Nodding he went to get freshen up, where his sister and mother went to kitchen to make dinner, till the time he arrive he and his father together continue watching match, then news soon the conversation change per their mood begin from match, to job, to  economic conditions to darness and politics over the time to approach dinner table they come to personal conversation).

"Papa, Don't you think it's time you take retirement?.

"Why you think I'm incapable of carrying out my on sincerely?.

"No Papa, I didn't thought that way, but you got sugar!. And if will be hard for you to!..

"Don't worry I'm fine!.. there's still year left for me to get Retired officially!.

"Only 9 month Papa, by the way you told me, Aunt was talking about proposal?..

"Yes she saw few guys for Shipra, I said no but she's adamant!.. i hadn't talked with Shipra yet! Her exams are coming it may stressed her out!..

"You did right! If you want I can talk with Aunt about this my sister wedding isn't her concern! We can find good lad for her on own!..

"No let it be, you always go over board whenever you talked with relative you fail to keep your temper in check!.

(He humed in response, but having other thought in regard of his sister, facing pressure to get settled soon agfer having job he was in no mood to let his sister go through the same. Upon his mother and sister arrival while serving he told them how he met her, and she misunderstood him).

"Now tell us, what she does!

"She's teacher Papa!..

"Teacher, mean independent working women! And definitely she will fix you to!..

"Ma see, Papa is again Taunting me!..

"You all men are same, one look of girl and grow over excited!.. what's the need to scare her?. couldn't you acted like the real you men of etiquette?.

(Reprimanding him, his mother passed two more roti on his plate, where's His father gulp another spoon of kheer, which he so wanted to finish on own, but realising it's little to much he get here for his family. But when he told them, he realized they are already quite impressed by her, at least his mother, because they hear the bargaining conversation she had with vendor. Which made him get scolding for wasting Mobile Balance).

"Why you even have smart Phone if you can't click pick of your Interest?.."Never Mind Tell us More Bhai!. 

(Ask his sister, with grin on face truly eager to know more about Jodha, he to felt like fool for not clicking her pic, perhaps some other time, he thought hopefully).

"Shipra, where you placed the papad I left to dry at Terrace?.

(Shipra bite her lip, realized she forget to take them down, before her mother step in dinning area again she ran towards terrace, till the time his mother cones there Shipra fled out of Dinning area).

"Huh where did she go?..Shipra!...

"Went to finish the task she forget to do!..

"You are staying here right? No I'm not going to hear no, I'm not allowing you to ride at night!.. 

"Ma."Let bhai go, he can't sleep in peace here anymore!.as his sleep invade by Jodha!..

(His parents didn't laugh like Shipra, but it was oblivious they are trying not to, they find it amusing to finally see him genuinely interested in Someone. He sigh and picking his plate walked towards kitchen to wash it).

"Leave it I will do, Jalal did you renew the insurance?. Tomorrow is last day!..

"Sorry Ma, "I forget!.

"Don't worry Shipra said she will get it done on her way to college!..

"No it will make her miss her college, I will do it tomorrow!.. 

(Nodding at him, his mother Started to clean the slab, as he fill the bottle to place it in fridge. Watching the baked cake he look back at his mother, who was having her back to him).

"Ma, did you baked the cake?.

"Yes, Ankur's birthday is coming so Shipra ask me! Favour!..

"Ma, don't sulk I will stay here tonight!..

(Her mother's mood lit up as she look back at him, he smiled at her then went towards his room, upon his entry he sas Shipra phone on charging point instead of his).

"Shipraa, my cell needed to be charged more than yours, why you used mine? It was verge of dying!..

"Sorry Bhai, Ankur take my charger I had no choice but to use yours!..

(Jalal made a face but then plugged his phone on charge, and passed Shipra cell to her. Barely few minutes passed when his mother stepped in the room and he was busy searching for ear-phone).

"Come sit here, I will Massage your head!..

"Ma, that's not needed!..

"For me to decide, now come here!..it was Sunday today you could have gone for hair cut and facial!..

"No time Ma, I was busy Washing my bike, had my time fix with Shaan!..then came here!..

"You wake up late didn't you?..

"Yeah last evening I was partying with friends upon my return here!..

"Is she beautiful?.

"Lot Ma, one look and the world go blurred!..

(Enjoying the head oil massage by his mother he answer her with mesmerized smile, at first he was truly getting pamper by his mother, he wonder such a privileged will be served to him later or not. The might dragged on as after head massage his mother walked away wishing him night. And he to retires for night knowing well there's barely he can do anything with switched off cell ,next day).

"Ma, Milkman is here for bill!..give me thousands buck!.

"Shipra here, take it from me!..

"Bhai pay him I'm getting late for college!. check the diary placed below the Television Shelf, Ma had mentioned the day he skip, calculate the money and pay!..


(Placing his wallet back on pant pocket fixing his shirt sleeve, he walked towards the Living area, picking the diary out, calculated the payment and fishing the sufficient amount headed to pay him).

"Jalal wait I will pay him, what does he think we have no water for milk? That he mix to!.. he's paid for milk not water!..

(Spoke his mother as She wiped her hands by towel walked out, sighing he glanced around then walked towards dinning area to have breakfast. Even being Inside he could hear his mother giving a round of ear scolding to the milkmen, hoping he may change his habit but every Indian middle class people, are aware milkmen may take money less, but they can't stop mixing water in milk).

"Here don't return her empty Bowl I packed some Hand made besan Laddoo!..

(Spoke His mother offering him one more Methi Paratha, as he passed pickle to his father, who take bite with utter delight, enjoying the methi Paratha. But hearing his mother he replied in gratitude).

"Thanks Ma!.."now no more Paratha I'm full!...

"I had packed some for your lunch to!.. here don't forget to eat!. 

"Sure, Papa Documents to renew the insurance!..

"It's on table!..make sure it's done today it's last date!..

"Yes Papa!..now I need to leave, bye Ma, bye Papa!..

"Bhai, come I will drop you!..

"But you didn't had breakfast yet!.. 

"I will have it in College!..Ma My lunch!.

(Taking her lunch from her mother and Jalal checking document file once, both move to, touch their parents foot and walked out of house together).


"One tickets Till Big Bazar!..

(Telling the conductor Jalal move towards the only vacant seat he spotted at back of bus at left corner. A girl was sitting near window, staring outside the window once he made himself comfortable, their thigh and shoulder touched as she shifted more towards window side without looking at his way. And he tried to maintain decent distance from her to. But minutes later he hear her).

"Hello! Namstey Aunty!..


(The voice was familiar, he try to look at her but her hair played hindrance to get clear view of her. He hear her more though the conversation was one sided he was sure he knows her).

"Thank you Aunty!..and I'm heading to Big Bazar do you want anything?.. 


"Sure I will get it, but I don't know Nikhil choice!..


"Alright message me his number!.. "Namstey!..

(Cutting the call, she resume hearing the songs, but this made it clear to him she's Jodha only, he wasn't sure how to initiate conversation with her. He waited and look here and there, when conductor approach him with ticket. And called out for her but she didn't hear him cause of earplugs, not wishing him to touch her, Jalal clicked his finger infront of her face, which made her pulled the ear plug off and look back at him, her eyes widened up in surprise. But before she could say something the conductor spoke).

"Madam, here's your money!.. and sir Your ticket!.

(Taking the money from conductor, she shove it in her bag and glanced around in the bus, for another vacant seat but all were full. She checked her wrist watch then at him to which he averted his gaze and look at his ticket. She followed his gaze and gulp in utter dismay realising both are heading to same place).

