Despaired Love (TS) TS-3 (Last Part) Page-5

Namikisbae thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago


She tossed and turned on her side and tried to sleep, lying on her bed. After tossing and turning for like an hour she sat, crossing her legs and sighed.

Why's life so cruel?

She was laughing and smiling few hours ago and now she can't sleep because of stress.

STRESS here paticularly is a person and he is Vansh Rai Singhania. Her worst nightmare! Because of whom her life turned upside down.

The growling sound from her stomach brought her back out of her thoughts. She was hungry but decided to not grace dinning table with her presence during dinner time because he must be there.

Its all started when she was present in living room with all the family members and Dadi blasted the bomb of his arrival. She tried to calm herself down looking at his family member's happy faces.

Even before she can put her sh*t together Dadi fired another bomb saying he has already landed and will be here before dinner time and that's why she is here, locked inside her bed room since then but now it feels like it was a bad decision because now she can't sleep as she is hungry.

She can't even stand to see his face and according to her, this is all because she hate him. But is it actually hate or she is just angry? Whatever it is but that man deserve it all!

She peeked outside, opening her door a little and saw the lights of corridor are off. Thinking of it as her chance, she closed the door behind ever so slowly and took slow steps downstairs toward the kitchen without making any noise.

She tried to find anything edible in kitchen but it looks like she have to sleep empty stomach because there is nothing.

She opened fridge and her face light up seeing a chocolate cake, her favourite. Quickly she took out a spoon and moaned as soon as the sweetness touched her taste buds.

When you are hungry, the food tastes better. Isn't it? She is feeling that but the cake is actually tasty. She made herself comfortable as she sat on the slab and devoured the yummy cake. Closing her eyes, to take the time to feel the taste of every bite.

She opened her eyes and they met with a pair of cold ones. Who is standing there with his hands folded and body leaned to the wall at the doorstep.

Their glanced at each other for a few seconds and then she was the first one to avert her gaze. Why? Because she knew she won't be able to hold her tears and he was the last person she wanted to cry in front of.

She got off from the kitchen counter and turned herself to the opposite side. Taking a sharp intake of oxygen she placed the almost empty plate in the sink. Now even the sweetness of the cake can't overpower the bitterness she had in right now for him.

She turned to go without sparing him a glance but was pulled back to his chest when she was passing by him. She placed her hands on his broad chest to push him away and make some gap between them but falied because of his tight hold.

"Where are your manners? I am here after six months. Don't you think you should greet me atleast with a smile?"

"You don't deserve it." She whisper yelled while trying to get herself out from his grip.

"Okay then make a cup of coffee for me." He replied lossing his grip. Trying to act casual.

"Oh yes and for a change i should add poison in it." Her words came out like venom.

Vansh chuckled "I will have it too but only if you will make me drink with your own hands." He said and she snapped her eyes back at him.

His eyes hold a emotion she was dying to get a glance of but that was six months ago, not today. A tear rolled down her eyes. He was about to brush away her tears when she showed him her hand to stop and ran away but not before giving him a i-am-done look.

And he stood there with his head hung low in agony and regret.

Riddhima went inside the room and closed the door, rested her head on it and breathed heavily. She sat there itself leaning on the door and cried on her fate. No! She will never take his pity.

She thought about the day when she went overboard and called him late at night apparently two o'clock here so it must be eight thirty at night there.

She had a horrid dream and she couldn't control herself. She was crying even before calling him but when she heard his voice after almost six months, she tried to surpress her sobs by placing her hand on her mouth but couldn't.

"Riddhima? Riddhima what happened?" She heard him and even though he was not present in front of her but she can still feel the concern in his voice.

That was the first time one of them called after he left to london.

"Please come back" she sobbed and hicupped in between "please" she pleaded and cried like a child.

She heard him sighing and when he didn't say anything almost for a minute she cut the call in disappointment.

She got it that he is not interested and she should not have called him.

It has been 7 days since that call and now he is here. She cursed herslef almost every day for being so stupid that night. Its all his sympathy but she will not accept it now. She doesn't need neither him nor his pity.

In the morning Vansh came out from his room all freshed up and made his way to the dinning table. Everyone is there except her. He greeted them and sat to have his breakfast.

"Ishani come with me na please." Sia begged when Riddhima entered the dinning table. Ignoring him she sat beside Sia and asked her raising her brows what happened.

"She is not coming with me. She promised and now backing out at the last moment." Sia complained

"You ate my cake." Ishani screamed "knowing how much i love cake. I am not going with you anywhere." Ishani stated in anger.

Riddhima's hand froze when she heard cake.

"I didn't eat your cake Ishani. How many times do i have to tell you?" Sia said

Riddhima took a glass to wet her parched throat.

"Then who can?" Ishani asked and Riddhima gulped in fear. Ishani and cake is a touchy topic and she doesn't want to deal with an angry Ishani early in the morning.

