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Posted: 3 years ago

I know I know, this is ITV and logic has nothing to do with it! I know it’s more about drama and TRP! But I just couldn’t believe Virat’s response to what unpacked in front of him..

He found out that his sister, who is definitely scared, been tortured  to some extent because she fell in love with a ‘poor guy’, and is currently mentally unstable, has a child! And all he was able to do was shed tears!!!

How about what must have happened? Why is devi not with her child? How old is the child? Birth? Who is responsible... many many questions! Especially from a brother from police background! I would have even appreciated typical ITV dramatic music when it was revealed!! 

I don’t even want to get to Pp mention.. paku’s plot.. forcing friendship and pp constipated look.. what she hurt angry or what?? 

I didn’t even watch family drama! Too much for today!! Regretting getting hooked to this show!!