"Are you stalking Me?..

"Excuse me!..

"I will, If you Stop following me!..

"You are misunderstanding me, I am not following you!.I live in same Locality where you live!..

(Jalal wanted to admit he's the one living in second floor but he missed it, however his words Made her Embarassed, so he really lives there, now that's explained how Nikhil is acquainted with him. Looking at him she spoke in apologetic low voice).

"I'm I apologise! I'm new here, when you mentioned my floor I thought you! And then here!. 

"It's alright! Are you from UP? 

"Yes I'm from Lucknow!..

"Are you liking this place?

"Yes itst beautiful, people are kind to, know my neighbour is very generous! And my Tennant mate to!..


"Yes, I am living here on rent!. "Last evening I met my tenant to! He's really very kind! 

(Replied Jodha setting her hair lock behind her ears, with smile, revealing the sight of silver peacock earrings, matching with her Yellow green Combination Salwar Suit. Her compliment for him warmed his heart, As she replied he could see she's recalling the last evening "wait met him?. But she met Shaan, god didn't he told he's isn't the tenant?. God She think Shaan is her Tenant Mate?. He look at her to reveal truth but failed as the bus reach their respective Stop, and she step out of the Bus, Before he could step down, she walked away without further words. Sighing he to walked away, not finding it appreciable to go behind her. Few hours later when he reach his house he received a call by his mother who called him to know about renewal of insurance. And end up reprimanded him for skipping lunch. Which remind him off Laddoo she gifted him after hearing a round of scolding he cut the call, rushing to kitchen he oivked up the Bowl and tifin, placing the chocolate he got on his way inside the bowl he step out of kitchen , and Coming to living room pick up paper and pen, and writting somthing walked out of his house, but spotting the lock at her floor door, he placed the bowl and tifin like previous time near courier cabinet. knowing his leave are over and from next day he need to join his post. He decided to take a round to inspect his post and case he may have pending to deal with. When the realisation of his bike keys being with nikhil cross his mind and he bade his way to Sobha Aunty house).

"Jalal Beta, you come at right time I made tea!. 

(Before he could protest and refused the offer of tea, Sobha aunty drag him inside holding his arm, where he sighted Jodha showing a watch and tee shirt to Nikhil. Once nikhil spot him, he mouthed him Keys, to which he gulp and get up to get keys).

"Alright Aunty I need to leave!..Nikhil like the watch and dress to!. 

(As he was forced to sit and have tea, Jodha excused herself out from there, at entrance Sobha Aunty offer her money for the thing she got, which he take advantage and sneakily click her pics).

"She's little to good for her own! Spoiled my plan!..

"What you mean? 

"I ask mom I need money to buy watch and cloth! She got it herself! Now I won't get money!..

(Jalal stared at Nikhil in amusement, so that's the reason ofcourse he wanted money for his own expense. Which he could have got from the money given to him for buying watch and tee shirt).

"Well focus on study!.. 

(Finishing his tea, he to walked out of there after telling Aunty he will deal with the licence issue, when it will come to inspection for Nikhil).


"No I was planning to get my Jewellery polished, then change of wheather made me visit you!..

"Very good thanks to wheather I can complete the tea which was Due!.. 

(Taking the bag from Shweta hands, Jodha walked upstairs and fishing Keys out start to open the lock of her door, while Shweta glanced around spotting packet near courier Cabinet she stated firmly with Mischief).

"See told ya, the tenant will find excuse again!..

(Jodha look at her then followed her gaze one more pack, stepping inside while taking bthe packet she unloaded it on table, the aroma of Laddoo hit her nostrils and sight of chocolate made her amazed).

"Beginning of beautiful Journey of Tenant mates with sweet Besan Ladoo made by Ma!, And thank you for delicious Kheer!. 

"And as you are new here i wonder, if you are looking for helping hand, I have a caretaker working at my floor feel free to contact her!.. 

(At bottom, name of Maid, and contact number was written to, she was amazed to see his thoughtfulness, hm she hasn't thought about maid yet, but now the idea to have one was hard to ignore).

"I'm telling you, he's trying to woo you!..

"He didn't look at me once when I went to thank him!.. I think you assumption is wrong!..like mine was at evening!..

"Meaning, you judge someone wrong? 

"Yes I misunderstood my Locality Mate!..as stalker!..

"Was he handsome? 

(Replied Jodha with Embarassment, placing water and Offering Laddoo to Shweta who moaned in delight having one. And ask back which made Jodha thought for while, but comin to present by moaning sound she greedily picked one Laddoo to, a small bite but she was left amazed it was truly very tasty).

"He was ok! If only he get his beard trim then he match the look of Hollywood actors to!..

"Awe someone look smitten!..

"No I'm not but yeah he was truly sight to behold and his voice!.. you should have hear him when he helped me!.

(She get up and Acted like him, mimicked his dilouge    "I'm having itch in my hand help me to get rid of it too!.. and voice, making Shweta giggle out loud, which made her chuckled to as she sat back laughing).

"Well he was like knight in shining armour to help damsel in distress!.. but to bad you misunderstood him!.

"What I would have done? I didn't saw him here before, but no worry we got our misunderstanding clear!..

"How? You met him again? 

"Yes today on my way to shopping!. We travel at same bus!..

(Laughing out at the words, she gets up to make tea, where's Shweta glanced around usually, people have family photo or things decorates at side tables or wall but Jodha didn't done anything over that part the walls were empty , even the sidde vase or Phote frame tables were vacant).

"Still taking time to settled? 

"Yes there's lot of stuff I am yet to unload!.. 

"I can help you!.. 

"No Shweta, I'm planning to do it on next holiday!.. here's your tea!..

"Thank you!..Mhm what's the need of cookin pakora!..

"Not need it was wish come on look at wheather!..a long drive in car, or radio music with Tea and pakore!..

"Woo you made my mood!..

"Anyway are you done with pre wedding shopping for your sister?..

"Yes I'm only taking leave is left!.. The Principal isn't granting me leave yet!..

"Yes he wants the syllabus covered!. Tell more about your sister! What she does?..

"Misha is dentist by profession, at beginning not ready for marriage but now!... she's eager as it's love cum arrangm marriage now!..

"How fortunate!..

(Taking the plates away, Jodha move to kitchen and Continue chatting with Shweta who was telling her about Her sister. A while later Shweta turn on the tv where's Jodha went to change into casual wear).

"Jo you didn't get cable connection yet?..

"I did perhaps cause of wheather!.. nevermind we can use Wifi!..

(Stated Jodha coming to living area, dressed in white Lose Kurti and Trouser, fixing her hair in messy bun. She asked Shweta what she wish to watch. To which she met with shy reply of an ITV show name, she set the show and sat along with her a while later).

"Shweta I don't think you should leave tonight!.."call at home and stay here!.."do you have spare cloth? No them I can offer you one!..

(Spoke Jodha watching the time, in their chit chat they didn't realise it's over 8, the wheather was still not right to ride vechile, and as the night grew darker owing to so called security for women Jodha hesitate in regards of letting Shweta go. To which shweta to look at time then glance outside and Reluctantly nodded).

"Thanks to my clumsiness I often ruin my appearance, so I carry spare cloth to!.

"Alright the bathroom is there!.. 

(With Shweta gone to change, Jodha to get up to prepare dinner fortunately she brought everything necessary for home to cook anything she wants. But it made her confused what to cook only for two? Recalling Bhindi is Shweta's favourite she decided to cook Bhindi, Chapatti and Rice, it wasn't to hard and time consuming however at mid of kneading the dough. Shweta stepped inside kitchen).

