~MishBir TS~ **Let's Sing The Pain Away** Final Chapter Page 9 Updated - Page 4


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BB_CallmeC thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

Currently working on the update!! While I finish, lets play a game!

How do you think Abir got shot?

Melodic_angel thumbnail
Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Anniversary 4 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

Originally posted by: .IamShonali.

Currently working on the update!! While I finish, lets play a game!

How do you think Abir got shot?

Let me guess...may be a planned encounter in ngo..he git shot in the ngo ryt...someone tryng to murder him.but he survived!!! It's a planned encounter I feel..

angelfire78 thumbnail
Anniversary 4 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

Mystery and heartbreak - you have people feeling the heartbreak and wondering what really happened 💔❤️

BB_CallmeC thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

Originally posted by: The_incredible

Let me guess...may be a planned encounter in ngo..he git shot in the ngo ryt...someone tryng to murder him.but he survived!!! It's a planned encounter I feel..

Interesting guess! Letss see if you are close on not.

I will try to post it soon :)

BB_CallmeC thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

Originally posted by: angelfire78

Mystery and heartbreak - you have people feeling the heartbreak and wondering what really happened 💔❤️

Thank you for your kind compliment <3

Melodic_angel thumbnail
Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Anniversary 4 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

Originally posted by: .IamShonali.

Interesting guess! Letss see if you are close on not.

I will try to post it soon :)

Waiting for the next part...

BB_CallmeC thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

Chapter 3 - Reminiscence Part 2

***2 weeks ago***

Mishti and Abir were in Vapi. They were there for yet another school project in collaboration with Asha-Neela foundation. The Asha Kiran foundation and the Asha-Neela foundation were closely working together to set up an educational institution for childrens who were abandoned by their families. This was yet another project which was close to their hearts. They both knew how it felt to be abandoned. Yet they knew they were lucky enough to build their lives because of the support systems they had. But not every child would be lucky enough to have that support system. The Asha-Neela foundation was interested, in particular, if the children were born illegitimate.

Thanks to Mishti’s continuous effort and hard work, the Asha-Neela foundation was finally ready to collaborate with them to set up a school for the kids. In the 6 months' time span, Mishti and Abir regularly visited Vapi to check up on the construction site and also complete any required legal formalities for the project. They also had to organize a trust fund that they could use towards the development of the school. So finding volunteers and investors was yet another task on the list. And this was one such visit. They were about a month away from the inauguration of the school. They had a pile of paperwork and other arrangements that had to be taken care of. So other NGO volunteers accompanied Mishti and Abir to help out with anything they needed.

On the last day of their visit, Abir decided to make one last visit at the construction site. He found Mishti sleeping. He knew she was extremely tired so he didn't want to wake her up. He decided to just update her when he came back from the site visit. Abir showered quickly and headed out, leaving a note for Mishti.

Didn't want to wake you. Ordered some breakfast for you. You haven't been eating well. Eat it. Just going to for the last site visit. I will be back before you know. Love you angry chorni.

Mishti smiled after reading the note. “Silly Ajeeb Rajvansh.” She loved how much he pampered and loved her. The past 6 months had been rather exhausting for both of them. But they both didn't mind the exhaustion because they knew it was for a good cause. Even in those months, both of them took immense care of the other. Especially Abir. 

Mishti decided to first freshen up and then eat. After getting ready, Mishti sat down to have breakfast. She checked the time and thought that Abir was taking an unusually long time to come back. She had been on the site visits with him and it usually didn't take that long. As soon as she had the bite of the bread, she felt like throwing up so she rushed to the bathroom. She came out of the and realized she had been hurling a lot for the past few days. She didn't understand why she was hurling so much when she was barely even eating. She realized she just didn't feel like eating anything. Even Abir had noticed her decrease in the amount of food she ate but they were both so distracted with the workload that neither of them paid much attention. They both decided to get it checked once they were back in Rajkot.

