||TwiNj SS : When Mr Sarna Met Miss Taneja|| Chapter 4/Page 12 - Page 9


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FoodSmuggler thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 7 years ago

Originally posted by: piu22

Such a cute nhok jhok...

Waiting for this in coming episodes..
Inn dono ko tho big boss mein Jana chahiye..sirf  yeh dono, big boss will be much more entertaining than what is now🀣

Thank you 
Lol bigg boss pareshaan ho jaye inn dono se πŸ˜†

FoodSmuggler thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 7 years ago

Originally posted by: tikit

Athira it was so funny.

I liked it.
Twinj always fight like cats and dogsπŸ˜†πŸ€£
They were talking abt classics.

The waitress bechari πŸ€£.
Athira continue soon.
Thanks for pm.

Thank you Eshu 
I actually had this argument with a friend so i know how it feels πŸ˜†
Poor waitress had to face the wrath πŸ˜†
FoodSmuggler thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 7 years ago

Originally posted by: adi_FMT_ct

I just be back.

Ok,I am back.
A,This part is crazy.
Just tell me the one subject for which they did not argue.And I am sure that this is not yet finish.
And between them the waitress;Poor fellow!
I just love the last sentence which they address to each other.
"Hate u";
Wait for the complete 180 turn.πŸ˜†

Thank you sweetie
I can't tell u that Adi, its a trick question πŸ˜†
The waitress had one hell of a time lol 
Let's see how fast the hate turns into love πŸ˜†

FoodSmuggler thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 7 years ago

Originally posted by: Shaveerkti

I m back...

The update was funny...

TWINJ...yeah...Miss the nok-Jhok...

Menu is of Wine
Order is of Juice...🀣

Update soonish..Agent A...

Thank you Shavs
Kunj realised that he won't get to order wine so he asked for juice 
Poor banda lol 
FoodSmuggler thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 7 years ago

Originally posted by: tricksters

Good one dea..πŸ‘πŸΌ

Twinkle and kunj are like cats and dogs...continously fighting with each other πŸ˜†
While reading these nhok jhokes, missing our sidmine (twinj) very badly😭
Update soon.
Thanks for the PM.

Thank you 
Twinkle and Kunj are bound to fight all the time. That's their thing πŸ˜†
I wish the show was back to its old self 

FoodSmuggler thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 7 years ago

Originally posted by: amlavs


Will read and come
Am first..yipeee..
Its full of tashan dear..
U didn't like the way it turned out.. y??
But i loved it..
Typical Twinj..Wat else v can expect from our sadu sarna and siyappa queen  when they are in tashan mode he heheh..
Hate u ah?? OK OK..
Curious to see when it ll change to Luv u..
Am excited..
Pz update next little soon..dnt make us wait for long..
Thx for pm dear..

Thank you for the lovely comment di
I was unsure of this one idk why. 
I hope i can do justice to all your expectations
I'll update now and sorry for the delay 
FoodSmuggler thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 7 years ago
I am so sorry for the delay in updating, my collge almost killed me. That's another story though, hope you'll like this part. I've tried to tone down on the fights in this one because I needed to show some progress and hopefully it all works out. 
Happy reading πŸ˜³

Chapter 4 : New Beginnings And New Misunderstandings

It had been two weeks since that eventful date of Twinkle and Kunj, and as expected none of them expressed any interest in taking things to the next level, seemingly breaking the hearts of their respective parents. Bound by their promises, neither Usha nor Leela pushed the envelope any further, deciding to let things be, although it hadn't been that easy.
On knowing what actually happened on the lunch date, Usha and Leela were sure about one thing, Kunj and Twinkle were the ones for each other but sadly, their kids begged to differ. After a lot of stomping, arguing and even threatening, both the families decided to not pursue things further, that is unless the kids wanted otherwise. But, that didn't necessarily mean that they wouldn't create instances that lead to them running into each other. The loops holes to a pact can do wonders at times. 