"God you could have called me!..let me help you with Roti!.

"No Shweta it's over, I can do it on own! Beside the least you can do is get the pickle Jar, from cabinet!..

(Nodding in agreement Shweta got thr right Jar, opening the Jar she get delighted to see Mango Pickle, knowing Jodha won't let her cook, she decided to help in serving pulling the plate out, she placed them at living area where they could watch TV and enjoy dinner to).

"How you propose to Express your gratitude for Laddoo?..

(Ask Shweta once Jodha step out with Food, placing it over the table, Jodha smiled and look over at the Bag placed over cabinet. Which made it clear she have a plan ready to, as she served both of them).


"Bhaiya, thank you, for recommending her about me!.

(Jalal get surprise by the thank, as soon he open the door to let Savita in for work, but then nodded back smilingly. But the shriek of Savita startled him).


"How many time told you open door when you are dressed up!..

(Looking back, he chuckled he was sleeping when she arrived habitual to sleep without tee shirt on, he went to take his shirt, where's Savita walked towards living area placed a bag).

"Here's something for you!..

"What a thank you gift for recommendation?.

"No, because it's from Jodha Didi!.. she ask me to hand you!..

(Surprised and curious he walked towards the table, and open the bag eagerly to know what's in there for him this time, first a card, then a gift wrapped box. Unwrapping the box he found a beautiful ceramic Guitar coffee Mug. And the tiffin in which he parceled the Laddoos to her. Opening it he saw Sewaiyaan, which made him more amaze, he focus back on the card and read it out. It was nothing expect the greetings as thank you. But that made his day only).

"Is she here?..

"No Bhaiya, she left for school!..

(He was about to reply back, but his cell buzzed notifying him about call, Alarmed he immediately pick up his cell and answer the call minute conversation cutting it he ordered).

"Savita get my dress ironed I need to leave!..no need to make lunch or breakfast I will have it out!..

(Saying this he ran back to his room to get ready, and Savita went to get his dress ironed which he had placed out on couch. Getting ready he walked out of His floor house. Few Days later).

"Unbelievable? You mean to say you haven't met her yet? It's been more than a week!..

(Jalal nodded with sigh, because of his Job, his timing doesn't match with her's, so far he fail to even caught glimpse of her, he realised he can't take time to court her, because his Job won't allow him to do so, and her's demand devotion to, which at end Exhauste her lot. He knew because of His Handmaiden who join her just for cleaning, meal is something she handle on own. Not to forget their regular Present exchange as Tennant Mate, Through Savita he comes to know a quite lot about her in her view, the way she keep her engage in conversation while she work, or try to keep herself updated about her FIL, even ask about him made him aware she's interested to).

"I think you should ask her out today, and confess you love her!."because if you keep patience like this someone else will take her!..

"What? How can you say this?..

"Why not? She's beautiful teacher Single ready to mingle, I won't be surprised if few ask her out already!

"You are my friend or enemy!..

"come on Jalal, girls like straightforward Humble guy!. Who treat others right!  stop being hopeless & confess to her!.

(Jalal nodded his friend Shaan in aggreement, even his family snickered at him upon realising he hadn't Talk to her yet, his mother was more than ready to have word with her but he stopped her, he didn't wanted her to think he can't confess his own feelings straight to her).

"There she comes!..

(Stepping down from motor bike, she thanked the guy she come with, there was few present in her hands, as the guy Took of his helmet he found them extremely cozy chatting with each other. It will be lie if he said he's isn't jealous, if he would've been Disney cartoon Character smoke would've been Coming out of his ear and nose. She slapped the guy shoulder lightly, and laugh at something he said. As she bid by turn to go he held her wrist, then pulled out a rose flower to her she let out a giggle ,and take it from him. And smilingly walked away to her floor unaware of heart burning in jealousy).

"To sad bro!. "You lost!.. 

(Listening this Jalal glared at him, and rushed after her, she just reach the stairs, with present in hand and bag it was hard for her, to carry them along and reach soon. Reaching closer he took bags from her which startled her).

"God, you scared me!..

"I apologise, was passing by after meeting Nikhil Saw you struggle so!..

"It's alright! I won't misunderstand you twice!.. 

(Giggling she let him help her without hesitation, however reaching their door, she was hesitate again, invite him in or not. No matter how kind he is, he's still a stranger for her whom she met only thrice including the current meet, but unlocking the door she barely gets to speak as he stepped inside to place the bags near Cabinet).

"Um thank you!.

"I love you!..

"Excuse me!.

"I love you Jodha, I really do!.

"Unbelievable who do you think you are to propose me like this!.. i don't even know you!..get out!.. 

"You are rejecting me because of the guy dropped you here?."Are you in relationship with him?.

"It's none of your bussiness, didn't you hear at once?. get out of my house!..

"Mean you aren't, thank God. I really thought you are!..but please think about my word because my feelings are really genguine from the day I saw you i can't think of anything else!..

"God you are impossible, get out dammit and better get a doctor!..

(Saying this she started to push him out of her house but he didn't budge, And this made her furious, retreating two step , she glared at him. But it barely worked on him as he ask firmly) 

"Will you think about it?.

"Either you get out, or I'm calling cops!..

"Ok I'm leaving, but think about it once please!..

(Saying this he walked out of there, rubbing her neck by one hand she went to close the door, "What a strange men!. Shweta was talking about Tennant trying to woo me, who don't even show his face to me!.and here this guy!.cursing him in mind she walked away when a thought come in mind the guys didn't tell his name either. Great What a confession He's truly insane).

"That was crazy Men, how could you confess like this?.

"I didn't had choice but it's good I did, do it today tomorrow or use excuse under the garb of Kindness and confess later it's to much hassle!

"Wow writting a new notion on love huh?..

"No I am just saying people like you made Love thing a waste of time money and emotion!.

"Whatever floats your boat!..God don't forget you got kicked out by her!..

"I come to know she's isn't in relationship with the guy she come with!.

(Replied Jalal calmly driving his bike, to drop Shaan at his place, he was little relieved as well unsure, he knew if his own suster get proposal like this her reaction would've be same, but facing same was hard to take).

"Shaan what's the best to gift a girl on birthday?..

"You said people like is made Love waste of money now asking same?. But whose birthday coming?.

"Just answer me!..

"Jewelry, chocolate, Make up products, Something handy like handbags! But again the series of present depend on relation!.. anything over due can cost you gravely!.

(Shaan explained to him, but the present suggest ion didn't sound appreciable to him, over the things he hear about her from Nikhil and Savita, dropping Shaan at his work place, when he received a call from his sister to pick him up from Mall. Sighing he made his way there hoping to find something appealing to buy as present).


"Then do one thing complain about him to cop!..

 (Jodha look at Shweta hearing her suggestion, the idea sound good, but implying it in real sound terrific. She don't know how before he didn't get time to show his face regularly. But now he's seen around more often than before. She Thought if she ignore him, he will understand she's isn't interested, and he will mind his own business then, but no her ignorance made him more insolent. Though no one said anything, but she knew it won't take long until others start gossiping about it. They both are adult can take decision of their life yet, this look all forced and unacceptable to her).

"I think you are right, I told him to stay away but he find one or other reason to approach me! But what I will say to cop?. He hadn't done anything wrong yet!.

"Well you said he knows quite lot about you, perhaps you can say he's stalking you!..

"Hm right, fine I will visit police station after school on my way to home!..

