Sept 3rd: Kisne bola gussa karne waale log achhe nahin hote?

AreYaar thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

I have managed to binge-watch 200 epis in 10 days, and having finally caught up, I want to talk about  SO much, but I'll start with the Hanuman-Babita scene from today's epi....πŸ˜†

Firstly, the writing in this show is just brilliant....they deserve a huge round of applause for exploring SO many human emotions through the various characters in this showπŸ‘.....beyond the writing, everyone from the acting to the directing team also deserves a huge round of applause for bringing this world to life so beautifully! The amount of emotions this show has managed to evoke in me is somewhat hard to quantify right now. 

Coming back to the current point in the story.....again, I'm just amazed at the route this show has had the courage to take in a wedding track.....what is the standard wedding track on TV these days? Sappy romance mixed in with garish high voltage drama from random vamps or villains.....but then comes a show like this.....which actually dares to look INSIDE....inside the human psyche in so many shades.....a show which dares to build a story by looking inwards rather than externalizing everything....and when you look inwards, you realize there are SO many rich shades of human emotions to explore that sadly not many manage to delve into these days.....but this show has....and thank god for that. 

Here we have a Babita who's been through so much in her life.....if she was a cliched soap character, she would be a dukhiyaari martyr types who quietly bore everything in life without it leaving any impact on her psyche, still managing to be some paragon of virtue who handles everything perfectly......instead, this show has shown a realistic depiction of what a woman would be like after having so many scars left on her psyche in the course of her life.....a woman who would have phases where she would be difficult to deal with.....a woman who would be capable of causing hurt to her loved ones as she grapples with her own hurt.....a woman grappling with her own self-worth even now despite having managed to conquer so many challenges.

It is one thing to say that many mysteries lie within a's another thing to actually explore them....and this show is doing that....through Babita, through Hanuman, through Mini and how they all travel this path Hanuman beautifully described in yesterday's scene.....this is an amrit manthan for Babita.....she may have always had some basic personality traits, and some she has acquired....some are triggers....but all of these form her together....she is not expected to be perfect in order to "deserve" love....she is to be loved for who she her best, and at her worst.....and those who love her will stand by her even as she goes through her darker phases, her lowest point.....because the waters have been still for far too long....they need to be churned for the venom to rise and be exorcised before one can get to the amrit/nectar within. 

I loved the little follow up conversation about Lovely between Hanuman-Babita today.....bit by bit, Babita is opening up and sharing her thoughts.....Hanuman never stops patiently waiting for these moments....gently asking her, giving her time to work her way up to saying what's in her matter the moments when he himself loses his temper and storms off.....for those moments humanize him.....I just LOVE that there are NO saints in this show.....Hanuman is capable of both immense wisdom, love and patience....and at the same time anger, temper, ego, darkness as well.....rarely does a show explore two imperfect human beings building a world together so nicely. 

Today, Babita finally shared a bit of what she's kept inside herself all these years....the back and forth in her thoughts said so much.....she is bitter about all the years of taunts from Lovely even though she empathized with some of Lovely's issues as well, lacked the courage to ever stand up for herself, carried guilt if she ever felt good about someone else telling Lovely fav. part of this conversation was Babita constantly letting it slip that she's not as good as Hanuman seems to think she is.....this said so much about Babita's psyche....she's carried the weight of being a good bahu with her all her's burdened her and created a conflict inside her because she felt guilty for having any thoughts that weren't pious or perfect as everyone appears to think her to be.....she hasn't known how to grapple with that emotion and it's added to the churning inside her. 

Hanuman tackled it all so nicely as usual....gently teasing her that now he knows where Mini gets all her anger which she again guilt trips saying she told him she's not as good as he thinks she which he oh so sweetly asks her, "Aap se kis ne keh diya ki gussa karne waale log achhe nahin hote?"πŸ˜†.....The way he fascinatedly expresses his thoughts as he discovers each new layer to her.....he isn't put off by the fact that she isn't simple si, sweet si as he initially thought.....instead, there is so much more inside her that he is intrigued to discover.....Babita's self-worth has taken such a beating, she can't fathom anyone liking her for who she is.....but as Hanuman told her so earnestly today....he likes her for who she is.....not for how good or bad she is......Babita will have to first of all look inwards and understand that she does not need to apologize for every thought or emotion she feels....that she isn't expected to be a paragon of virtue.....that there are already two people in her life who love her for who she is and she is more than worthy of that love. 

Edited by AreYaar - 4 years ago


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asmaanixx thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 8 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 4 years ago

Originally posted by: AreYaar

Babita will have to first of all look inwards and understand that she does not need to apologize for every thought or emotion she feels....that she isn't expected to be a paragon of virtue.....that there are already two people in her life who love her for who she is and she is more than worthy of that love.