Mishti just smiled how the family could have reacted in typical bollywood style, concluding her hurling condition as a reason for her pregnancy. She mocked that idea but something struck her. She took her phone out and checked the date. She was shocked and surprised both. She realized she was 10 days late and that never happened earlier. She started doubting the idea of pregnancy. She recalled how indeed she was having mood swings but everyone just assumed that it was probably the exhaustion of the workload. She was confused. She wasn't able to figure what to do next. She wasn't able to figure out how to react. Before she could think any further, her phone rang.

Mishti didi, Mishti didi!” Alpa screamed with panic. Mishti got worried and quickly asked her what happened. Alpa was breathing heavily. She tried to speak but she wasn't able to. Her gasping was making it very difficult for her to speak. Mishti asked her to catch her breath before she spoke. As soon as Alpa caught her breath, 

Mishti didi! Abir Bhaiya……” 

As Alpa just mentioned his name, stress took over Mishti. She screamed Abir’s name and asked her what was going on.

Didi, Abir bhaiya and other NGO workers have been held captive at the schoolcried Alpa. Mishti’s brain froze. She felt as if her muscles became rigid. She couldn't move, breathe or speak. She finally asked Alpa to repeat herself and Alpa screamed again. She warned Alpa to shut it, asking if this was some crazy joke. Alpa refused. it was real. It was happening. She asked Mishti to come by the school and also told her that she had already informed the police.

Mishti dropped everything. Mishti rushed out of her hotel room. She forgot everything else. Nothing else mattered. She just wanted to get to Abir. She just wanted to see him safe and sound. All she hoped was for the well being of Abir and the other NGO workers. Mishti reached by the school area and rushed towards Alpa to ask what was going on. Alpa noticed Mishti and hugged her tight and started crying. Police had already reached and were trying to carve out a plan of action to save everyone.

Alpa started narrating what had happened. Alpa informed the police that her and other members including Abir were just there to check out the construction site. She had stepped out to get some refreshments for everyone. As she was getting the refreshments, she noticed two vans entering the construction site and heard a gunshot sound. She immediately dropped everything and went by the gate to see what was happening. She was shocked when she saw them. “Sappan” Her mouth blurted out that name in horror. She immediately informed the police there and then called Mishti.

Mishti heard the name and horror ran through her blood and spine. She was shocked. Sappan was back. And she knew his only motive would be revenge. He couldn't snatch Abir’s Champaner land from him. So he was here to destroy this project of Abir's and maybe even... She stopped herself from letting the thought even cross her mind. She calmed herself down and repeatedly told herself that Abir would be fine. 

Meanwhile, inside the construction site, Sappan and his men had tied Abir and the other NGO workers by the rope. He was narrating to Abir on how he escaped jail. He told them how he only escaped to get his revenge from Abir. He wanted an eye for an eye and with interest. Abir took away his land from Champaner and how he wasn't going to leave anyone alive if he didn't get the land and Abir’s life as interest. Everyone was aghast as Sappan said this. Abir requested Sappan to let everyone go and he could do whatever he wanted with him. Abir would never risk anyone else’s life at any cost. Even if his life was at risk. But the NGO workers decided they weren't going to agree. There was no way they were going to let Abir risk his life. Abir had done so much for them. There was constant exchange of pleas and requests back and forth between NGO workers and Abir. Sappan finally got pissed off and released one of the workers and asked one of his goons to put him at gunpoint. Everyone was horrified. Sappan told them that they were taking way too long in deciding and hence his patience was running out. An interest was added in his demands. Now he will take one more life, including Abir’s. But he wanted to torture Abir first before he killed him. He knew Abir was a good man and wouldn't be able to bear the death of an innocent life, that too because of him. That would mentally torment Abir till his last breath. As the goon was about to take a shot, another shot came out from the back and injured the goon.

Police had surrounded the area quickly and smartly. As Sappan and his goons realized the police were already there, they took their hiding spots and started firing back. NGO workers were getting scared of the cross fire. Abir managed to open his hold and quickly freed other people. One person from his NGO was about to get shot and he pushed him to save him but he couldn't save himself. He got hit instead on the right shoulder and fell down.

