-De.De- thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 8 years ago
Guys, how are you all? 🤗

I wanted to discuss something important with you all. I just want to know is it me or is it really true that Kapil seems changed a lot. I think the fame and money is getting to him, he doesn't seem that much down to earth as he was before. I haven't been watching KNWK regularly because even show feels neglected, the charm isn't there.

Also the whole new controversy about him misbehaving. I wouldn't have thought that it was possible but then there is his tweet which indicates that happened and after all of this, it seems that he's not same as he was before.

Kapil mere dil se utsr raha hai. It shows how fame is getting to him. I really hope he doesn't fall prey of glitter of B-Town. I hope he learns from other people's mistakes and now from his own too and sets an example - a good one.

P.S. I am in mood of a small drabble, anyone interested in reading?😉


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MyAnastasia18 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 8 years ago
First of all I am really happy to see u here..

And to ur topic I can only say I totally agree with everything u said... Was jst scared to share this thought here... no one even said anything about it (I don't want any controversy but I expected some kind of movement with in the fans)
I think ur line tht Kapil dil se utar raha is 100 gakka true..as much sad as it makes it is true... the show somehow lost it Charm and I am also not watching it from a long time..
Don't know whenever I see him he doesn't seem to be the same humble and down to Earth guy tht he was..

But still I am in for a Drabble :)
Too_Much thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 8 years ago
Yes, due to his other commitment, this show is not a Job for him rather a platform to connect with people. he has already achieved it.. so he is just dragging him self.

They should have taken a break.. i am also not watching this show from long long time..

Nothing much excites me now.. they should stop for few months come up with new concept.

Dadi bua rolling on Floor, His wife getting insulted, chummi's... seems to be on repeat mode..

Naturegirl99 thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Fascinator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
I partly agree wid u..I was also deeply , deeply disturbed by the drunken incident.. and the show has become a bit monotonous..however thats not his fault.
He needs to take a break and refresh the show and himself
..but I dont think he jas changed that much..his nature still seems the same.
I will always owe him countless evenings of laughter
So will always hv a special place for him in my heart and adore him no matter what. He is a great, wonderful guy and nothing can change that for me. He is human, he can also make mistakes..he just needs to learn from them and not repeat them..then all will be great
TunesOfHeart thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 8 years ago
I dont believe any rumours and i still like him a lot
He is a human too and has emotions...his nature is still the same nothing is changed