(The ring of bell, made Shweta get up to leave staff room and join her next class, when another teacher approach Jodha and inform her to take class 9th B, as Teacher went on leave their period is blank. It will be better if she takes it, nodding her she to get up to joi the class upon reaching she noticed the students staring at the ground. 9th A class students were walking towards ground it was their game period).

"Wanna join them?..

(She ask playfully but all of them yelled YES in Union, it was answer she was aware to hear, she just did because she wasn't in mood to take their Rec period for teaching, as well in her time her most of period were spoiled cause of such teacher which she think can be used to make students enjoy school life more. Finish the syllabus in the class given, and leave rest to enjoy. Asking everyone to make a line they all walked to join the ground. A group was made while later The sport teacher joined the 9th A class boys for football, when few boys approach her to play with them. First she thought decline owing to her tiredness. but the challenging look From sport teacher made her give in. She was Pro football player at her UNI and School time, but now she was out of practice. Yet the skilled player was oblivious on her part when she made goal, or passed ball to other team mates. The girls and boys cheered for her, however it was even because one round of match won by 9th A and other by her class 9th B. Tired or not she really enjoy the weeks of mental Stress was poured out in form of physical Play, and she was truly relive. Beside the joyous Face of Student lit her mood more).

"Hm he sound like A very insolent man, but our sir will improve him in one punch! Don't worry let me convey him!. Then you can go in tell him!..

(If on her arrival she was uncomfortable by the curious and some of nasty Prevert gaze, then smile of constable, and his words manage to put her at ease, she never thought a day will come when she will have to step in police station to complain against anyone. But now, she found herself seeking protection of Law Men, sighing inwardly she message Shweta about what constable said to which she replied to stay calm. Smiling she replied Back ok, when the constable arrive and told her to go in, she nodded then getting up approach the cabin, stepping inside after soft knock she saw the officer sitting on chair facing his back to her going through what she could see a file. He rsise hi hand at side gesturing her to take seat. She found that very rude gesture but sighing she sat back on chair none can predict the mood of officer having Tough job to handle city, in regards of protecting law and it's citizen).

"Sir, I need your help, I'm here to complain against a guy living in my locality!.. he's pestering me, YOU....

(Words frozed on her tounge, as she stared at the face Infront of her. As soon closing the file the ACP turn around on his revolving Chair).

"Why did you Stop Mam?. Continue, who is the insolent guy troubling you!..

(Failing to keep calm, Jodha Grip on the chair arm, gulped, "how come he is here? In uniform as cop?.She didn't knew his profession till now. However his words bring her to present looking up she saw him standing Infront of her now, his grin made her more furious as glaring at him she spoke I threaten manner).

"You, don't you are to think you are ACP so I will get scared!.. "I will complain against you to IG!..  

"Do whatever you feel like!. But think about my proposal!. "Come on Jodha my straightforward confession maybe wrong, but not my intention!..

"I don't care! Stay away from me or I'm going to complain against you to IG!..

"Then see you at IG office!..

(Huh startled by his bold stand, she glared at him, upon realizing he is ready to face IG but he won't quite pestering her. Annoyed she got up and walked out of there, leaving Amused Jalal behind).

Edited by Evil_Flower_08 - 3 years ago
Evil_Flower_08 thumbnail
Anniversary 3 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

"You can laugh if you want to!..

(As if Shipra was waiting for the permission, as soon Jodha granted her, she brust out into fit of laughter. Making Jodha more annoyed, she made a face at her friend having fun on her expense but realising she can't see her she sigh out loud while walking on road to caught a cab or Auto).

"Sorry, but... "This is hilarious!.. he's ACP?...

"Doesn't make difference, I will complain against him to IG!..

"But Jodha, I must admit he's still men of etiquette!.. he helped you like a true human will!.. 

"Men of etiquette? He's pestering me and you siding with him?.you are my friend or his?

(Ask Jodha annoyed, as she hear her friend from other side on call, when a auto stopped a little distance, she proceed to approach the auto). 

"I'm not siding with him, I'm just stating facts, he could have used his position to pester you!.. but he didn't!.

"So What!..aaah....

(The cellphone fell on road as a Hit on her back made her fall on road, she try to caught on to the poll to stop the fall, but failed as her foot tripped over the rock by side and it manage to make her more injured. Her toe start bleeding while knee tear up as well her arm).

"I'm so sorry I didn't saw you coming!..

(Winching in pain, Jodha held onto the pole and try to get up, the voice of girl made her look at her, as leaving her Scotty she rush to pick her bag and cellphone. if she thought her day is bad then the accident prove her wrong and clear the fact it's worse. as she look up, her eyes welled up in pain, she so wanted to curse but the pain restrain her rage. The two wheel Scootty riders apologetic face to fail to satisfy her in anyway. And her question manage to rile her up more).

"Are you ok?.

"What a dumbass questions is it? Do I look ok to you?..

(Muttering idiot, she clutch onto the pole, the rider girl took of her helmet and look at her embarrassingly, after getting scolded by the girl she hit unknowingly by her vechile her mistake she shouldn't be using cell phone while driving but).

"Don't mind, let me take you to hospital you need first aid!..

"That's alright! "You may go!.. 

(Spoke Jodha after a while, the momentry shock of being hit, wore away, as she come in term with physical and emotional Damage. However no way in hell she's going to accept offer of complete stranger. even if the stranger had hit her through her vechile. Though she doubt ,the girl will harm her anymore still look can decieve).

"Look I'm really sorry but let me help you!.. you can't walk in this condition anymore!..

(Ignoring the girl she raised her hand for auto, making the girl more guilty, but she realized after being hit by her she doubt her capability of driving safely, beside being stranger, aware of how Dark the world is turning she don't trust herself with her. Sighing she park her scootty at side, then, forwarded her a water bottle, then stopped one auto for her, the offer water was declined by Jodha to, but as soon a auto stopped she stepped in, but get surprise to see the other girl stepping in with her).

"What are you doing?..

"Making sure you are fine!.

(Huh? Startled but to caught by the pain she didn't said anything further, a while later the Driver drop them to hospital, with the girl help, Jodha manage to visit a doctor who help her to provide first aid to her injury, prescribed ointments to apply and some painkiller to. When it's comes to filling form and payment, the girl grew surprise upon reading the name and scared to. But the question come in her mind, before she could ask she hear Jodha).

"Thanks, anyone else on your place would have ran away! Instead of taking responsibility of their fault!..

"No need to thank me!.. instead I should apologize for my mistake! If I won't be using cell this could be avoided!..

"It's alright! Let's just say it was destined to happen beside my day wasn't good today!..

"Why? Don't mind me asking but can I know your reason of visiting Cop?.

"A guy was pestering me from weeks, unfortunately the complain didn't go well!..

"Oh well then you can complain against him to IG!..

(Jodha didn't said anything just nodded, and started to walk out of hospital, making the other girl to follow her out as well, after all she can't miss the opportunity to know her more).

"You may leave I can go on own!.. I'm ok now..

"Sure you are capable to go on own!. But This is least I can do after causing you pain!..

"No it's alright, you must have some work! Beside it's getting late no safe to be out!..

"I was on my way to renew the License!.. I can do it tomorrow!.."careful!..

(Carefully helping her in auto, She to settled beside, her when her cell ring, instead of receiving the call she disconnected it, and recieve a message. Reading the message she smiled "Where are you? Leaving your vechile here like it's unclaimed possession?..then typed an answer,"Stuck in emergency issue  conveyed the detail later!..and hit the sent option).

