RadhaKrishn Live Updates 15 Dec 2020 ...Pg #39 [NC] - Page 8


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Sutapasima thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
This edit belongs to Janakivallav 

LIVE UPDATES for 26 Dec 2018 

Episode begins with Mahadev wanting to join Radha Krishn raas leela .
Gauri advises him otherwise . She challenges him that he would never succeed .
He would have to change his appearance to suit a prem raas leela and then dance with them too. Mahadev challenges he would succeed.
At Vrindavan Krishn is waiting with radha  for the arrival of some one special .
Radha disbelieves him . Krishn Says the guest will reach at Brahm muhurat .
As maha dev arrives n walks towards Raas venue gopikas stop him saying men were not allowed at raas . Only women were allowed as one had to completely submit ourselves  to Krishn 
Soon mahadev receives a bundle send by  Krishn  , henis surprised to find woman's jewelery n woman's costumes in it . He wonders if he had to become a female for joining the raas ??
Krish tells Mahadev that he needed to become purna narishwar this time . All had seen him in ardhnarishwar earlier . Mahadev asks Gauri to help  him, gauri asks him to seek help from  Goddess Yamuna nearby. Mahadev is then readied by Yamuna n he reaches Raas 
Krishn n Mahadev look at eachother n share greetings .
He introduces Mahadev as Gopi .
And also narishwar .
All heavens shower flowers n watch with delight krishn   doing raas leela with Radha , Mahadev n gopikas 
It is a mesmerising sight for every one ... The dvine dance,, the divine dancers ,,,,he beautiful locations, the 
  . He later  hugs Mahadev after  having raas  leela and says today onwards mahadev will be known as gopishwar  for each n every gopika .

Gain n losses were part of life .. We learnt from our losses.  

Radha happily claims that she was in love with krishn n she could,not bear  to stay away from him even for few moments .
Krishn laments that she better give up this moh ..to attain true love otherwise she will be drifting away from krishn like a ordinary Dhara n stray away from becoming Radha .

Edited by Sutapasima - 5 years ago
Sutapasima thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago

This edit belongs to protitee 

LIVE UPDATES for 27Dec 2018 

Episode begins with Mahadev thanking Krishn for making him part of raas leela . Mahadev assures of joining them again, he gifts krish a shivaling . Lrishn advises hik to give it to his first gopika n his premi Radha . She would do stapana for it n it would hence forth be called Gopika narishwar.  No raas could be completed without the blessings of the presiding deity . Krishn requests him to preside over  Vrindavan n keep it out of harms way . wanting to join Radha Krishn raas leela .
Soon Krishn clicks his fingers n all are out of their trance n time starts ticking again . Radha meets Mahadev n he gifts her Lingam ...Gopika narishwar . Radha thanks her form this gift . 

Krishn then bids Mahadev good buy assuring they would soon meet in a few years 
Mahadev reaches kailash in very happy mood n passes it on to Gauri by doing rass leela with her . 
Radha does stapana alongnwith other gopikas of the Gopeshwar Narishwar .
At Veindavan 
Krishn then gifts Radha the Shaligram
Radha makes him tie it on her wrist . 
At Barsana Vishakha makes Radha believe that she loved Krishn . Radha is sure even krishn loved her very much why else would he ties the shaligram himself !!

Jatila has selected a groom for Radha n she informs Kirtida and Vrish 
They both accept it since Jatila was elder to them in the family . Kirtida is displeased n disapproves of this groom hunting for Radha who was still too young .
Jatila says from a mother's point her kids are always babies . In society we should go according to its norms  ..and as per that radha was marriageable age .
Vrishbhan does not Qs Jatila's choice . But Kirtida does .
Vrishbhan asks her not to distrust Jatila bhabhi . 
Jatila forces radha's parents to bless the shaguns she was sending to the groom's house . She assures she would arrange a meeting with them soon .   

Krishna vaani 
Krishn says just wishing will not get you goals ..one had to toil hard to achieve it ...if success is  not earned thru hard work it slips away .

