PaRi Story - Chalo Ek Baar Fir Se - Part 3/4 Page 7 - Page 5


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goofyCat thumbnail
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Posted: 6 years ago

Originally posted by: Luv_PaRiAnSh

Wow that was a super fast second update, rashmi

I was actually wondering what role will teni have in your story, good that you've kept her character as friend who is being a mother to Ipshita as promised by Parth. 

And loved the way Parth misses his Shorvari and the pain in his life without her. 

So now he's finally spotted her? Eagerly waiting for your next update! Great job 👍🏼

Thank you Sudha 😳

I wish I could do away with Teni completely but that is not possible because she is unavoidable part of PaRi's life 😆
As I said, I am trying to write it as continuation of what they showed in the serial, so the context will be same and there will be lot of references to the real story of the show. That's why Parth's bitterness towards Teni is there and Parth is still sticking to his promise though he is hating her now.
Just trying to carry forward the legacy that our SidMi had created with their amazing portrayals as PaRi..
Edited by _goofyCat_ - 6 years ago
goofyCat thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Commentator 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago

Originally posted by: DracarysTrio

This is some good stuff... Even Teni has developed a backbone... Can't wait to read Parth-Shorvari reunion

Thanks you. 😊
Teni was much tolerable (ofcourse comparatively) till the time she left Bhanushali house after Parth accused her of Shorvori's death. Actually everything was badly spoiled after that, so was Teni. Here I am trying to show her accepting the fact (to some extent) that she can never attain Parth no matter what, in a hope that toning down Teni will save the readers from irritation 😆
goofyCat thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Commentator 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago

Originally posted by: jyothi_cool

Tats awesome shor and parths meeting 

Lot more in store with their upcoming confrontation ⭐️ Stay tuned.
goofyCat thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Commentator 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago

Originally posted by: snowflakes2119

Loved reading the chapter. Very well written! A self restrained Teni is what wanted to see in the show. Waiting for Shourvari's return in Parth's life.

Very well said!! Thank you  😳
goofyCat thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Commentator 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago

Originally posted by: MIKELA

Molto bello! Mi piace molto questa storia ,e Rashmi sei una brava scrittrice 👍🏼

Non vedo l'ora di leggere, il resto della storia, abbiamo sognato tantissimo, al giorno quando Parth e Shorvori saranno din nuovo insieme, pero, questi maledetti produttori hanno rovinato tutto...Adesso po andare al inferno il loro spettacolo...

Thank you dear Mikela 😃 Stay tuned!
goofyCat thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Commentator 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago
Part 3

Parth's brain couldn't believe what his eyes were seeing. How was that possible?

He looked at her once again. That serene face, those wavy strands of hair, that petite figure, no doubt she looked like his Shorvori. But wasn't Shorvori dead? How did she come back then..? Or she was someone else who resembled her? Parth was totally puzzled.

She needs to be taken to hospital, someone from the crowd commented. Parth's inner monologues were interrupted, making him realize the urgency of the situation. It was not the time to think about her identity. It was necessary to get her treated first. Parth picked her up in his arms, and put her on the back seat of his car. He gestured his driver to reach to any nearby hospital while he himself occupied the co driver seat. He hadn't forgotten to pick handbag of the lady that was lying beside her on the road, before he got into the car.

Soon after, they admitted her to a nearby hospital and the doctors started treatment. Parth was restlessly waiting in the hospital corridor while she was being treated. He couldn't forget her face! She looked exactly like Shorvori. But he had cremated Shorvori's body with his own hands. Then who was she? Was destiny playing a cruel game with him once again..?

He suddenly remembered the handbag of the lady that he had forgotten in his car.

His chain of thought broke as he saw the doctor coming out from the room.

'How is she doctor?' Parth asked eagerly.

'She is absolutely fine, no need to worry. Fortunately the injuries were not that serious. But she got unconscious due to shock and weakness. She is still unconscious, but she will gain consciousness very soon.'

'Thank you very much doctor. I am glad she is fine. Can I meet her?'

'My pleasure. By all means, you can see her but she may not be conscious yet. By the way, what's your relation with her?'