"School teacher?..

(Startled by the word which sounded more a statement than a question she followed her gaze, and saw her looking at text copies. Peeking out from her bag, she nodded with smile then reply).

"Yes Math Teacher!..

"Ah not my favourite subject!..

(Jodha chuckled at the reply of her, then continue staring out to distract herself from the pain she was forced to bear. Where's the girl understanding her mood started to converse more. She dictated more about the city place and people. It was clear she's outspoken extrovert Person after she reach her house she insisted on paying but The girl refused and paid their ride).

"Here have it, you sure need it to return!..

"Jodha!.. you are injured?.

"Namstey Aunty, I'm fine don't worry!..

"What don't worry look at you? Come you will stay tonight with me!..

"No Aunty that's not needed!...

"For me to decide!..Nikhil take her bag, and you?..

"Actually I was one who hit her accidentally by my vechile!..

"What?. Can't you drive carefully? 

"Aunty let it be she help me lot! And it's alright it's happen! I'm fine that's matter!..

(Defended Jodha calmly, as she walked towards Sobha With house, she knew the women won't let her stay back in her house, Sobha aunty after knowing his the girl helped her ask her to come along as well after offering her tea, and Warm Turmeric milk To Jodha and little conversation the girl walked out of there).

"Ok Aunty allow me to leave, you told last evening your sister is coming today I don't want to!..

"But there's time for them to arrive!..

"Still Aunty please!..

"Ok let me call Savita, she can stay with you tonight!..

"No Aunty that's not needed I will be ok! 

(After hearing round of do and don't, agreement Jodha was allow to leave for her house, walking on plane road was ok, but using stairs was like climbing on mountains for her. She fail to win over her discomfort and let out a whimper. Ten minute of struggle she reach her floor unlocking the door stepped inside to retire for night. But a knock on door stopped her sighing in Exhaustion she approach the door, checking through the peephole of door she sigh in relieve).

"Savita you here?...

"Yes didi I received call from Bhaiya he ask me to check on you!..

"What but why?..

"He hear about your accident so he called me! Don't worry I didn't come alone he dropped me here!.. 

"That's unbelievable, how can he ask you to come doesn't he know about your FIL? 

"Didi with him my son is there, and here I'm just for tonight!..you need me here!..

"But you...

"No IF's and but Didi, Bhaiya had ask my help first time I can't deny him!..so now let me take charge here & you rest here!..

(Jodha nodded then sitting on couch stared at the bag placed on table by Savita, looking insde she saw a basket, full with fresh fruits and snacks, chocolate ,health biscuits, ramen, cheese, herbal tea and Spa kit. She was stuned to saw the items that's to much to get for a Tenant he hadn't met. There was card to, opening it she read it out).

"The news of your unfortunate accident hit me hard! I sincerely pray to Almighty for your speedy recovery!..

"Get well soon!. And if there's anything needed let me know!.. 

(The note ended with his contact number, Jodha stared at the card than at the products on table, she was amazed and felt great ful to him. She never knew there will come a day she will have a person who will be so thoughtful in regards of her without even meeting her once. But then his gesture evoke Urge in her heart to neet him as she called out for savita).

"Savita, I wants to meet him!..

"He's isn't here Didi, he is on night shift today!..but he promised to meet you tomorrow!..

(She nodded in understanding, but realising Savita can't see she replied a quick ok to her, then pick her cellphone out from her bag. To notify her friend Shweta but only a robotic answer of number being switch off reach her. Sighing she decided to call on the number tenant left on card to thank him personally. But the call went unanswered, assuming him to be busy she decided sent a message).


"Unbelievable leaving all the people in world you hit her through your vechile?.

(Hissed The guy in rage, his entire posture was cold and tremendous as he stared at the girl infront of her. The information of Jodha met wuth unfortunate accident was enough to make miserable. But now the realisation his own dear one is reason of her being in pain made him awfully pathetic).

"Bhai I didn't do it intentionally!..

"Calm down Jalal!.."she is fine that's matter!. We will meet her and apologize to!..

"I am so going to get your driving licence cancel huh!.. first learn to ride then use vechile!..

"Don't you dare, it was you who thaught me!.. as teacher you fail then!..

"Youuu.... See Maa her gut to talk back to me!..

"Stop it both of you, and go freshen up!.. 

"Where's Papa?. didn't arrive yet?.

"Yes, he's still At work!..

(Reprimanding both of her kids she pushed them towards their room to go and freshen up, but the way they both glare at each other before walk-in away didn't went unnoticed by her. Stepping inside his room he check his cellphone, there was two missed calls, and one message. The number was unknown, henceforth he check the message. The content of message made him jump on bed, he was awaiting the moment to get her number which never reach him before but now. 

"Your generous gesture and concern overhelmed me!. But honestly saying, it wasn't needed I'm ok!. But I'm truly great ful to you for all you did for me!.I wish to meet you thank you personally!..thanks for your wishes and present!.


He delighted however soon the remorse hit his heart realising how he will meet her later? When she will know it was his sister who cause her pain? He look at time it was passed 7:45 littrally a morning. should I call her? No she must've been sleeping now he decided to leave a message then. At first he typed Good morning, hope you are feeling better than before, then deleted it, I'm sorry for not answering your call, again deleted it, it continues for long time he typed then delete over not being satisfied, finally in last while typing a short message, was going to re-read to see it's appreciable to sent or not."I apologize for leaving your call unanswered!. I'm positive you are feeling better!. But the knock on door made him accidentally hit a sent option, it was his mother out of room, with his tea, knowing he won't sleep anymore. He will need a tea, his mother made it for him, He walk towards her taking tea from her went back to bed. After wishing her morning. When beep sound of his cell snapped his attention it was a reply message from her).

"It's alright, it wasn't important! I was wishing to thank you personally!. And yes, I'm feeling better than before thank you for your concern. 


(Reading the Message frown deepend on his forehead he knew by Savita, She's sleep lover then how she's up today? When she was exhustad last evening and even met with accident? Then to She's awake? Delighted then curious and concern, he left the tea on table and asked with wishing her).

"Good morning, but You are up early? Are you really fine? 

(Sitting on chair he waited eagerly for Reply like Rabbit out of hole. Going to eaten alive by Predators. However the reply come sooner than he anticipated). 

"Morning, Yes I'm fine, I slept early last night so wake up earlier!.. 

(Jalal sigh in relief , but then he didn't want the conversation to end, but how to keep on stretching the conversation?. There was so much thing he wanted to talk about but owing to reality of their equation he knew he can't ask or say much.. but then it's first time they're chatting  directly with each other instead of through medium of cards and Gift. Lost in his own wonder land he took more time to reply anything which made his cellphone vibrate again).

"Are you there? Hope I'm not disturbing you right? 

(Never my love, he so wish to reply, but then typed a formal reply calmly instead losing his sanity in his emotionally hyper heart. Beside he was amused it was him first who message her why she think she's one disturbing him. Is it her way to end conversation? Is she busy? Unable to bid bye owing to everything he done?.he thought then ask).

"No I was just wondering, will you join today for work?.  And are you busy now?.If you are insist you shouldn't kindly take rest!.

(After sending the message he face palmed himself Hoping he didn't went overboard, what she will think who am I to advise her such? She's isn't kid? The tea was turning cold but he hardly paid attention to it. But then a reply come to him minute later).

"No I won't, "I had convey to my friend about my unfortunate circumstances!. She will notify the rest on my behalf! Busy not really I'm just checking test copies!.