Radha happily decides to tell Krishn that she loved him . Vrish stops her as she is going out n informs that he had got her marriage fixed . Radha is shocked to hear this .l
Edited by Sutapasima - 5 years ago


Sutapasima thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
edit belongs to Aarti_

Written Updates for 28 Dec 2018 
Episode begins with Radha happily declaring to Vshakha that she loved Krshn very much n  she could not bear any separation with him . Vishakha asks her to share her feelings with krishn n know his feelings too . 
Radhanis sure Krishn loved her too . Vishakha asks her better confirm it before some other gopika captures krishn's heart .
Radha decides to tell krishn her feelings .

At the meadows of vrindavan Krshn is very thoughtful balram cheers him up saying his radha was finally in love with him n  was coming to tell him her feelings 
Krishn becomes sad n tells dau that what she was feeling  was not love but worldly attachemt
 Dau becomes very annoyed with krishn n insists this was the same thing as love .
He givs her kasam that he will meet her today n listen to what she had to telll him 
Krishn accpets his kasam n agrees 

As radha is leavi g the house all decked up to meet krishn she is in joyous mood .
Vrishbhan stops her to i frmmthatnhe along with Jatila had finalized her marriage n her would be groom h his parents would comemto meet them soon
Radha is  heart broken ..Kirtida feels her pain . Vrish reminds Radha of her promise given to her baba some time back n it was time for her to follow the same .
Radha is rendered  speechless n heart broken . 
She drags herself to vrindavan n finds Krishn is waiting for her ..he too appears depressed .
Radha is unable to share her feelings ..but she does inform him that her marriage had been fixed ..radha is called home  by her baba .
RK depart with heavy heart .pjayila tells Ayannthat she used her tricks to make radha fall for krishn . Now krishn will try his best to stop radha's alliance n then krishn n nand will ho against vrish n the good frends will fall apart .
Then they will easily therow  krishn out of their way .

Balram over hears Kirtida offering sweets to Yashoda on the ocassion of radha's alliance getying fixed . Belram gets shocked . So does Yashoda. Yashoda feels she was thinking of RK aliance ..but se was now late for that . Yashoda feels bad for krishn.
Balram pleads Krishn to stop Radha's marriage elsewhere but Krishn feeels Radha had to undergo this pain of separation in order to understand true love .
Evennhe was bound by human rules n  .could not interevene between vrishbhan n radha's promise n radha's choice  .
Krishn n Balram are sad .
Krishn preaches that the life journey is beautiful . We get so lost in earning mineynthet we forget to enjoy life n lose out on healthy living . Leter spend tje entore earlings on treating ur bed health . We should let go n take it easy n enjoy life .

Radha tells Kirtida that she loved Krishn 
Kirtida likes her choice n assures her that she would do all to get her united with Krishn but she should share her feelings with krishn n ask if he too felt the swme for her . Radha n Kirtida hugs tightly   
Edited by Sutapasima - 5 years ago
Sutapasima thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago

edit belongs to RisingPhoenix

Written Update for 29th  Dec 2018 

Balram asks Krishna why he is still worried about love and attraction, what about Radha's love?Krishna says Radha has to leave the path of attraction and head towards love first! Balram says he can lift mountains and break anything, but cannot understand  Krishna. Krishna continues his explanation. Balram asks what is next. Krishna says, now Radha has to either cross her attraction and understand love or forget her  Krishna!!

Kirtida pampers Radha and showing her childhood items says she is still baby for her, but her father understands the world better and she has grown up and attained marriage age. Radha says she does not want to marry yet. Kirida insists to tell the reason. Radha confesses  to her mother that she loves Krishna.

Nand with his Yashoda, Krishna, and other family members walks to Vrishbhan's house  and congratulates him for fixing Radha's alliance. Vrishbhan says he is very happy and asks Krishna to bring Radha. Ayan taunts that Radha informed about her marriage to Krishna. Krishna walks in to bring Radha. Ayan follows Krishna and taunts that Radha is marrying someone else. Krishna says he also loves Radha, then why he looks so happy. Ayan says he does not care if he does not get Radha, he is happy that even Krishna is not getting her. Krishna says he sees jealousy on his face and it is really bad. Ayan says whatever it is, now Radha is forced to marry someone else. Krishna says he will prove that Radha loves him and takes him along.