Parth jumbled. He didn't know what to say.

'Doctor, she is my personal secretary, Miss Shorvori. We had come from Baroda for some work, and were supposed to return to our hotel after finishing our work for the day. But she got hit by the car instead, and we had to bring her here.'

'No issues, we need to keep her under observation for a day.  You can take her back to the hotel tomorrow morning.'

Doctor greeted Parth and left. Parth thought something to himself, and went towards his car.


A couple of hours later, Shorvori regained consciousness. As she opened her eyes, she found herself lying on bed of a hospital room. She tried to strain her memory, and remembered how she was nearly hit by a car. She was trying to cross a crowdy road. She had barely reached middle of the road when she had sunstroke, and then she saw a car speeding towards her which scared the hell out of her. She didn't remember what happened after that.

She tried to get up but she couldn't. She had probably become very weak. She closed her eyes in desperation and lay there. She didn't know what all life was going to make her go through in future.

Suddenly she heard some voices near her. The door of the room was open. Probably someone was talking there. She tried to listen carefully.

Why did the voice sound familiar? That heavy voice was indeed very familiar to her, she can never forget it. It sounded like her Parth's voice.

Parth?? What was he doing here? She had no doubt it was Parth only. She can make no mistake in recognizing it. But how come he was in Mumbai? He hardly comes to Mumbai.. In last two years it was only once, just after their marriage that he had traveled to Mumbai. What was he doing outside her room? Does he know about her being admitted there? What if he comes in..? Shorvori's thoughts were running fast.

The two men entered inside the room. Shorvori didn't know where to hide, she closed her eyes and pretended to be unconscious.

Doctor and Parth came near to her bed.

'She has become very weak, plus we had to give her sedatives. Don't worry, she is all right.' Doctor assured Parth and took his leave.

Parth put his hand on her forehead. She could very well feel his familiar touch. He was her Parth only! Destiny had made her meet him again. It was getting hard for her to control her emotions with every passing second, but she was trying hard not be weak in front of him. After all she had distanced herself from him thinking about his better future..

A nurse came for some routine check up, and Parth had to go. Shorvori was relieved.

She opened her eyes and made sure Parth was not around. She pleaded the nurse to lend her mobile phone to her to make a call. She called her friend Dr. Amit, with whom she had come to Mumbai. She told him about her accident and asked him to reach the hospital as soon as possible.

She pretended to be sleeping again, praying that Amit reaches there before Parth comes to check her. She had no idea if Parth had recognized her but he must have had. He can't do any mistake in recognizing his Shorvori! That's why she wanted to leave the place quietly before they came face to face.. It was going to be very painful breaking Parth's heart once again, but she had no other option.

No, she can't enter his life again. She has lost that right herself.

Four months back she had that deadly accident which she luckily managed to escape, but she chose to act like she didn't survive it. For Parth, his family and rest of the world she was dead.

Four months, Parth must have moved on by now, Teni is a perfect girl for him, she must have made her place in his heart by now.

Shorvori's eyes filled with tears at that very thought. Didn't she herself want him to move on after her? Then why she is feeling hurt at that possibility.. It is too late for you to go back into his life Shorvori, you have already hurt him and his family so much. No, you can't make the situation more complicated for them by committing one more blunder. Let them be under the assumption that Shorvori is dead.

She wiped her tears and controlled herself. She had to wait till Amit came in. Slowly she fell asleep. The sedatives were still showing their effect.


Shorvori felt a gentle touch on her forehead. She opened her eyes. Her Parth was sitting besides her bed.

She avoided looking at him.

Parth was happy seeing her gaining consciousness. His face turned delightful with a broad smile. His dearest wife, who was assumed to be dead, was in front of him!

'Shorvori, how are you.. I can't explain you how pleased I am to see you back. I had thought that I have lost your forever.. But a miracle happened and I have found you again! Oh Shorvori, how much I missed you all these months.. Where were you Shorvori?' Parth asked eagerly.

'Excuse me, do we know each other?'

Shorvori had no option but to pretend that she doesn't recognize him..