Firstly, here's an official welcome to the forum. πŸ€—

I saw you sneaking around in the CG with your gifs. Am so happy that you decided to interact with the rest of us. πŸ˜†

Secondly, I love, love, LOVEEEE your post so much!! ❀❀❀

Everything you have said is absolutely true so there isn't much for me to add on. As for the portion that I've quoted, this is me. This guilt that Babita carries for having any negative thoughts is something that I struggle with it. You can't think bad, you can't say something bad and doing anything bad is a huge no. But what is bad??? Is it bad to get angry over someone who continually keeps abusing us?? If so, why aren't fingers raised on the person who's doing the abusing? 

I'm not married but time to time I am told that I need to act a certain way or be a certain way so that there are no problems post marriage. So in essence, I should change who I am so that it pleases others, that too, complete strangers? Eff off with that nonsense.

Sorry, got a little ranty there, but I 100% connect with Babita right now. This expectation for us to have a certain image and then to maintain it is so wrong. My heart is both breaking at the incredibly low self esteem she has (I am in some ways in that position too atm), and incredibly proud that she's going on this journey of gaining higher confidence. It's inspiring and hopeful. If Babita can have it all at the age of 35, then surely I can have a fraction of it at 24.

Again, you'll be given a lot of unwarranted personal stories from me so please don't mind. πŸ˜†

AreYaar thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

Originally posted by: asmaanixx

Firstly, here's an official welcome to the forum. πŸ€—

I saw you sneaking around in the CG with your gifs. Am so happy that you decided to interact with the rest of us. πŸ˜†

Secondly, I love, love, LOVEEEE your post so much!! ❀❀❀

Everything you have said is absolutely true so there isn't much for me to add on. As for the portion that I've quoted, this is me. This guilt that Babita carries for having any negative thoughts is something that I struggle with it. You can't think bad, you can't say something bad and doing anything bad is a huge no. But what is bad??? Is it bad to get angry over someone who continually keeps abusing us?? If so, why aren't fingers raised on the person who's doing the abusing? 

I'm not married but time to time I am told that I need to act a certain way or be a certain way so that there are no problems post marriage. So in essence, I should change who I am so that it pleases others, that too, complete strangers? Eff off with that nonsense.

Sorry, got a little ranty there, but I 100% connect with Babita right now. This expectation for us to have a certain image and then to maintain it is so wrong. My heart is both breaking at the incredibly low self esteem she has (I am in some ways in that position too atm), and incredibly proud that she's going on this journey of gaining higher confidence. It's inspiring and hopeful. If Babita can have it all at the age of 35, then surely I can have a fraction of it at 24.

Again, you'll be given a lot of unwarranted personal stories from me so please don't mind. πŸ˜†

Aww thank you so much for the warm welcomeπŸ€—

Haha yes, I've only been posting in the CG cuz I was avoiding spoilers and I was gif-ing as I went caught up to all the epis today so felt like I could join the main discussions :) 

Babita's guilt is universal....especially for women....we all feel it to different degrees because society has been designed precisely to make a woman feel guilty for being anything less than a model of silent suffering....she is constantly berated for speaking her mind. 

Babita's case especially speaks to the difference between a beti and a matter how "modern", how "evolved" society gets, that difference persists.....a DIL is generally expected to suck it up no matter how wronged she is....for the sake of the "greater good".  Babita too did this...for many years....because that is what she was taught by her own mom, by society, then by her's social conditioning that Babita is struggling with on an elemental level.....many women do....but their situations generally don't turn as dire as Babita's so they spend their entire life reconciling and making peace with this status quo.....Babita's circumstances took her off the beaten path....turned her world upside down....and she was forced to confront these emotions within herself....question the status quo that has conditioned her to strive to be a perfect beti, bahu, woman who can do no wrong, think no wrong. No wonder she feels so fragmented inside....and struggles with guilt if she finds herself lacking in living up to the ideal of "goodness" that is expected from a good bahu/woman in general. 

My heart went out to her in this scene as she repeated again and again, "I'm not as good as you think I am" low must a self-esteem be, how low her self-worth must be after being battered for so many years that she feels GUILTY about wanting to answer back to the people who've berated  her for so many years.....

Anger is a destructive emotion, true....but it should not cause a person to start questioning their very self-worth if they feel anger in some moments....and that is why I just loved the way Hanuman so sweetly told her that being angry doesn't mean she isn't a good person....I wish that convo could have 

I feel it's very cathartic as a viewer to travel this journey with Babita.....there's some degree of emotion we can all connect to....especially as women....especially those moments that aren't considered "likeable" to show on a woman.....where she can be hurtful to people....but I feel it is so very necessary to show those scenes too in this evolution for Babita.....for how will the impact come through if we don't first address those very human emotions.....

Babita is the epitome of the repressed Indian woman in many ways....a woman who was married off very early and expected to make her husband and in-laws her world....which she did....and lost herself somewhere along the how can it ever be easy for a woman who spent 17 years losing herself to find herself, her emotions, her sense of reality back so easily? There are bound to be scars....ugly scars that are hard to look at....but must be can't heal if you don't even face your scars first. 