Radha asks Kirtida whether she likes  Krishna. Kirtida says when she saw Krishna and Radha, she thought they are made for each other, but when Kans was behind Krishna, she was worried. Radha asks when that problem is solved, does she accept her and Krishna's relationship. Kirtida asks if Krishna also loves her then there won't be any objection. Radha says Krishna loves her a lot, he got rid her of her fear, gifted his favorite shaligram to her, risked his life and brought her beautiful flowers by climbing mountain. Kirtida gets happy. Krishna reaches with Ayan. Kirtida says let us speak to Krishna. Krishna walks in asking what she wants to speak. Radha emotionally tries to speak when Ayan walks in saying Vrishbhan uncle is calling her and Radha. Kirtida asks Radha to stay with Krishna and walks away. Krishna smirks at Ayan. Ayan walks away fuming. Radha looks at Krishna smiling.

Krishna  Vani gives moral gyaan that they think best for themselves, better life, better respect; one who wants to dream, night is short for them, and one who wants to fulfill their dreams, day is short for them; one has to prioritize their needs. 

Precap: Boy's family brings shagun gifts for Radha. Radha writes a letter to Krishna to come and take her. She nervously waits while Vishakha delivers the letter to Krishna. Krishna looks sad reading letter.

Edited by Sutapasima - 5 years ago
Sutapasima thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
                                     edit belongs to Janakivallav

LIVE UPDATES for 31 Dec 2018

The episode  begins with Radha about to tell Krishn about her feelings when Ayan enters n takes away Kirtida n Radha on an excuse that Vrishbhaan kaka wanted to speak to them urgently .

Vrishbhan declares Radha's marriage ..radha appears.very sad. 
Balram is annoyed with krishn for not allowing Radha to speak ILU and he too did not confess his love for her . He was watching radha so depressed in her room becUse zhe koved Krishn ..while krishn was just lebelli g her love as Moh. Balram could.not stand it any more .

Krishn says she had to suffer hears ache n heart break for her to be reunited witb her krishn for eternity .Balram walks away teary eyed for Radha Krishn . Krishn too feels upset .Radha is helped by Krishn to fall asleep by playing a melody on his flute .

Next morning  .
Vrish is seen decorating the house with flowers n lamps as groom's family was coming to see Radha..Radha is very upset. So is Kirtida.
Kirtida assures if Krishn confessed the same feelings as Radha she would get them married .
Ayan fumes at Jatila for making Radha fall for krishn n now Kans wouks kill him . He decides to suicide instead . Jatila  is about to reassure him but before that Akrura arrives wih his army n captures Ayan n takes him away saying Ayan was unkikely to fulfill his promise to Kans .

Jatila is furious n decides to kill Krishn .

Nand has made to order a beautifully decorated chunari with gold, silver n precious stones n pearls for his friend radha's weddi g gift .yashoda loves the chunari n laments that her wish to see radha in this chunari but as her own bahu might never ccome true 
Meanwhile  Vishakha comes.to.meet depressed.radha. she asks her to write her feelings in a letter to Krishn n offers to carry it for her.

She shows it to Jatila before delivering it to Krishn. Balram is very eased to see Radha writing her feelings for Krisbn in a love letter . Krishn too looks forwards to it .

Krishn vaani 
He says its time that decides who we are going to meet ..  our heart decides qhethwr we like this person or not and our behaviour decides whether we will remember the persons or not . 

Vishakha gives Krishn Radha's prem patra .
Groom's family is being welcomed by Radha's family while she waits for Krishn impatiently .
Edited by Sutapasima - 5 years ago
Sutapasima thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago

edit belongs to Aarti

UPDATES FOR 01Jan 2019

Radha has sent her love letter to Krishn and he reads it lovingly .Picturised in a dreamy  fairytale like scene ...He feels her presence while reading it n is happy to read her love confession n she hoped he loved her too but would respect his decision n wait for him . She would not blame him if he did not love her .
She lloved him n could not think of marrying any one else . 
Krishn gets teary eyed on reading the love letter .

Radha's house is decorated with flowers n lamps .
Radha is decked up in new clothes n flowrrs ..but she awaits her Krishn .
Vrishbhan, kirtida, nand,yashoda,Jatila welcome the groom's family .Radha shows her disinterest in the groom . Kirtida feels embarassed by Radha's behaviour n urges her to meet n greet her In llaws family 

Soon Krishn arrives followed by Balram
Radha is all smiles on seeing Krishn 

Jatila is waiting for Krishn to prevent this allaince but krishn does no such thing.