Parth was taken aback. He hadn't expected her to react this way. He was too overjoyed to think about any such possibility that she could be anyone else than Shorvori. But he was sure she was Shorvori only.. Doesn't she remember anything? Did she get hit too hard in the accident?

'Shorvori, don't you recognize me, I am Parth, your Parth.'

'Sorry but I think you have got some misunderstanding. I am not Shorvori. In fact I haven't even heard this name before.'

'Shorvori, I think you are too stressed. You had an accident. Try to remember, I am your husband Parth. We stay in Baroda. You had that fateful accident four months back. Since then you were missing and we thought that you were dead. But by God's grace, I have found you back.'

'See, I am telling you I am not Shorvori. I have never been to Baroda. I was born in Mumbai and I have stayed here for my entire life. I haven't travelled to any other place in years.'

Shorvori got up in her bed so that she didn't had to face him. It was becoming hard for her to control herself.

It didn't take much time for Parth to realize that she was lying.

Is she still upset with me? Her misunderstanding isn't cleared yet..? She still wants to stay away from me? No Shorvori, please don't do this. I won't be able to bear the pain of losing you once again.. His heart started sinking with that thought.

Parth sat on his knees near her bed, on the verge of crying. 'Shorvori, you still don't believe in me? In my whole life I have loved only one woman and that is you. You had a misunderstanding Shorvori, and you are still pondering over that. Do you even know how devastated I was to think that I have lost you forever.. Don't do this Shorvori..'

'I don't understand why you are trying to act like you are my husband. I can sense that your intentions are harmful. What exactly you want from me? If you continue to misbehave with me, I will have no option but to complain against you. Doctor, nurse.. Is anyone there..? I need help.'

Parth couldn't keep his calm anymore. He knew Shorvori was pretending!

'Ok, so you are not Shorvori, Shorvori Bhanushali. Right? Let me show you something.'

Parth got her bag out from his backpack and showed it to her.

'What is this, and what are you going to prove through it? Let me go, my family must be waiting for me..'

'This is your purse which I got from the accident spot.'

'How are you so sure its mine? And what's the big deal even if it is.. Give it back to me, I have to go.' Shorvori tried to snatch her bag from him.

'Wait, not so soon. Don't forget that you haven't been discharged yet.' Parth opened the purse in front of her.

'How can you open purse of a girl like that.. Don't you have any mannerisms? Give it to me.' Shorvori did one last attempt.

'Wait, I want to show you something. Here it is. Your passport, with your name written as Shorvori Parth Bhanushali in it. Now tell me that you are not Shorvori..??'

Shorvori had no escape now. She was caught red handed.

Parth held her shoulders and shook her. 'Why Shorvori, why did you walk away like that four months ago and why do you want to do the same again? Why didn't you believe in me Shorvori? I kept begging to you to believe in me, in my love but you were in no mood to listen.. What was wrong with you Shorvori..? You knew it very well I can't survive without you, how could you leave me alone?'

'Parth, I had no other option..' Shorvori murmured.

'What do you mean by that? If there was something troubling you, you could have talked to me about it. We would have solved the problem together.. I am sure there was something that made you behave insanely that time. Otherwise you wouldn't have created such a huge misunderstanding out of nothing. Tell me Shorvori, I have every right to know. Why did you leave me heartbroken?'

Shorvori was unable to handle Parth's bombardment of questions. She wanted to confess him everything. Her inner conscience was not letting her to be at peace for hiding a big truth of her life from him. But she didn't know how to start. What if he didn't believe her story? No one would believe it actually, what she did was a grave mistake.

But she will have to do it now. Now or never. She might have lost her rights on him forever, but she needs to clarify everything to him. She can't carry this guilt with her for rest of her life that she broke his trust. Shorvori gathered courage.

'I will tell you.' This voice came from behind. Dr Amit had reached the hospital and was entering the room.

Parth glared at him. Amit greeted Parth and shook hands with him.

'Well let me introduce myself. I am Amit, Shorvori's college friend and her doctor. I work at City Hospital Baroda.'

'I think I have met you earlier.' Parth tried to recollect his memory.

'You are right. I was present in your wedding.'

'Ohh, I see. You were telling something about Shorvori?'