Leela would send Twinkle off to the Sarna house more often than needed, sometimes even for a task as meager as handing over a file or a new dish she had tried out or even to give Usha ji, a recipe. Twinkle found herself, shuttling between the two houses more than she ever wanted. And, everytime Twinkle came over, Usha made sure that Kunj runs into her. 
All this scheming did change a few things. For starters, Twinkle and Kunj didn't despise each other's presence in the same room, which seemed like something that took an eternity to achieve.  
They stopped squabbling over the smallest of matters like who was following whom around or who Ishaan loved more or better, who's favorite was the better cricketer. 
They slowly began having more civil conversations but love was still a far cry. 


Seeing a perfect scenario open for setting the kids up, Usha wasted no time in inviting Leela and Twinkle over for a party the Sarna's were hosting for celebrating Manohar and Anand, bagging a prestigious business venture. Since her father and sister were out of town during the said period, Twinkle had no choice but to accompany Leela to the social gathering. 

At the party 

Twinkle and Leela were welcomed enthusiastically by Mr and Mrs Sarna. Manohar started showing them around while telling them how the said project was his dream and how he hoped for it to become a big success one day. Twinkle kept nodding her head like a bauble head at the strange business terms that kept coming her way. Soon, Usha and Manohar ushered Leela away to intorduce her to some guests while Twinkle excused herself. She really had no interest in meeting more businessmen that day. That's when her eyes landed on a desperate Kunj talking to Ishaan and from what she could make out, he looked flustered. 

Over at Kunj's end 

"Hey Chaachu", Ishaan said, as he saw Kunj walk over, munching on an apple

He ran up to him, "Got a minute?"
"Sure, what's up?" smiled Kunj, as he bent down to hear his nephew.
"I just felt Rina aunty's baby move", said Ishu.
"That's pretty neat huh?" said Kunj.
"Yeah...but I was just wondering...how did it get inside her?" , came an innocent question.
"Oh that...uh...well...", said Kunj. "Maybe you should ask your mom that question".
"I already did", explained Ishu, "and she said I should ask you". For a kid of his age, he sure was smart. 
"She did?!?" gasped Kunj.  "Um...well...you see...how should I put this?  There's this big bird called a stork and...Wait a minute!, Bhabhi didn't really tell you to ask me did she?"
"You don't know either, do you?" Ishaan sympathized with his uncle.
"I do too!" protested Kunj. 
"I'm listening" 

"Who knows what?" Twinkle interjected, having heard only the last part

"Hey Twinkle didi", greeted Ishu 

"Hello bachha", Twinkle said, ruffling his hair.

"Twinkle didi, can I ask you something?" Ishu asked 

"Sure thing, shoot" 

"I just felt Rina aunty's baby move but there is one thing I don't understand", said Ishaan scratching his head. "How did it get inside there in the first place?"
Twinkle's face went red as she stared at Kunj for help.

"Ishu.. Champ, there is.. There is this.. Flower! Yes! There is this flower and a bee and a basket ball?!" Kunj stuttered

"Basket ball?!" Twinkle said, trying to not sound alarming

"You got anything better Miss Know-it-all?" 

"Chaachu, babies" Ishaan chipped in
"Ishu, ask me that in another 20 years and I promise I'll answer it", chuckled Twinkle before Kunj could speak. "Now be a good boy and go play with your friends.
Fortunately for them though, Ishu had lost interest in the topic and ran off. 

"That was awkward" Kunj stated

"Tell me about it. Kids these days sure are a handful." Twinkle said

"Thank you for helping me out though, I would have scarred him for life with my weird theory" 

"I figured that when you uttered the words basketball and bee in the same sentence" Twinkle couldn't help but giggle.

"No fair, he caught me offguard." Kunj protested

"I'm sure he did." Twinkle said. 

"Let's have this conersation over dinner?" Kunj suggested

"Sure. I don't see why not." She agreed. 