Police requested Mishti and Alpa to stay outside while they figured out a plan to rescue everyone. Mishti stayed outside reluctantly but anyone could tell she was panicked. They heard another gunshot noise and that was it. Mishti did not wait any longer. There was a heated exchange of gunshots between Sappan, his goons and the police. Mishti noticed Abir lying on the ground with a gunshot. She screamed his name and ran aimlessly to reach him. Abir tried to stop her from coming as she could have been easily shot in the crossfire but she didn't care. She had to get to him. She somehow managed to save herself and reached Abir. She kept calling his name out so that he wouldn't lose his consciousness. As the police got control of the situation, everyone was safely escorted out of the building. People who got injured in the crossfire were loaded in the ambulances, to be taken to the hospital.

***Flashback ends***

We reached the hospital and they took you inside for operation. Alpa noticed that I was bleeding. She panicked. The doctors came and took me to another room. They tried looking for any gunshot wound but they didn't find any. They noticed I was bleeding down my thighs. They quickly sent my blood for testing and asked me if I was pregnant. That's when I remembered about the possibility. That's when I realized I had forgotten about it. The moment I got to know that you were kidnapped, my senses gave up. I don't even know when I started bleeding and how. But I was bleeding out. And later, the blood test confirmed that I was pregnant. But it was too late. I had already miscarriedMishti had tears in her eyes while she was narrating it.

Abir closed his eyes in pain. He quickly ran his hand through his hair and exhaled. “Did they perform any more tests on you? What did the doctor say? Wait wait!! Don't they perform certain procedures if a woman is miscarrying? Did doctors mention anything about the reason behind your miscarriage?Abir asked everything in just one breath.

No they didn't need to. I passed out most of the tissues and clots when I was bleeding. So they didn't need to perform any procedure or surgery on me. Doctor said it was quite straight forward. And regarding the reason, we don't really know when the bleeding started. So the doctors are assuming that it was the stress and tension that the day brought to us.” Mishti choked as she said this.

OK! OK! How are you doing currently?” asked Abir anxiously

I am better. There is still some weakness but it will go away with time.” said Mishti honestly.

Weakness? What can I do? How can I help? Abir asked desperately.

Abir, it's ok. I am better right now. I am ok” said Mishti while trying to calm Abir down.

No I don't believe you. You are not ok. You are definitely putting a facade up again. You know what! Call Badi ma right now. We will tell her everything. She will set you straight. And she will guide me. I want to talk and discuss with her. Let's tell her” Abir blurted. He felt really overwhelmed. This new information brought in those horrific memories that he was trying to put behind. Over the top, he somewhere felt responsible. Had Mishti not found out about him being kidnapped, maybe she wouldn't have come. Maybe she wouldn't have lost their child. He didn't know what to think or say at that point. 

Abir! Abir please relax! I am not putting a facade up. Yes, it's true that I am better and it's true that I haven't completely recovered from it. But I will be fine.” Mishti cupped his face as he was getting extremely worried for her.

Why didn't you tell me earlier? Fine, I wasn't doing well. I understand. But you could have informed someone else at least” said Abir helplessly.

I wanted to tell you first. I felt that you deserved to know this first, before anyone else. When this happened, your condition was pretty critical in the hospital. And I was pretty distracted as well. Dr Nihaal had warned me that if I didn't cope up with it right now, it can hit me later. But I didn't pay attention to his warning. I decided to inform you right after we got back home. But after we got back home, it hit me. I wasn't able to understand what was going on with me. Apparently, not only pregnancy but even miscarriage and delivery brings in a lot of hormonal and emotional imbalance with it. And with that, I wasn't able to muster the courage to tell you or anyone. Dr Nihaal then helped me with that. He prescribed me some hormonal and very mild anti depressant medicines. I was coping with it but I was also worried about your condition too. So I decided to take time. To make sure you were ok to digest this information. To make sure I am ok when I am telling you this. And…….And in regards to informing the family, that was a decision I wanted to take with you. So I didn't tell anyone else. ” said Mishti honestly.

