Racial Discrimination in Big Brother show - Page 8


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DaY-dReAmEr thumbnail
Posted: 17 years ago
I've read all the comments here regarding this issue, and felt that I should contribute 😊
First of all, I was never fond of Shilpa Shetty as an actress, and have never enjoyed any of her films. However, hats off to the lady for behaving in such a dignified manner. She has won me over with her grace. Despite hearing such disguisting words, she has managed to keep her cool, I respect her for that.
I have been hearing in the news that some people are saying that this is jealousy and not racism. But when you say that someone should "go back home," and that she should go and be with "those from her community," these are racist remarks to the core.
What angers me is that Miss Goody thinks that the Asian community is living in poverty and are from the slums. This was evident when she said that she herself is living in a far better condition than shilpa fans (meaning Asians). That enraged me 😑
And AtifAslam at the top was right to say that people can't tell the difference between India and Pakistan. They are two seperate Countries for crying out loud!!! And the use of the word Paki...which I do not even classify as a word, is disguisting. Whether someone is from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, SriLanka, China, or the North Pole!!! It doesn't matter....no one should put up with racial abuse, especially in this day and age.
The fact that Jade was insulting Shilpa, whilst Danielle, Jo and Jack were laughing, just made me sick. How low can people get?? And for Danielle to say that Shilpa can't speak english is a joke. Yes, she may have an accent but her vocabulary is of a high standard and speaks better english than those three girls put together.
Jade and co are insecure. They can't stand the fact that an Asian woman has class. But Shilpa shouldn't have gone on this show. I heard star news saying that the contestants are A-list stars. They are having a laugh!! Some of the people that have appeared on the show are trying to revive their careers.
And finally, being a british Asian, I feel saddened by what I am seeing. But I guess this is a reflection of the society that I live in. And as for Jade, she may be rich and famous, but money can't buy personality, good manners and class....all of which Jade does not posess. As for the other girls, I pity them. And I pity Jack, living off his girlfriend's money.
I'm not an Indian, but I can never tolerate and accept what is wrong. And what is happening in the house is very wrong. After hearing the awful words Jade used today made me see how terrible Shilpa's treatment is. We should condemn this, regardless of where we come from.
Sorry if I went on a bit too much, it's just that I feel very bad.   And if I have said anything which you don't agree with, sorry but please don't bash me...it's just that I have suffered racism in the past, so it's a sensitive issue for me😊
Edited by DaY-dReAmEr - 17 years ago
princessjutti thumbnail
Posted: 17 years ago

she has been called a p**i...she has been told to pick chicken out of the toilet with her teeth..she has been referred to as 'that indian'..Dani said for her to 'f**k off back home'...her accent has been mimicked...comments have been made that she eats with her hands...Jo made a comment 'maybe thats why indian girls are so thin cos they eat raw chicken'....she has been laughed at...whispered about...she is so dignified in her responses to them...she snapped once...good on her...would you take this? bullying...racsim...whatever...its wrong...

anu83 thumbnail
Posted: 17 years ago

Originally posted by: DaY-dReAmEr

I've read all the comments here regarding this issue, and felt that I should contribute 😊
First of all, I was never fond of Shilpa Shetty as an actress, and have never enjoyed any of her films. However, hats off to the lady for behaving in such a dignified manner. She has won me over with her grace. Despite hearing such disguisting words, she has managed to keep her cool, I respect her for that.
I have been hearing in the news that some people are saying that this is jealousy and not racism. But when you say that someone should "go back home," and that she should go and be with "those from her community," these are racist remarks to the core.
What angers me is that Miss Goody thinks that the Asian community is living in poverty and are from the slums. This was evident when she said that she herself is living in a far better condition than shilpa fans (meaning Asians). That enraged me 😑
And AtifAslam at the top was right to say that people can't tell the difference between India and Pakistan. They are two seperate Countries for crying out loud!!! And the use of the word Paki...which I do not even classify as a word, is disguisting. Whether someone is from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, SriLanka, China, or the North Pole!!! It doesn't matter....no one should put up with racial abuse, especially in this day and age.
The fact that Jade was insulting Shilpa, whilst Danielle, Jo and Jack were laughing, just made me sick. How low can people get?? And for Danielle to say that Shilpa can't speak english is a joke. Yes, she may have an accent but her vocabulary is of a high standard and speaks better english than those three girls put together.
Jade and co are insecure. They can't stand the fact that an Asian woman has class. But Shilpa shouldn't have gone on this show. I heard star news saying that the contestants are A-list stars. They are having a laugh!! Some of the people that have appeared on the show are trying to revive their careers.
And finally, being a british Asian, I feel saddened by what I am seeing. But I guess this is a reflection of the society that I live in. And as for Jade, she may be rich and famous, but money can't buy personality, good manners and class....all of which Jade does not posess. As for the other girls, I pity them. And I pity Jack, living off his girlfriend's money.
I'm not an Indian, but I can never tolerate and accept what is wrong. And what is happening in the house is very wrong. After hearing the awful words Jade used today made me see how terrible Shilpa's treatment is. We should condemn this, regardless of where we come from.
Sorry if I went on a bit too much, it's just that I feel very bad.   And if I have said anything which you don't agree with, sorry but please don't bash me...it's just that I have suffered racism in the past, so it's a sensitive issue for me😊

well said, i agree with everything u have written..racism should not be tolerated in any form whatsoever...but seems to me that ch4/endemol are thinking along the lines of these comments make it great tv...if thats not tolerating racism i dont know what is
psawyer thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 17 years ago
The problem is that the fat cats at Channel 4 and Endemol are greedy buggers who are conveniently side stepping the issue by introducing a loophole that "Shilpa should complain to BB". They know and we know that Shilpa would never do that, because she is too damn decent, dignified and AWARE of the fact that she is representing a large group of people in this country. If a woman who has lived her entire life in India comes to the UK and wants to make the BRITISH ASIANS proud of her, surely the disgusting inhabitants of this country - aka the trio - should be ashamed of the way THEY are representing their nation.