Things had been easier this time around for both of them. They could strike up a  conversation regarding their work, the movies they liked, places they lived to visit and such general topics with ease this time around. Kunj had gotten to know some brand new information about the lady sitting in from of him which changed his perception about her being a spoilt rich brat and same went for Twinkle. 

"Uh", he stammered. "So you're an art major."
Twinkle nodded.
Kunj nodded too. There was more silence. "So what's your favourite art movement?"

Twinkle's eyes lit up. "Impressionism. I love how the early artists gave colours more importance over line" You have no idea what I'm talking about, do you?"
Kunj grinned sheepishly. "None at all, sorry. I even googled the question."
Twinkle laughed. "So what do you do? Other than googling questions off the internet?" 
"I am still finding my way around. Somehow joining Papa and Bhaiya in the family business never appealed to me."

"Thats not bad. You know I work at this small gallery uptown just because I dont want to join my mom or dad in their respective businesses."

Just then Twinkle's phone buzzed and she excused herself for a moment, to Kunj's despair. He couldn't believe that he was having this nice a time with Twinkle. The same Twinkle whom he couldnt stand being in the same room with a few days back, the same girl who have him every reason to dislike her. It astonished him as to how they could strike up a conversation so easily and he felt so nice talking to her. 
His train of thoughts was brought to halt when his cousin decided to give him some comapny. 

"What's the word humming bird?" Cherry squealed

"What?!" Kunj snapped out of his trance

"That's my new greet" Cherry announced

"Really bhaiyya? That's what you are going with?" 

"The ladies dig this" Cherry stated

"More like they'd dig themselves a grave." Kunj scoffed

"My date today, loved it." Cherry said. 

"Oohhh!! Got any action bro?" 

"Yes, sadly her 3 brother's were the ones who beat me like a dog." Cherry said, rather sorry

"I am sorry bhai" Kunj added apologetically

"Don't be, I found the love of my life today." He gleamed

"Wow Bhaiyya, you liked that girl so much?" 

"What girl? I am talking about the samosas that dhabba wala makes. The best I've ever had. And the green chutney is wow!".
Kunj could see his brother's mouth water at the mere mention of food.

"Cherry Bhaiyya and food" he thought. "Nothing can separate the two." 

"So Bhaiyya, what brings you here, away from the food table?" Kunj enquired

"I almost forgot what I had come for. Seems like we are out of ice. Cpuld you go and get some? I can't part with the gulab jamuns while the night is still young" Cherry requested

"Bhaiya, the thing is..." Kunj tried to explain. He couldn't leave without telling Twinkle, npt when he was beginning to enjoy her company. They were having a nice time and the truth being that he didn't want to leave. 

"You have to go, the food here is calling out to me." Cherry's voice echoed of desperation

"Fine. I'll go. But you owe me big time." Kunj glanced over his brother who was almost drooling over the sight of food.

"Let me just go find Twinkle. I'll leave once I let her know." He thought to himself


Kunj glanced around the party, trying to zero down on Twinkle. After scanning the entire place for 10 mins, he finally found her near the pool. He took quick steps towards her but stopped once he heard her talking on the phone with someone.

"Oh please Mahi. Don't remind of him. It was the most boring and irritating conversation of my life. Had it not been for Maa and that stupid party, I wouldn't have let him come anywhere near me. I hope I never have to endure that guy ever again. It was only due to Maa's constant asking that I accompanied her or else I wouldn't have spared him a glance. He is such a moron. He is a guy living off of his parents. Can you believe it?" 

To say that Kunj felt hurt and disappointed overhearing Twinkle's words would be an understatement. He had thought that she had a good time with him, and was deeply embarrassed to know that she hated it this much. It's not that he expected them to become the best of buddies after their little chat over dinner, but knowing that, this is what she thought of him, a free loader who is mooching over his parents' money was hurtful. 
Before he could gather his wits, he found himself walking away from her. Hurt and humiliated, he came back to his room. He had, had enough of this party.