(The detail reply made him speechless, is she getting bored? The task didn't sound pleasant through her voice, perhaps the student didn't do well in tests. That's why wish to continue chat as well? Or else her formal reply with quick short answer were ok to. Both way it's win win situation for him. So he typed calmly again).

"Glad to hear, for your speedy recovery it's necessary you take rest!..

"Jalal What's this? You didn't even freshen up? God the tea turn cold what are you even doing on phone?.

(Startled by the arrival of his mother and, her words he let out a sheepish smile, as he watch his mother staring sternly at him he open his mouth to reply but she forward her hand to him).

"Ma please just one reply!..

"No give it to me go freshen up first!..

"Ma please I'm chatting with her!..

"What? She's up early but why? Definitely the pain invaded her sleep that's why!..

"No Ma she's fine, she slept early last night that's why!..

"Fine but only ten minute more than you will go freshen up or else!..

"Sure Ma!..

"Don't you dare to think of closing the door!..

(Jalal gasp in surprise how she always gets to know what he plan to do?, But sighing he just mumbled a quick ok in understanding and focused back on his phone).

"I don't plan on wasting my day on rest! I'd like to use it for my peace of mind by visiting IG!..

(The reply made him chuckled Humorously, she's still stuck at that, he decided to ask though he knew the reason. But no harm in having fun when he's still unknown to her).

"Ofcourse you need to meet him, to complain against the Rider who caused you pain!..

(After sending the message he waited again, this time picking his dress out, ready to go and freshen up as well Knowing his mother can arrive any minute to check on him. But more than minute passed by no reply come so he decided to go and freshen up first). 


"Shit this cell mumbling in annoyance she sigh then out her cellphone in Charge, as it went off as soon she hit the send option for reply. 9 frowning in disbelief she check the Text copy "Abhi" don't know what's wrong with this guy, he always answer the questions in class, then why so poor in test? The unexpected result of boy made her concern. 9/25 marking she signed the copy then check the next. Coming to end of copies her mood turn sour, she hadn't done to much to twist the question she just changed the value and they failed in this, more like she failed in teaching them. 7/25 "Adi" pulling the failed students govt above separately she sigh in last after completing the task of checking. Then open her laptop to check her mails when the appointment mail comes to her notice. She immidadately closed thd laptop then went to get ready).

"Didi what's this? You are getting ready? Are you going somewhere?.

(Watching Jodha checking her bag, wearing Light green color Salwar Suit, placing the breakfast on table Savita ask her, which made Jodha check the time then replied while shoving the cellphone in bag).

"Yes I'm going to meet IG!.."will be back soon! 

"But you need rest, you are still unwell!..

"You are right but I got the appointment now!.

(Saying this she walked out of her house, when Nikhil approach her with bike, she look at him in curiousity as he replied her calmly).

"Good Morning Di, how are you feeling now?.

"Morning Nikhil , I'm feeling much better!..

"Glad to know di, "Bhaiya said to drop you to IG office!.. 

(Nodding to him she sat behind him on bike, though she had cash could take can or auto still. She didn't try to decline him beside it's saved her from waiting. As nikhil continue to ride safely, he conveyed her how he need post office to check for his grandfather delayed Pension. And the IG office isn't far from there so he decides to agree to give her ride, Upon reaching there Nikhil inform her he will pick her up to. But getting message by Shweta she declined saying her friend will come for her so he can go after his work get over. Nodding in understanding Nikhil then drive away. Upon stepping in the building she was ask by constable to wait at lobby, sitting there she went through her cell once. She realised the last message she sent him fail to deliver, she face palm herself inwardly then hit a re-send option."No it's not the rider, but someone else! .. who need to get taught a lesson! The call of Constable got her attention, who inform her to go in, taking her bag she approach the cabin where her bag was checked once more. After completing the formality she was allowed to Stepped in two more officer were present inside Upon her arrival they saluted the IG and walked out. Getting permission by him she approach his table).

"Miss Singh, are you alright? 

"Yes sir, I'm fine thank you!.

"Please sit, I'm ordering tea, would you like to have one or a coffee?.

"No sir!..I'd Like to talk about my purpose of visit!..

"Alright before you begin I'd like to let you know, I had called ACP Jalal Mallick here!...

"Oh I dont mind sir!. I just want you to take action against him! He's truly pestering me!.

"Miss Singh, till now, we haven't received a single charge or complain against him!.

(Hearing the authoritative confident voice, Made Jodha mellow down, the words made her rethink about her decision to approach the IG. But then minute later she spoke confidentially).

"Everything happens first time Sir!.."I live alone here his unexpected approach on my way leave me to Face the criticism of people!..

(The intercoms buzzed as he pick the landline, he hmm in response then allow the permission to caller. Within minute there was knock on door, as The IG permitted again, Jodha thought it's the peon who arrive with Tea for IG but the dominant confident firm sound of footsteps then the voice made her alert as the person salute the IG).

"What's this behaviour Mr Mallick!.."aren't you aware of consequences of pestering A girl? 

(The word made Jodha look at Jalal way, she smirk as soon he look back at her, the smirk was like a sign told you I will make you pay, however he shook his head and watch her from up to toe first in concern then relief. making her glared at him as he then look back at IG, which made her Focus on IG as well).

"I apologise sir, if I made miss Singh feel threatened in my presence or by my gesture!..but I haven't misbehave with her in any way!..

"So I should wait for the possibility of you misbehaving with me? Your presence caused me mental stress!..

"I didn't mean that!..

"I don't care, what you mean or intent as that's none of my concern!.."I want my space free of you!..

"I can't promise that, we live in same Locality!..and Sir love is no crime! I just confess that to her!.. I didn't force her to accept it? 

(Blood rush to her cheek at his remark, making her lower her head and if she trust her eye sight any better she sworn the IG look away to control his chuckled to. "How shameless of him to speak such way infront big senior. She thought in annoyance but agreed with him to, he didn't force her to accept, but trying to become part of her routine is unacceptable to. clearing his throat the IG begin to speak again).

"That's unacceptable Mr Mallick I'm so disappointed at you! Apologise to her! 

"I'm sorry Miss Singh, And I'm Sorry Dad for disappointing you!..


(Startled by the last word Jodha get up in shock, however it turn out painful for her as her as sudden pain shot up on her foot still ignoring physical pain she focused on the name plate. Which she hadn't noticed till now, "Anil Mallick" Oh lord, he ACP and his father IG? No wonder he was confident yesterday , instead of being scared for his job).

"Relax Beta!. Take a seat I'm not going to be partial!..if an apology isn't suffice for your convenience! I can transfer him to!.


"Be quiet!.."or you will be suspended!..or transferred to rural area! 

(Jalal made a face but nodded In agreement, however the scene made Jodha smile inwardly, it was amusing to see him cornered like this and she find his reaction adorably hilarious. He was looking like a child deprived from his favourite candy. But she put a serious face and look back at the IG).

"That's not needed sir!. I just want a written assurance he won't cross my path again!..

"Sir, I'm ready for transfer or suspension, not this!..

(Anil look at his son, then Jodha, both were staring at each other now, stubbornness was oozing out from both. He felt like pendulum in between them. Whom they are trying move per their convenience).

"Excuse me, you lose your right to put condition the minute you get summoned here over my allegations!.

"I will resign, but I won't give written or verbal assurance of not approaching you!...

"Mr Mallick you may leave, and receive a transfer letter to!.. 

"But sir!..

"Miss Singh, once transfer he can't bother you here!..you can get your peace and he will learn his lesson to!..