"Ishani i know who ate your cake." Vansh said eyeing Riddhima.

Riddhima choked and start coughing while her wide like saucer eyes rested on him for the first time since she entered.

"Then tell me na bhai" Ishani asked

Vansh smirked looking at Riddhima while she is shooting daggers at him. If looks can kill he would have been dead by now.

"Me" he said "I was hungry last night and that was the only thing i found in kitchen so" he shrugged his shoulders to gesture his rest of the thoughts.

"See i didn't now come with me." Sia pleaded her sister because she hates shopping alone.

"I am not in a mood right now." Ishani said and went away with a sulking face.

"I will go with you Sia don't worry." Riddhima said looking at Sia's sad face.

"Really you are the best." Sia hugged her exulting.

I just want to be away from him Sia and this is a perfect oppurtunity for me so why not? Riddhima thought and sighed finally she will get peace for some time atleast.

"Lets go then." Sia got up holding Riddhima's hand after her breakfast. As she came late she is the only one sitting there while Sia giving her company.

They made their way out but froze on the place when she saw him waiting for them leaning on the car, busy in his phone.

"Are we going with him?" Riddhima asked. Maybe, just maybe she get lucky but alas! As Sia nodded her head in a yes.

She will never get peace in her life!

Vansh looked up and opened the passenger door for her. Riddhima rolled her eyes and went past him to sit on the back seat.

Vansh shook his head and gestured the confuse Sia to sit there with his eyes and closed the door when she did. He went back to the driving seat and gunned the engine adjusting the mirror to look at her in the back.

Sia was sitting there quietly even though she acknowledged the silent tiff going on between them, she didn't want to interfare. It's their matter and only they can solve it.

Vansh was patiently tagging along where ever they went and even helped Sia to choose some clothes but Riddhima was as usual giving him cold shoulder or you can say wasn't even acknowledging his presence.

"Riddhima try this one" Sia said giving her a kurta and Riddhima went to the trial room.

"Bhai please come here." Sia called Vansh there. "Just give this to Riddhima when she came out." I am going to the restroom okay." Vansh nodded silently.

Riddhima tried to close the chain on the back of the kurta, her hands ached but it didn't move from its place. Sighing she called Sia's name a little louder as she knew Sia was standing close to the trial area.

When she heard foot steps, she opened the door "Yaar this chain is stuck. Please help me na."

Riddhima turned her face hastly when she saw him in the mirror.

"How dare you?" She screamed in horror.

"Stop screaming Riddhima" he said placing his hands on his ears "You wanna make me deaf?" He asked

"Get the hell out of here Vansh" Riddhima said holding the kurta in place as the chain is already open from the back.

She stepped back when he took slow steps toward her with a smirk.

"Get out Vansh or else i will scream" she said pointing her index finger at him. She was trying her best to be brave but with every step of his her heart skipped a beat.

He tangled her index finger with his and pulled her. Her hands clutched his collar tightly and she gulped at the closeness.

His hands went behind her back. She shivered when his cold palm touched her warm skin.

"You have no right." She said but it came out as a whisper.

"If not me then who else has? Mrs. Vansh Rai Singhania!" He asked innocently looking straight in her eyes while his hands worked on closing the chain.


Hello everyone!!

This is Anokhi Pathnaik. I hope this TS will get the same love like my other story MRS. SINGHANIA. If you haven't do give a read.

So It's a three shot story and already written so you will get the next shot soonish. Already updated on wattpad if anyone of you is there. My id is same on wattpad too.

Lemme know your views :) I hope it was worth your time😅


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Frequent Posters

Ayushi_78 thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 3 years ago

Hey Anokhi🤗

Loved this one, such a cute fight between them😆❤️

ShiViGot7NCTzen thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 3 years ago

Hello Anokhi🤗

This is Cute

Waiting for 2nd part😛

Moon10 thumbnail
Anniversary 3 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

Ouu why did Vansh go away for 6 months?! So many questions, excited for the next parts 😊

sosweetsumi thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago
oh god I m loving this he he Vansh had some grovelling to do
Vampgirl thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 3 years ago

That was Fabulous

They are so cute together ❣️

Update soon 🙂

Dreamgirl08 thumbnail
Anniversary 3 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

Wow it's amazing and cute love story🤗😘❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️....please update the next part soon ☺️

veil_of_roses thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 3 years ago

Lovely start... lot of questions... why was Vansh in London for 6 months.. why are they not on talking terms..

Namikisbae thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

Originally posted by: -Ayushi-

Hey Anokhi🤗

Loved this one, such a cute fight between them😆❤️

Hey Ayushi!😊

Glad you liked it❤️

Namikisbae thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

Originally posted by: .shivi396

Hello Anokhi🤗

This is Cute

Waiting for 2nd part😛

Hello Shivi🤗

Thank you so much❤️ Gonna update soon😉