'I know where Shorvori was all these months. Parth, she was struggling with her life! We had lost all hopes of her survival.. But her strong will power and your love cured her and brought her back from deathbed..'

'Struggling with her life?? But why.. What had happened to her?' A confused Parth asked.

'I will explain you everything. But before that, Shorvori, please lie down in your bed. You are still weak and this accident has worsened your condition. Your body needs rest.'

Amit began to talk.

'Parth, it was around six months back that Shorvori came to our hospital for check up. She complained of persistent headache, dizziness and occasional seizures. Ofcourse, she wasn't aware that I was employed there. We had lost contact after she got busy with her marital life.'

'We carried out few diagnostic tests and the results were shocking. She had got a rare form of brain tumour.. It was a malignancy and was spreading fast. After a few advanced tests, we reached to a conclusion that the disease was in advanced stage and she had very less time left with her..'

'Brain tumour?? What are you saying, how is this possible? Shorvori was so healthy, she never showed any symptoms..'

Parth was perplexed yet unconvinced at the same time. It was hard to believe what he was listening to.

'Unfortunately yes, Parth. It was too late by the time it was diagnosed. Surgery was not a feasible option, and the only way left out was radiotherapy and that too with very less possibility of success. Shorvori was clearly told about her condition.'

'Wait, but then how is it possible that I was not aware of anything..? Why didn't she tell me anything about it and if she really had such a serious medical condition, then how did the hospital disclose everything to her directly? Why didn't they or you try to contact her family?' Parth's bafflement was increasing with every word of Amit.

'That was because I wasn't handling her case initially. Shorvori, for some reason pretended to the hospital staff that she was alone and didn't have a family or friend to depend upon. It was only after her case was handed over to me that I got to know about it.'

'The first thing that I did was to scold Shorvori for hiding such an important thing from you. As a doctor, I knew the seriousness of the situation. As a friend and well wisher, I knew how much she needed you at that point of time. I tried to convince Shorvori a lot that she should tell you about her illness as soon as possible. But she had something else on her mind.'

'She was totally broken by the harsh truth of her life. She accepted her fate, but she didn't want to see you equally broken after knowing that she has contracted such a fatal disease.. She decided that she will distance herself from you and die alone, without even letting you know.. She pleaded me to support her in this decision and I had no option but to support her because she was dying..'

'At the time of her accident, she was almost bedridden. She was running out of her finances to afford the costly treatment. I tried to support her as much as I could, financially and emotionally, but even I was helpless after a certain limit.'

'Then we got to know about a research that was going on at a hospital in Singapore.. The team was experimenting with a new drug that they had discovered, and their research was at a conclusive stage. They needed patients to volunteer in their clinical trials.'

'Since there was no harm in trying a new treatment, Shorvori agreed to it. The hospital was going to bear the entire cost. Plus she had opportunity to distance herself from you. So Shorvori and I travelled to Singapore. Her condition had deteriorated a lot when we admitted her there. She was on life support system for more than a week, though she was stable.'

'But then the treatment started, and the drugs worked faster and in much more effective manner than the doctors had expected.'

'It was no less than a miracle, Parth. That treatment did wonders to Shorvori. Her health started improving every passing day. She rose like phoenix from ashes. She was under the medication for around two months. Then she was kept under observation for one more month, followed by further tests to confirm that there were no traces of tumour in her body.'

'It was only in last week that we came back to India after completing all the formalities there. Shorvori was not sure on what she wants to do next. I advised her to go back to her family but she didn't want to do that. She was under an impression that she has lost all the rights over you and the family. She decided to shift to Kolkata to her ancestors place and start a new life there. In fact, she has a flight to Kolkata in a couple of days. We were busy deciding on future course of action for follow up and post treatment care and finding a good hospital for her in Kolkata, when I got a call from her about her accident. I was worried and rushed here unaware of the fact that it was you who brought her here.'

Amit finished his story and came to Shorvori. He put his hand over hers, pressing them gently in a friendly manner.

'See Shorvori, it was written in your destiny that you will meet Parth again. Now please, stop running away from the situation. It is never too late to go back to your love and loved ones, Shorvori. And you have got everything back after fighting death! I wish you a happy life ahead. My good wishes will always be with you and Parth.'