Abir had tears in his eyes and pulled Mishti into a side hug. Mishti hid her face under the crook of his neck. He kissed her head. He pulled her out of the hug and told her how he wanted to still inform Rajshri and Vishambhar and get their help, especially Rajshri’s. Mishti nodded in agreement and told him they should get them and Meenu together and inform them together. Abir was shocked at Mishti’s suggestion.

Why in the world would you want my mother to know Mishti?” asked a confused Abir.

Because she is your mother Abir. She was as much related to the baby as my parents are. She has every right to know about this

Abir got frustrated as Mishti said this. He got up from the bed and looked towards Mishti.

Mishti! We are talking about my mother. MY MOTHER. She always hates you without any reason. Do you want to give her an actual reason to hate you? Forget hating you! She will make your life hell by continuously bringing this up to and taunting you. Do you not know my mother?” asked Abir sternly. His frustration was quite visible on his face.

Yes! I know her Abir and you know her well enough. Even more than me. She is a damn smart woman. Do you know what will happen if she finds out my parents knew and she didn't? What will she do then?” asked Mishti in response.

Who is going to tell her? She couldn't even figure it out in these two weeks like any of us. You were right in front of her eyes. The only person who really doubted something was Badi ma. said Abir

Abir! Your mother just needs one doubt or have an inclination that something is being hidden from her. The moment she will have that doubt, she will go to any limits to find out what it is. And then, all hell will break loose. She will question us then. She will do the same thing then. Abir, we weren't planning a family right now. But sometime in future, when we start planning and the doctors will ask for my past history. What if it comes up then? Now or later, she will know. Her reaction will be the same, whether or not we tell her. And if she finds out that my parents were in the loop and she wasn't, you know what will happen then, Why not just tell her and give her an actual reason to dislike me if she has to?

But Mishti” Abir tried interrupting. 

No Abir, if we arent informing your mother about my miscarriage, we wont be informing Badi ma and Bade papa too”.

Looks like you have already decided. Then why are we even discussing this?asked Abir, who was already irritated with this.

I haven't decided anything, Abir. This is my opinion and I would like you to think about it. Take your time. You seem too frustrated to discuss anything further. We both can take some time to ponder on this.” Mishti slowly walked out of the room. She wanted to give Abir some space and time to understand her point of view. She also decided to take time to ponder on what Abir was saying.

Abir sat down on the bed. He constantly rubbed his head with his hands. He walked around in the room. Learning what happened with Mishti and recalling those events wasn't easy for him. No matter how strong he would portray himself to be, he knew he was vulnerable too. Mishti’s words constantly started reverberating in his head. He wanted some clarity to his thoughts. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. As his nerves calmed down, he walked towards his side of the bed and took out his diary and started writing………..

Edited by .IamShonali. - 4 years ago
BB_CallmeC thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

The next update is here! Sorry for the delay! Had work commitments. So was really busy!!

Please do read and let me know your honest reviews, feedback and ideas!!

@Lubz TY for double checking my work!! You are the best <3 

Edited by .IamShonali. - 4 years ago
angelfire78 thumbnail
Anniversary 4 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

Nice update. The mystery is explained, but you just nailed the emotions - confusion, concern, worry...really good.

DMGThings thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 4 years ago

That kamina Sappan. Should've known it would be him. Ugh. Useless fellow. I hate him!

But... I think what Mishti is saying is right. They can hide it from Meenu now, but they can't hide it forever and when she finds out she wasn't informed, but Badi Maa and Bade Papa were... Well, things would be really bad.

I understand where Abir is coming from too. If she finds out Mishti miscarried, it will actually give her a reason to hate Mishti and say she's unfit to be a Rajvansh bahu even though none of this was Mishti's fault.

This is a very precarious situation and what I think is best would be telling BM, BP & Nanu and seeking their advice as to what to do about Meenakshi. They'll be able to help them better.

Amazingly written, as always. Thank you so much for this! Looking forward to the next one. :)