"Oye Kunj..." Cherry called out, watching his brother go towards his room

"I've asked someone to get the ice". And with that, Kunj walked away


Twinkle finished up her conversation with Mahi about a guy she got stuck with at a party at her mother's club. He was Mrs Bhalla's son. Twinkle couldn't catch up with Mahi after the party that day and since Mahi had an early class the morning after, she decided to call up her sister now and find out rather pull her leg about the whole thing. 
When Twinkle finally reached the spot she had left Kunj, she found it empty. She was surprised to not find him there since she thought that they were having a nice time. She had never had such fun just talking to a person and being so at ease. She liked how Kunj wasn't a spoilt brat and wanted to achieve something on his own. 
As she stood there trying to figure out where he went, she found  herry passing by.

"Cherry Bhaiya!, have you seen Kunj around?" 

"I saw him leave for his room, he seemed a little blue to me." Cherry shared

"Okay thank you." She said with a pale smile

"Was he not well? Should she check up on him? Twinkle won't that be a bit too much since you've only talked properly once. Maybe I can just check up on him in a casual way, you know out of courtesy." She was talking to herself again.

"Uh, Twinkle?" Cherry waved his hand infront of her face

"Yeah" she snapped out of her bubble

"All okay?" 

"Yes Cherry Bhaiya. Could you point me towards Kunj's room?" She asked

"Sure, first room to the left on the first floor" Cherry gestured

"Thank you" she said and left


"I'll just see if he is okay and say goodbyes and leave." Twinkle thought while running up the stairs.

Just as she was going up, she saw an elderly lady come down the stairs. "She seems a little dizzy" Twinkle thought but then brushed aside the concerns as being an overreaction. 

But sadly, her concerns proved right and the lady slipped and missed a step. Acting quick on her reflexes, Twinkle tried to stop her from falling but she was a little late and saw the lady tumble down a fleet of stairs. 
The house filled with gasps and screams as the lady in question, lay on the floor covered in a pool of blood. 

"Bebe!!!" Usha and Manohar screamed in unison

"Anand call up an ambulance" Manohar said frantically

"No. That will take time. Cherry call the hospital asking them to keep everything ready. We'll take Bebe there." Anand instructed while rushing for his car keys.

"Bebe? That's Kunj's bebe? I hope she is okay. I should have been more quick" Twinkle stood there, rooted on the stairs, in a state of shock, chiding herself.

Hearing the commotion outside, Kunj stepped out of his room only to see his Bebe being carried away by Anand Bhaiya and the rest of the family while Usha cried inconsolably. Nikki and Cherry were escorting the guests out. He looked over to the stairs only to find Twinkle standing there in shock. From his angle, things didn't look good for Twinkle.

"The girl could have saved the poor lady from falling." He heard a few people say. "She was in such a hurry that she didn't notice." 

In a sense of panic, Kunj did the only thing he could think of- blame it all on Twinkle.

Edited by MaliciousAngel - 7 years ago


neverlandspirit thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 7 years ago
OK this was amazing. ...
I loved the progression!!!! Wow,  they aren't killing each other. Rather they are enjoying!!! Who would have thoughtπŸ˜†

But misunderstandings on the horizon

Loved the flow of the story and how you penned it all down
Amazing doesn't even begin to describe this story
Absolutely brilliant πŸ‘
Edited by neverlandspirit - 7 years ago
Komal1298 thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail Commentator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
Omg dis ws so gud.. tei ke purane din yaad aa gaye.. it ws awesome...agent A
tikit thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 7 years ago
Agent k this was nice.
Thank god they were behaving civil.
I like twinj.
Oh oh looks like mu on the way😭.
Feeling bad for twinkle from now only.
Hope bebe is fine soon nd so does the mu b/w twinj.
Agent A πŸ€—
Thanks for pm 
Continue jaldi jaldi asap.