You know what Danielle? Shilpa will eventually "F*** off back home", as you so eloquently put it, but she will do it to applause, cheers and the respect and support of every Asian in her own country and your country. You, on the other hand, and your despicable, ill-educated friend have been exposed for the worthless waste of spaces that you are - you do not deserve to be called human beings. What's the point of "regretting" what you can't even remember five minutes after you said it? Do you take us for fools? Say what you like in the house and as soon as you get into the Diary Room you realise that you have an audience watching your every move...so you backtrack...Danielle, Jo and Jade could spend their whole life working hard, being nice to people and creating respect for themselves, but even then the three of them put together could not equal the dust beneath Shilpa's sandals....disgusting excuses for human beings!! VOTE JADE OUT!!!
bal22 thumbnail
Posted: 17 years ago
i think in this day and age and in this so called progressive society this kind of behaviour is intolerable. All of the things they have done and said are inexcusable, it stems from stupidity and ignorance. its this sort of behaviour that builds up in to race related violence and killings. shilpa and jade are in the evictions and i hope she survives and i will be voting to keep her in. i want to see what the sheep do without their dumb master. and as for comments from members regarding payment for the show. any amount of money does not justify the level of abuse shilpa has suffered. money cant buy your soul but their actions can crush hers
Satina thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 17 years ago
It may be directed at one person, but when they use the terms "Indian" or "Asian" they are insulting everyone of us who identifies themselves with those terms- that's why there has been such a response. And all the racist comments just show how incredibly ignorant they are. I hope they realize one day that they cannot dominate another person based on race and that their behavior will not be ignored... it's fine if they don't like her, but to stoop so low and use racism is completely unnecessary.

jealous ignorant racists 😑
mandy0310 thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 8 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 17 years ago

Shilpa has kept her silence for a while, but according to a recent article, from last night's show. Shilpa had enought, and has now fought back against those insults! She is now standing up for herself and is giving them a taste of their own medicine! I am proud of her, for speaking back. She has a right to, she should not take their insults. She is entitled to stand up for herself, and she is entitled not to let people walk all over her! Those women have no respect for her, not the least bit, and she had to speak up sooner or later.

I think the reason many signed the petition is because everyone, well most are disgusted with the women in that household's behaviour. This was not a one time comment, they have done it on more than one occassion. Those comments are hurtful, disgusting and should not be tolerated especially on national television. Action should be taken against the women who uttered those comments, and action should be taken against the channel for allowing this to go on for so long!

ETA: It disgusted me even more when the channel said they don't see Shilpa being racially discriminated or bullied but only see it as two cultures clashing! Wth! I've read those transcripts, I have seen the clips, those are racial remarks! 😑

Edited by bollywoodcrazed - 17 years ago
atifaslam thumbnail
Posted: 17 years ago


yo serang,,,

ummm first of all i am classifying th evoundary because there is one. if you dont want to accept it that sfine. secondly, i did not want to mention the boundary. ofcourse u started typing without trying to understand my point. i meant to say that yes, there is something called "representing the asian" BECASUE THAT IS HOW SHE IS BEING RACIALIZED MAN. dont get the 2 concepts confused ok.

also, i am calling them white ass because what else do u want me to do. if someone slaps me ofcurse i will slap them back. u are pointing out how i came back to them instead of trying to think of how they started it first!!!!! why should i not answer back haan??????? stop standing up for the whites if u cant stand up for ur own people.

and by the way EVERYTHING IS RACISM. dont go on about "if indian picks on someone else would that be racism". YES IT WILL BE IF IT IS BASED ON "RACE". jeez!!

and what happened on the show is blody well racism. i dont care whether shilpa is getting paid for it or not. i dont give a damn about it. all i know that those things are racist. how can u say they "are just picking on her" are u out of your puny litle mind? no seriously, what is wrong with you people. if u wanna take it lightly thats fine. again, i'll repeat myslef. remain blind as much as u want to but IT WAS RACIST COMMENT. it so wasnt a "picking" thing. please stop trying to be politically correct and diplomatic. because no matter how fancily u say all this it will remain racism. calling somebody from their origin or slur is racist. if u think "paki" is not racist and just a "picking" word then i pity your narrow mindedness and white washed mentallity.

it wasnt a smart thing u did by highlighting your points under mine. and the smily places all over.

desi power!!!

IdeaQueen thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 17 years ago

Tio Egghatcher !

With people like you in this proverbial timesquare i.,e India forums we can make this world a better place.😳

Coming back to the topic:

I'm not against Shilpa Shetty Tia!!

-Believe- thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 17 years ago
People ready to do anything for cash........so cool..