He requests the groom n bride to talk it out between themselves for better understanding later .
This suggestion meets opposition ... cultural n social taboos come into play .. 
.but soon Krishn makes them understand 
Vrishbhan too ageees with krishn 

Krishn vaani
Krishn advises us not to feel sad whem we separate from those who have brought us into this world because this separation is destined . Just like flowers on trees ..they are destined to fall off n beautify elsewhere 

Radha is advised by Krishn how to deal with Vyomesh . Radha agrees to meet him .
After meeting Vyomesh radha informs het baba that vyomesh had no shortcomings .

Edited by Sutapasima - 5 years ago
Sutapasima thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
                                                 pic belongs to Madhuri 

LIVE UPDATES for 02 Jan 2018 

Episode begins with Radha seeking advise from Krishn on how to tackls Vyomi situation . Seekz help to get out of marriage to Vyomi . She loved Krishn n thanks him for coming to her house . She takes it as his love 

Krisnn advises her to talk to Vyomi to k ow his faults .
Radha agrees
As Her friends get her to meet vyomi in the garden radha asks him several Qs n discovers he was a very nice guy ..loving n caring n obedient . She finds no fault in him .
Radha then concronts krishn for his suggestion of talking to vyomi but it solved nothing .!!

Krishn suggests she reveal to him her own short comings...radha tries to pretend  she ws a.pampered n spoilt angry girl ... lazy n demanding 

Vyomi gets surprised by her replies.
As the families await the return of the children Yqshoda asksabout Ayan 
Jatila lies that ayan was at mathura for consulting  a  vaidh ji. .nand assures next time he will arrange good vaidh right here ...no need to go far away to Mathura.
Jatila then distracts them by suggesting they should get back radha n vyomi.

Vyomi returns to his pare ts feeling shaken .radha smiles at krishn as she is sure his plan will.work ...she tells Vrish that she found no fault in  yomk .but to her surprise Vyomi agrees to marry Radha . 

Krishn vaani 
He advises men to accept criticism n use them as bridges to reach one's goals . If one coulld not accept criticism then our goals will never be attainable 

Radha is meeting Krishn secretly ..they are caugjt by Vrishbhan,jatila and Kirtida 
Radha wonders how to get out of this situation 
Edited by Sutapasima - 5 years ago
Sutapasima thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
                                Pic belongs to Madhuri 

UPDATES for 05 Jan 2019 

Brishbhan gets info from Jatila that radha has been gpingnout of home without permission at odd hrs to meet secret lover 

Vrish bhan geta furiois and confronts Radha 
He shouts at her for crossing limits of family pride n parent's prestige n crossing limits of decency .

He demands ro know qhom had she been meeting 
At Vrindavan Balram excitedly asks Krishn to support Radha as she was going to confess her love for Krishn .he better be present by her side !!!

Krishn however is in melancholic mood . 

At Barsana Radha confesses her love for Krishn . Jatila smirks . Kirtida fears the worst . Vrishbhan fumes .

He orders Nand n his family be brought before him right away.

Nand ,Yashoda,Balram appear .. vrishbhan accuses Nand of leacingnhis son uncontrolled . Accuses Yashida of giving poor sanskaar to Krishn  
Yashoda retorts back n asks vrishbhan to stop accusing wrongly .
Yashoda is teary eyed and says her parwarish cam never be doubted 
Krishm is seen teary eyed in Vrindavan as he senses all thats going on 

Balram asks vrish n Nanad to hear Krishn's side of the story 

They order Krishn to be produced .