Edited by AreYaar - 4 years ago
AreYaar thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

P.S. I just wanted to say that I'm IN LOVE with the bg score in the show.....especially that music piece they use to build up emotional high point moments like Hanuman declaring himself Mini's father in that pooja.....I really love that music piece and it just enhances every scene for me❀️

engrr thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

I have been always fond of your analysis.. so when saw your name couldn't control my excitement to read your thoughts.. and as always just bang on.. brilliantly put:)

AreYaar thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

Originally posted by: engrr

I have been always fond of your analysis.. so when saw your name couldn't control my excitement to read your thoughts.. and as always just bang on.. brilliantly put:)

Aww thank you :)

LOL I actually have so much excitement about this show itself right now that I don't even know where to begin fully forming my's been EONS since a desi TV show gave me this much food for thought or discussion.....I'm still grappling with that flood of excitement to talk about the zillion hues of emotions in the characters of the show and their journey. πŸ˜†

I'm also amazed that I didn't manage to find this show for so I'd watched the initial 2-3 epis and the melodrama was too much for me so I gave up.....I never knew a character like Hanuman Singh would show up in later epis and change the whole vibe of the show.  Now I feel so attached to all the very rare to see a show handling a large ensemble cast of characters so well....everyone has a purpose, a part to play rather than existing as a token caricature for screen space. 

engrr thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

Originally posted by: AreYaar

Aww thank you :)

LOL I actually have so much excitement about this show itself right now that I don't even know where to begin fully forming my's been EONS since a desi TV show gave me this much food for thought or discussion.....I'm still grappling with that flood of excitement to talk about the zillion hues of emotions in the characters of the show and their journey. πŸ˜†

I'm also amazed that I didn't manage to find this show for so I'd watched the initial 2-3 epis and the melodrama was too much for me so I gave up.....I never knew a character like Hanuman Singh would show up in later epis and change the whole vibe of the show.  Now I feel so attached to all the very rare to see a show handling a large ensemble cast of characters so well....everyone has a purpose, a part to play rather than existing as a token caricature for screen space. 

How I so agree.. I think for once an itv drama has made me think about myself as a mother.. how I should be to able to face my insecurities and complexes in order to give my daughter a confident and fearless life.. at times I see myself in Babita questioning her own selfworth and then it makes me intrigued how its handled.. and should be handled.   Thank you for writing this .. I am too shy in expressing my thoughts but your post managed to bring myself writing this bit :)

AreYaar thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

Originally posted by: engrr

How I so agree.. I think for once an itv drama has made me think about myself as a mother.. how I should be to able to face my insecurities and complexes in order to give my daughter a confident and fearless life.. at times I see myself in Babita questioning her own selfworth and then it makes me intrigued how its handled.. and should be handled.   Thank you for writing this .. I am too shy in expressing my thoughts but your post managed to bring myself writing this bit :)

Aww I'm glad you were able to share your thoughts here too :)

The mother-daughter bond in the show has been explored with so much nuance beyond the usual ways on you said, those insecurities that every mother faces as she tries to balance her life between being a human being with her own set of flaws while still trying to raise a child to be the best version of themselves.....the pressure and challenge that comes with that.....those moments are so very human when Babita grapples with guilt for enjoying something without her child.....when she questions whether she has neglected her child....

One of the things that have been immensely satisfying to watch being explored in this show is the way you make space for people in your life.....nothing automatically gets adjusted.....Babita-Mini have only had each other for so long, it has been an evolution for Hanuman to make his place in their on one and overall....and it has been shown so nicely that when three sensitive, emotional people, no matter how loving, have to adjust to each other's place in this unit, there have to be ups and downs, insecurities with that....sometimes Babita grapples with them, sometimes Hanuman, sometimes Mini.....and their love for each other pulls them through each's so heartwarming to watch :) 

Cinnamon_Kisses thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

Hello ji πŸ€—

Forum pe aapka ghana swaagat hai... Matlab bohot sara welcome. Aapne itni dhain ki si post likhi hai. 

I love your post and I could not agree more. I am happy after watching yesterday's episode because babita let out some secrets from her heart which nobody knew and now only hanuman knows. My heart melted when he became the patient listener and inisisted that she continued with whatever she had to say... She trusts him completely. 

AreYaar thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

Originally posted by: Cinnamon_Kisses

Hello ji πŸ€—

Forum pe aapka ghana swaagat hai... Matlab bohot sara welcome. Aapne itni dhain ki si post likhi hai. 

I love your post and I could not agree more. I am happy after watching yesterday's episode because babita let out some secrets from her heart which nobody knew and now only hanuman knows. My heart melted when he became the patient listener and inisisted that she continued with whatever she had to say... She trusts him completely. 

Haha thank you for that Hanuman style welcome jiπŸ˜†....

Yes, Hanuman's patience finally paid off and Babita shared some of her deepest vulnerabilities with him after a long time.....she does trust him, has trusted him since a long time, even though she's gone through jolts in between....but she never really stopped trusting she said two days back, she loses trust in herself from time to time.....not in him.