'He turned to Parth. I am really sorry for hiding all this from you, Parth. But I was really helpless. I couldn't refuse Shorvori's request. Also it was her decision about her personal life. I didn't want to interfere in that. I tried to help her as much as I could. I am glad that I could help her and she is all healthy and fine. Can't explain you how elated I am to see that she met you and everything about her condition is clear to you now. She is in safe hands now, back to where she belongs. I need to take your leave now. You both take care!'

Parth couldn't react, he was still numb. He hugged Amit tightly and could just say thanks to him. It was because of Amit that he had got his reason to live back..

goofyCat thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Commentator 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago
Part 4

Now there were only two of them in the room. Parth and Shorvori.

'Shorvori..' Parth called her. They exchanged a glance.

Shorvori smiled meekly. A lone tear slipped out from her eyes.

'Shorvori', Parth's voice chocked. 'You were facing such a huge turbulence and I was not even aware of it.. I can't even imagine such painful experience it would have been for you.. I was so much engulfed in my own pain of betrayal from you that I failed to realize you were dying from inside every moment.. I knew there was some reason behind your behaviour but I couldn't understand what was going in your mind.. You were alone when you needed me the most!'

'No Parth. It wasn't your fault at all. I did wrong with you.. But then I didn't have any other option.. Still I owe apologies to you Parth.. I know I did a mistake.. Please forgive me once.' Shorvori Said in a hesitant, apologetic tone.

Parth shook his head. 'No Shorvori, you don't need to apologize.. It isn't solely your fault.. Probably there was something lacking in me, my love only. Else why would you hide your problems from me.. Maybe I couldn't generate that feeling of trust in you..'

'No Parth.. Please don't misunderstand me. I didn't intend to hurt you Parth.. I was going to die and I knew it would be very difficult for you without me. I wanted you to move on from me and the only way to do that was distancing myself from you.. I wanted you to hate me! I thought that it would be less painful for you to bear my hatred than the possibility of my death. How could have I told you such a harsh truth Parth, I didn't have that courage..' Shorvori was trying hard to fight back her tears.

'But you could have told it to me at least once, no? I would have kept all my miseries aside and would have done anything possible on this earth to cure you.. Why you had to choose suffering alone? I still can't believe it Shorvori, you had to face all the accusations, all hardships alone and I couldn't do anything about it.. I am a failure as a husband. No, I can't believe it yet! Please tell me that all this is not true and you are playing a prank on me.' Parth smacked his forehead.

It was getting too emotionally exhausting for him. It looked like he will break down any moment.

'Parth.. I accept I shouldn't have done this. But that time I was too overpowered with the fear of my death. Neither you, nor anyone from the family would have been able to cope up with my death. You know such an emotional fool I am.. I felt it will be easier for you all to forget me if you didn't love me.. I am sorry Parth!'

A feeble Shorvori hid her face under her palms, sobbing silently.

Shorvori's tears calmed down Parth a bit. He couldn't see her crying. Though her behaviour was foolish, he knew that her intentions were pure. His dear wife was emotionally weak, but she was a kind hearted soul. She had just put everyone else's feelings above her own well being, like she always did.

'Shorvori,' he went near her and called her softly. 'Please don't cry. You know I can't see tears in your eyes.'

'I understand you had no other choice. I understand why you had to take such a hard decision. I was just upset that you took such a big decision of our life without bothering to know about my feelings. But still I shouldn't have talked to you so harshly..'

'Shorvori', he paused for a moment. 'We can't rewind the time and correct our actions.. Anyways, all that is past now. What matters is we are together again. Our destiny has brought us together once again!! And I can't thank God enough for that. I will forever feel guilty for having left you alone in the hardest phase of your life, and that guilt will keep haunting me for long.. Anyways let us forget it now. Nothing matters more than you to me, and I mean it, I am really lucky that you are safe and fine.'

Parth's assuring words reduced Shorvori's guilt. He had always been her strength whenever she felt low.