Krishn vaani 
He advises that in this world hard work has to be limitless .in order to acheive our goals we have ro do unlimited hard work 

Krishn denies loving Radha the same way she loved him 

Radha tells jer baba that she was ready to marry Vyomi or any one else her baba chose for her 

Radha is teary eyed 
.so is krishn 

Edited by Sutapasima - 5 years ago
Sutapasima thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
pic belongs to Madhuri 

LIVE UPDATES for 07Jan2019 
Jatila makes every one believe that nand n Krishna were plotting against Vrishbhan n Barsana .
That Krishna was playing with radha's emotions to take over Barsana .
NAND is feeling insulted n humiliated . He asks. Rush bean not to mistrust his friend . Vrish accuses Nand of conspiring against him 
Yashoda n Kritika are in tears 

At Mathura Ayan is hung upside down over a tank filled with hungry crocs , Akrura is about to drop Ayan into the tank as time for his mother to get Krishn was almost over . 

At Vrindavan Balram comes to Krishn urging him to come to Nardana n save Radha n nand from further insult but Krishnsays he could do nothing because this was Radha's choice , her karma. 

Radha is happy as Dau arrives with Krishn .radha runs to him n holds his hand ... brush n others disapprove of their hand holding . Radha asks Baba to ask Krish all he wanted she is sure he had all replies . She is sure baba will happily hand over her hand to Krishn.

Jatila asks Krishn if he too loved Radha the same way she loved him ??
Radha hopes he will accept . Yashoda hopes Kanhai would accept his love for Radha .
Dad asks Krishn in mind talk way was he silent 
Krishn in his mind talk ...he was looking at radha's smile as he did. It know when she will a lie like this again .

After long time Krishna denies loving Radha the way she loved him .
Matilda is shocked .. Radha is shattered .
Vrish asks Krishn that if he did not love Radha why did he want to break up Radha's marriage ?? 
Krishnsays he did it because That was what Radha wanted , Krishn shows Radha's  letter .
Vrish tells Radha that Krishn was playing games with her emotions and his family prestige .
Radha weeps n asks Krishna why he was doing this .
Vrish  n Nand accuse each other ..Radha was Vrish's honour n Krishnwas Nand's pride .

Krishna Vaani 
Tiny streams ...dropped as droplets from clouds, hit rocks, fell from heights as waterfalls only then formed mighty rivers 
Similarly men should keep trying they will become eventually one day .

Krishna smiles at Radha comes to meet him 
She breaks his bansuri n says neither will,he play the flute again nor will she ever again come to see him ,she hated Krishn .
Krishn gets teary eyed .
Edited by Sutapasima - 5 years ago
Sutapasima thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
Pic belongs to Madhuri 

LIVE UPDATES For 08Jan2019
Nand n Vrishbhan accuse eachother ... Jatila fans their differences ... They break their ties with eachother .
Yashoda is upset .

Nand wants to return all his help that he ever got from Vrishbhan n Barsana .
Vrish declines his offer 
 He orders wall to be built between barsana n Brindavan.
Tesry eyed Krishn walks out with his family .. Radha is teary eyed too 
Jatila cant wait to release his son .. 
She sends the message of Nand Vrish breakup to mathure 
Akrura releases Ayan . Jatila is very relieved to see Ayan . 

Vrish is heart broken , nand is very upset .
Yashoda n Kirtida try to calm their husbands n ask them to rethink .
Villagers build wall separatng the two villages .

 Radha remembers her romantic moments with Krishn n misses him . She cries as she wonders why kanha did what he did .

Balram is furious when he recollects krishn denying loving Radha . He confronts Kanha for ditching Radha , Krishn was responsible for break of ties between the two villages . 
Karishnclarifies that he was Narayan , nothi g happened without his will. He allowed the suun ti set so that it rose the next day . All that happened was for benefit of every one . Radha will show how all this benefit her . Radha was closest to him , he could neber harm Radha . Now she will get over her Moh .

Krishn plays the flute . Radha hears his melody . 
Angry Radha comfronts Krishn for hurting her feelings . She asks him why he did all those romantic things for her ?? Did he not love her ?? Why he played with her feelings ?? Why He insulted her parents ?? 

Krishn says its not important what all,he did for her , whats important is whether Radha felt true love for Krishn ??

Krishn vaani lparents loved their kods the most n would do things for the benefit of their kids . One should neber doubt or questions their intentions 

Radha tells krishn that neither will radha even come tk meet Krishn nor will he even play that flute ..she breaks that flute .
Radha tells Baba that she was ready to marry vyomesh .
Krishn is teary eyed on hearing this .

Edited by Sutapasima - 5 years ago