(Jodha nodded in agreement then greeting the IG she walked out of there, but not before glaring at Jalal, who just shook his head and look back at IG. The meeting took longer than she anticipated, she saw Shweta outside, standing near her Scootty).

"Girl the injuries look aweful!.. 

"Yeah but I'm better then before!..

"Great get on let's have somthing to eat at cafe then I will drop you home!..

"Can we visit some Dhaba? 

"Why not I know fabulous Bhola Dhaba it's near only!.

(Shweta being foodie start mentioning about the menu to her as if she's the Dhaba chef. But Jodha didn't mind, continue hearing soon enough they teach the Dhaba stepping inside through the wooden forged gate. The bench and stool were placed in distance. It wasn't crowded either. After giving their order they sat on bench when Shweta ask her).

"What's this sour look? Didn't IG approved your complain?..

"You won't believe if I tell you!.

"Try me!..

"The IG Anil Mallick!..

"Yes what about him?..

"He's he's Mr Jalal Mallick's Father!..

"But who is Jalal?.

"That ACP who was pestering me!...


(This time Shweta didn't waited for get permission and brust out into fit of laughter. Making Jodha smack on her shoulder as her laughter Snapped attention of people who were present their enjoying their meal or waiting for their order).

"It's funny I can't believe it!..

"Told you! Even I fail to believe it but it was true!..

"So he was partial?..

"No, he got his own Son Transferred!..

"What really?..

(Jodha nodded and start to mimick the entire meet infront of Shweta, who after listening then thanking the Guy for arriving with their order spoke as soon Jodha finished speaking).

"Girl you should marry him, you will have lot of advantage!..

"What? Have you lost it?.

"No, I didn't but think practically, no one will mess with you owing of you being officer wife!..and IG seem impress by you to!.. 

"Shut up!. idiot!.

(But Shweta just winked at her and chuckles once more, and continue speaking in police fan-girly mode, Jodha however just hear her out in amusement. After having their meal, they paid the bills and started to leave when temple bells got her attention).

"There's temple nearby?.

"Yes there's Lord Mahadev temple let's psy our offerings to!.. so that you get well soon!.

(Both of them then, made their way to temple, fortunately it wasn't to crowded, but it was still enough to make them rethink about their decision to pay the offering, both glance at each other then shrugged. After buying Prasad and Offering plate, made their way to stairs. And started to chat about school and her leave where's she convey about her disappointment over kids performance on test. When her gaze caught the lady descending downstairs but upon reaching at the bottom stair she started to fall on ground Shweta and Jodha both not being far held on to her).

"Are you ok?..

(Shweta Ask while Jodha offer her water bottle, making her drink and little she let her use little amount of water to wash her face. The lady smiled in gratitude, and nodded in yes).

"You come alone Aunty?. 

"Yes beta, but my son said as soon I'm done with my prayer he will come to pick me up but now!..

"It's alright Aunty, you sit here!.. give us number we will try to!..

(The women forward her cell to Jodha, she found the contact of her son in speed-dial, calling him through her cell once, she waited but then group of kids approach her, for money Shweta immidadately start to take out money from her bag to offer her but Jodha stopped her).

"You aren't getting cash here!.

"Didi Please, Aunty say na!..

(Shewta get surprise by Jodha's act, it was so out of her kind personality even the pleading look of kids didn't melt her down. Even the women look on at Jodha in disbelief, the girl was beautiful by look but perhaps from outer appearance only she raised her hand to get her cell back from her. but stopped after listening her next set of words).

"I said no money, mean no money!.."tell us what you want we will get you!. 

"It's no big Deal Jodha!..

"It is, tell me what you will buy with money This didi will give?.

(Shweta and the women glance at each other, then at Jodha, where's the kids stared at her in confusion them start to whisper among themselves slowly a minute later they faced her and spoke).

"Chole Puri for all of us two biscuits packet for our friend!."Rough copy and pencil!..

(They confessed meekly while pointing towards the little Pets, tailing along with them. Jodha nodded, then passing her phone to Shweta she spoke).

"Call her son I will come after getting them what they wants!..come!..

(And this she walked away with the kids, to buy them chole Puri from a Vendor standing near road, and ordering Chole Puri for all walked towards the Stationary shop, using her card brought books and copies for the kids with all sufficient items checking once walked back to the kids and distributed them).

"What was that? Why you stop us from giving money?..

"I thought you will figured out by now!.. anyway I disagree with method of helping them through money! Because most of time they're forced to Beg, or whatever they earn get snatch by bigger kids or bully!.

I'm sorry Jodha even after knowing you I misunderstood you! When you decline to help them!.

(Josh's didn't said anything just smiled at her friend, when the women's Son arrive on bike, he was in uniform, but because of wearing helmet his face wasn't visible to Shweta or Jodha. The women smiled and with help of Shweta approach her son. While Jodha carries the Women's bag, after sitting on bike, she thank both girl was about to take the bag but her son forward his hand to carry the bag. Confused, she just Handed the bag to The Guy and he drove away).

"What a strange guy he didn't even thank us!.. 

"Let it be let's offer our prayer and leave!.

(Shweta nodded and both started to climb stairs to pay their offerings to lord. Seek blessings and leave, but upon reaching upstairs they realise the crowd is there to. They both made a face but stood calmly, the climate was hot today, but they had no choice anymore. After Two hours reaching her house being dropped by Shweta).

"Won't you come up? 

"No look at your condition can't make you act as Host!..

"Very funny you didn't realize this when you tag me along with you for shopping huh!..

"Ok I'm sorry, but what to do after long time got break like this!.

"Alright see you later!..

(Biding adieu to her friend she walk upstairs, where she spotted Savita coming down wiping her forehead. Watching Jodha she smiled in relief and approach her).

"Savita good you arrive! I went to temple so take some Prashad for you and your family to ok!..

"Sure Didi!..

"Do me one more favour, on way pass Some to Sobha aunty!. 

(Savita nodded, then started to help her unload the box, but seeing her so tired Jodha ask her to sit first, then making bundle of Prashad she kept two out for her. And Sobha aunty and Tennant, pouring water for her in class she ask again).

"Looks like he made you do lot of work!.

"Yes he's leaving that's why!..

"Leaving why?..

(Savita shrugged her shoulder, in not knowing gesture, making her sigh inwardly, if she doesn't know where he's leaving for she won't know when he will return either. Walking back to her room she change into Loose Tee & Shorts apply the ointments on her injury, then check the time it was 7 : 45, the day out made her realized she's capable of being alone to hence decide to Sent Savita. But walk-in out she saw her working in kitchen).

"Planning to make Cury rice?..

(Watching the arrangements for dinner she realised but ask for confirmation, to which Savita nodded. Checking the rice, then check the Spice, Cury leaves).

"It's late for you, let this be I will take charge from here!..

"Ok then I will do the mopping of living area!..

(Jodha nodded and Savita walked out to clean the Living area, while later Jodha was in middle of kneading Dough when doorbell ring, which made her cak out for Savita. As she check The cury last time).

"Savita check the door!..

(She hear conversation, and got curious who arrived that Savita is talking so comfortably with visitor?. Taking the Cury and rice down from gas. She continued making Chapatti. Perhaps Nikhil? Or Sobha aunty, minute later Savita comes to kitchen).

"Bhaiya came to get key from me!. 

"What? He's here?.

(Throwing the belan, she took of her cap, and apron, one look at herself in Fridge door, she groaned in annoyance. Damn out there's visitor she was yearning to meet from long time, and when he arrive she's in short).