'Thank you Parth. You relieved me from such a huge guilt. I wanted to confess everything to you before I leave this place but it didn't look possible. My guilt was killing me from inside. But now I can spend rest of my life peacefully.. '

There was silence between the two for a few moments as Shorvori stopped speaking. They had poured their hearts out to each other. Now what, Shorvori thought to herself.

'Parth, I have my flight to Kolkata day after tomorrow... I wish I could be with you for my whole life, but I wasn't destined for that.. Thanks for all the love you showered upon me, although I didn't deserve that.. Please keep a small place in your heart reserved for your Shorvori, will you?'
Shorvori felt a lump in her throat as she uttered the last line with great difficulty.

'What??' Parth was surprised.

'And why will you go to Kolkata now? We are taking the first flight to Baroda as soon as you get discharged. Do you get it? I am not going to leave you alone even for a minute now.'

'No Parth..' Shorvori said, staring down. 'I don't want to disturb your life now.. Things must have been very difficult for you all after that tragedy, and I don't want to complicate situation further for everyone at home. I have already given so much pain to you all. And I don't have any rights to ruin your life further. I lost my rights on you the moment I left you.. Now please let me go my way..'

'Life? Really??' Parth looked deep in her eyes.

'Do I have a life without you, Shorvori?'

'Parth!! It is too late for me to come back to your life, isn't it.. Teni must be a perfect partner for you, I know..' Shorvori didn't try to hold back the tears those were flowing uncontrollably from her eyes.

'Wait.. You think I married Teni, do you?'

'That was what I had asked Teni to do after I leave..' Shorvori said nervously.

'And you think I obliged to that? It hasn't even been few months after you left me Shorvori, and you thought I will forget you so quickly and marry someone else? And that too, to Teni?? How could you even think that I will give your place in my life to her..? Is our love, our bond that weak?'

Shorvori stared at Parth for a moment, her face frozen. The next moment she heaved a sigh of relief as she realized the meaning of his words. She had lost all hopes that she and Parth will be together again. But she had indeed underestimated her soulmate. He was still very much hers!! Her inner joy and relief straight away reflected on her face.

They both looked at each other, smilingly. The feeling that they were with each other was so soothing in itself. It felt as if the four months time in between was just a bad dream..

'But Parth', Shorvori's turned anxious again. 'Will our family be able to forgive me and accept me back? Things have changed so drastically in these four months. Will our relationship ever be the same again, Parth?'

'Why not Shorvori.. Its better late than never. We both did some mistakes in hiding things from each other and our relationship suffered because of that. Let us overcome those hurdles and start afresh again. Will you be mine again Mrs Shorvori Parth Bhanushali?'

Parth extended his hand towards her. She put her hand over his, content and smiling.

'Ofcourse Mr Parth Bhanushali, it's my pleasure to be with you, as your wife once again!'

goofyCat thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Commentator 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago
I had to take a lot of creative liberties while writing this chapter about Shorvori's backstory during the time she was missing. The creatives of DSDT had messed up so much with something as serious as brain tumour, so it was kinda tough to come up with something logical 😉
Secondly, I hope I am able to do atleast some justice to the beautiful relationship that PaRi shared and the amazing portrayal by SidMi of their characters Do let me know your opinions, whatever they are!! 😃
DimpledGirl203 thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago
Bro...this is so beautiful! ❤️
Its realistic too..every emotion of one moves on so fast in life after a death of someone who is close to it was a spouse whom he loved cud he have moved on so easily..i loved that part!!
And best thing i liked was TENI FREE..even for a fan fiction i cant tolerate that devil...u kept this meeting and conversation completely private..
I cud visualise everything u wrote with sid-RD...they wud have been so brilliant if this had been the plot!
I am looking forward to see how the family and a certain devil reacts..i know u are gonna make her look good 😆 but long as PaRi are together in the story i wudnt mind over looking that part
Sudharies thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Micro Phobia Contest Participant 0 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 6 years ago
Whoa that was so emotional and beautiful at the same time. 
I could very well imagine Sid and Rashmi in my head, their emotions and expression throughout their confrontation... Really loved it! 
As for the creative liberty, who cares as long as we get PaRi nothing matters

Thanks a lot for this story. It kinda gave a content feeling of a proper closure to Pari story..