"Ask him to sit I will be back in minutes there's some Syrup filled roll in fridge, get them out for him along with water!. 

(Stepping out of kitchen she sigh upon watching him with his back facing to kitchen, she hurrily sneak towards her room to change, when she step out finally ready in light blue color georgette crop top with jacket and palazzo leaving her hair open. On way she saw Savita shifting meal in bowl. Where's The Tennant was sitting on couch checking somthing on cell).

"Hopefully I didn't made you wait for long!..you what the hell are you doing here?.

(The pleasant smile, light trace of uncertainty fled the second the guy look up from cell to her, finally recognising the person she glared at him furiously and demanded answer).

How are you feeling?. Honestly If I'm not wrong, you invited me here Miss Singh!..

"Shut up, I didn't lost my mind to invite you in my home!..

"Well lost or not you did, see this!..

(Saying this he open the Message in his cellphone and passed her, It will be my pleasure to meet you. Her gaze widened up in surprise as she read further about inviting him to her home. This can't be, she check the number and realised it's indeed her's. But then she look up at him furiously, sure being officer it's easy for him to trick like this).

"I never did, you fabricated this!.

(Hearing her loud Tone, Savita approach the living area assuming a help is needed, but she gulp in fear seeing raged Jodha who was glaring at Jalal furiously. But then composing herself she finally collected courage to ask her).

"Didi what happen?.."why you are glaring at him when you were wishing to meet him?..

"Have you lost it? Wishing to meet him? 

"Ofcourse, he's the Tennant live on second floor!. Didn't you wanted to meet him?.he recommended me to you!.

"It's impossible, he isn't I met him he was different!. 

"I work for him I know him Didi perhaps the one you met was his friend!..

"Yes my friend Shaan!...

"You played me, all this while you God I can't believe this you are such a...

(He gestured Savita to leave, and she nodded, walked away, where's to lost in absorbing the information. Jodha didn't noticed anything else. But then a hand on shoulder made her look up).

"Calm down, I didn't trick you or anything, you never given chance to me to explain or tell anything about me!. 

"So I'm at fault you are such a manipulator!.. first you turn out to be ACP then your father an IG and that was enough you turn out to be my Tennant Mate?..

"There's more, the girl who hit you with her vechile my sister Shipra the women you helped at temple My Mother!..

"WHAT!..Oh God I can't believe this!..

"See Jodha, when you didn't know it's me your tenant mate you put me on high regards! But as soon you knew I turn bad? 

"You are bad that's why!..

"I'm just straightforward sincere guy! I didn't wanted to be friendzone by you!.  Henceforth I made myself clear to you on my third meet, by my confession!..

(Jodha look on at him, thoughtfully, and realized what she take as wrong on his part, can't over power all the good he did till now. But then she cover her face and look down realizing she got him transfer on one complain).

"Just leave! 

"I'm but I wanted to meet you before I leave!..

"Don't you resent me? I got you transferred to God Knows where! You will be away from your family!..

"No I don't, it's good I got transfer, it will provide both of us time and spaces to reconsider our feelings!. You can say it's temporary arrangements!..

"I'm I apo...no it's your fault!..

"Of-course it's my fault, but I'm not apologetic for my confession!... anyway the offer of dinner stand or I leave? 

(She look at him listening his words, then hit him on his shoulder as he grinned at her, then nodded in yes, she look around to call for Savita, but he inform her she left. Nodding in understanding made her way to dinning area. It wasn't big dinning set , There was only a small table with two chair. Savita had placed the dinner on table before all they needed was serve each other and enjoy. Jalal pull the chair out for her and spoke calmly with grin on face).

"So it's going to be out first official dinner date?.

"Shut up! It's not that!..

"But men in love can hope can't he?.

"Perhaps, but what about your family they must've angry on me, for getting their son & brother transferred!.

"Ah Dad was way to impress by your stand, where's mom is no expectation either! Where's Shipra she lost stand to be angry after hitting you!..

(His words made her chuckled out loud, how unbelievable all this coincidence sound, first he, his job ,his location, then his father and his position, his sister meeting with her through accident,then his mother. God it all look like pre planned more than coincidence. Perhaps plan of Destiny for them to meet in last. She look up at him found him staring at her already. Their gaze met and confess something they fail to speak verbally. As if it's singing the rhythm of song, without saying anything said allot. The message vibration of cellophane made Jalal avert his gaze look back at message then at her and ask to lighten the mood).

"Re-concidering about your complain?.

"No you deserved to be transferred!..

"Will you miss me?..

"No of-course not infact i will be relieved to get rid of you!..

"Hey that's mean!..

"Like I care!.."I mean seriously what you even thought when you out of blue confessed that?.. 

"If I Thought about it then I can tell, but I didn't think anything while confessing my feelings!..

"What? Did you got your head hit somewhere that day?

"Yes, on wall of Jealousy and insecurity!.."I saw you with the guy gifting you rose I thought you both are close!..

(More than his words it was his expression which made her laugh out loud, he was way to good for his own good, how did he become ACP was mystery to her. While seeing her laugh Jalal smiled as well. They enjoyed their meal in peace, as he praised the meal. He come to know she made it, food was love for him, henceforth realizing she's truly good cook made him more amaze. They continue to chat with each about their work their family at end of Dinner they promise to be I touch with each other. To others it was end but for them the farewell was promised to meet again. Instead of feeling restless they bid each bye with hope to see each other soon. So that they could complete the incomplete Conversation of heart).

Edited by Evil_Flower_08 - 3 years ago
Akdha_Saumya thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

Amazing chapter

Jo as the hot tenant


Update soon💜

Gold.Abrol thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

Loved it dear

Awesome and nice start

So jodha is a school teacher & a tenet I loved the entire concept

Let's see how it goes

Thanks for the PM

Continue soon🙂

Avid_reader104 thumbnail
Anniversary 3 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

Wowwwww diii 

First congo for ur new story 🥳🎉

Comming to the first part it is really awesome 

Totally love with this story from the first 

Let's see how jalal will clear the misunderstanding with her and how their love story takes place 

Continue it soon ☺️

divyaJA thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

Congo for a new story

superb update

soo nice

update soon next part

So-So thumbnail
Love Couple India Season 2 0 Thumbnail Micro Phobia Contest Participant 0 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 3 years ago

Awww Avi, congrats for your new story  😍🎉🎉

Modern one, Jodha as teacher and hot tenant 

Jalal saved her from rowdies but she's carefully and felt uncomfortable because she don't know him

Jalal's disappointed about her reaction and is enjoyable surprised about her note and the kheer. But it seems that Jodha isn´t interested in him

beautiful beginning. loved it 👍🏼

Let´s see what´s fate will play with the both 

Thank you for tagging 💖

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Posted: 3 years ago

Originally posted by: Akdha_Saumya

Amazing chapter

Jo as the hot tenant


Update soon💜

Thank you 🌹 

Yes beautiful jo

next will be Ja 😆

I will try ☺️

Thank you 🤗for being first to comment😳

Evil_Flower_08 thumbnail
Anniversary 3 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

Originally posted by: golden_aura

Loved it dear

Awesome and nice start

So jodha is a school teacher & a tenet I loved the entire concept

Let's see how it goes

Thanks for the PM

Continue soon🙂

Thank you didu🤗 

I'm so touched to see your reply ☺️

Yes she's teacher and tenant  

Even Ja is tenant 😆 but his profession 

Will be reveal in next part 😳

Thank you I will try updating soon ☺️

Thank you for beautiful comment 😊